public LevelBar(String texturePath, Vector2 position, String barTopPath, String barFillPath) : base(texturePath, position) { this.levelBarTitle = new TokenGameObject(this.position + new Vector2(-2, -168), "LVL"); this.levelBarTitle.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; this.levelBarTitle.rotation = -0.1f; this.levelBarTitle.zindex = 0.6f; this.levelUpExplosion = new AnimatedInteractableGameObject("foreground/cloud", new Vector2(230, 140), 25, 5, 10); this.levelUpExplosion.zindex = 0.7f; this.levelUpExplosion.finished = true; this.levelUpExplosion.moveUp = true; = new AnimatedInteractableGameObject(barTopPath, position + new Vector2(-2,0), 5, 5, 100); = true; = 0.7f; this.fill = new GameObject(barFillPath, this.position + new Vector2(33, 159)); this.fill.zindex = 0.6f; this.fill.rotation = MathHelper.Pi; this.contents = "1"; this.fontPath = "fonts/Western"; this.fontOffset = new Vector2(0, -130); this.fontRotation = -0.1f; this.barFillMax = 223; this.barFillPercent = 0f; this.speed = 1; }
public LogoScene() : base() { gameObjects = new System.Collections.Generic.List<GameObject>(); background = new GameObject("loading/slyDuck", new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, Game1.CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2)); gameObjects.Add(background); }
public PopupBonusScene() : base() { this.dismissed = true; this.quiz = false; gameObjects = new System.Collections.Generic.List<GameObject>(); this.cursorRectangle = new Rectangle( (int)cursor.mouse.X, (int)cursor.mouse.Y, 1, 1 ); gameObjects.Add(new CursorGameObject(cursor)); this.sceneIndex = SceneIndex.PopupScoreScene; this.background = new GameObject("menu/menu", new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, Game1.CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2)); this.background.zindex = 0.8f; gameObjects.Add(this.background); this.bonusText = new TokenGameObject(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 145), "Yippy Ay Kay Yay!"); this.resumeButton = new MenuItem(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, 345), "Resume"); this.bonusWordText = new TokenGameObject(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 185), "Bonus Word: ..."); this.partOfSpeechText = new TokenGameObject(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 225), "Part of Speech: ..."); this.similarToText = new TokenGameObject(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 265), "Similar to: ..."); this.definitionText = new TokenGameObject(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 305), "Definition: ..."); this.bonusText.zindex = .9f; this.resumeButton.zindex = .9f; this.bonusWordText.zindex = .9f; this.partOfSpeechText.zindex = .9f; this.similarToText.zindex = .9f; this.definitionText.zindex = .9f; this.bonusText.fontPath = "fonts/Western"; this.bonusText.fontColor = Color.Green; this.resumeButton.fontPath = "fonts/Western"; this.bonusWordText.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; this.partOfSpeechText.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; this.similarToText.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; this.definitionText.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; gameObjects.Add(this.bonusText); gameObjects.Add(this.resumeButton); gameObjects.Add(this.bonusWordText); gameObjects.Add(this.partOfSpeechText); gameObjects.Add(this.similarToText); gameObjects.Add(this.definitionText); }
public PopupScoreScene() : base() { this.dismissed = true; gameObjects = new System.Collections.Generic.List<GameObject>(); this.cursorRectangle = new Rectangle( (int)cursor.mouse.X, (int)cursor.mouse.Y, 1, 1 ); gameObjects.Add(new CursorGameObject(cursor)); this.sceneIndex = SceneIndex.PopupScoreScene; this.background = new GameObject("menu/menu", new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, Game1.CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2)); this.background.zindex = 0.8f; gameObjects.Add(this.background); this.congratulationsText = new TokenGameObject(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 145), "Congratulations!"); this.resumeButton = new MenuItem(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, 345), "Resume"); this.longestWordText = new TokenGameObject(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 185), "Longest Word: ..."); this.highestPointWordText = new TokenGameObject(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 225), "Highest Point Word: ..."); this.mostCreatedWordText = new TokenGameObject(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 265), "Most Created Word: ..."); this.totalWordsCreatedText = new TokenGameObject(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 305), "Total Words Created: ..."); this.congratulationsText.zindex = .9f; this.resumeButton.zindex = .9f; this.longestWordText.zindex = .9f; this.highestPointWordText.zindex = .9f; this.mostCreatedWordText.zindex = .9f; this.totalWordsCreatedText.zindex = .9f; this.congratulationsText.fontPath = "fonts/Western"; this.congratulationsText.fontColor = Color.Gold; this.resumeButton.fontPath = "fonts/Western"; this.longestWordText.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; this.highestPointWordText.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; this.mostCreatedWordText.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; this.totalWordsCreatedText.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; gameObjects.Add(this.congratulationsText); gameObjects.Add(this.resumeButton); gameObjects.Add(this.longestWordText); gameObjects.Add(this.highestPointWordText); gameObjects.Add(this.mostCreatedWordText); gameObjects.Add(this.totalWordsCreatedText); }
public LoadingScene() : base() { gameObjects = new System.Collections.Generic.List<GameObject>(); background = new GameObject("loading/loading_background", new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, Game1.CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2)); background.noAnimate = true; gameObjects.Add(background); loadingText = "Loading..."; loading = new TokenGameObject(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, Game1.CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2), loadingText); loading.fontPath = "fonts/WesternLarge"; loading.rotation = -.1f; milliseconds = 200; gameObjects.Add(loading); }
public override void Start() { base.Start(); languages = new List<String>() { "English","Spanish","French","Italian","Dutch","German","Polish" }; languageIndex = 0; if (this.options.ContainsKey("language")) { this.options["language"] = "english"; } else { this.options.Add("language", "english"); } background = new GameObject("loading/menu", new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, Game1.CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2)); background.noAnimate = true; gameObjects.Add(background); buttonPlay = new TokenGameObject("loading/plank", new Vector2(BUTTON_PLAY_OFFSET_X, BUTTON_PLAY_OFFSET_Y), "Play"); buttonPlay.zindex = 0.7f; buttonPlay.fontOffset = new Vector2(0, 20); buttonPlay.fontPath = "fonts/WesternMediumLarge"; buttonPlay.rotation = 0.1f; gameObjects.Add(buttonPlay); buttonLanguage = new TokenGameObject("loading/plank", new Vector2(BUTTON_LANGUAGE_OFFSET_X, BUTTON_LANGUAGE_OFFSET_Y), languages[languageIndex]); buttonLanguage.zindex = 0.7f; buttonLanguage.fontOffset = new Vector2(0, -15); buttonLanguage.fontPath = "fonts/WesternMediumLarge"; buttonLanguage.rotation = -0.1f; gameObjects.Add(buttonLanguage); buttonExit = new TokenGameObject("loading/plank", new Vector2(BUTTON_EXIT_OFFSET_X, BUTTON_EXIT_OFFSET_Y), "Exit"); buttonExit.zindex = 0.7f; buttonExit.fontPath = "fonts/WesternMediumLarge"; gameObjects.Add(buttonExit); }
public PopupMenuScene() : base() { this.dismissed = true; gameObjects = new System.Collections.Generic.List<GameObject>(); this.cursorRectangle = new Rectangle( (int)cursor.mouse.X, (int)cursor.mouse.Y, 1, 1 ); gameObjects.Add(new CursorGameObject(cursor)); this.sceneIndex = SceneIndex.PopupMenuScene; this.background = new GameObject("menu/menu", new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, Game1.CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2)); this.background.zindex = 0.8f; gameObjects.Add(this.background); this.resumeButton = new MenuItem(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, 170), "Resume"); this.newGameButton = new MenuItem(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, 250), "New Game"); this.exitButton = new MenuItem(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, 330), "Exit"); this.resumeButton.fontPath = "fonts/Western"; this.newGameButton.fontPath = "fonts/Western"; this.exitButton.fontPath = "fonts/Western"; resumeButton.zindex = .9f; newGameButton.zindex = .9f; exitButton.zindex = .9f; gameObjects.Add(this.resumeButton); gameObjects.Add(this.newGameButton); gameObjects.Add(this.exitButton); }
public PopupQuizScene() : base() { this.dismissed = true; gameObjects = new System.Collections.Generic.List<GameObject>(); this.cursorRectangle = new Rectangle( (int)cursor.mouse.X, (int)cursor.mouse.Y, 1, 1 ); gameObjects.Add(new CursorGameObject(cursor)); this.sceneIndex = SceneIndex.PopupScoreScene; this.background = new GameObject("menu/menu", new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, Game1.CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2)); this.background.zindex = 0.8f; gameObjects.Add(this.background); rand = new Random(); this.wrongSentences = new List<String>() { "His <*word*> knows no limits.", "I <*word*> a good red apple after dinner.", "This <*word*> is intended for recreation.", "She put her <*word*> into its crib", "He rang the <*word*> to signal the end of class.", "Could you hand me that <*word*> for this drill?", "We are <*word*> to school.", "I have to <*word*> the dishes.", "You should go <*word*> dinner.", "I <*word*> for my upcoming quiz." }; this.rightSentences = new List<String>() { "The turtle is very <*word*>.", "I met a <*word*> person today.", "The <*word*> rabbit is funny.", "I like the <*word*> guy in my class.", "There is a <*word*> girl on the playground" }; this.quizText = new TokenGameObject(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 145), "Which one of these is correct?"); this.sentence1Text = new MenuItem(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, 225), "..."); this.sentence2Text = new MenuItem(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 265), "..."); this.sentence3Text = new MenuItem(new Vector2(Game1.CAMERA_WIDTH/2, 305), "..."); this.quizText.zindex = .9f; this.sentence1Text.zindex = .9f; this.sentence2Text.zindex = .9f; this.sentence3Text.zindex = .9f; this.quizText.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; this.quizText.fontColor = Color.Gold; this.sentence1Text.fontPath = "fonts/WesternExtraSmall"; this.sentence2Text.fontPath = "fonts/WesternExtraSmall"; this.sentence3Text.fontPath = "fonts/WesternExtraSmall"; gameObjects.Add(this.quizText); gameObjects.Add(this.sentence1Text); gameObjects.Add(this.sentence2Text); gameObjects.Add(this.sentence3Text); }
public override void Stop() { base.Stop(); this.background = null; this.buttonPlay = null; this.buttonLanguage = null; this.buttonExit = null; }
public override void Stop() { base.Stop(); //Background GameObjects background = null; levelBar = null; tracks = null; trackStops = null; //Menu GameObjects sideBar = null; miner = null; buttonMenu = null; buttonScore = null; buttonBonus = null; buttonWord = null; bonusEnglish = null; //Play Area GameObjects mineCarts = null; mineCartsTNT = null; explosions = null; lastMineCarts = null; popupScoreScene = null; popupMenuScene = null; popupLoseScene = null; popupBonusScene = null; popupQuizScene = null; }
public override void Start() { base.Start(); level = 1; startGame = true; startCurrentX = 0; startCurrentY = 0; score = 000; levelScore = 000; levelMaxScore = 1000; builtString = ""; this.language = "english"; lose = false; bonusEnglish=new List<bonusword>(); isBonus = false; tntChance = 0.2f; numberOfTNT = 0; maxNumberOfTNT = 0; animating = false; usedTNT = false; this.dictionary = null; this.alphabet = null; this.bonus = null; this.bonusSeed = null; this.bonusWordLength = 3; //Game Data Initialization rand = new Random(); alphabet = new Dictionary<String, Double>(); dictionary = new List<String>(); bonus = new List<String>(); bonusSeed = new List<char>(); startGame = true; highestPointWord=""; highestPointWordScore=0; longestWord=""; popupScoreScene = new PopupScoreScene(); popupMenuScene = new PopupMenuScene(); popupLoseScene = new PopupLoseScene(); popupBonusScene = new PopupBonusScene(); popupQuizScene = new PopupQuizScene(); wordsMade = new Dictionary<String, int>(); //Background Initialization background = new GameObject("background/playScene2", new Vector2(BACKGROUND_OFFSET_X, BACKGROUND_OFFSET_Y)); background.zindex = 0.1f; gameObjects.Add(background); cartBonus = 1; tracks = new List<GameObject>(); trackStops = new List<GameObject>(); GameObject temp; for (int i = 0; i < CART_COLUMNS; i++) { temp = new GameObject("background/tracks/track" + (i + 1).ToString(), new Vector2(TRACK_OFFSET_X + (i * TRACK_SPACING_X), TRACK_OFFSET_Y)); temp.zindex = 0.2f; tracks.Add(temp); gameObjects.Add(temp); if ((i % 2) == 0) { temp = new GameObject("foreground/trackStop", new Vector2(TRACK_STOP_OFFSET_X + (i * TRACK_STOP_SPACING_X), TRACK_STOP_OFFSET_Y)); temp.zindex = 0.21f; trackStops.Add(temp); gameObjects.Add(temp); } } leveledUp = false; levelBar = new LevelBar("menu/levelBarBackground", new Vector2(LEVEL_BAR_OFFSET_X, LEVEL_BAR_OFFSET_Y), "menu/levelBarTop", "menu/levelBarFill"); levelBar.noAnimate = true; levelBar.zindex = 0.2f; gameObjects.Add(levelBar); //Menu Initialization sideBar = new GameObject("menu/sidebar", new Vector2(SIDEBAR_OFFSET_X, SIDEBAR_OFFSET_Y)); sideBar.zindex = 0.2f; gameObjects.Add(sideBar); miner = new GameObject("menu/miner", new Vector2(MINER_OFFSET_X, MINER_OFFSET_Y)); miner.zindex = 0.3f; gameObjects.Add(miner); buttonBonus = new TokenGameObject("menu/buttonJumble", new Vector2(BUTTON_BONUS_OFFSET_X, BUTTON_BONUS_OFFSET_Y), ""); buttonScore = new TokenGameObject("menu/buttonScore", new Vector2(BUTTON_SCORE_OFFSET_X, BUTTON_SCORE_OFFSET_Y), "0"); buttonWord = new TokenGameObject("menu/buttonWord", new Vector2(BUTTON_WORD_OFFSET_X, BUTTON_WORD_OFFSET_Y), ""); buttonMenu = new TokenGameObject("menu/buttonMenu", new Vector2(BUTTON_MENU_OFFSET_X, BUTTON_MENU_OFFSET_Y), "Menu"); buttonBonus.zindex = 0.3f; buttonScore.zindex = 0.3f; buttonWord.zindex = 0.3f; buttonMenu.zindex = 0.3f; buttonScore.fontColor = Color.Gold; buttonBonus.fontRotation = -0.1f; buttonWord.fontRotation = 0.1f; buttonBonus.noAnimate = true; buttonScore.noAnimate = true; buttonWord.noAnimate = true; buttonMenu.noAnimate = true; buttonBonus.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; buttonScore.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; buttonWord.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; buttonMenu.fontPath = "fonts/WesternSmall"; gameObjects.Add(buttonBonus); gameObjects.Add(buttonScore); gameObjects.Add(buttonWord); gameObjects.Add(buttonMenu); //Play Area Initialization mineCarts = new MineCart[CART_COLUMNS, CART_MAX_ROWS]; lastMineCarts = new List<MineCart>(); mineCartsTNT = new List<MineCart>(); AnimatedInteractableGameObject explosion; explosions = new List<AnimatedInteractableGameObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { explosion = new AnimatedInteractableGameObject("foreground/explosion", new Vector2(0, 0), 25, 5, 10); explosion.zindex = 0.4f; explosion.finished = true; gameObjects.Add(explosion); explosions.Add(explosion); } }