Example #1

        public void RunArchive(string DDN)
            if (dnRec == null)
                dnRec = new dnengMainRecord(DDN);

            string url = dnRec.ArcRsrcURL.Replace("(domain)", DDN);

            StreamReader strmRdr = CapturePage(url);

            if (strmRdr != null)
                    // Create an instance of StreamReader to read from CapturePage().
                    // The using statement also closes the StreamReader.
                    using (strmRdr)
                        string   pattern  = GetPattern("ARC");
                        string   pattern2 = GetPattern("ARC1");
                        string   val;
                        DateTime firstDate, lastDate = Convert.ToDateTime("12/31/2012");
                        string   source;
                        string   totalSrc = "";
                        Match    match2;
                        Match    match;
                        bool     lb_matched = false;

                        while ((source = strmRdr.ReadLine()) != null)
                            match = Regex.Match(source, pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
                            if (match.Success)
                                val                 = match.Groups["Date"].ToString();
                                firstDate           = Convert.ToDateTime(val);
                                firstDate           = (firstDate <= lastDate ? firstDate : lastDate);
                                lastDate            = firstDate;
                                dnRec.ArchiveOldest = lastDate;

                            totalSrc = totalSrc + source;

                            match2 = Regex.Match(totalSrc, pattern2, RegexOptions.Singleline);
                            if (match2.Success && !lb_matched)
                                val = match2.Groups["Pages"].ToString();
                                dnRec.ArchiveLinks = Convert.ToInt32(val);
                                lb_matched         = true;
                catch (Exception e1)
                    ErrLogRec ErrLog = new ErrLogRec();
                    bool      lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.RunArchive", e1);
Example #2
        public void RunDMOZ(string DDN)
            if (dnRec == null)
                dnRec = new dnengMainRecord(DDN);

            string url = GetURL("DMZ");

            url = url.Replace("(domain)", DDN);
            StreamReader strmRdr = CapturePage(url);

            if (strmRdr != null)
                    // Create an instance of StreamReader to read from CapturePage().
                    // The using statement also closes the StreamReader.
                    using (strmRdr)
                        string pattern = GetPattern("DMZ");

                        string val;
                        string totalSrc;

                        totalSrc = strmRdr.ReadToEnd();

                        Match match1;
                        match1 = Regex.Match(totalSrc, pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
                        if (match1.Success)
                            int    i = 0;
                            string GrpName;
                            foreach (Group grp in match1.Groups)

                                if (grp.Success)
                                    GrpName          = "Grp1";
                                    val              = match1.Groups[GrpName].Value.ToString();
                                    dnRec.DMOZ_Catno = Convert.ToInt32(val);

                                    GrpName = "Grp2";
                                    val     = match1.Groups[GrpName].Value.ToString();
                                    dnRec.DMOZ_NumResults = Convert.ToInt32(val);
                catch (Exception e1)
                    //// Let the user know what went wrong.
                    ErrLogRec ErrLog = new ErrLogRec();
                    bool      lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.RunDMOZ", e1);
Example #3
        public void RunCompete(string DDN)
            if (dnRec == null)
                dnRec = new dnengMainRecord(DDN);

            CmptRec           = new CompeteRecord();
            CmptRec.Mainseqno = dnRec.MainSeqNo;
            string       url     = CmptRec.RsrcURL.Replace("(domain)", DDN);
            StreamReader strmRdr = CapturePage(url);

            if (strmRdr != null)
                    // Create an instance of StreamReader to read from CapturePage().
                    // The using statement also closes the StreamReader.
                    using (strmRdr)
                        string pattern = GetPattern("CMP");

                        string mnth, yr, rank, cnt;
                        string totalSrc;

                        totalSrc = strmRdr.ReadToEnd();

                        Match match1;
                        match1 = Regex.Match(totalSrc, pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
                        if (match1.Success)
                            CmptRec.CmptDomname = DDN;
                            mnth = match1.Groups["Month"].Value.ToString();

                            yr = match1.Groups["Year"].Value.ToString();
                            DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(mnth + "/" + "01/" + yr);
                            CmptRec.LastUpdate = dt;

                            rank = match1.Groups["Rank"].Value.ToString();
                            CmptRec.CmptMonth1 = Convert.ToInt32(rank);

                            cnt = match1.Groups["Count"].Value.ToString();
                            CmptRec.CmptNumVisits = Convert.ToInt32(cnt);

                            bool lb_rtn = CmptRec.Insert();
                catch (Exception e1)
                    //// Let the user know what went wrong.
                    ErrLogRec ErrLog = new ErrLogRec();
                    bool      lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.RunCompete", e1);

Example #4
        public string WhoisLookup(string siteUrl, string whoisUrl)
            string response  = string.Empty;
            string whoisData = string.Empty;

                //initiaze new TcpClient with url of the lookup
                //and default port of 43
                TcpClient tcp = new TcpClient(whoisUrl, 43);

                //get the response
                NetworkStream nStream = tcp.GetStream();

                //Buffered stream for writing onto the NetworkStream
                BufferedStream bStream = new BufferedStream(nStream);

                //now we need a StreamWriter for writing on to the stream
                StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(bStream);

                //send the name of the domain we wish to look up

                    //now we need a reader for reading the response stream
                    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(bStream);

                    while ((response = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        //build the response
                        whoisData += response;
                        whoisData += "\r\n";

                catch (Exception ex)
                    ErrLogRec ErrLog = new ErrLogRec();
                    bool      lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.WhoIsLookup", ex);
                    return("Error reading stream: " + ex.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrLogRec ErrLog = new ErrLogRec();
                bool      lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.WhoIsLookup", ex);
                return("Error connecting to client: " + ex.ToString());
Example #5
        public void NdxAV(string DDN)
            if (dnRec == null)
                dnRec = new dnengMainRecord(DDN);

            IndxRec.Mainseqno = dnRec.MainSeqNo;
            IndxRec.IdxDDN    = DDN;
            string       url     = IndxRec.AVrsrcURL.Replace("(domain)", DDN);
            StreamReader strmRdr = CapturePage(url);

            if (strmRdr != null)
                    // Create an instance of StreamReader to read from CapturePage().
                    // The using statement also closes the StreamReader.
                    using (strmRdr)
                        string pattern = GetPattern("NDXAV");

                        string Pages;
                        string totalSrc;

                        totalSrc = strmRdr.ReadToEnd();

                        Match match1;
                        match1 = Regex.Match(totalSrc, pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
                        if (match1.Success)
                            Pages              = match1.Groups["Pages"].Value.ToString();
                            IndxRec.IdxCount   = Pages.Contains("-") ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Pages);
                            IndxRec.IdxSource  = "AV";
                            IndxRec.IdxDtstamp = DateTime.Now;

                            bool lb_rtn = IndxRec.Insert();
                catch (Exception e1)
                    //// Let the user know what went wrong.
                    ErrLogRec ErrLog = new ErrLogRec();
                    bool      lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.NdxAV", e1);

Example #6
        private string GetDN()
            //dnengMainRecord dnRec;
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection())
                conn.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.ConnStr;
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT TOP 1 traf3_seqno, traf3_domname, traf3_Altavista_lp FROM TrafficRoutine3 where traf3_processed = 'false'";//traf3_seqno = 1000";// //"SELECT TOP 1 dropSeqno, drplDomain FROM DropList Where drplFlag = 'false' and drplSuffix = 'com'";
                cmd.Connection  = conn;
                string DDN;

                SqlDataReader SDR1;
                    SDR1 = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    DDN        = SDR1["traf3_domname"].ToString();
                    AV_links   = Convert.ToDouble(SDR1["traf3_Altavista_lp"]);
                    traf3seqno = Convert.ToDouble(SDR1["traf3_seqno"]);
                catch (Exception e1)
                    ErrLogRec ErrLog = new ErrLogRec();
                    bool      lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("Form2.GetDDN", e1);

                cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE TrafficRoutine3 SET traf3_processed = 'true' WHERE traf3_domname = @domname";
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@domname", DDN);
                int rtn = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

                dnRec = new dnengMainRecord(DDN);

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a Dropped Domain Name from the DropList table
        /// </summary>
        public string GetDDN()
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection())
                conn.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.ConnStr;
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT TOP 1 dropSeqno, drplDomain FROM DropList Where drplFlag = 'false' and drplSuffix = 'com'";
                cmd.Connection  = conn;
                string        DDN;
                Int16         seqno;
                SqlDataReader SR1;
                    SR1 = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    DDN   = SR1["drplDomain"].ToString();
                    seqno = Convert.ToInt16(SR1["dropSeqno"]);
                catch (Exception e1)
                    ErrLogRec ErrLog = new ErrLogRec();
                    bool      lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.GetDDN", e1);

                cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE DropList SET drplFlag = 'true' WHERE dropSeqno = @drplSeqno";
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@drplSeqno", seqno);
                int rtn = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                if (dnRec == null)
                    dnRec = new dnengMainRecord(DDN);
Example #8
        public void RunEstibot(string DDN)
            if (dnRec == null)
                dnRec = new dnengMainRecord(DDN);

            EstRec           = new EstibotRecord();
            EstRec.Mainseqno = dnRec.MainSeqNo;
            EstRec.estDDN    = DDN;
            string       url     = EstRec.RsrcURL.Replace("(domain)", DDN);
            StreamReader strmRdr = CapturePage(url);

            if (strmRdr != null)
                    // Create an instance of StreamReader to read from CapturePage().
                    // The using statement also closes the StreamReader.
                    using (strmRdr)
                        string pattern = GetPattern("EST");

                        string Traffic, PPCads, MaxPPC, Overture, WorkTracker, TotalSearches;
                        string totalSrc;

                        totalSrc = strmRdr.ReadToEnd();

                        Match match1;
                        match1 = Regex.Match(totalSrc, pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
                        if (match1.Success)
                            Traffic        = match1.Groups["Traffic"].Value.ToString();
                            EstRec.Traffic = (Traffic == null || Traffic == "") ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(Traffic);

                            PPCads        = match1.Groups["PPCads"].Value.ToString();
                            EstRec.PpcAds = (PPCads == null || PPCads == "") ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(PPCads);

                            MaxPPC = match1.Groups["MaxPPC"].Value.ToString();
                            EstRec.MaxPPCamount = (MaxPPC == null || MaxPPC == "") ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(MaxPPC);

                            Overture           = match1.Groups["Overture"].Value.ToString();
                            EstRec.OvertureNum = (Overture == null || Overture == "") ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(Overture);

                            WorkTracker        = match1.Groups["WordTracker"].Value.ToString();
                            EstRec.Worktracker = (WorkTracker == null || WorkTracker == "") ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(WorkTracker);

                            TotalSearches      = match1.Groups["TotalSearches"].Value.ToString();
                            EstRec.NumSearches = (TotalSearches == null || TotalSearches == "") ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(TotalSearches);

                            bool lb_rtn = EstRec.Insert();
                catch (Exception e1)
                    //// Let the user know what went wrong.
                    ErrLogRec ErrLog = new ErrLogRec();
                    bool      lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.RunEstibot", e1);

Example #9
        public void RunAlexa(string DDN)
            if (dnRec == null)
                dnRec = new dnengMainRecord(DDN);

            AlxRec           = new AlexaRecord();
            AlxRec.Mainseqno = dnRec.MainSeqNo;
            AlxRec.alxDDN    = DDN;
            string       url     = AlxRec.RsrcURL.Replace("(domain)", DDN);
            StreamReader strmRdr = CapturePage(url);

            if (strmRdr != null)
                    // Create an instance of StreamReader to read from CapturePage().
                    // The using statement also closes the StreamReader.
                    using (strmRdr)
                        string pattern = GetPattern("ALX");

                        pattern = "<p>Alexa traffic rank for.*?<th>7 day avg</th><td>(?<Rank7D>.*?)"
                                  + "</td>.*?<th>1 month avg</th><td>(?<Rank1M>.*?)</td>.*?<th>3 month avg</th><td>"
                                  + "(?<Rank3M>.*?)</td>.*?3 month change</th><td>(?<RankChng>.*?)(?:<img src='/images/arrows/"
                                  + "(?<RankDir>.*?).gif|</td>)";

                        string Rank7D, Rank1M, Rank3M, RankChng, RankDir;
                        string Reach7D, Reach1M, Reach3M, ReachChng, ReachDir;
                        string Search7D, Search1M, Search3M, SearchChng, SearchDir;
                        string Country1, Country1percent, Country2, Country2percent;
                        string Country3, Country3percent, totalSrc;

                        totalSrc = strmRdr.ReadToEnd();

                        Match match1, match2, match3, match4;
                        match1 = Regex.Match(totalSrc, pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
                        if (match1.Success)
                            Rank7D           = match1.Groups["Rank7D"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxRank7D = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Rank7D) ? 0 : (Rank7D.Trim() == "-" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Rank7D));

                            Rank1M           = match1.Groups["Rank1M"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxRank1M = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Rank1M) ? 0 : (Rank1M.Trim() == "-" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Rank1M));

                            Rank3M           = match1.Groups["Rank3M"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxRank3M = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Rank3M) ? 0 : (Rank3M.Trim() == "-" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Rank3M));

                            RankChng        = match1.Groups["RankChng"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.RankChng = String.IsNullOrEmpty(RankChng) ? 0 : (RankChng.Trim() == "-" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(RankChng));

                            RankDir        = match1.Groups["RankDir"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.RankDir = String.IsNullOrEmpty(RankDir) ? "" : RankDir;
                            AlxRec.AlxRank7D = 0; AlxRec.AlxRank1M = 0; AlxRec.AlxRank3M = 0; AlxRec.RankChng = 0; AlxRec.RankDir = "";

                        pattern = "Percent of global Internet users who visit.*?<th>7 day avg</th><td>(?<Reach7D>.*?)(?:%|</td>).*?<th>1 month avg</th><td>"
                                  + "(?<Reach1M>.*?)(?:%|</td>).*?<th>3 month avg</th><td>(?<Reach3M>.*?)(?:%|</td>).*?3 month change</th><td>(?<ReachChng>.*?)"
                                  + "(?:%|</td>).*?(?:(?:<img src='/images/arrows/(?<ReachDir>.*?).gif|</table>))";

                        match2 = Regex.Match(totalSrc, pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
                        if (match2.Success)
                            Reach7D           = match2.Groups["Reach7D"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxReach7D = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Reach7D) ? 0 : (Reach7D.Trim() == "-" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Reach7D));

                            Reach1M           = match2.Groups["Reach1M"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxReach1M = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Reach1M) ? 0 : (Reach1M.Trim() == "-" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Reach1M));

                            Reach3M           = match2.Groups["Reach3M"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxReach3M = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Reach3M) ? 0 : (Reach3M.Trim() == "-" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Reach3M));

                            ReachChng        = match2.Groups["ReachChng"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.ReachChng = String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReachChng) ? 0 : (ReachChng.Trim() == "-" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(ReachChng));

                            ReachDir        = match2.Groups["ReachDir"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.ReachDir = String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReachDir) ? "" : ReachDir;
                            AlxRec.AlxReach7D = 0; AlxRec.AlxReach1M = 0; AlxRec.AlxReach3M = 0; AlxRec.ReachChng = 0; AlxRec.ReachDir = "";

                        pattern = "came from a search engine.*?<th>7 day avg</th><td>(?<Search7D>.*?)(?:%|</td>).*?<th>1 month avg</th><td>(?<Search1M>.*?)"
                                  + "(?:%|</td>).*?<th>3 month avg</th><td>(?<Search3M>.*?)(?:%|</td>).*?3 month change</th><td>(?<SearchChng>.*?)(?:%|</td>).*?"
                                  + "(?:(?:<img src='/images/arrows/(?<SearchDir>.*?).gif|</table>))";

                        match3 = Regex.Match(totalSrc, pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
                        if (match3.Success)
                            Search7D           = match3.Groups["Search7D"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxSearch7D = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Search7D) ? 0 : (Search7D.Trim() == "-" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Search7D));

                            Search1M           = match3.Groups["Search1M"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxSearch1M = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Search1M) ? 0 : (Search1M.Trim() == "-" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Search1M));

                            Search3M           = match3.Groups["Search3M"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxSearch3M = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Search3M) ? 0 : (Search3M.Trim() == "-" ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Search3M));

                            SearchChng        = match3.Groups["SearchChng"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.SearchChng = SearchChng.Contains("-") ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(SearchChng);

                            SearchDir        = match3.Groups["SearchDir"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.SearchDir = String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchDir) ? "" : SearchDir;
                            AlxRec.AlxSearch7D = 0; AlxRec.AlxSearch1M = 0; AlxRec.AlxSearch3M = 0; AlxRec.SearchChng = 0; AlxRec.SearchDir = "";

                        pattern = "come from these countries:.*?<span class=\"geo_number descbold\">(?<Country1percent>.*?)(?:%|</span>).*?<a href=\"/topsites/countries/.*?>"
                                  + "(?<Country1>.*?)\\s*?</a>.*?<span class=\"geo_number descbold\">(?<Country2percent>.*?)(?:%|</span>).*?<a href=\"/topsites/countries/.*?>"
                                  + "(?<Country2>.*?)\\s*?</a>.*?<span class=\"geo_number descbold\">(?<Country3percent>.*?)(?:%|</span>).*?<a href=\"/topsites/countries/.*?>(?<Country3>.*?)\\s*?</a>";

                        match4 = Regex.Match(totalSrc, pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
                        if (match4.Success)
                            Country1           = match4.Groups["Country1"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxCountry1 = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Country1) ? "" : Country1;

                            Country1percent      = match4.Groups["Country1percent"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxCntry1_per = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Country1percent) ? 0 : (Convert.ToDouble(Country1percent));

                            Country2           = match4.Groups["Country2"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxCountry2 = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Country2) ? "" : Country2;

                            Country2percent      = match4.Groups["Country2percent"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxCntry2_per = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Country2percent) ? 0 : (Convert.ToDouble(Country2percent));

                            Country3           = match4.Groups["Country3"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxCountry3 = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Country3) ? "" : Country3;

                            Country3percent      = match4.Groups["Country3percent"].Value.ToString();
                            AlxRec.AlxCntry3_per = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Country3percent) ? 0 : (Convert.ToDouble(Country3percent));
                            AlxRec.AlxCountry1 = ""; AlxRec.AlxCntry1_per = 0; AlxRec.AlxCountry2 = ""; AlxRec.AlxCntry2_per = 0; AlxRec.AlxCountry3 = ""; AlxRec.AlxCntry3_per = 0;

                        AlxRec.AlxScore = 0;

                        AlxRec.AlxHighRank   = Math.Max(Math.Max(AlxRec.AlxRank1M, AlxRec.AlxRank7D), AlxRec.AlxRank3M);
                        AlxRec.AlxHighReach  = Math.Max(Math.Max(AlxRec.AlxReach1M, AlxRec.AlxReach7D), AlxRec.AlxReach3M);
                        AlxRec.AlxHighSearch = Math.Max(Math.Max(AlxRec.AlxSearch1M, AlxRec.AlxSearch7D), AlxRec.AlxSearch3M);

                        bool lb_rtn = AlxRec.Insert();
                catch (Exception e1)
                    //// Let the user know what went wrong.
                    ErrLogRec ErrLog = new ErrLogRec();
                    bool      lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.RunAlexa", e1);
                AlxRec.AlxRank7D   = 0; AlxRec.AlxRank1M = 0; AlxRec.AlxRank3M = 0; AlxRec.RankChng = 0; AlxRec.RankDir = "";
                AlxRec.AlxReach7D  = 0; AlxRec.AlxReach1M = 0; AlxRec.AlxReach3M = 0; AlxRec.ReachChng = 0; AlxRec.ReachDir = "";
                AlxRec.AlxSearch7D = 0; AlxRec.AlxSearch1M = 0; AlxRec.AlxSearch3M = 0; AlxRec.SearchChng = 0; AlxRec.SearchDir = "";
                AlxRec.AlxCountry1 = ""; AlxRec.AlxCntry1_per = 0; AlxRec.AlxCountry2 = ""; AlxRec.AlxCntry2_per = 0; AlxRec.AlxCountry3 = ""; AlxRec.AlxCntry3_per = 0;

Example #10

        public StreamReader CapturePage(string domname)
            ErrLogRec ErrLog = new ErrLogRec();
            bool      lb_rtn;

            Uri         myUri   = new Uri(domname);
            WebRequest  request = WebRequest.Create(myUri);
            WebResponse response;

            if (lb_Proxy)
                WebProxy Proxy = new WebProxy(proxAddr);
                request.Proxy = Proxy;

            request.Timeout = 30000; // 30 sec timeout
                response = request.GetResponse();
            catch (WebException Wex)
                if (Wex.Message == "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.")
                    dnRec.ArchiveKeyword = "";
                    dnRec.ArchiveLinks   = 0;
                    lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.CapturePage", Wex);
                    if (Wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure && !lb_Proxy ||
                        Wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ServerProtocolViolation && !lb_Proxy ||
                        Wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure && !lb_Proxy ||
                        Wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError && !lb_Proxy ||
                        Wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout && !lb_Proxy)
                        if (proxAddr == null)
                            proxAddr = GetProxy();
                            proxAddr = GetProxy(proxAddr);

                        if (proxCtr != 6)
                            proxCtr = 0;
                            lb_rtn  = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.CapturePage", Wex);
                        lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.CapturePage", Wex);
                lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.CapturePage", Wex);
            catch (Exception e2)
                if (e2.Message == "Unable to connect to the remote server")
                    if (proxAddr == null)
                        proxAddr = GetProxy();
                        proxAddr = GetProxy(proxAddr);

                    if (proxCtr != 6)
                        proxCtr = 0;
                        lb_rtn  = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.CapturePage", e2);
                lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.CapturePage", e2);
            proxCtr = 0;
                StreamReader strmRdr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
            catch (Exception e1)
                lb_rtn = ErrLog.Insert("LinkRaker.CapturePage", e1);