public static StackCfg Default() => new StackCfg { Includes = new HashSet <string>(), Assemblies = new HashSet <string>() { "System.Core", "Microsoft.CSharp", typeof(StackCfg).Assembly.Location, }, Usings = new HashSet <string>() { "System", "System.Collections.Generic", "System.Linq", "System.Text", "System.Dynamic", "System.Reflection", "System.Text", "System.Text.RegularExpressions", "System.IO", "System.Runtime.CompilerServices", nameof(Whomst) }, DefaultFormatCfg = FormatCfg.Default(), FormatDict = new FmtDict { [".py"] = FormatCfg.Python(), }, InitialDefines = new DefineDict { ["Credit"] = $"/* Made with help from {nameof(Whomst)}: */", } };
public StackCfg AddFormatCfgs(FmtDict fmtCfgs) { foreach (var kvp in fmtCfgs) { FormatCfg f = null; if (!FormatDict.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out f)) { f = new FormatCfg(); } FormatDict[kvp.Key] = f.MergeOverWith(kvp.Value); } return(this); }
public static FileCfg ParseCommandLine(string[] args, out string jsonFilename) { var firstJob = new FileCfg(); string jsonFilenameLocal = null; bool showHelp = false; var options = new OptionSet { { "i|input=", "the file to preprocess", i => firstJob.InputFileName = i }, { "g|generate", "generate code", g => firstJob.Generate = (g != null) }, { "c|clean", "deletes generated code", c => firstJob.DeleteOutput = (c != null) }, { "p|private", "deletes whomst generator code", p => firstJob.DeleteCode = (p != null) }, { "cfg|config=", "json file holding configuration", f => jsonFilenameLocal = f }, { "h|help", "show this message and exit", v => showHelp = (v != null) }, { "x|skip", "doesn't evaluate whomst code (and therefore does not generate it). Still tries to eval lines beginning " + $"with force directive (default \"{FormatCfg.Default().ForceDirective}\"", x => firstJob.SkipCompute = (x != null) }, { "o|output=", "where the file with generated code added gets written to. Leave blank to replace existing file", o => firstJob.OutputFileName = o }, }; try { options.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { options.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); throw e; } if (showHelp) { options.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); Environment.Exit(0); } jsonFilename = jsonFilenameLocal; return(firstJob); }
public FileCfg GetProtoFileCfg(string fileExtension) { FormatCfg fmtCfg = FormatCfg.Default(); fmtCfg = fmtCfg.MergeOverWith(DefaultFormatCfg); FormatDict.TryGetValue(fileExtension, out var fromFileExt); if (fromFileExt != null) { fmtCfg = fmtCfg.MergeOverWith(fromFileExt); } var fileCfg = new FileCfg() { FormatCfg = fmtCfg }; fileCfg.AddDefines(InitialDefines); return(fileCfg); }
public StackCfg WithDefaultFormatCfg(FormatCfg fmtCfg) { DefaultFormatCfg = DefaultFormatCfg.MergeOverWith(fmtCfg); return(this); }