private void mainTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (submitAnswerButton.BackColor == Color.Green || submitAnswerButton.BackColor == Color.Red) { submitAnswerButton.BackColor = Color.DarkGray; } timerSeconds--; mainTimerLabel.Text = timerMinutes + ":" + timerSeconds.ToString("D2"); if (timerSeconds == 00 && timerMinutes != 0) { timerMinutes--; timerSeconds = 60; } else if (timerSeconds == 00 && timerMinutes == 0) { mainTimer.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("TIME IS UP! YOU WEREN'T ABLE TO FINISH THE QUESTIONS IN TIME. HERE ARE THE RESULTS.", "TIME IS UP!"); GameResultsWindow grw = new GameResultsWindow(MainMenuForm.mainMenuForm.playerName, currentScore.ToString(), mainTimerLabel.Text, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()); grw.Show(); Close(); } }
private void CheckAnswer() { command.CommandText = "select answerWord from answers where question_id=@id"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", questionId); string answer = command.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); if (playerAnswerTxt.Text.ToUpper(new CultureInfo("tr-TR", false)) == answer) { playerAnswerTxt.Enabled = false; playerAnswerTxt.Text = string.Empty; submitAnswerButton.BackColor = Color.Green; pauseTimer.Enabled = false; currentScore += earnableScore; currentScoreLabel.Text = string.Empty + currentScore; if (questionId != 14) { questionId++; pauseTimerSeconds = 20; submitAnswerButton.Enabled = false; command = new MySqlCommand(); command.Connection = MainMenuForm.connection; if (!mainTimer.Enabled) { mainTimer.Enabled = true; mainTimerLabel.Text = timerMinutes + ":" + timerSeconds.ToString("D2"); pauseTimer.Enabled = false; } GetQuestionFromDatabase(); EmptyLetterSlots(); requestLetterButton.Enabled = true; } else if (questionId == 14) { mainTimer.Enabled = false; pauseTimer.Enabled = false; mainTimerLabel.Text = timerMinutes + ":" + timerSeconds.ToString("D2"); MessageBox.Show("THE GAME IS OVER! CLICK OK TO SEE YOUR RESULTS!", "YOU JUST BEAT THE GAME", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); GameResultsWindow grw = new GameResultsWindow(MainMenuForm.mainMenuForm.playerName, currentScore.ToString(), mainTimerLabel.Text, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()); grw.Show(); Close(); } } else { submitAnswerButton.BackColor = Color.Red; command = new MySqlCommand(); command.Connection = MainMenuForm.connection; } }
private void pauseTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { pauseTimerSeconds--; mainTimerLabel.Text = pauseTimerMinutes + ":" + pauseTimerSeconds.ToString("D2"); if (pauseTimerSeconds == 00) { playerAnswerTxt.Enabled = false; playerAnswerTxt.Text = string.Empty; currentScore -= earnableScore; if (currentScore < 0) { currentScore = 0; } currentScoreLabel.Text = currentScore.ToString(); command = new MySqlCommand(); command.Connection = MainMenuForm.connection; RequestLetter(); //It won't request another letter, it will straight-forward show the right word. Line 80 if (questionId < 14) { questionId++; } else { pauseTimer.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("QUESTIONS ARE DONE! HERE ARE THE RESULTS", "GAME SESSIONS IS OVER!"); GameResultsWindow grw = new GameResultsWindow(MainMenuForm.mainMenuForm.playerName, currentScore.ToString(), mainTimerLabel.Text, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()); grw.Show(); Close(); } pauseTimerSeconds = 20; twentySecondsTimeoutTimer.Enabled = true; mainTimerLabel.Text = timerMinutes + ":" + timerSeconds.ToString("D2"); submitAnswerButton.Enabled = false; pauseTimer.Enabled = false; } }