Example #1
        public async Task Compile()
            projectName = project.AssemblyName;
            Compilation compilation = await Profiler.Time("Getting initial project compilation", async() => await project.GetCompilationAsync());

            Context.Update(project.Solution, project, compilation, new ReflectionCache(project, compilation));

            // If this is the runtime prjoect, declare the array to hold all the GetAssembly functions (this .js file
            // will be loaded first, and we only want to bother creating the array once.)
            if (projectName == "mscorlib")
                var global = new JsBlockStatement();
                jsCompilationUnit.Global = global;

                var assemblies = Js.Variable(SpecialNames.Assemblies, Js.Array());

                // This ensures that Function.$typeName returns `Function` -- this is important when using
                // a type function as a generic argument, since otherwise when we try to get a
                // unique key for the permuatation of type args including a type function, we would get
                // an empty string for that arg, which would break the cache.
                jsCompilationUnit.Body.Assign(Js.Reference("Function").Member(SpecialNames.TypeName), Js.Primitive("Function"));

            // Declare assembly variable
            var assemblyVariable = Js.Variable("$" + projectName.MaskSpecialCharacters() + "$Assembly", Js.Null());


            // Declare array to store all anonymous types
            var anonymousTypes = Js.Variable(compilation.Assembly.GetAssemblyAnonymousTypesArray(), Js.Array());


            // Declare array to store all the type functions in the assembly
            var assemblyTypes = Js.Variable(compilation.Assembly.GetAssemblyTypesArray(), Js.Array());


            // Build $GetAssemblyMethod, which lazily creates a new Assembly instance
            var globalIdioms = new Idioms(null);
            var getAssembly  = Js.Function();

                assemblyVariable.GetReference().Assign(globalIdioms.CreateAssembly(compilation.Assembly, assemblyTypes.GetReference()))

            // Declare $assembly variable
            jsCompilationUnit.Body.Local(SpecialNames.Assembly, Js.Reference(compilation.Assembly.GetAssemblyMethodName()));
            jsCompilationUnit.Body.Assign(Js.Reference(SpecialNames.Assembly).Member(SpecialNames.AssemblyTypesArray), assemblyTypes.GetReference());

            // Add $GetAssemblyMethod to global assemblies array

            // Builds out all the namespace objects.  Types live inside namepsaces, which are represented as
            // nested Javascript objects.  For example, System.Text.StringBuilder is represented (in part) as:
            // System = {};
            // System.Text = {};
            // System.Text.StringBuilder = function() { ... }
            // This allows access to classes using dot notation in the expected way.
            Profiler.Time("Transforming namespaces", () =>
                var namespaceTransformer = new NamespaceTransformer(jsCompilationUnit.Body);
                foreach (var syntaxTree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                    var compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxTree.GetRoot();

            var actions = new List <Tuple <INamedTypeSymbol, Action> >();

            Profiler.Time("Get diagnostics", () =>
                var diagnostics = compilation.GetDiagnostics();
                foreach (var diagnostic in diagnostics)
                    if (diagnostic.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error)
                        Console.WriteLine("// " + diagnostic);

            // Check for partial classes
            Profiler.Time("Reassemble partial classes", () =>
                var partialClassReassembler = new PartialClassReassembler(project, compilation);
                compilation = partialClassReassembler.UnifyPartialTypes();

 *          // Write out all type functions in inheritance order.  This allows for complex references between types and
 *          // nested types.
 *          Profiler.Time("Write out type function declarations", () =>
 *          {
 *              var allTypeDeclarations = new List<INamedTypeSymbol>();
 *              foreach (var syntaxTree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
 *              {
 *                  var semanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);
 *                  var compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxTree.GetRoot();
 *                  var typeDeclarations = GetTypeDeclarations(compilationUnit);
 *                  var types = typeDeclarations.Select(x => semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(x)).ToArray();
 *                  allTypeDeclarations.AddRange(types);
 *              }
 *              SweepSort(allTypeDeclarations, x => x);
 *              jsCompilationUnit.Body.Express(Js.Reference(Context.Instance.SymbolNames[classType.ContainingNamespace, classType.ContainingNamespace.GetFullName()]).Member(classType.GetShortTypeName()),
 *                      Js.Reference(SpecialNames.Define).Invoke(Js.Primitive(displayName), baseType));
 *              jsCompilationUnit.Assign(Js.Reference(Context.Instance.SymbolNames[classType.ContainingNamespace, classType.ContainingNamespace.GetFullName()]).Member(classType.GetShortTypeName()),
 *                      Js.Reference(SpecialNames.Define).Invoke(Js.Primitive(displayName), baseType));
 *          });

            // Scan all syntax trees for anonymous type creation expressions.  We transform them into class
            // declarations with a series of auto implemented properties.
            Profiler.Time("Running AnonymousTypeTransformer", () =>
                var anonymousTypeTransformer = new AnonymousTypeTransformer(jsCompilationUnit.Body, actions);
                foreach (var syntaxTree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                    var compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxTree.GetRoot();

            // Iterate through all the syntax trees and add entries into `actions` that correspond to type
            // declarations.
            Profiler.Time("Preparing for core transformation process", () =>
                foreach (var syntaxTree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                    var semanticModel   = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);
                    var compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxTree.GetRoot();
                    var transformer     = new JsTransformer(syntaxTree, semanticModel, jsCompilationUnit);

                    var typeCollector = new TypeCollector();
                    var typeDeclarations     = typeCollector.TypeDeclarations.Where(x => x.GetContainingTypeDeclaration() == null);
                    var delegateDeclarations = typeCollector.DelegateDeclarations.Where(x => x.GetContainingTypeDeclaration() == null);

                    foreach (var type in typeDeclarations)
                        var _type      = type;
                        var typeSymbol = semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(type);
                        Action action  = () =>
                            var statements = (JsBlockStatement)_type.Accept(transformer);
                        actions.Add(Tuple.Create(typeSymbol, action));
                    foreach (var type in delegateDeclarations)
                        var _type     = type;
                        Action action = () =>
                            var statements = (JsBlockStatement)_type.Accept(transformer);
                        actions.Add(Tuple.Create((INamedTypeSymbol)ModelExtensions.GetDeclaredSymbol(semanticModel, type), action));

            // Sort all the type declarations such that base types always come before subtypes.
            Profiler.Time("Sorting transformers", () => SweepSort(actions, x => x.Item1));

            var transformationActions = actions.Select(x => x.Item2).ToArray();

            Profiler.Time("Applying core transformation", () =>
                foreach (var item in transformationActions)

            // Create cultures based on installed .NET cultures.  Presumably this is the same regardless
            // of the platform that compiled this assembly.  Only do this for the standard library.
            if (projectName == "mscorlib" && !Context.Instance.Compilation.Assembly.IsCultureInfoExportDisabled())
                foreach (var culture in CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures))
                    JsExpression target = new JsVariableReferenceExpression(Context.Instance.CultureInfo.GetTypeName()).Invoke().Member("RegisterCulture");
                        Js.Array(culture.DateTimeFormat.MonthNames.Select(x => Js.Literal(x)).ToArray()),
                        Js.Array(culture.DateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedMonthNames.Select(x => Js.Literal(x)).ToArray()),
                        Js.Array(culture.DateTimeFormat.DayNames.Select(x => Js.Literal(x)).ToArray())

            // If the project type is a console application, then invoke the Main method at the very
            // end of the file.
            var entryPoint = Context.Instance.Compilation.GetEntryPoint(CancellationToken.None);

            if (entryPoint != null)

            // Test minification
//            var minifier = new JsMinifier();
//            jsCompilationUnit.Accept(minifier);
Example #2
        public async Task <Tuple <string, Project> > Compile(string projectFile)
            var projectFileInfo = new FileInfo(projectFile);
            var projectFolder   = projectFileInfo.Directory.FullName;

            // These two lines are just a weird hack because you get no files back from compilation.SyntaxTrees
            // if the user file isn't modified.  Not sure why that's happening.
            var projectUserFile = projectFolder + "\\" + projectFileInfo.Name + ".user";

            if (File.Exists(projectUserFile))
                File.SetLastWriteTime(projectUserFile, DateTime.Now);

            var project = await MSBuildWorkspace.Create().OpenProjectAsync(projectFile);

            var         projectName = project.AssemblyName;
            Compilation compilation = await project.GetCompilationAsync();

            Context.Update(project.Solution, project, compilation);

            // Check for yield
            foreach (var syntaxTree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                var compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxTree.GetRoot();
                var semanticModel   = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);
                var yieldGenerator  = new YieldGenerator(compilation, syntaxTree, semanticModel);
                compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)compilationUnit.Accept(yieldGenerator);
                compilation     = compilation.ReplaceSyntaxTree(syntaxTree, SyntaxFactory.SyntaxTree(compilationUnit, syntaxTree.FilePath));
            compilation = compilation.Clone();
            Context.Update(project.Solution, project, compilation);

            // After the basic transformation happens, we need to fix up some references afterward
            foreach (var syntaxTree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                var compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxTree.GetRoot();
                var semanticModel   = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);
                var yieldFixer      = new YieldGeneratorFixer(compilation, syntaxTree, semanticModel);
                compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)compilationUnit.Accept(yieldFixer);
                compilation     = compilation.ReplaceSyntaxTree(syntaxTree, SyntaxFactory.SyntaxTree(compilationUnit, syntaxTree.FilePath));
            Context.Update(project.Solution, project, compilation);

            // Check for async
            foreach (var syntaxTree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                var compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxTree.GetRoot();
                var semanticModel   = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);
                var asyncGenerator  = new AsyncGenerator(compilation, syntaxTree, semanticModel);
                compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)compilationUnit.Accept(asyncGenerator);
                compilation     = compilation.ReplaceSyntaxTree(syntaxTree, SyntaxFactory.SyntaxTree(compilationUnit, syntaxTree.FilePath));
            Context.Update(project.Solution, project, compilation);

            var jsCompilationUnit = new JsCompilationUnit {
                UseStrict = true

            // If this is the runtime prjoect, declare the array to hold all the GetAssembly functions (this .js file
            // will be loaded first, and we only want to bother creating the array once.
            if (projectName == "mscorlib")
                var assemblies = Js.Variable(SpecialNames.Assemblies, Js.Array());

                // This ensures that Function.$typeName returns `Function` -- this is important when using
                // a type function as a generic argument, since otherwise when we try to assembly a
                // unique key for the permuatation of type args including a type function, we would get
                // an empty string for that arg, which would break the cache.
                jsCompilationUnit.Body.Assign(Js.Reference("Function").Member(SpecialNames.TypeName), Js.Primitive("Function"));

            // Declare assembly variable
            var assemblyVariable = Js.Variable("$" + projectName.MaskSpecialCharacters() + "$Assembly", Js.Null());


            // Declare array to store all anonymous types
            var anonymousTypes = Js.Variable(compilation.Assembly.GetAssemblyAnonymousTypesArray(), Js.Array());


            // Declare array to store all the type functions in the assembly
            var assemblyTypes = Js.Variable(compilation.Assembly.GetAssemblyTypesArray(), Js.Array());


            // Build $GetAssemblyMethod, which lazily creates a new Assembly instance
            var globalIdioms = new Idioms(null);
            var getAssembly  = Js.Function();

                assemblyVariable.GetReference().Assign(globalIdioms.CreateAssembly(compilation.Assembly, assemblyTypes.GetReference()))

            // Add $GetAssemblyMethod to global assemblies array

            // Builds out all the namespace objects.  Types live inside namepsaces, which are represented as
            // nested Javascript objects.  For example, System.Text.StringBuilder is represented (in part) as:
            // System = {};
            // System.Text = {};
            // System.Text.StringBuilder = function() { ... }
            // This allows access to classes using dot notation in the expected way.
            var namespaceTransformer = new NamespaceTransformer(jsCompilationUnit.Body);

            foreach (var syntaxTree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                var compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxTree.GetRoot();

            var actions = new List <Tuple <INamedTypeSymbol, Action> >();

            // Scan all syntax trees for anonymous type creation expressions.  We transform them into class
            // declarations with a series of auto implemented properties.
            var anonymousTypeTransformer = new AnonymousTypeTransformer(jsCompilationUnit.Body, actions);

            foreach (var syntaxTree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                var compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxTree.GetRoot();

            var diagnostics = compilation.GetDiagnostics();

            foreach (var diagnostic in diagnostics)
                Console.WriteLine("// " + diagnostic);

            // Iterate through all the syntax trees and add entries into `actions` that correspond to type
            // declarations.
            foreach (var syntaxTree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                var semanticModel   = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);
                var compilationUnit = (CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxTree.GetRoot();
                var transformer     = new JsTransformer(syntaxTree, semanticModel);

                var typeDeclarations = GetTypeDeclarations(compilationUnit);
                foreach (var type in typeDeclarations)
                    Action action = () =>
                        var statements = (JsBlockStatement)type.Accept(transformer);
                    actions.Add(Tuple.Create((INamedTypeSymbol)ModelExtensions.GetDeclaredSymbol(semanticModel, type), action));
                var delegateDeclarations = GetDelegates(compilationUnit);
                foreach (var type in delegateDeclarations)
                    Action action = () =>
                        var statements = (JsBlockStatement)type.Accept(transformer);
                    actions.Add(Tuple.Create((INamedTypeSymbol)ModelExtensions.GetDeclaredSymbol(semanticModel, type), action));

            // Sort all the type declarations such that base types always come before subtypes.
            foreach (var item in actions)

            // If the project type is a console application, then invoke the Main method at the very
            // end of the file.
            var entryPoint = compilation.GetEntryPoint(CancellationToken.None);

            if (entryPoint != null)

            // Test minification
//            var minifier = new JsMinifier();
//            jsCompilationUnit.Accept(minifier);

            // Write out the compiled Javascript file to the target location.
            var renderer = new JsRenderer();

            return(Tuple.Create(renderer.Output, project));