public void Load() { WeatherProvider = new WeatherProvider(); var weatherData = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(""); //CurrentWeather = (WeatherData)XmlSerializable.Load(typeof(WeatherData), Envi.WidgetsRoot + "\\Weather\\") ?? new WeatherData(); CurrentWeather = (WeatherData)XmlSerializable.Load(typeof(WeatherData), weatherData) ?? new WeatherData(); currentLocation = new LocationData {Code = WidgetDerived.Settings.LocationCode}; UpdateWeatherUI(); weatherTimer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(WidgetDerived.Settings.RefreshInterval) }; weatherTimer.Tick += WeatherTimerTick; weatherTimer.Start(); tileAnimTimer = new DispatcherTimer {Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)}; tileAnimTimer.Tick += TileAnimTimerTick; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WidgetDerived.Settings.LocationCode)) { RefreshWeather(); if (Envi.AnimationEnabled) tileAnimTimer.Start(); } else { WeatherPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Tip.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }
public WeatherData GetWeatherReport(CultureInfo culture, LocationData location, TemperatureScale tempScale) { var url = string.Format(tempScale == TemperatureScale.Celsius ? RequestForCelsius : RequestForFahrenheit, culture.Name, location.Code); XDocument doc; try { doc = XDocument.Load(url); } catch (Exception) { return null; } //parse current weather var weather = from x in doc.Descendants("weather") let xElement = x.Element("current") where xElement != null select new { feelslike = xElement.Attribute("feelslike").Value, windspeed = xElement.Attribute("windspeed").Value, humidity = xElement.Attribute("humidity").Value, temp = xElement.Attribute("temperature").Value, text = xElement.Attribute("skytext").Value, skycode = xElement.Attribute("skycode").Value, windstring = xElement.Attribute("winddisplay").Value, time = xElement.Attribute("observationtime").Value }; var result = new WeatherData(); var currentWeather = weather.FirstOrDefault(); if (currentWeather == null) return null; result.ProviderCopyright = doc.Descendants("weather").Attributes("attribution").First().Value + " " + doc.Descendants("weather").Attributes("attribution2").First().Value; var t = 0; int.TryParse(currentWeather.temp, out t); result.Temperature = t; int.TryParse(currentWeather.feelslike, out t); result.FeelsLike = t; result.Curent = new ForecastData() { Text = currentWeather.text, //SkyCode = GetWeatherPic(Convert.ToInt32(currentWeather.skycode), 4, 22) }; result.Location = location; if (doc.Descendants("weather").FirstOrDefault() == null) return null; var locString = doc.Descendants("weather").FirstOrDefault().Attribute("weatherlocationname").Value; if (locString.Contains(",")) { result.Location.City = locString.Substring(0, locString.IndexOf(",")); result.Location.Country = locString.Substring(locString.IndexOf(",") + 2); } else { result.Location.City = locString; } ////parse coordinates //var coords = from x in doc.Descendants("weather") // select new // { // lon = x.Attribute("long").Value, // lat = x.Attribute("lat").Value // }; //double lat, lon = double.MinValue; //double.TryParse(coords.FirstOrDefault().lat, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US").NumberFormat, out lat); //double.TryParse(coords.FirstOrDefault().lon, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US").NumberFormat, out lon); //result.Location.Lat = lat; //result.Location.Lon = lon; result.Curent.SkyCode = GetWeatherPic(Convert.ToInt32(currentWeather.skycode)); //parse forecast var forecastUrl = string.Format(tempScale == TemperatureScale.Celsius ? ForecastUrlForCelsius : ForecastUrlForFahrenheit, location.Code); var f = new List<ForecastData>(); foreach (var day in doc.Descendants("forecast")) { f.Add(new ForecastData()); var temp = 0; int.TryParse(day.Attribute("high").Value, out temp); f[f.Count - 1].HighTemperature = temp; int.TryParse(day.Attribute("low").Value, out temp); f[f.Count - 1].LowTemperature = temp; f[f.Count - 1].Text = day.Attribute("skytextday").Value; f[f.Count - 1].SkyCode = GetWeatherPic(Convert.ToInt32(day.Attribute("skycodeday").Value)); f[f.Count - 1].Url = forecastUrl; f[f.Count - 1].Day = day.Attribute("day").Value; f[f.Count - 1].Precipitation = Convert.ToInt32(day.Attribute("precip").Value); } if (f.Count > 0) { result.Curent.HighTemperature = f[0].HighTemperature; result.Curent.LowTemperature = f[0].LowTemperature; result.Curent.Precipitation = f[0].Precipitation; } result.ForecastList = f; DateTime time; if (DateTime.TryParse(currentWeather.time, out time)) { float leftHours = 23 - time.Hour; float tempChange = result.Curent.HighTemperature - result.Curent.LowTemperature; float lastTemp = result.Curent.HighTemperature; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { var hourForecast = new HourForecastData(); var newTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(DateTime.Now.Hour + 4*i); hourForecast.Time = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, newTime.Hour, 0, 0).ToShortTimeString(); hourForecast.Precipitation = result.Curent.Precipitation; //NOTE here must be some calculations too float tempChangePerHour = 0; if ((newTime.Hour >= 19 && newTime.Hour <= 23) || (newTime.Hour >= 0 && newTime.Hour <= 6)) { tempChangePerHour = -tempChange / leftHours; } else { tempChangePerHour = tempChange / leftHours; } lastTemp = lastTemp + 4.0f * tempChangePerHour; hourForecast.Temperature = Math.Round(lastTemp).ToString(); result.HourForecastList.Add(hourForecast); } } return result; }
private void RefreshWeather() { ThreadStart threadStarter = () => { var w = WeatherProvider.GetWeatherReport(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(Envi.Language), currentLocation, WidgetDerived.Settings.TempScale); if (w != null) { CurrentWeather = w; this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)UpdateWeatherUI); } }; var thread = new Thread(threadStarter); thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); thread.Start(); }
public WeatherData GetWeatherReport(CultureInfo culture, LocationData location, TemperatureScale tempScale) { var url = string.Format(tempScale == TemperatureScale.Celsius ? RequestForCelsius : RequestForFahrenheit, culture.Name, location.Code); XDocument doc; try { doc = XDocument.Load(url); } catch (Exception) { return(null); } //parse current weather var weather = from x in doc.Descendants("weather") let xElement = x.Element("current") where xElement != null select new { feelslike = xElement.Attribute("feelslike").Value, windspeed = xElement.Attribute("windspeed").Value, humidity = xElement.Attribute("humidity").Value, temp = xElement.Attribute("temperature").Value, text = xElement.Attribute("skytext").Value, skycode = xElement.Attribute("skycode").Value, windstring = xElement.Attribute("winddisplay").Value, time = xElement.Attribute("observationtime").Value }; var result = new WeatherData(); var currentWeather = weather.FirstOrDefault(); if (currentWeather == null) { return(null); } result.ProviderCopyright = doc.Descendants("weather").Attributes("attribution").First().Value + " " + doc.Descendants("weather").Attributes("attribution2").First().Value; var t = 0; int.TryParse(currentWeather.temp, out t); result.Temperature = t; int.TryParse(currentWeather.feelslike, out t); result.FeelsLike = t; result.Curent = new ForecastData() { Text = currentWeather.text, //SkyCode = GetWeatherPic(Convert.ToInt32(currentWeather.skycode), 4, 22) }; result.Location = location; if (doc.Descendants("weather").FirstOrDefault() == null) { return(null); } var locString = doc.Descendants("weather").FirstOrDefault().Attribute("weatherlocationname").Value; if (locString.Contains(",")) { result.Location.City = locString.Substring(0, locString.IndexOf(",")); result.Location.Country = locString.Substring(locString.IndexOf(",") + 2); } else { result.Location.City = locString; } ////parse coordinates //var coords = from x in doc.Descendants("weather") // select new // { // lon = x.Attribute("long").Value, // lat = x.Attribute("lat").Value // }; //double lat, lon = double.MinValue; //double.TryParse(coords.FirstOrDefault().lat, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US").NumberFormat, out lat); //double.TryParse(coords.FirstOrDefault().lon, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US").NumberFormat, out lon); //result.Location.Lat = lat; //result.Location.Lon = lon; result.Curent.SkyCode = GetWeatherPic(Convert.ToInt32(currentWeather.skycode)); //parse forecast var forecastUrl = string.Format(tempScale == TemperatureScale.Celsius ? ForecastUrlForCelsius : ForecastUrlForFahrenheit, location.Code); var f = new List <ForecastData>(); foreach (var day in doc.Descendants("forecast")) { f.Add(new ForecastData()); var temp = 0; int.TryParse(day.Attribute("high").Value, out temp); f[f.Count - 1].HighTemperature = temp; int.TryParse(day.Attribute("low").Value, out temp); f[f.Count - 1].LowTemperature = temp; f[f.Count - 1].Text = day.Attribute("skytextday").Value; f[f.Count - 1].SkyCode = GetWeatherPic(Convert.ToInt32(day.Attribute("skycodeday").Value)); f[f.Count - 1].Url = forecastUrl; f[f.Count - 1].Day = day.Attribute("day").Value; f[f.Count - 1].Precipitation = Convert.ToInt32(day.Attribute("precip").Value); } if (f.Count > 0) { result.Curent.HighTemperature = f[0].HighTemperature; result.Curent.LowTemperature = f[0].LowTemperature; result.Curent.Precipitation = f[0].Precipitation; } result.ForecastList = f; DateTime time; if (DateTime.TryParse(currentWeather.time, out time)) { float leftHours = 23 - time.Hour; float tempChange = result.Curent.HighTemperature - result.Curent.LowTemperature; float lastTemp = result.Curent.HighTemperature; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { var hourForecast = new HourForecastData(); var newTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(DateTime.Now.Hour + 4 * i); hourForecast.Time = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, newTime.Hour, 0, 0).ToShortTimeString(); hourForecast.Precipitation = result.Curent.Precipitation; //NOTE here must be some calculations too float tempChangePerHour = 0; if ((newTime.Hour >= 19 && newTime.Hour <= 23) || (newTime.Hour >= 0 && newTime.Hour <= 6)) { tempChangePerHour = -tempChange / leftHours; } else { tempChangePerHour = tempChange / leftHours; } lastTemp = lastTemp + 4.0f * tempChangePerHour; hourForecast.Temperature = Math.Round(lastTemp).ToString(); result.HourForecastList.Add(hourForecast); } } return(result); }