/// <summary>
        /// Return all CustomTypes that are nested within this CustomType
        /// </summary>
        private CustomType[] FindNestedCustomTypes()
            CustomType[] nested;
            Type[]       nestedTypes = assemblyType.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

            if (nestedTypes.Length > 0)
                nested = new CustomType[nestedTypes.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < nestedTypes.Length; i++)
                    Type       currentType    = nestedTypes[i];
                    string     simplifiedName = SimplifyTypeFullName(currentType);
                    CustomType customType     = DependencyAnalyzer.GetCustomTypeFromString(simplifiedName);
                    if (customType != null)
                        nested[i] = customType;
                        Debug.LogError("!! COULD NOT FIND " + simplifiedName + " in CustomType lookup table. Abort!");

            //Else no nested types found, so init empty array
                nested = new CustomType[0];

        private void OnEnable()
            if (window == null)

            depAnalyzer = new DependencyAnalyzer();
            gitAnalyzer = new GitAnalyzer();

            verticalSplitView.splitNormalizedPosition = 0.2f;

            // Create shortened names for commit messages, shown in drop-down menu
            commitNames    = new string[gitAnalyzer.commitList.Count + 1];
            commitNames[0] = "NOTHING SELECTED";
            for (int i = 0; i < gitAnalyzer.commitList.Count; i++)
                LibGit2Sharp.Commit c = gitAnalyzer.commitList[i];
                string commitName     = (i + 1) + ": [" + c.Author.When.DateTime.ToString("g") + "] (" + c.Author.Name + "): " + c.Message;
                commitName         = commitName.Replace("/", "-");  // The EditorGUILayout.PopUp uses '/' to branch the selection, which I dont want
                commitName         = commitName.Replace("\n", " "); // Newlines cause subsequent options to be pushed down, which I dont want
                commitName         = commitName.Substring(0, Mathf.Min(100, commitName.Length)) + "...";
                commitNames[i + 1] = commitName;

            commitIndex   = 0;
            typeIndex     = 0;
            hideUnchanged = false;

        void ResetTree(bool keepIndicesSame = false)
            if (style != null)
                style.fontSize = defaultFontSize;

            // Reset vars to default values
            selectedNode       = null;
            tempSelectedNode   = null;
            isFirstFrameDrawn  = true;
            maxNodesPerLevel   = 0;
            totalChangesInTree = 0;
            maxImpactStrength  = 0;
            yPad           = 0;
            zoomLevel      = 0;
            scrollPosition = Vector2.zero;

            // Recreate the global data structures
            allNodes = new Dictionary <int, LinkedList <CustomTypeNode> >();
            allFiles = new HashSet <CustomFile>();

            // Find the CustomType selected from the drop-down menu
            Dictionary <string, CustomType> .ValueCollection customTypes = depAnalyzer.GetAllCustomTypes();
            typeNames = new string[customTypes.Count];
            CustomType chosenType = null;
            int        i          = 0;

            foreach (CustomType t in customTypes)
                if (i == typeIndex)
                    chosenType = DependencyAnalyzer.GetCustomTypeFromString(t.simplifiedFullName);
                typeNames[i] = t.simplifiedFullName + " (in file: " + t.file + ")";

            // Populate the allNodes data structure, using the chosenType as the starting point
            CreateDependencyTree(chosenType, null, new LinkedList <CustomType>(), 0);

            // Calculate the maximum number of nodes at any level of the tree
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, LinkedList <CustomTypeNode> > pair in allNodes)
                if (pair.Value.Count > maxNodesPerLevel)
                    maxNodesPerLevel = pair.Value.Count;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the matched type has any parents.  If so, create the text that should be prepended
        /// onto the given type to match the format used in the customTypeLookup from DependencyAnalyzer.
        /// E.g. if B is not nested, return an empty string.  If B is nested in A, return "A+".
        /// If C is nested in B which is nested in A, return "A+B+".
        /// </summary>
        private string FindParentTypesInText(CustomType previousType, int startLineNum, int endLineNum)
            System.Text.StringBuilder typeString = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // Handle nested types (e.g. private classes nested in other classes, potentially many nested levels)
            bool foundParent = false;

                // No outer type detected, i.e. match is not nested
                if (previousType == null)
                    foundParent = true;
                //Check if match is nested in previous matched type
                else if (startLineNum >= previousType.startLineNum && endLineNum <= previousType.endLineNum)
                    Type parent = previousType.assemblyType;
                    while (parent.IsNested)
                        typeString.Insert(0, parent.Name + "+");
                        parent = parent.DeclaringType;
                    typeString.Insert(0, parent.Name + "+");
                    foundParent = true;
                //Not nested in previous matched type. Check if nested in that type's parent (if it exists)
                    if (previousType.assemblyType.DeclaringType != null)
                        previousType = DependencyAnalyzer.GetCustomTypeFromString(CustomType.SimplifyTypeFullName(previousType.assemblyType.DeclaringType));
                        previousType = null;
            } while (!foundParent);

Example #5
        public List <CustomType> MatchTypesInFile(CustomFile file)
            List <CustomType> typesInFile = new List <CustomType>();

            // Remove comments and strings to ensure no false positive matches
            string text = RemoveCommentsAndStrings(file);

            int        currentLineNum = 1;
            int        currentIndex   = 0;    // Index of text string where current match begins
            CustomType previousType   = null; // Keep track of the previous match's type

            // Iterate through all class declarations found in the file code
            foreach (Match typeMatch in typeRegex.Matches(text))
                //Keep track of current line number by counting newlines since the last match
                currentLineNum += text.Substring(currentIndex, typeMatch.Index - currentIndex).Count(x => x == '\n');
                currentIndex    = typeMatch.Index;

                // Find the start and end lines of the matched type
                int startLineNum = currentLineNum;
                int endLineNum   = FindEndLineNum(typeMatch.Index, currentLineNum, text);

                // Get the name of the type as it appears in the text
                System.Text.StringBuilder typeString = new System.Text.StringBuilder("");

                // Prepend type string with any of its parents (e.g. if B is nested in A, then string becomes "A+B")
                typeString.Insert(0, FindParentTypesInText(previousType, startLineNum, endLineNum));

                // Get the CustomType associated with the string found in text (modified if type was nested to match desired format of key)
                CustomType currentType = DependencyAnalyzer.GetCustomTypeFromString(typeString.ToString());
                if (currentType == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Could not find " + typeString + " in customTypeLookup");

                // Record the file, start, end line nums in the CustomType
                currentType.file         = file;
                currentType.startLineNum = startLineNum;
                currentType.endLineNum   = endLineNum;

                // Attempt to match all methods of the current type within the text, simularly recording start and end line nums
                ParseMethodsInFile(currentType, text, typeMatch.Index, currentLineNum);

                // Reset linenum/index back to the currentType before moving onto next type
                currentLineNum = currentType.startLineNum;
                currentIndex   = typeMatch.Index;
                previousType   = currentType;


                // Debugging to ensure all methods found in text, compared to what is contained in the assembly
                //Debug.LogError("Class matched: " + classString + ", StartLineNum = " + currentType.startLineNum + ", EndLineNum = " + currentType.endLineNum);
                //if (numMatchesFound == currentType.methods.Count) {
                //    Debug.LogError("**FOUND ALL METHODS IN " + currentType + ": " + numMatchesFound + " out of " + currentType.methods.Count);
                //else {
                //    Debug.LogError("!!DID NOT FIND ALL METHODS IN " + currentType + ": " + numMatchesFound + " out of " + currentType.methods.Count);
            } // end type match iteration
