Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an empty map
 /// </summary>
 public GameMap(int width, int height)
     Squares = new MapSquare[width][];
     for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
         Squares[x] = new MapSquare[height];
         for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
             Squares[x][y] = new MapSquare();
Example #2
        public GameMap(XDocument xml, List<Company> companies)
            int width = int.Parse(xml.Root.Attribute("width").Value);
            int height = int.Parse(xml.Root.Attribute("height").Value);

            Squares = new MapSquare[width][];
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                Squares[x] = new MapSquare[height];

            foreach (XElement elementOn in xml.Root.Elements("square"))
                int x = int.Parse(elementOn.Attribute("x").Value);
                int y = int.Parse(elementOn.Attribute("y").Value);
                MapSquare square = new MapSquare(elementOn);
                Squares[x][y] = square;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a direction to the adjoining tile that is the only or straight direction. Returns NONE if there
        /// are multiple choices and both are a turn (ie entering the base of a T).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="direction">The vehicle direction (used to avoid u-turns)</param>
        /// <returns>The direction to the adjoining tile.</returns>
        public MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION GetStraightNext(MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION direction)
            switch (Direction)
                case DIRECTION.NORTH_SOUTH:
                    return direction;
                case DIRECTION.EAST_WEST:
                    return direction;
                case DIRECTION.INTERSECTION:
                    return direction;

                case DIRECTION.NORTH_UTURN:
                    return MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH;
                case DIRECTION.EAST_UTURN:
                    return MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST;
                case DIRECTION.SOUTH_UTURN:
                    return MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH;
                case DIRECTION.WEST_UTURN:
                    return MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST;

                case DIRECTION.T_NORTH:
                    return direction == MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH ? MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NONE : direction;
                case DIRECTION.T_EAST:
                    return direction == MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST ? MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NONE : direction;
                case DIRECTION.T_SOUTH:
                    return direction == MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH ? MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NONE : direction;
                case DIRECTION.T_WEST:
                    return direction == MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST ? MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NONE : direction;

                case DIRECTION.CURVE_NE:
                    return direction == MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH
                           	? MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST
                           	: MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH;
                case DIRECTION.CURVE_NW:
                    return direction == MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH
                           	? MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST
                           	: MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH;
                case DIRECTION.CURVE_SE:
                    return direction == MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH
                           	? MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST
                           	: MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH;
                case DIRECTION.CURVE_SW:
                    return direction == MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH
                           	? MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST
                           	: MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH;
                    throw new ApplicationException("illegal direction");
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a direction to a random tile adjoining this one that's legal. U-turn only
        /// if no alternatives.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="direction">The vehicle direction (used to avoid u-turns)</param>
        /// <returns>The direction to the adjoining tile.</returns>
        public MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION GetRandomNext(MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION direction)
            // for T and 4-way
            MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION[] choices;

            switch (Direction)
                case DIRECTION.NORTH_SOUTH:
                    return direction;
                case DIRECTION.EAST_WEST:
                    return direction;
                case DIRECTION.INTERSECTION:
                    choices = new[] { MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST,
                                        MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST};

                case DIRECTION.NORTH_UTURN:
                    return MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH;
                case DIRECTION.EAST_UTURN:
                    return MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST;
                case DIRECTION.SOUTH_UTURN:
                    return MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH;
                case DIRECTION.WEST_UTURN:
                    return MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST;

                case DIRECTION.T_NORTH:
                    choices = new[] { MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST};
                case DIRECTION.T_EAST:
                    choices = new[] { MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH};
                case DIRECTION.T_SOUTH:
                    choices = new[] { MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST};
                case DIRECTION.T_WEST:
                    choices = new[] { MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST};

                case DIRECTION.CURVE_NE:
                    return direction == MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH ? MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST : MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH;
                case DIRECTION.CURVE_NW:
                    return direction == MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH ? MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST : MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH;
                case DIRECTION.CURVE_SE:
                    return direction == MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH ? MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST : MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH;
                case DIRECTION.CURVE_SW:
                    return direction == MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH ? MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST : MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH;
                    throw new ApplicationException("illegal direction");

            // have to choose from 3 or 4 - but not the direction came from
            int index = rand.Next(choices.Length - 1);
            MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION ptUturn = MapSquare.UTurn(direction);
            foreach (MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION choice in choices)
                if (choice == ptUturn)
                if (index == 0)
                    return choice;
            throw new ApplicationException("bad random number");
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Trim the map so only have 2 tiles of park outside of road limits.
        /// </summary>
        public void Trim()
            // reduce columns first (map is column major)
            int startX = 0;
            for (int xOn=0; xOn<Width; xOn++)
                bool nonPark = false;
                for (int yOn=0; yOn<Height; yOn++)
                    if (Squares[xOn][yOn].Tile.Type != MapTile.TYPE.PARK)
                        nonPark = true;
                if (nonPark)
                startX = xOn;
            int endX = Width - 1;
            for (int xOn=Width-1; xOn>startX; xOn--)
                bool nonPark = false;
                for (int yOn = 0; yOn < Height; yOn++)
                    if (Squares[xOn][yOn].Tile.Type != MapTile.TYPE.PARK)
                        nonPark = true;
                if (nonPark)
                endX = xOn;
            startX = Math.Max(0, startX - 1);
            endX = Math.Min(Width - 1, endX + 1);
            if (startX > 0 || endX < Width-1)
                MapSquare[][] squares = new MapSquare[endX - startX + 1][];
                for (int index = 0; index < squares.Length; index++)
                    squares[index] = Squares[startX + index];
                Squares = squares;

            // now the rows.
            int startY = 0;
            for (int yOn = 0; yOn < Height; yOn++)
                bool nonPark = false;
                for (int xOn = 0; xOn < Width; xOn++)
                    if (Squares[xOn][yOn].Tile.Type != MapTile.TYPE.PARK)
                        nonPark = true;
                if (nonPark)
                startY = yOn;
            int endY = Height - 1;
            for (int yOn = Height - 1; yOn > startY; yOn--)
                bool nonPark = false;
                for (int xOn = 0; xOn < Width; xOn++)
                    if (Squares[xOn][yOn].Tile.Type != MapTile.TYPE.PARK)
                        nonPark = true;
                if (nonPark)
                endY = yOn;
            startY = Math.Max(0, startY - 1);
            endY = Math.Min(Height - 1, endY + 1);
            if (startY > 0 || endY < Height - 1)
                for (int xOn = 0; xOn < Width; xOn++)
                    MapSquare[] column = new MapSquare[endY - startY + 1];
                    for (int yOn = 0; yOn < column.Length; yOn++)
                        column[yOn] = Squares[xOn][startY + yOn];
                    Squares[xOn] = column;
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Rotate the map 90 degrees.
 /// </summary>
 public void Rotate90()
     int width = Height;
     int height = Width;
     MapSquare[][] squares = new MapSquare[width][];
     for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
         squares[x] = new MapSquare[height];
         for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
             squares[x][y] = Squares[y][width - x - 1];
     Squares = squares;
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Add rows to the bottom of the map.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="num">Number of rows to add.</param>
 public void AddRows(int num)
     int height = Height;
     for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
         MapSquare[] column = new MapSquare[height + num];
         for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
             column[y] = Squares[x][y];
         for (int y = height; y < height + num; y++)
             column[y] = new MapSquare();
         Squares[x] = column;
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Add columns to the right of the map.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="num">Number of columns to add.</param>
 public void AddColumns(int num)
     MapSquare[][] squares = new MapSquare[Width + num][];
     for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
         squares[x] = Squares[x];
     for (int x = Width; x < Width + num; x++)
         squares[x] = new MapSquare[Height];
         for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
             squares[x][y] = new MapSquare();
     Squares = squares;
Example #9
 public void SetTileLocation(MapSquare square, Point ptTile, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION direction)
     switch (square.Tile.Direction)
         case MapTile.DIRECTION.NORTH_SOUTH:
         case MapTile.DIRECTION.EAST_WEST:
         case MapTile.DIRECTION.T_NORTH:
         case MapTile.DIRECTION.T_EAST:
         case MapTile.DIRECTION.T_SOUTH:
         case MapTile.DIRECTION.T_WEST:
             switch (direction)
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH:
                     Location =
                         new BoardLocation(new Point(ptTile.X*TileMovement.UNITS_PER_TILE + addMiddleFarLane,
                                                     ptTile.Y*TileMovement.UNITS_PER_TILE + addMiddleTile),
                                           TileMovement.GetMove(MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH));
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST:
                     Location =
                         new BoardLocation(new Point(ptTile.X*TileMovement.UNITS_PER_TILE + addMiddleTile,
                                                     ptTile.Y*TileMovement.UNITS_PER_TILE + addMiddleFarLane),
                                           TileMovement.GetMove(MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST));
             case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH:
                     Location = new BoardLocation(new Point(ptTile.X*TileMovement.UNITS_PER_TILE + addMiddleNearLane,
                                                            ptTile.Y*TileMovement.UNITS_PER_TILE + addMiddleTile),
             case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST:
                     Location = new BoardLocation(new Point(ptTile.X * TileMovement.UNITS_PER_TILE + addMiddleTile,
                                                (ptTile.Y * TileMovement.UNITS_PER_TILE + addMiddleNearLane)),
Example #10
 public static TileMovement GetMove(MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION start, MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION end)
     switch (start)
         case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH:
             switch (end)
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH:
                     return North;
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST:
                     return TurnNE;
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH:
                     return Unorth;
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST:
                     return TurnNW;
         case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST:
             switch (end)
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH:
                     return TurnEN;
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST:
                     return East;
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH:
                     return TurnES;
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST:
                     return Ueast;
         case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH:
             switch (end)
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH:
                     return Usouth;
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST:
                     return TurnSE;
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH:
                     return South;
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST:
                     return TurnSW;
         case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST:
             switch (end)
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.NORTH:
                     return TurnWN;
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.EAST:
                     return Uwest;
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.SOUTH:
                     return TurnWS;
                 case MapSquare.COMPASS_DIRECTION.WEST:
                     return West;
     throw new ApplicationException("unknown direction(s)");
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Object"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public SignalSquare(int x, int y, MapSquare square)
     X = x;
     Y = y;
     Square = square;