Example #1
        private MH2O.MH2ORenderMask GetRenderMask(MH2O.MH2OHeader header, MH2O.MH2OInformation information)
            var stream = Chunk.GetStream();

            // Read the render mask
            stream.Seek(Chunk.Offset + header.ofsRender, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var renderMask = new MH2O.MH2ORenderMask();

            // Render mask 
            if ((renderMask.Mask.All(b => b == 0) || (information.Width == 8 && information.Height == 8)) && information.ofsMask2 != 0)
                stream.Seek(Chunk.Offset + information.ofsMask2, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var altMask = new byte[(int)Math.Ceiling(information.Width * information.Height / 8.0f)];
                stream.Read(altMask, 0, altMask.Length);

                for (int i = 0; i < altMask.Length; i++)
                    renderMask.Mask[i + information.YOffset] |= altMask[i];

            return renderMask;
Example #2
        public void Read()
            if (Chunk == null) return;

            Vertices = new List<Vector3>();
            Indices = new List<Triangle<uint>>();

            var stream = Chunk.GetStream();

            MH2O = new MH2O();
            HeightMaps = new Chunks.MH2O.MH2OHeightmapData[256];

            var tilePos = ADT.TilePosition;
            for (int i = 0; i < MH2O.Headers.Length; i++)
                var header = MH2O.Headers[i];
                if (header == null || header.LayerCount == 0) continue;

                stream.Seek(Chunk.Offset + header.ofsInformation, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var information = new MH2O.MH2OInformation();

                // Ensure we have heightmap data
                if (information.ofsHeightmapData == 0) continue;

                // Not an ocean, lets grab the height map and render mask
                MH2O.MH2OHeightmapData heightMap;
                if (!IsOcean(information.LiquidObjectId, information.LiquidTypeId))
                { // Read the height map
                    stream.Seek(Chunk.Offset + information.ofsHeightmapData, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    heightMap = new MH2O.MH2OHeightmapData();
                    heightMap.RenderMask = GetRenderMask(header, information);
                    heightMap = GetOceanHeightMap(information.MinHeightLevel);

                HeightMaps[i] = heightMap;

                var basePos = new Vector3(tilePos.X - (Constants.ChunkSize * (i % 16)), tilePos.Y - (Constants.ChunkSize * (i / 16)), 0);
                for (int y = information.YOffset; y < (information.YOffset + information.Height); y++)
                    for (int x = information.XOffset; x < (information.XOffset + information.Width); x++)
                        if (!heightMap.RenderMask.ShouldRender(x, y))

                        var v = new Vector3(basePos.Y - (x * Constants.UnitSize), basePos.X - (y * Constants.UnitSize), heightMap.Heightmap[x, y]);
                        var vo = (uint)Vertices.Count;
                        Vertices.Add(new Vector3(v.X - Constants.UnitSize, v.Y, v.Z));
                        Vertices.Add(new Vector3(v.X, v.Y - Constants.UnitSize, v.Z));
                        Vertices.Add(new Vector3(v.X - Constants.UnitSize, v.Y - Constants.UnitSize, v.Z));

                        Indices.Add(new Triangle<uint>(TriangleType.Water, vo, vo + 2, vo + 1));
                        Indices.Add(new Triangle<uint>(TriangleType.Water, vo + 2, vo + 3, vo + 1));