Inheritance: EasingFunctionBase, IExponentialEase
Example #1
        private void Scenario3EasingFunctionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            // stop the storyboard

            EasingFunctionBase easingFunction = null;

            // select an easing function based on the user's selection
            ComboBoxItem selectedFunctionItem = Scenario3FunctionSelector.SelectedItem as ComboBoxItem;
            if (selectedFunctionItem != null)
                switch (selectedFunctionItem.Content.ToString())
                    case "BounceEase":
                        easingFunction = new BounceEase();
                    case "CircleEase":
                        easingFunction = new CircleEase();
                    case "ExponentialEase":
                        easingFunction = new ExponentialEase();
                    case "PowerEase":
                        easingFunction = new PowerEase() { Power = 0.5 };

            // if no valid easing function was specified, let the storyboard stay stopped and do not continue
            if (easingFunction == null)

            ComboBoxItem selectedEasingModeItem = Scenario3EasingModeSelector.SelectedItem as ComboBoxItem;
            // select an easing mode based on the user's selection, defaulting to EaseIn if no selection was given
            if (selectedEasingModeItem != null)
                switch (selectedEasingModeItem.Content.ToString())
                    case "EaseOut":
                        easingFunction.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut;
                    case "EaseInOut":
                        easingFunction.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut;
                        easingFunction.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn;

            // plot a graph of the easing function
            PlotEasingFunctionGraph(easingFunction, 0.005);

            RectanglePositionAnimation.EasingFunction = easingFunction;
            GraphPositionMarkerYAnimation.EasingFunction = easingFunction;

            // start the storyboard
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to create animation storyboards to animate jobs firing from
        /// UserGroups to the Mac.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">Point to fire from</param>
        /// <param name="to">Point to fire at</param>
        /// <param name="color">Color of object to fire</param>
        /// <returns>Storyboard of requested animation</returns>
        private Storyboard AnimateJobCreation(Point from, Point to, Color color)
            // Initialize a new instance of the CompositeTransform which allows you 
            // apply multiple different transforms to the animated object
            this.JobIcon.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(color);
            this.JobIcon.RenderTransform = new CompositeTransform();

            // Create the timelines
            DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames animationX = new DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames();
            DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames animationY = new DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames();
            DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames opacity = new DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames();

            // Set up Easing functions
            ExponentialEase easingFunction = new ExponentialEase();
            easingFunction.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut;

            // Add key frames to the timeline
            animationX.KeyFrames.Add(new EasingDoubleKeyFrame { KeyTime = TimeSpan.Zero, Value = from.X });
            animationX.KeyFrames.Add(new EasingDoubleKeyFrame { KeyTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(MILLI_PER_SEC / 2), Value = to.X, EasingFunction = easingFunction });
            animationY.KeyFrames.Add(new EasingDoubleKeyFrame { KeyTime = TimeSpan.Zero, Value = from.Y });
            animationY.KeyFrames.Add(new EasingDoubleKeyFrame { KeyTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(MILLI_PER_SEC / 2), Value = to.Y, EasingFunction = easingFunction });
            opacity.KeyFrames.Add(new EasingDoubleKeyFrame { KeyTime = TimeSpan.Zero, Value = 1 });
            opacity.KeyFrames.Add(new EasingDoubleKeyFrame { KeyTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((MILLI_PER_SEC / 2) - (MILLI_PER_SEC / 5)), Value = 1 });
            opacity.KeyFrames.Add(new EasingDoubleKeyFrame { KeyTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(MILLI_PER_SEC / 2), Value = 0, EasingFunction = easingFunction });

            // Notice the first parameter takes a timeline object not the storyboard itself
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animationX, "(UIElement.RenderTransform).(CompositeTransform.TranslateX)");
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animationY, "(UIElement.RenderTransform).(CompositeTransform.TranslateY)");
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(opacity, "(UIElement.Opacity)");
            Storyboard.SetTarget(animationX, JobIcon);
            Storyboard.SetTarget(animationY, JobIcon);
            Storyboard.SetTarget(opacity, JobIcon);

            // Create the storyboards
            Storyboard storyboard = new Storyboard() { };
            // Add the timelines to your storyboard

            return storyboard;
Example #3
 //Get Easing Function
 private EasingFunctionBase GetEasingFunction(Easing type)
     EasingFunctionBase func = null;
     switch (type)
         case Easing.EaseSineIn:
         case Easing.EaseSineOut:
         case Easing.EaseSineInOut:
             func = new SineEase();
         case Easing.EaseCircleIn:
         case Easing.EaseCircleOut:
         case Easing.EaseCircleInOut:
             func = new CircleEase();
         case Easing.EaseQuadraticIn:
         case Easing.EaseQuadraticOut:
         case Easing.EaseQuadraticInOut:
             func = new QuadraticEase();
         case Easing.EaseCubicIn:
         case Easing.EaseCubicOut:
         case Easing.EaseCubicInOut:
             func = new CubicEase();
         case Easing.EaseQuarticIn:
         case Easing.EaseQuarticOut:
         case Easing.EaseQuarticInOut:
             func = new QuarticEase();
         case Easing.EaseQuinticIn:
         case Easing.EaseQuinticOut:
         case Easing.EaseQuinticInOut:
             func = new QuinticEase();
         case Easing.EaseBackIn:
         case Easing.EaseBackOut:
         case Easing.EaseBackInOut:
             func = new BackEase();
         case Easing.EaseBounceIn:
         case Easing.EaseBounceOut:
         case Easing.EaseBounceInOut:
             func = new BounceEase();
         case Easing.EaseElasticIn:
         case Easing.EaseElasticOut:
         case Easing.EaseElasticInOut:
             func = new ElasticEase();
         case Easing.EaseExpoIn:
         case Easing.EaseExpoOut:
         case Easing.EaseExpoInOut:
             func = new ExponentialEase();
         case Easing.EasePowerIn:
         case Easing.EasePowerOut:
         case Easing.EasePowerInOut:
             func = new PowerEase();
     if (func != null)
         switch ((int)type % 3)
             case 0:
                 func.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn;
             case 1:
                 func.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut;
                 func.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut;
     return func;
        public static void Animate(this DependencyObject target, double? from, double to,
          string propertyPath, int duration = 400, int startTime = 0,
          EasingFunctionBase easing = null, Action completed = null, bool enableDependentAnimation = false)
            if (easing == null)
                easing = new ExponentialEase();

            var db = new DoubleAnimation();
            db.EnableDependentAnimation = enableDependentAnimation;
            db.To = to;
            db.From = from;
            db.EasingFunction = easing;
            db.Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(duration);
            Storyboard.SetTarget(db, target);
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(db, propertyPath);

            var sb = new Storyboard();
            sb.BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(startTime);

            if (completed != null)
                sb.Completed += (s, e) =>

    	public static EasingFunctionBase GetEasingFunction(double stopTime, double friction)
            // From above, we have the equation of position
            //    r = v_0 (mu^t - 1) / ln mu
            // IEasingFunction.Ease() is a method that accepts
            // a normalized time as a parameter
            // (that is, a number between 0.0 and 1.0 such that
            // 0.0 represents the beginning of the animation duration and
            // 1.0 represents the end of the animation duration),
            // and which returns a normalized progress
            // (that is, a number between 0.0 and 1.0 such that
            // 0.0 represents no progress along the animation and
            // 1.0 represents full progress along the animation).
            // In order to get the above equation of position
            // to work as an easing function, we need two things:
            // to normalize the LHS such that it varies between 0.0 and 1.0
            // (corresponding to its initial position and its final position, respectively),
            // and to have it accept as a parameter on the RHS a normalized time,
            // rather than an actual time.
            // First, to get a normalized LHS, we divide |r| by |r_max| (the stop distance as above)
            // to get the normalized position r_n:
            //     |r| / |r_max| = r_n = (mu^t - 1) / (mu^t_max- 1)
            // Now we note that
            //     t = t_n t_max
            // where t_max is the stop time as above and where t_n is the normalized time
            // to get
            //     r_n = (mu^(t_n t_max) - 1) / (mu^t_max- 1)
            // Finally, we can take advantage of the fact that
            //     x^y = e^(y ln x)
            // where e is Euler's number to put this in the form of
            //     r_n = (e^(t_n t_max ln mu) - 1) / (e^(t_max ln mu) - 1)
            // and if we define a = t_max ln mu, then we have
            //     r_n = (e^(a t_n) - 1) / (e^a - 1)
            // which is precisely the form of the exponential easing function.
            // So, we can use an exponential easing function here with its
            // Exponent property set to t_max ln mu, and it will get us what we want.
    		ExponentialEase ee = new ExponentialEase
										Exponent = stopTime*Math.Log(friction), 
										EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn
    		return ee;