public void Set(TextBlock textBlock) { this.fontFamily = textBlock.FontFamily; this.fontWeight = textBlock.FontWeight; this.fontStyle = textBlock.FontStyle; this.fontStretch = textBlock.FontStretch; }
LocalizationService() { #if HAS_UNO m_language = "en-US"; m_flowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight; #else m_language = ApplicationLanguages.Languages[0]; m_flowDirection = ResourceContext.GetForCurrentView().QualifierValues["LayoutDirection"] != "LTR" ? FlowDirection.RightToLeft : FlowDirection.LeftToRight; #endif var resourceLoader = AppResourceProvider.GetInstance(); m_fontFamilyOverride = resourceLoader.GetResourceString("LocalizedFontFamilyOverride"); string reserved = "RESERVED_FOR_FONTLOC"; m_overrideFontApiValues = ((m_fontFamilyOverride != null) && (m_fontFamilyOverride != reserved)); if (m_overrideFontApiValues) { string localizedUICaptionFontSizeFactorOverride = resourceLoader.GetResourceString("LocalizedUICaptionFontSizeFactorOverride"); string localizedUITextFontSizeFactorOverride = resourceLoader.GetResourceString("LocalizedUITextFontSizeFactorOverride"); string localizedFontWeightOverride = resourceLoader.GetResourceString("LocalizedFontWeightOverride"); // If any of the font overrides are modified then all of them need to be modified Debug.Assert(localizedFontWeightOverride != reserved); Debug.Assert(localizedUITextFontSizeFactorOverride != reserved); Debug.Assert(localizedUICaptionFontSizeFactorOverride != reserved); m_fontWeightOverride = ParseFontWeight(localizedFontWeightOverride); m_uiTextFontScaleFactorOverride = double.Parse(localizedUITextFontSizeFactorOverride); m_uiCaptionFontScaleFactorOverride = double.Parse(localizedUICaptionFontSizeFactorOverride); } m_fontGroup = new LanguageFontGroup(m_language); }
static FontAttributes ToAttributes(FWeight fontWeight) { if (fontWeight.Weight == FontWeights.Bold.Weight || fontWeight.Weight == FontWeights.SemiBold.Weight || fontWeight.Weight == FontWeights.ExtraBold.Weight) { return(FontAttributes.Bold); } return(FontAttributes.None); }
/// <summary> /// Outputs text with formating. /// </summary> /// <param name="target">The target <see cref="TextBlock"/>.</param> /// <param name="toOutput">String to output.</param> /// <param name="fontStyle">The font style.</param> /// <param name="fontWeight">The font weight.</param> /// <param name="fontColor">Color of the font.</param> public static void OutputWithFormat(this TextBlock target, string toOutput, FontStyle fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal, FontWeight fontWeight = default(FontWeight), Color fontColor = default(Color)) { var formatted = new Run { Text = toOutput, FontStyle = fontStyle, FontWeight = fontWeight.Equals(default(FontWeight)) ? FontWeights.Normal : fontWeight, Foreground = fontColor.Equals(default(Color)) ? new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black) : new SolidColorBrush(fontColor) }; target.Inlines.Add(formatted); }
internal static string GetFontWeightString(Windows.UI.Text.FontWeight fontWeight) { if (infos == null) { // hdt infos = typeof(FontWeights).GetRuntimeProperties().ToArray <PropertyInfo>(); } for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++) { object obj2 = infos[i].GetValue(null); if ((obj2 != null) && (((Windows.UI.Text.FontWeight)obj2).Weight == fontWeight.Weight)) { return(infos[i].Name); } } return("Normal"); }
public static FontStyle Convert(wut.FontStyle fontStyle, wut.FontWeight fontWeight) { var style = FontStyle.None; if (fontStyle == wut.FontStyle.Italic) { style |= FontStyle.Italic; } if (fontStyle == wut.FontStyle.Oblique) { style |= FontStyle.Italic; } if (ReferenceEquals(fontWeight, wut.FontWeights.Bold)) { style |= FontStyle.Bold; } return(style); }
void Init() { this._fontTheme = null; this._fontFamily = null; this._fontSize = -1.0; this._fontStretch = Windows.UI.Text.FontStretch.Normal; this._fontStyle = Windows.UI.Text.FontStyle.Normal; this._fontWeight = FontWeights.Normal; this._fill = null; this._fillThemeColor = null; this._foreground = null; this._foregroundThemeColor = null; this._strokeThickness = 1.0; this._stroke = null; this._strokeDashType = Dt.Cells.Data.StrokeDashType.None; this._strokeThemeColor = null; this._cornerRadius = -1.0; this._themeContext = null; this._cornerRadiusSet = false; this._fillSet = false; this._fillThemeColorSet = false; this._fontFamilySet = false; this._fontSizeSet = false; this._fontStretchSet = false; this._fontStyleSet = false; this._fontThemeSet = false; this._fontWeightSet = false; this._foregroundSet = false; this._foregroundThemeColorSet = false; this._strokeDashTypeSet = false; this._strokeSet = false; this._strokeThemeColorSet = false; this._strokeThicknessSet = false; this._formatter = null; this._formatterSet = false; this._lineCapType = PenLineCap.Flat; this._lineCapTypeSet = false; this._lineJoinType = PenLineJoin.Round; this._lineJoinTypeSet = false; this._lineBeginArrowSettings = null; this._lineBeginArrowSettingsSet = false; this._lineEndArrowSettings = null; this._lineEndArrowSettingsSet = false; }
//const double lineHeightToFontSizeRatio = 1.4; //const double roundToNearest = 1; public static SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontWeight ToDxFontWeight(this Windows.UI.Text.FontWeight fontWeight) => DxFontWeight(fontWeight.Weight);
/// <summary> /// Applies the DataTemplate to display on base of DisplayStyle and Alignment property values. /// </summary> private void ApplyContentTemplate() { if (_attachedElement == null || _applyingTemplate) { return; } _applyingTemplate = true; var root = TreeHelpers.GetRootPanel().Parent; var style = GetDisplayStyle(root); var sketchTemplateUri = new Uri("ms-appx:///Neumann.HelpFrame/SketchStyle.xaml", UriKind.Absolute); var popupTemplateUri = new Uri("ms-appx:///Neumann.HelpFrame/PopupStyle.xaml", UriKind.Absolute); var direction = (HelpFrameAlignment)_attachedElement.GetValue(AlignmentProperty); if (direction == HelpFrameAlignment.TopLeft || direction == HelpFrameAlignment.TopRight || direction == HelpFrameAlignment.TopCenter || direction == HelpFrameAlignment.CenterCenter) { if (style == HelpFrameDisplayStyle.Sketch) { this.ContentTemplate = ResourceHelpers.GetResourceFromDictionary<DataTemplate>(sketchTemplateUri, "TopSketchTemplate"); } else if (style == HelpFrameDisplayStyle.Popup) { this.ContentTemplate = ResourceHelpers.GetResourceFromDictionary<DataTemplate>(popupTemplateUri, "TopPopupTemplate"); } else { this.ContentTemplate = this.TopTemplate; } } else if (direction == HelpFrameAlignment.BottomLeft || direction == HelpFrameAlignment.BottomRight || direction == HelpFrameAlignment.BottomCenter) { if (style == HelpFrameDisplayStyle.Sketch) { this.ContentTemplate = ResourceHelpers.GetResourceFromDictionary<DataTemplate>(sketchTemplateUri, "BottomSketchTemplate"); } else if (style == HelpFrameDisplayStyle.Popup) { this.ContentTemplate = ResourceHelpers.GetResourceFromDictionary<DataTemplate>(popupTemplateUri, "BottomPopupTemplate"); } else { this.ContentTemplate = this.BottomTemplate; } } else if (direction == HelpFrameAlignment.CenterLeft) { if (style == HelpFrameDisplayStyle.Sketch) { this.ContentTemplate = ResourceHelpers.GetResourceFromDictionary<DataTemplate>(sketchTemplateUri, "LeftSketchTemplate"); } else if (style == HelpFrameDisplayStyle.Popup) { this.ContentTemplate = ResourceHelpers.GetResourceFromDictionary<DataTemplate>(popupTemplateUri, "LeftPopupTemplate"); } else { this.ContentTemplate = this.LeftTemplate; } } else if (direction == HelpFrameAlignment.CenterRight) { if (style == HelpFrameDisplayStyle.Sketch) { this.ContentTemplate = ResourceHelpers.GetResourceFromDictionary<DataTemplate>(sketchTemplateUri, "RightSketchTemplate"); } else if (style == HelpFrameDisplayStyle.Popup) { this.ContentTemplate = ResourceHelpers.GetResourceFromDictionary<DataTemplate>(popupTemplateUri, "RightPopupTemplate"); } else { this.ContentTemplate = this.RightTemplate; } } if (style == HelpFrameDisplayStyle.Popup) { this.ContentHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; this.ContentVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; } else { this.ContentHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; this.ContentVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; if (style == HelpFrameDisplayStyle.Sketch) { _originalFontFamily = this.FontFamily; _originalFontSize = this.FontSize; _originalFontWeight = this.FontWeight; this.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Buxton Sketch"); this.FontSize = 24; this.FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal; } else if (_originalFontFamily != null) { this.FontFamily = _originalFontFamily; this.FontSize = _originalFontSize; this.FontWeight = _originalFontWeight; } } _applyingTemplate = false; }
internal void CopyFromInternal(object o, bool clone) { if ((o is FloatingObjectStyleInfo) && !object.ReferenceEquals(o, this)) { FloatingObjectStyleInfo info = (FloatingObjectStyleInfo)o; this._fontTheme = info._fontTheme; this._fontThemeSet = info._fontThemeSet; this._fontFamily = info._fontFamily; this._fontFamilySet = info._fontFamilySet; this._fontSize = info._fontSize; this._fontSizeSet = info._fontSizeSet; this._fontStretch = info._fontStretch; this._fontStretchSet = info._fontStretchSet; this._fontStyle = info._fontStyle; this._fontStyleSet = info._fontStyleSet; this._fontWeight = info._fontWeight; this._fontWeightSet = info._fontWeightSet; if (info._fillSet) { ICloneable cloneable = info._fill as ICloneable; if (cloneable != null) { this._fill = cloneable.Clone() as Brush; } else { this._fill = info._fill; } this._fillSet = true; } else { this._fill = null; this._fillSet = false; } if (info._foregroundSet) { ICloneable cloneable2 = info._foreground as ICloneable; if (cloneable2 != null) { this._foreground = cloneable2.Clone() as Brush; } else { this._foreground = info._foreground; } this._foregroundSet = true; } else { this._foreground = null; this._foregroundSet = false; } this._fillThemeColor = info._fillThemeColor; this._fillThemeColorSet = info._fillThemeColorSet; this._foregroundThemeColor = info._foregroundThemeColor; this._foregroundThemeColorSet = info._foregroundThemeColorSet; if (info._strokeSet) { ICloneable cloneable3 = info._stroke as ICloneable; if (cloneable3 != null) { this._stroke = cloneable3.Clone() as Brush; } else { this._stroke = info._stroke; } this._strokeSet = true; } else { this._stroke = null; this._strokeSet = false; } this._strokeDashType = info._strokeDashType; this._strokeDashTypeSet = info._strokeDashTypeSet; this._strokeThemeColor = info._strokeThemeColor; this._strokeThemeColorSet = info._strokeThemeColorSet; this._strokeThickness = info._strokeThickness; this._strokeThicknessSet = info._strokeThicknessSet; this._cornerRadius = info._cornerRadius; this._cornerRadiusSet = info._cornerRadiusSet; this._themeContext = info._themeContext; if (info._formatterSet) { ICloneable cloneable4 = info._formatter as ICloneable; if (cloneable4 != null) { this._formatter = cloneable4.Clone() as IFormatter; } else { this._formatter = info._formatter; } this._formatterSet = true; } else { this._formatter = null; this._formatterSet = false; } this._lineCapType = info._lineCapType; this._lineCapTypeSet = info._lineCapTypeSet; this._lineJoinType = info.LineJoinType; this._lineJoinTypeSet = info._lineJoinTypeSet; this._lineBeginArrowSettings = info._lineBeginArrowSettings; this._lineBeginArrowSettingsSet = info._lineBeginArrowSettingsSet; this._lineEndArrowSettings = info._lineEndArrowSettings; this._lineEndArrowSettingsSet = info._lineEndArrowSettingsSet; } }
/// <summary> /// Generates an object from its XML representation. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlReader" /> stream from which the object is deserialized.</param> void IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(XmlReader reader) { Serializer.InitReader(reader); this.Reset(); while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType == ((XmlNodeType)((int)XmlNodeType.Element))) { switch (reader.Name) { case "FontTheme": this._fontTheme = (string)(Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(string), reader) as string); this._fontThemeSet = true; break; case "FontFamily": if (!(Serializer.ReadAttribute("value", reader) == Serializer.Format(null))) { goto Label_0239; } this._fontFamily = null; goto Label_0279; case "FontSize": this._fontSize = (float)Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(float), reader); this._fontSizeSet = true; break; case "FontStretch": { Windows.UI.Text.FontStretch?stretch = null; string str = (string)(Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(string), reader) as string); object obj2 = Serializer.DeserializeEnum(this.FontStretch.GetType(), str); if (obj2 != null) { stretch = new Windows.UI.Text.FontStretch?((Windows.UI.Text.FontStretch)obj2); } if (stretch.HasValue) { this._fontStretch = stretch.Value; this._fontStretchSet = true; } break; } case "FontStyle": { Windows.UI.Text.FontStyle?style = null; string str = (string)(Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(string), reader) as string); object obj2 = Serializer.DeserializeEnum(this.FontStyle.GetType(), str); if (obj2 != null) { style = new Windows.UI.Text.FontStyle?((Windows.UI.Text.FontStyle)obj2); } if (style.HasValue) { this._fontStyle = style.Value; this._fontStyleSet = true; } break; } case "FontWeight": { string result = (string)(Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(string), reader) as string); Windows.UI.Text.FontWeight?weight = Serializer.FindStaticDefinationStruct <Windows.UI.Text.FontWeight>(typeof(FontWeights), result); if (weight.HasValue) { this._fontWeight = weight.Value; this._fontWeightSet = true; } break; } case "Fill": goto Label_03E3; case "Foreground": goto Label_0409; case "FillTheme": this._fillThemeColor = (string)(Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(string), reader) as string); this._fillThemeColorSet = true; break; case "ForegroundTheme": this._foregroundThemeColor = (string)(Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(string), reader) as string); this._foregroundThemeColorSet = true; break; case "Formatter": if (!(Serializer.ReadAttribute("value", reader) == Serializer.Format(null))) { goto Label_04B4; } this._formatter = null; goto Label_04E2; case "Stroke": goto Label_04EE; case "StrokeTheme": this._strokeThemeColor = (string)(Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(string), reader) as string); this._strokeThemeColorSet = true; break; case "StrokeThickness": this._strokeThickness = (double)((double)Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(double), reader)); this._strokeThicknessSet = true; break; case "CornerRadius": this._cornerRadius = (double)((double)Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(double), reader)); this._cornerRadiusSet = true; break; case "StrokeDashes": this._strokeDashType = (Dt.Cells.Data.StrokeDashType)Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(Dt.Cells.Data.StrokeDashType), reader); this._strokeDashTypeSet = true; break; case "LineCapType": this._lineCapType = (PenLineCap)Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(PenLineCap), reader); this._lineCapTypeSet = true; break; case "LineJoinType": this._lineJoinType = (PenLineJoin)Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(PenLineJoin), reader); this._lineJoinTypeSet = true; break; case "LineBeginArrowSettings": this._lineBeginArrowSettings = (ArrowSettings)Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(ArrowSettings), reader); this._lineBeginArrowSettingsSet = true; break; case "LineEndArrowSettings": this._lineEndArrowSettings = (ArrowSettings)Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(ArrowSettings), reader); this._lineEndArrowSettingsSet = true; break; } } continue; Label_0239: _fontFamily = new FontFamily(Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(string), reader) as string); Label_0279: this._fontFamilySet = true; continue; Label_03E3: _fill = Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(Brush), reader) as Brush; this._fillSet = true; continue; Label_0409: _foreground = Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(Brush), reader) as Brush; this._foregroundSet = true; continue; Label_04B4: string str3 = (string)(Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(string), reader) as string); if (str3 != null) { this._formatter = new GeneralFormatter(str3); } Label_04E2: this._formatterSet = true; continue; Label_04EE: _stroke = Serializer.DeserializeObj(typeof(Brush), reader) as Brush; this._strokeSet = true; } }
public void ResetFontWeight() { this._fontWeight = FontWeights.Normal; this._fontWeightSet = false; this.RaisePropertyChanged("FontWeight"); }
private async Task getMessages() { while (true) { if (currentfileName != "") { String lastname = ""; HttpWebRequest req = WebRequest.CreateHttp("" + currentfileName); req.Method = "GET"; HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)await req.GetResponseAsync(); String x = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd(); JsonObject array = JsonObject.Parse(x); JsonArray msgArray = array["messages"].GetArray(); if (msgArray.Count != lastMsgNumb || currentfileName != lastFileName) { messagesPanel.Children.Clear(); lastMsgNumb = msgArray.Count; lastFileName = currentfileName; for (uint i = 0; i < msgArray.Count; i++) { TextBlock txtB = new TextBlock(); txtB.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; JsonObject obj = msgArray.GetObjectAt(i); String user = obj["user"].GetString(); String msg = obj["text"].GetString(); Span msgContainer = new Span(); txtB.Margin = new Thickness(0); if (user != lastname) { Run name = new Run(); name.Text =user + Environment.NewLine; name.Foreground = (SolidColorBrush)Application.Current.Resources["SystemControlBackgroundAccentBrush"]; if(user == this.user) { FontWeight wh = new FontWeight(); wh.Weight = 800; name.FontWeight = wh; } txtB.Margin = new Thickness(0, 8, 0, 0); txtB.Inlines.Add(name); lastname = user; } Run text = new Run(); text.Text = msg; txtB.Inlines.Add(text ); if(user == this.user) { txtB.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right; } messagesPanel.Children.Add(txtB); } } } await Task.Delay(100); } }
public NamedFontWeight(string name, FontWeight fontWeight) { Name = name; FontWeight = fontWeight; }
public PInfoWrapper( string Name, FontWeight F ) { Weight = F; this.Name = Name; }
private TextBlock New_TextBlock(int p, string content) { TextBlock tb = new TextBlock(); switch (p) { case 1: //较重标题 { tb.Text = content.Substring(1, (content.LastIndexOf('】') - content.IndexOf('【') - 1)); //tb.Foreground = App.APPTheme.Content_Header_Color_Brush; tb.FontSize = 16; tb.Margin = new Thickness(0, 3, 0, 8); }; break; case 2: //普通内容 { tb.Text = content; FontWeight weight = new FontWeight(); weight.Weight = 10; tb.FontWeight = weight; //tb.Foreground = App.APPTheme.Gary_Color_Brush; tb.FontSize = 15; tb.LineHeight = 26; }; break; } tb.CharacterSpacing = 100; tb.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; return tb; }