public Account Update(Account account)
     return account;
        public IHttpActionResult Put(Account account)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return BadRequest(ModelState);

            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!AccountExists(account.Id))
                    return NotFound();

            return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);
        public void AccountRepository()
            Mock<IWebsiteContext> context = new Mock<IWebsiteContext>();
            Mock<IDbSetFactory> factory = new Mock<IDbSetFactory>();
            Mock<DbSet<Account>> dbSet = new Mock<DbSet<Account>>();

            factory.Setup(m => m.CreateDbSet<Account>()).Returns(dbSet.Object);

            AccountRepository repo = new AccountRepository(context.Object, factory.Object);

            var account = new Account
                    Id = "SDF",
                    FullName = "Trevor Slawnyk",
                    PreferredName = "Trevor",
                    Zip = 68456,
                    FacebookId = 4929447011515,
                    Birthdate = new DateTime(1994, 6, 22),
                    Weight = 250,
                    Height = 73,
                    Sex = false
            account.UserName = "******";

            var sequence = new MockSequence();
            dbSet.InSequence(sequence).Setup(e => e.Add(account));
            dbSet.InSequence(sequence).Setup(e => e.Find(account.Id));
            dbSet.InSequence(sequence).Setup(e => e.Find(account.Id));
            dbSet.InSequence(sequence).Setup(e => e.Find(account.Id));
        public PersonalDashboardViewModel GenerateViewModel(Account a)
            PersonalDashboardViewModel pdvm = new PersonalDashboardViewModel();
            pdvm.Id = a.Id;
            pdvm.FullName = a.FullName;
            pdvm.PreferredName = a.PreferredName;
            pdvm.GoalCSV = GoalsCSV(a);
            string[] TwoDay = TwoDayActivityCSV(a);
            pdvm.TwoDayCSV = TwoDay[0];
            pdvm.ReportCSV = ReportCSV(a);
            string[] pie = TotalActivityCSV(a);
            pdvm.TotalCSV = pie[0];
            pdvm.BarchartInsight = TwoDay[1];
            pdvm.Closest = GoalInsight(a);
            pdvm.LinechartInsight = ReportInsight(a);
            pdvm.PiechartInsight = pie[1];
            pdvm.Prediction = MovingAverageDistance(a);
			pdvm.CanShare = a.Id == User.Identity.GetUserId();
            return pdvm;
        public void AccountLogic()
            Mock<IUnitOfWork> uow = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();
            Mock<IAccountRepository> repo = new Mock<IAccountRepository>();
            Mock<ITeamRepository> teamRepo = new Mock<ITeamRepository>();
            Mock<IAttainmentRepository> attainmentRepo = new Mock<IAttainmentRepository>();
            Mock<IMembershipRepository> membershipRepo = new Mock<IMembershipRepository>();

            AccountLogic logic = new AccountLogic(uow.Object, repo.Object, teamRepo.Object, attainmentRepo.Object, membershipRepo.Object);

            var account = new Account();
            var sequence = new MockSequence();
            repo.InSequence(sequence).Setup(r => r.Create(account));
            repo.InSequence(sequence).Setup(r => r.Update(account));
            repo.InSequence(sequence).Setup(r => r.Get(account.Id));
            repo.InSequence(sequence).Setup(r => r.Delete(account.Id));
        public IHttpActionResult Post(Account account)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return BadRequest(ModelState);


            return Ok(account);
 public void Put(Account account)
     accounts[account.Id] = account;
 private string GoalsCSV(Account a)
     string goalCSV = "name,Remaining,Progress \r\n";
     foreach (Goal g in a.Goals)
         if (g.Status == GoalStatus.Current)
             if (g.Target.Type == TargetType.Distance)
                 goalCSV += g.Description + "," + (g.Target.TargetNumber - g.Progress) + "," + g.Progress + "\r\n";
             if (g.Target.Type == TargetType.Duration)
                 goalCSV += g.Description + "," + (g.Target.TargetNumber - g.Progress) + "," + g.Progress + "\r\n";
             if (g.Target.Type == TargetType.Steps)
                 goalCSV += g.Description + "," + (g.Target.TargetNumber - g.Progress) + "," + g.Progress + "\r\n";
     return goalCSV;
 private List<BadgeDisplay> UnearnedBadges(Account account)
     List<Badge> items = AttainmentLogic.UnearnedBadges(account.Id).ToList();
     List<BadgeDisplay> UnearnedEarned = new List<BadgeDisplay>();
     foreach (Badge b in items)
         UnearnedEarned.Add(new BadgeDisplay(b.Title, "--/--/----"));
     return UnearnedEarned;
 private List<BadgeDisplay> EarnedBadges(Account account)
     List<Attainment> items = AttainmentLogic.GetByAccount(account.Id).ToList();
     List<BadgeDisplay> earned = new List<BadgeDisplay>();
     foreach (Attainment a in items)
         earned.Add(new BadgeDisplay(BadgeLogic.Get(a.BadgeId).Title, a.DateEarned.ToShortDateString()));
     return earned;
 private string[] TotalActivityCSV(Account a)
     string[] text = new string[2];
     string[] generated = GenerateDurationTotals(a.Activities.ToList());
     text[0] = "Type,% of Total Activities \r\n" + generated[0];
     text[1] = generated[1];
     return text;
 private double MovingAverageDistance(Account a)
     double TotalDistance = 0;
     foreach (Report r in a.Reports.OrderByDescending(e => e.Date).Take(5))
         TotalDistance += r.Distance;
     return Math.Max(Math.Round((TotalDistance / 5), 2),5);
        private string ReportInsight(Account a)
            double distance = 0;
            double duration = 0;
            foreach (Report r in a.Reports)
                distance += r.Distance;
                duration += r.Duration;

            if (distance + duration == 0)
                return "You do not have any daily reports :(";
            return "Your average all activity miles per hour is "+ Math.Round((distance/duration),2) + "mph";
 private string ReportCSV(Account a)
     string Csv = "Date,Distance,Duration\r\n";
     DateTime last= new DateTime();
     foreach (Report r in a.Reports.OrderBy(e=> e.Date))
         Csv += r.Date.ToShortDateString() + ","  + r.Distance + "," + r.Duration + "\r\n";
         last = r.Date;
     return Csv;
 private string[] TwoDayActivityCSV(Account a)
     DateTime TodayMidnight = DateTime.Today.ToUniversalTime();
     DateTime TomorrowMidnight= DateTime.Today.AddDays(1).ToUniversalTime();
     DateTime YesterdayMidnight = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToUniversalTime();
     List<Activity> Today = ActivityLogic.GetByDate(a.Id,TodayMidnight,TomorrowMidnight);
     List<Activity> Yesterday = ActivityLogic.GetByDate(a.Id, YesterdayMidnight, TodayMidnight);
     int[] YesterdayTotals = GenerateStepTotals(Yesterday);
     int[] TodayTotals = GenerateStepTotals(Today);
     string[] data = new string[2];
     data[0] = "Day,Walking,Jogging,Running,Biking \r\n"+
         "Yesterday," + YesterdayTotals[0].ToString() + "," + YesterdayTotals[1].ToString() + "," + YesterdayTotals[2].ToString() + "," + YesterdayTotals[3].ToString() + "\r\n" +
         "Today," + TodayTotals[0].ToString() + "," + TodayTotals[1].ToString() + "," + TodayTotals[2].ToString() + "," + TodayTotals[3].ToString() + "\r\n";
     data[1] = TwoDayInsights(TodayTotals, YesterdayTotals);
     return data;
 private Goal GoalInsight(Account a)
     return a.Goals.Where(u => u.Status == GoalStatus.Current).OrderByDescending(g => (g.Progress / g.Target.TargetNumber)).FirstOrDefault();