public void Render()
            if (!this.HasPermission)

            // Set the css class name of the menu item.
            base.CssClass = "NavigationMenuItem _BackgroundColor7";

            base.Attributes.Add("Row", this.Row.ToString());
            base.Attributes.Add("Position", this.Position.ToString());

            // Check if a icon for the menu item is defined.
            if (this.XmlNode.Attributes["Icon"] != null)
                // Create a new image web control to
                // display the menu item's icon.
                Image imgIcon = new Image();

                imgIcon.Height = 60;

                // Set the image's source to the
                // defined source for the menu item.
                imgIcon.ImageUrl = this.XmlNode.Attributes["Icon"].Value;

                // Add the icon image to the menu
                // item control's child controls.

            // Add a line break between the image and the name.
            base.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />"));

            // Create a new label for the menu item's name.
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label lblName = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label();

            // Check if a name for the menu item is defined.
            if (this.XmlNode.Attributes["Name"] != null)
                // Set the language label's language key
                // to the menu item's defined name.
                lblName.Text = base.LanguageManager.GetText(this.XmlNode.Attributes["Name"].Value);

            // Create a new panel for the menu items sub menu items.
            Panel pnlSubMenuItems = new Panel();

            pnlSubMenuItems.ID = this.ID + "pnlSubMenuItems";

            // Select all menu item definition xml nodes
            // of the menu item's sub menu items.
            XmlNodeList xmlNodes = this.XmlNode.SelectNodes("MenuItem");

            // Run through all menu item definition xml nodes.
            foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodes)
                // Create a new menu item by the definition xml node.
                NavigationMenuItem item = new NavigationMenuItem(

                // Hide the sub menu item.
                item.Style.Add("display", "none");

                // Add the menu item control to the
                // child controls panel controls.


            // Add the language label to the menu
            // item control's child controls.


            // Check if a target page is defined for the menu item.
            if (this.XmlNode.Attributes["Target"] != null)
                base.Attributes.Add("onclick", string.Format(
                                        "window.location = '{0}';",

                if (this.Parent != null && HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString().Contains(this.XmlNode.Attributes["Target"].Value))
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "ShowNavigationMenuSubItems", string.Format(
                                                                ), true);
            else if (this.XmlNode.Attributes["OnClick"] != null)
                base.Attributes.Add("onclick", this.XmlNode.Attributes["OnClick"].Value);
                base.Attributes.Add("onclick", string.Format(

            this.Attributes.Add("IdTable", this.Owner.ClientID + "Table");

            if (this.Parent != null)
                // Set the id of the menu item as parent menu item.
                this.Attributes.Add("IdParent", this.Parent.ClientID);

            if (this.XmlNode.Attributes["IdContentPanel"] != null)
                this.Attributes.Add("IdContentPanel", this.XmlNode.Attributes["IdContentPanel"].Value);
        public void Render()
            base.CssClass = "NavigationMenu";

            // Create a new html table that contains the menu items.
            Table table = new Table();

            table.ID = this.ID + "Table";

            // Add the html table containing the menu items
            // to the navigation control's child controls.

            // Select all menu item definition xml nodes on the root level.
            XmlNodeList xmlNodes = this.XmlDocument.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("MenuItem");

            var maxRowIndex  = 0;
            var maxCellIndex = 0;

            // Run through all menu item definition xml nodes.
            foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodes)
                // Create a new menu item by the definition xml node.
                NavigationMenuItem item = new NavigationMenuItem(

                if (item.Row >= table.Rows.Count)
                    // Add a new table row to the table.
                    table.Rows.Add(new TableRow());

                while (item.Position >= table.Rows[item.Row].Cells.Count)
                    // Add a new table cell to the table row.
                    table.Rows[item.Row].Cells.Add(new TableCell()
                        CssClass = "TableCellNavigationMenuItem BorderColor1 Color1"

                // Add the menu item control to the
                // defined position in the table

                if (maxRowIndex < item.Row)
                    maxRowIndex = item.Row;

                if (maxCellIndex < item.Position)
                    maxCellIndex = item.Position;


            for (int i = table.Rows[maxRowIndex].Cells.Count; i < (maxCellIndex + 1); i++)
                // Add a new table cell to the table row.
                table.Rows[maxRowIndex].Cells.Add(new TableCell()
                    CssClass = "TableCellNavigationMenuItem BorderColor1 Color1"