Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Read file at path, split the contents in chunks and store them together with a StreamChunk.
        /// </summary>
        public static ChunkHash GenerateChunk(string path, Repo repo)
            StreamChunk message = new StreamChunk ();

            using (Stream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) {
                BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader (stream);

                message.Size = (ulong)stream.Length;

                while (true) {
                    byte[] data = br.ReadBytes (4096);
                    if (data.Length == 0)

                    Chunk c = new Chunk (data);
                    ChunkHash ch = repo.WriteChunk (c);

                    message.Chunks.Add (ch.bytes);

            byte[] messageBytes = StreamChunk.SerializeToBytes (message);
            Chunk messageChunk = new Chunk (messageBytes);
            ChunkHash messageHash = repo.WriteChunk (messageChunk);

            return messageHash;
Example #2
        public static ChunkHash GenerateChunk(string path, Repo repo)
            string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath (path);
            TreeChunk tree = new TreeChunk ();

            string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories (fullPath);
            foreach (string d in dirs) {
                TreeFile df = new TreeFile ();
                df.Name = Path.GetFileName (d);
                df.TreeChunkHash = TreeChunk.GenerateChunk (d, repo).bytes;
                tree.Directories.Add (df);

            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles (fullPath);
            foreach (string f in files) {
                TreeFile ff = new TreeFile ();
                ff.Name = Path.GetFileName (f);
                ff.TreeChunkHash = StreamChunk.GenerateChunk (f, repo).bytes;
                tree.Files.Add (ff);

            Chunk treeChunk = new Chunk (TreeChunk.SerializeToBytes (tree));
            ChunkHash ch = repo.WriteChunk (treeChunk);

            return ch;
Example #3
 public CustomID GetID(Chunk chunk)
     using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
         ms.Write(keyBuffer, 0, keyBuffer.Length);
         ProtocolParser.WriteBytes(ms, chunk.ClearHash.bytes);
         return CustomID.FromBytes(Hash.ComputeHash(ms.ToArray()).bytes);
Example #4
        public override Chunk ReadChunk(ChunkHash chunkHash)
            //Read Data
            string dataPath = GetPath (chunkHash);
            Chunk chunk = new Chunk (File.ReadAllBytes (dataPath));

            //Verify Hash
            if (chunk.ChunkHash.Equals (chunkHash) == false)
                throw new InvalidDataException ("Hash mismatch: " + chunkHash);

            //Read keys
            chunk.ClearHash = ClearHash.FromHashBytes (chunkHash.bytes);

            return chunk;
Example #5
        public override ChunkHash WriteChunk(Chunk chunk)
            if (recipientKeys.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException ("EncryptedRepo must have at least one key");

            Chunk encryptedChunk = Encrypt (chunk);

            //Reuse already existsing CustomID
            if (chunk.CustomID != null) {
                ChunkHash hash = GetCustomHash (chunk.CustomID);
                if (hash != null)
                    return hash;

            return base.WriteChunk (encryptedChunk);
Example #6
        public static Message FromChunk(Chunk chunk, KeyStorage keyStorage)
            if (chunk == null)
                return null;

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(chunk.Data)) {
                byte[] whisper = new byte[7];
                if (ms.Read (whisper, 0, whisper.Length) != whisper.Length)
                    throw new InvalidDataException ("Header not right length");
                if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString (whisper) != "Whisper")
                    throw new InvalidDataException ("Missing header");

                MessageHeader header = MessageHeader.Deserialize (ProtocolParser.ReadBytes (ms));

                byte[] messageBytes = ProtocolParser.ReadBytes (ms);
                Message message;
                switch (header.MessageId) {
                case 1:
                    message = TreeMessage.Deserialize (messageBytes);
                case 2:
                    message = RouteMessage.Deserialize (messageBytes);
                case 3:
                    message = ListMessage.Deserialize (messageBytes);
                    throw new NotImplementedException ();

                //Verify signature
                if (header.Signature != null) {
                    foreach (PublicKey key in keyStorage.PublicKeys) {
                        if (key.Verify (messageBytes, header.Signature)) {
                            message.Signature = key;

                return message;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Test reading and writing to repo
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main(string[] args, KeyStorage keyStorage)
            //Test buffer to transmit
            byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
            Random r = new Random ();
            r.NextBytes (buffer);

            string recipientName = null;

            if (args.Length == 3)
                recipientName = args [2];
            if (args.Length > 3 || args.Length < 2)
                throw new HelpException ("Missing arguments");

            string repoPath = args [1];

            Repo repo = Repo.Create (repoPath);

            //Sender and Recipient keys
            PublicKey recipientKey = null;
            if (recipientName != null) {
                recipientKey = keyStorage.GetPublic (recipientName);
                EncryptedRepo er = new EncryptedRepo (repo, keyStorage);
                er.AddKey (recipientKey);
                repo = er;

            Chunk c = new Chunk (buffer);

            var ch = repo.WriteChunk (c);

            Chunk c2 = repo.ReadChunk (ch);

            for (int n = 0; n < buffer.Length; n++)
                if (buffer [n] != c2.Data [n])
                    throw new InvalidDataException ("Failed at byte " + n);

            Console.WriteLine ("Test succeded");
Example #8
        void ProcessWriteChunk()
            RequestWriteChunk request = RequestWriteChunk.Deserialize (ProtocolParser.ReadBytes (input));
            ReplyWriteChunk reply = new ReplyWriteChunk ();
            Chunk chunk = new Chunk (request.ChunkData);
            localRepo.WriteChunk (chunk);

            ProtocolParser.WriteBytes (output, ReplyWriteChunk.SerializeToBytes (reply));
Example #9
        public override ChunkHash WriteChunk(Chunk chunk)
            string dataPath = GetPath (chunk.ChunkHash);
            Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (dataPath));
            File.WriteAllBytes (dataPath, chunk.Data);

            if (chunk.CustomID != null) {
                string idPath = Path.Combine (idRoot, chunk.CustomID.ToString () + ".id");
                File.WriteAllBytes (idPath, chunk.ChunkHash.bytes);

            return chunk.ChunkHash;
Example #10
 public static Message FromChunk(Chunk chunk)
     return FromChunk (chunk, null);
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Encrypt chunk data into a new chunk
        /// </summary>
        Chunk Encrypt(Chunk chunk)
            KeysHeader kh = new KeysHeader ();
            //Generate key
            kh.RM.GenerateIV ();
            kh.RM.GenerateKey ();

            //Add recipient keys
            foreach (PublicKey pubkey in recipientKeys) {
                byte[] bk = pubkey.Encrypt (kh.RM.Key);
                kh.EncryptedKeys.Add (bk);

            //Encrypt data
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteBytes (ms, KeysHeader.SerializeToBytes (kh));
                //Encrypted data
                using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, kh.RM.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write)) {
                    cs.Write (chunk.Data, 0, chunk.Data.Length);
                return new Chunk (ms.ToArray ());
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Return new chunk with decrypted data
        /// </summary>
        Chunk Decrypt(Chunk chunk)
            //Read header
            int headerSize;
            KeysHeader head;
            using (MemoryStream chunkStream = new MemoryStream(chunk.Data)) {
                head = KeysHeader.Deserialize (ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.ReadBytes (chunkStream));
                headerSize = (int)chunkStream.Position;

            //Decrypt Key
            byte[] key = Decrypt (head.EncryptedKeys);
            if (key == null)
                return null;

            head.RM.Key = key;

            //Decrypt Data
            head.RM.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, head.RM.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write)) {
                    cs.Write (chunk.Data, headerSize, chunk.Data.Length - headerSize);
                return new Chunk (ms.ToArray ());
Example #13
 public override ChunkHash WriteChunk(Chunk chunk)
     ChunkHash hash = base.WriteChunk (chunk);
     this.RouteMessage.Chunks.Add (hash.bytes);
     return hash;
Example #14
 public override ChunkHash WriteChunk(Chunk chunk)
     Chunk encrypted = new Chunk (Encrypt (chunk.Data));
     return base.WriteChunk (encrypted);
Example #15
 public CustomID GetID(Chunk chunk)
     return null;