FailWithDisplayText() public method

public FailWithDisplayText ( [ value ) : void
value [
return void
Example #1
        protected override bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            string dataPackageFormat = DataFormatInputBox.Text;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPackageFormat))
                string dataPackageText = CustomDataTextBox.Text;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPackageText))
                    DataPackage requestData = request.Data;
                    requestData.Properties.Title = TitleInputBox.Text;
                    requestData.Properties.Description = DescriptionInputBox.Text; // The description is optional.
                    requestData.Properties.ContentSourceApplicationLink = ApplicationLink;
                    requestData.SetData(dataPackageFormat, dataPackageText);
                    succeeded = true;
                    request.FailWithDisplayText("Enter the custom data you would like to share and try again.");
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Enter a custom data format and try again.");
            return succeeded;
        public void Share(DataRequest request)
            // We work with a copy of the list of document references
            List<DocumentReference> list = null;
            if (DocumentReferences != null)
                list = DocumentReferences.ToList();

            request.Data.Properties.Title = SearchResultInfo;
            // request.Data.Properties.Description = ...;

            if (list != null)
                var stb = new StringBuilder();


                foreach (var docref in list)
                    stb.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}\r\nRIS Bundesrecht Österreich URL: risdok://{2}/\r\nWeb URL: {3}\r\n\r\n", 
                        docref.ArtikelParagraphAnlage, docref.Kurzinformation, docref.Dokumentnummer, docref.DokumentUrl);

                request.FailWithDisplayText("Keine Resultate für Sharing vorhanden");
        protected override bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            Uri selectedApplicationLink = ApplicationLinkComboBox.SelectedItem as Uri;
            if (selectedApplicationLink != null)
                DataPackage requestData = request.Data;
                requestData.Properties.Title = TitleInputBox.Text;
                requestData.Properties.Description = DescriptionInputBox.Text; // The description is optional.
                requestData.Properties.ContentSourceApplicationLink = ApplicationLink;

                // Place the selected logo and the background color in the data package properties
                if (MicrosoftLogo.IsChecked.Value)
                    requestData.Properties.Square30x30Logo = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///assets/microsoftLogo.png"));
                    requestData.Properties.LogoBackgroundColor = GetLogoBackgroundColor();
                else if (VisualStudioLogo.IsChecked.Value)
                    requestData.Properties.Square30x30Logo = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///assets/visualStudioLogo.png"));
                    requestData.Properties.LogoBackgroundColor = GetLogoBackgroundColor();

                succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Select the application link you would like to share and try again.");

            return succeeded;
Example #4
        protected override bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            if (this.imageFile != null)
                DataPackage requestData = request.Data;
                requestData.Properties.Title = TitleInputBox.Text;
                requestData.Properties.Description = DescriptionInputBox.Text; // The description is optional.
                requestData.Properties.ContentSourceApplicationLink = ApplicationLink;

                // It's recommended to use both SetBitmap and SetStorageItems for sharing a single image
                // since the target app may only support one or the other.

                List<IStorageItem> imageItems = new List<IStorageItem>();

                RandomAccessStreamReference imageStreamRef = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(this.imageFile);
                requestData.Properties.Thumbnail = imageStreamRef;
                succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Select an image you would like to share and try again.");
            return succeeded;
 protected override bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
     string errorMessage = CustomErrorText.Text;
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
         errorMessage = "Enter a failure display text and try again.";
     return false;
Example #6
        // This function is implemented by each scenario to share the content specific to that scenario (text, link, image, etc.).
        protected bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            var app = Application.Current as App;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(app.SharingTitle))
                DataPackage requestData = request.Data;
                requestData.Properties.Title = app.SharingTitle;
                requestData.Properties.Description = app.SharingText; // The description is optional.
                requestData.SetUri(new Uri(app.SharingLink));
                succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("nothing to share");
            return succeeded;
        protected override bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            if (storageItems != null)
                DataPackage requestData = request.Data;
                requestData.Properties.Title = TitleInputBox.Text;
                requestData.Properties.Description = DescriptionInputBox.Text; // The description is optional.
                requestData.Properties.ContentSourceApplicationLink = ApplicationLink;
                succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Select the files you would like to share and try again.");
            return succeeded;
        protected override bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            if (this.selectedImage != null)
                DataPackage requestData = request.Data;
                requestData.Properties.Title = "Delay rendered image";
                requestData.Properties.Description = "Resized image from the Share Source sample";
                requestData.Properties.ContentSourceApplicationLink = ApplicationLink;
                requestData.Properties.Thumbnail = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(this.selectedImage);
                requestData.SetDataProvider(StandardDataFormats.Bitmap, providerRequest => this.OnDeferredImageRequestedHandler(providerRequest, this.selectedImage));
                succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Select an image you would like to share and try again.");
            return succeeded;
        protected override bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            // The URI used in this sample is provided by the user so we need to ensure it's a well formatted absolute URI
            // before we try to share it.
            rootPage.NotifyUser("", NotifyType.StatusMessage);
            Uri dataPackageUri = ValidateAndGetUri(UriToShare.Text);
            if (dataPackageUri != null)
                DataPackage requestData = request.Data;
                requestData.Properties.Title = TitleInputBox.Text;
                requestData.Properties.Description = DescriptionInputBox.Text; // The description is optional.
                requestData.Properties.ContentSourceApplicationLink = ApplicationLink;
                succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Enter the web link you would like to share and try again.");
            return succeeded;
        protected override bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            // Get the user's selection from the WebView. Since this is an asynchronous operation we need to acquire the deferral first.
            DataRequestDeferral deferral = request.GetDeferral();

            // Make sure to always call Complete when done with the deferral.
                var requestDataOperation = ShareWebView.CaptureSelectedContentToDataPackageAsync();
                requestDataOperation.Completed += (asyncInfo, status) =>
                    DataPackage requestData = asyncInfo.GetResults();
                    if ((requestData != null) && (requestData.GetView().AvailableFormats.Count > 0))
                        requestData.Properties.Title = "A web snippet for you";
                        requestData.Properties.Description = "HTML selection from a WebView control"; // The description is optional.
                        requestData.Properties.ContentSourceApplicationLink = ApplicationLink;
                        requestData.Properties.ContentSourceWebLink = new Uri("");
                        request.Data = requestData;
                        // FailWithDisplayText calls Complete on the deferral.
                        request.FailWithDisplayText("Make a selection in the WebView control and try again.");
            catch (Exception)

            // At this point, we haven't populated the data package yet. It's done asynchronously above.
            return false;
Example #11
        private bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            if (this.flipView.SelectedItem != null)
                var item = (Item)this.flipView.SelectedItem;

                //                string customData = @"{
                //                    ""type"" : """",
                //                    ""properties"" :
                //                    {
                //                    ""url"" : ""#URL#"",
                //                    ""description"" : ""#DESC#"",
                //                    ""name"" : ""#NAME#"",
                //                    ""model"" : ""#MODEL#"",
                //                    ""price"" : ""#PRICE#""
                //                    }
                //                }";

                //                customData = customData.Replace("#URL#", item.Uri).Replace("#DESC#", item.Descricao).Replace("#NAME#", item.Nome).Replace("#MODEL#", item.Categoria.Nome).Replace("#PRICE#", "R$ " + item.Valor);

                requestData = request.Data;
                //requestData.SetData("", customData);
                requestData.Properties.Title = item.Nome == null ? "Imagem compartilhada" : item.Nome;
                requestData.Properties.Description = item.Descricao;

                RandomAccessStreamReference imageStreamRef = null;
                imageStreamRef = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri(_baseUri, item.ImageUrl));

                if (imageStreamRef != null)

                    requestData.SetUri(new Uri(_baseUri, item.ImageUrl));
                    requestData.Properties.Title = string.Format("{0} - {1}", Win8CatalogApplication.Instance.Empresa.Nome, item.Nome);
                    requestData.Properties.Description = item.Descricao;

                    requestData.Properties.Thumbnail = imageStreamRef;

                    succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Selecione a imagem que deseja compartilhar e tente novamente.");

            return succeeded;
 public void OnShareRequested(DataRequest dataRequest)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_exceptionString))
         dataRequest.FailWithDisplayText("There is nothing to share at this moment.");
         dataRequest.Data.Properties.Title = "Error report";
         dataRequest.Data.Properties.Description = "Share this with us by email";
         dataRequest.Data.Properties.ApplicationName = "Subsonic8";
         var dataBuilder = new StringBuilder();
         var actionInformation =
         dataBuilder.Append(string.Format("<h2>{0}</h2><br/>", actionInformation));
         dataBuilder.Append(string.Format("<div><span>{0}</span></div>", ExceptionString));
        public bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            string dataPackageText = "I started using my fashion assistant ! it's very useful and free \n ";
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPackageText))
                DataPackage requestData = request.Data;
                requestData.Properties.Title = "My Fashion assistant";
                requestData.Properties.Description = "My Fashion assistant it's a free application that helps you to get better dressed"; // The description is optional.
                //requestData.Properties.ContentSourceApplicationLink = ApplicationLink;
                succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Enter the text you would like to share and try again.");
            return succeeded;
        private async void OnShareRequested(DataRequest request)
            var defferal = request.GetDeferral();
            await ApplicationData.Current.ClearAsync(ApplicationDataLocality.Temporary);

            var from = From.Date;
            var until = Until.Date.AddDays(1).AddMilliseconds(-1);
            var exportFiles = GetExportFiles(from, until).ToArray();

            if (exportFiles.Any())
                request.Data.Properties.Title = "Exported SensorCore files";
                request.Data.Properties.Description = "Exported SensorCore files";
                request.Data.SetStorageItems(await Task.WhenAll(exportFiles));
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Nothing selected to Export.");

        private void ProvideSharingDataFromWebView(DataRequest request)
                var html = new StringBuilder(webView.InvokeScript("eval", new string[] { "document.documentElement.outerHTML;" }));

                // Fix Urls to base Urls otherwise it won't look right (css, js et cetera missing) - really, really simple 
                html.Replace("src=\"/", "src=\"");
                html.Replace("href=\"/", "href=\"");

                request.Data.Properties.Title = ViewModel.PageTitle;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Es gibt keine Inhalte die geteilt werden können");
        bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            if (this._imageFile != null)
                DataPackage requestData = request.Data;
                requestData.Properties.Title = this._imageFile.DisplayName;
                requestData.Properties.Description = this._imageFile.DateCreated.ToString(); 

                List<IStorageItem> imageItems = new List<IStorageItem>();

                RandomAccessStreamReference imageStreamRef = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(this._imageFile);
                requestData.Properties.Thumbnail = imageStreamRef;
                succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Select an image you would like to share and try again.");
            return succeeded;
        private bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            //The URI used in this sample is provided by the user so we need to ensure it's a well formatted absolute URI
            //before we try to share it.
            Uri dataPackageUri = ValidateAndGetUri(ShareItem.OriginalUrl);
            if (dataPackageUri != null)
                DataPackage requestData = request.Data;
                requestData.Properties.Title = ShareItem.Title;
                requestData.Properties.ContentSourceApplicationLink = ApplicationLink;
                succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Enter the web link you would like to share and try again.");
            return succeeded;
Example #18
        protected bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            App app = (App)Application.Current;

            activeDeplyment = app.ActiveMap;

            Uri dataPackageUri = ValidateAndGetUri(activeDeplyment.url);
            if (dataPackageUri != null)

                request.Data.Properties.Title =;
                request.Data.Properties.Description = activeDeplyment.description;

                //           "@Ushahidi Deployment, "  + ": " + activeDeplyment.description.Substring(0, 50) + " "
                //   );

                succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Enter the link you would like to share and try again.");
            return succeeded;
        private bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            App app = (App)Application.Current;
            incident = app.ActiveIncident;

            ActiveDeployment = app.ActiveMap;

            Uri dataPackageUri = ValidateAndGetUri(ActiveDeployment.url + "reports/view/"+incident.incident.incidentid);
            if (dataPackageUri != null)

                request.Data.Properties.Title = incident.incident.incidenttitle+" @ushahidi 4 #Windows8";
                request.Data.Properties.Description = incident.incident.incidentdescription;

                //            "@Ushahidi Deployment, " + ": " + incident.incident.incidentdescription.Substring(0, 50) + " "
                //   );

                succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Enter the link you would like to share and try again.");
            return succeeded;
        protected bool GetShareContent(DataRequest request)
            bool succeeded = false;

            string dataPackageText = Synopsis.Text;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPackageText))
                DataPackage requestData = request.Data;
                requestData.Properties.Title = PageTitle.Text;
                succeeded = true;
                request.FailWithDisplayText("Enter the text you would like to share and try again.");
            return succeeded;