public IEnumerable<UserComment> Get(string level, int time = -1)
            var messages = new List<UserComment>();

            using (_superWizardContext = new SuperWizardDBEntities())
                IQueryable<UserComment> commentQuery = null;
                //If time is not specified, just get most recent
                if (time == -1)
                    commentQuery = (from c in _superWizardContext.UserComments
                                        where c.Location == level
                                        orderby c.DateTime descending
                                        select c).Take(15);
                    //TODO: Make sessionTime not nullable

                    //Here's a query!!
                    //If it works the way it's supposed to it'll order comments by when they were posted,
                    //Then get the ones closest to the current sessionTime
                    commentQuery = _superWizardContext.UserComments
                        .Where(c => c.Location == level)
                        .OrderByDescending(c => c.DateTime)
                        .Select(c => new {c, distance = Math.Abs(c.SessionTime.Value - time)})
                        .OrderBy(p => p.distance)
                        .Select(p => p.c)

                    foreach (var comment in commentQuery)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;

            return messages;
        public IHttpActionResult Post(UserComment comment)
            using (_superWizardContext = new SuperWizardDBEntities())
                comment.DateTime = DateTime.Now;

                    return Ok();
                catch (Exception exception)
                    return InternalServerError(exception);
