public VisualStateGroup() { _xamlScope = ResourceResolver.CurrentScope; IsAutoPropertyInheritanceEnabled = false; InitializeBinder(); this.RegisterParentChangedCallback(this, OnParentChanged); }
public FrameworkTemplate(Func <View> factory) { InitializeBinder(); _viewFactory = factory; // Compute the hash for this template once, it will be used a lot // in the ControlPool's internal dictionary. _hashCode = (factory.Target?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) ^ factory.Method.GetHashCode(); _xamlScope = ResourceResolver.CurrentScope; }
public FrameworkTemplate(object?owner, FrameworkTemplateBuilder?factory) { InitializeBinder(); _viewFactory = factory; _ownerRef = WeakReferencePool.RentWeakReference(this, owner); // Compute the hash for this template once, it will be used a lot // in the ControlPool's internal dictionary. _hashCode = (factory?.Target?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) ^ (factory?.Method.GetHashCode() ?? 0); _xamlScope = ResourceResolver.CurrentScope; }
public Style() { _xamlScope = ResourceResolver.CurrentScope; }