public async void ScannerTask()
            /* Initialize UltraSonic Distance Sensor */
            Library.Sensor.UltrasonicDistanceSensor DistanceSensor = new Library.Sensor.UltrasonicDistanceSensor(Library.Sensor.UltrasonicDistanceSensor.AvailableGpioPin.GpioPin_22, Library.Sensor.UltrasonicDistanceSensor.AvailableGpioPin.GpioPin_27);

             *  'CurrentRotation' Holds the current rotation
             *  ============|===========================|===========
             *  Description | Actual Data Feed To Servo | Assumption
             *  ============|===========================|===========
             *  Left Most   |   0                       | -70
             *  Center      |  70                       |   0
             *  Right Most  | 140                       | +70
            byte CurrentRotation = 70;      // << HOLDS ACTUAL DATA TO BE FEED TO SERVO

             *  Holds direction to move
             +1 means scanner should move right
             *  -1 means scanner should move left
            int Direction = 1;

            double Distance;
            byte   Temp;

            /* Scan infinitely */
            while (true)
                 *  Take multiple sample of the distance in current sight
                 *  Higher the sampling, accurate the result but will cause slower scanning.
                Distance = 0;                                   // Reset Distance
                for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfSample; i++)
                    Distance += DistanceSensor.GetDistance();   // Add distance
                    await Task.Delay(1);                        // Wait for a ms
                Distance /= NumberOfSample;                     // Calculate average

                 *  Send current angle to Gateway to set servo
                 *  This project was developed to map object distances between -70 to +70 degree
                 *  Thus servo will move between:    00 - 70 - 140  (Actual Angle)
                 *                                  -70 -  0 - +70  (Assumed Angle)
                Temp = (byte)((140 - CurrentRotation > 0) ? 140 - CurrentRotation : 0);

                /* Send angle to the gateway in a byte */
                /* A dummy byte will be returned from the function */
                Temp = Library.Communication.ArduinoGateway.MoveServo(Temp).Result[0];

                 *  If right direction is fully mapped, change scanning direction to left.
                 *  Or else if left is fully scanned, change direction to right.
                if (CurrentRotation > 140)
                    Direction       = -1;
                    CurrentRotation = (byte)(CurrentRotation + Direction);
                else if (CurrentRotation == 0)
                    Direction       = 1;
                    CurrentRotation = (byte)(CurrentRotation + Direction);

                /* Update current rotation with direction */
                CurrentRotation = (byte)(CurrentRotation + Direction);

                 *  Update UI
                 *  Dispatcher will helps to update UI components acquired by Main thread. (Because we're on another thread)
                await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                                                                                            () =>
                    /* Convert current rotation from 0 to 140 into -70 to +70 */
                    ScannerLine.Angle = CurrentRotation - 70;

                    /* If all available angles has been scanned for a direction, clean LiDAR map */
                    if (ScannerLine.Angle == -70 || ScannerLine.Angle == 70)

                    /* Do not plot object > 500 cm */
                    if (Distance > 500)
                        Distance = 0;

                    /* LiDAR map developed for this project is only for up-to 300 cm. Thus eliminate higher distances. */
                    if (Distance > 299)
                        Distance = 299;

                    /* Plot distance into LiDAR map */
                    Grid_Mapper.Children.Add(DistanceMapper.GetMapper(ScannerLine.Angle, (int)Distance));

                /* Hold for 5ms to take breath entire system */
                await Task.Delay(5);
        public async void ScannerTask()
            /* Initialize UltraSonic Distance Sensor */
            Library.Sensor.UltrasonicDistanceSensor DistanceSensor = new Library.Sensor.UltrasonicDistanceSensor(Library.Sensor.UltrasonicDistanceSensor.AvailableGpioPin.GpioPin_22, Library.Sensor.UltrasonicDistanceSensor.AvailableGpioPin.GpioPin_27);

                'CurrentRotation' Holds the current rotation
                Description | Actual Data Feed To Servo | Assumption
                Left Most   |   0                       | -70
                Center      |  70                       |   0
                Right Most  | 140                       | +70
            byte CurrentRotation = 70;      // << HOLDS ACTUAL DATA TO BE FEED TO SERVO

                Holds direction to move
                +1 means scanner should move right
                -1 means scanner should move left
            int Direction = 1;

            double Distance;
            byte Temp;

            /* Scan infinitely */
            while (true)
                    Take multiple sample of the distance in current sight
                    Higher the sampling, accurate the result but will cause slower scanning.
                Distance = 0;                                   // Reset Distance
                for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfSample; i++)
                    Distance += DistanceSensor.GetDistance();   // Add distance
                    await Task.Delay(1);                        // Wait for a ms
                Distance /= NumberOfSample;                     // Calculate average

                    Send current angle to Gateway to set servo
                    This project was developed to map object distances between -70 to +70 degree
                    Thus servo will move between:    00 - 70 - 140  (Actual Angle)
                                                    -70 -  0 - +70  (Assumed Angle)
                Temp = (byte)((140 - CurrentRotation > 0) ? 140 - CurrentRotation : 0);

                /* Send angle to the gateway in a byte */
                /* A dummy byte will be returned from the function */
                Temp = Library.Communication.ArduinoGateway.MoveServo(Temp).Result[0];

                    If right direction is fully mapped, change scanning direction to left.
                    Or else if left is fully scanned, change direction to right.
                if (CurrentRotation > 140)
                    Direction = -1;
                    CurrentRotation = (byte)(CurrentRotation + Direction);
                else if (CurrentRotation == 0)
                    Direction = 1;
                    CurrentRotation = (byte)(CurrentRotation + Direction);

                /* Update current rotation with direction */
                CurrentRotation = (byte)(CurrentRotation + Direction);

                    Update UI
                    Dispatcher will helps to update UI components acquired by Main thread. (Because we're on another thread)
                await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
 () =>
                    /* Convert current rotation from 0 to 140 into -70 to +70 */
                    ScannerLine.Angle = CurrentRotation - 70;

                    /* If all available angles has been scanned for a direction, clean LiDAR map */
                    if (ScannerLine.Angle == -70 || ScannerLine.Angle == 70)

                    /* Do not plot object > 500 cm */
                    if (Distance > 500)
                        Distance = 0;

                    /* LiDAR map developed for this project is only for up-to 300 cm. Thus eliminate higher distances. */
                    if (Distance > 299)
                        Distance = 299;

                    /* Plot distance into LiDAR map */
                    Grid_Mapper.Children.Add(DistanceMapper.GetMapper(ScannerLine.Angle, (int)Distance));

                /* Hold for 5ms to take breath entire system */
                await Task.Delay(5);
