Example #1
 internal HtmlTag PreProcess(HtmlTag tag, WFModelMetaData metadata, TagTypes tagType, string markupName, string reflectName, object model)
     foreach (IHtmlTagPreProcessor processor in _PreProcessors)
         tag = processor.PreRenderProcess(tag, ref metadata, tagType, markupName, reflectName, model);
Example #2
        private void Initialize(TModel model, WFModelMetaData metadata)
            _Model    = model;
            _MetaData = metadata;

            _PreProcessors.Add(new WFValidationPreProcessor());
            _PreProcessors.Add(new WFHTMLEncodePreProcessor());
Example #3
 internal HtmlTag PreProcess(HtmlTag tag, WFModelMetaData metadata, TagTypes tagType, string propertyName, PropertyInfo expBody, object model)
     foreach (IHtmlTagPreProcessor processor in _PreProcessors)
         tag = processor.PreRenderProcess(tag, ref metadata, tagType, propertyName, expBody, model);
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// !! MUST be run at the end of the form in markup. !!
 /// Outputs a script tag containing JavaScript code to enable validation on client side.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string EnableClientValidation(WFModelMetaData WFMetaData, string formId)
         ((new HtmlTag("script", new { type = "text/javascript", language = "javascript" })
         InnerText = WFScriptGenerator.EnableClientValidationScript(WFMetaData, formId)
     }.Render()) +
Example #5
 private static HtmlTag GetTagFromExpression <TProperty>(TagTypes tagType,
                                                         Expression <Func <TModel, TProperty> > expression,
                                                         TModel model,
                                                         WFModelMetaData metadata,
                                                         object htmlProperties,
                                                         HtmlHelper <TModel> htmlHelper)
     return(GetTagFromExpression <TProperty>(tagType, expression, model, metadata, htmlProperties, htmlHelper, null, "", false, false));
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Validate the model against form values (not against itself).
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TModel">The type of the model tied to this page</typeparam>
 /// <param name="metadata">The metadata object which stores validation information. This usually lives on the Html object.</param>
 /// <param name="model">The model being validated.</param>
 /// <param name="context">The HTTP context where form values are stored to validate. This is usually HttpContext.Current.</param>
 /// <param name="prefix">The prefix to separate different objects in form data.<br/>
 /// ie: object1_FirstName=John, object2_FirstName=Joe</param>
 /// <returns>Returns 'true' if the values in the form data validate successfully.</returns>
 public static bool TryValidateModel <TModel>(WFModelMetaData metadata, TModel model, HttpContext context, string prefix)
     return(WFUtilities.TryValidateModel(model, prefix, new WFHttpContextValueProvider(context), metadata, new WFTypeRuleProvider(model)));
Example #7
 public static string EnableClientValidation(WFModelMetaData WFMetaData)
     return(EnableClientValidation(WFMetaData, ""));
Example #8
 public HtmlHelper(Control pageControl, TModel model, WFModelMetaData metadata)
     Initialize(model, metadata);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Root TryValidateModel() method. Returns false if any validation errors are found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">A pointer to the current model object</param>
        /// <param name="prefix">Optional. A prefix to search and filter values from the value provider.</param>
        /// <param name="values">A class implementing IWFValueProvider (examples include WFObjectValueProvider and WFHttpContextValueProvider)</param>
        /// <param name="metadata">Optional. Required to collect error data or show error markup on a page. The current WFModelMetaData object.</param>
        /// <param name="ruleProvider">A class implementing IWFRuleProvider (examples include WFTypeRuleProvider and WFXmlRuleSetRuleProvider).<br/>
        /// This object provides the rules (ie: DataAnnotations) that needed to be validated, and which properties to validate them against.<br/>
        /// All other properties are ignored.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns false if any validation errors were found.</returns>
        public static bool TryValidateModel(object model, string prefix, IWFValueProvider values, WFModelMetaData metadata, IWFRuleProvider ruleProvider)
            bool validated = true;

            //Make sure we have metadata
            metadata        = metadata == null ? metadata = new WFModelMetaData() : metadata;
            metadata.Errors = new List <string>();

            //Create a rule provider if one was not provided. WFTypeRuleProvider will handle [MetadataType]
            ruleProvider = ruleProvider == null ? new WFTypeRuleProvider(model) : ruleProvider;

            validated = validateModelAttributes(model, ruleProvider.GetClassValidationAttributes(), metadata.Errors, ruleProvider.ModelDisplayName);

            if (metadata.Errors.Count > 0)
                validated = false;

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in ruleProvider.GetProperties())
                if (values.ContainsKey(prefix + pi.Name))
                    WFModelMetaProperty metaprop = null;
                    foreach (ValidationAttribute attr in ruleProvider.GetPropertyValidationAttributes(pi.Name))
                        if (attr as IWFRequireValueProviderContext != null)

                        string displayName = ruleProvider.GetDisplayNameForProperty(pi.Name);
                        bool   isValid     = false;
                        if (attr.GetType() == typeof(RangeAttribute))
                            try { isValid = attr.IsValid(values.KeyValue(prefix + pi.Name)); } catch (Exception ex) {
                                if (ex.GetType() == typeof(FormatException))
                                    isValid = false;
                                    throw ex;
                            isValid = attr.IsValid(values.KeyValue(prefix + pi.Name));

                        if (!isValid)
                            validated = false;

                            if (metaprop == null) // Try to find it ...
                                foreach (WFModelMetaProperty mx in metadata.Properties)
                                    if (mx.ModelObject == model && pi.Name.ToLower() == mx.PropertyName.ToLower())
                                        metaprop = mx;
                            if (metaprop == null) // Make a new one ...
                                metaprop              = new WFModelMetaProperty();
                                metaprop.ModelObject  = model;
                                metaprop.PropertyName = pi.Name;
                                metaprop.DisplayName  = displayName;
                                metaprop.MarkupName   = prefix + pi.Name;

                            metaprop.HasError = true;
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Render a Control (.aspx, .ascx) and return it as a string, setting the Model property to Model
        /// Use discretion when specifying the pageInstance, as some server controls will throw an error when WFPageHolder is not used.
        /// !! You should not pass the current page as the pageInstance !! This method assumes you know what you're doing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The physical path of the ascx/aspx file.</param>
        /// <param name="Model">The Model that will be used and applied to the public 'Model' property of the UserControl/Page.</param>
        /// <param name="pageInstance">pageInstance is optional and can be null.</param>
        /// <param name="ViewBag">If a public property 'ViewBag' exists on the target control/page, it will be set to this object.</param>
        /// <param name="MetaData">A MetaData object that can be shared among all views rendered for this request.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string RenderControl(string path, object Model, System.Web.UI.Page pageInstance, object ViewBag, WFModelMetaData MetaData)
            Page    wph  = pageInstance == null ? new WFPageHolder() as Page : pageInstance;
            Control ctrl = wph.LoadControl(path);

            if (ctrl == null)

            PropertyInfo pi = ctrl.GetType().GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Model");

            if (pi == null && Model != null)
                throw new Exception("Did not find the 'Model' property on the target page/control to render. Make sure 'Model' is a public property with a 'setter'");
            else if (pi != null && Model != null)
                try {
                    pi.SetValue(ctrl, Model, null);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new Exception("Error assigning the source Model to the destination Model property when Rendering a control. Source type [" + Model.GetType().Name + "] and Destination type [" + pi.PropertyType.Name + "]. The inner exception may have more information.", ex);

            PropertyInfo piViewBag = ctrl.GetType().GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "ViewBag");

            if (piViewBag != null)
                piViewBag.SetValue(ctrl, ViewBag, null);

            PropertyInfo piHTML = ctrl.GetType().GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Html");

            if (piHTML != null)
                object helper = piHTML.GetValue(ctrl, null);
                if (helper != null)
                    //Share MetaData with this partial view
                    .SetValue(helper, MetaData, null);


            StringWriter output = new StringWriter();

            HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute(wph, output, false);
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Render a Control (.aspx, .ascx) and return it as a string, setting the Model property to Model
 /// Use discretion when specifying the pageInstance, as some server controls will throw an error when WFPageHolder is not used.
 /// !! You should not pass the current page as the pageInstance !! This method assumes you know what you're doing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">The physical path of the ascx/aspx file.</param>
 /// <param name="Model">The Model that will be used and applied to the public 'Model' property of the UserControl/Page.</param>
 /// <param name="pageInstance">pageInstance is optional and can be null.</param>
 /// <param name="ViewBag">If a public property 'ViewBag' exists on the target control/page, it will be set to this object.</param>
 /// <param name="MetaData">A MetaData object that can be shared among all views rendered for this request.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string RenderControl(string path, object Model, WFModelMetaData MetaData)
     return(RenderControl(path, Model, null, null, MetaData));
Example #12
        private static HtmlTag GetTagFromExpression <TProperty>(TagTypes tagType,
                                                                Expression <Func <TModel, TProperty> > expression,
                                                                TModel model,
                                                                WFModelMetaData metadata,
                                                                object htmlProperties,
                                                                HtmlHelper <TModel> htmlHelper,
                                                                IEnumerable <SelectListItem> selectList,
                                                                string optionLabel, bool useLabel, bool isChecked)
            ModelMetaData mmd = ModelMetaData.FromLambdaExpression(expression, model);

            string reflectName = mmd.PropertyName;
            string markupName  = mmd.PropertyName;

            HtmlTag tag = null;

            if (tagType == TagTypes.InputBox)
                tag = new HtmlTag("input", true);
                tag.Attr("name", mmd.PropertyName);
                tag.Attr("id", mmd.PropertyName);
                tag.Attr("type", "text");
                tag.Attr("value", GetHTMLValue(mmd.ModelAccessor()));
            else if (tagType == TagTypes.Checkbox)
                tag = new HtmlTag("input", true);
                tag.Attr("name", mmd.PropertyName);
                tag.Attr("id", mmd.PropertyName);
                tag.Attr("type", "checkbox");
                if (GetHTMLValueAsBoolean(mmd.ModelAccessor()))
                    tag.Attr("checked", "checked");
            else if (tagType == TagTypes.Hidden)
                tag = new HtmlTag("input", true);
                tag.Attr("type", "hidden");
                tag.Attr("value", GetHTMLValue(mmd.ModelAccessor()));
                tag.Attr("name", mmd.PropertyName);
                tag.Attr("id", mmd.PropertyName);
            else if (tagType == TagTypes.Label)
                tag = new HtmlTag("label");
                tag.Attr("For", mmd.PropertyName);

                PropertyInfo         pi   = (PropertyInfo)((MemberExpression)expression.Body).Member;
                DisplayNameAttribute datt = pi.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType <DisplayNameAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
                string dispName           = "";
                if (datt != null)
                    dispName = datt.DisplayName ?? pi.Name;
                    dispName = pi.Name;

                tag.InnerText = dispName;
            else if (tagType == TagTypes.RadioButton)
                tag = new HtmlTag("input", true);
                tag.Attr("name", mmd.PropertyName);
                tag.Attr("id", mmd.PropertyName);
                tag.Attr("type", "radio");
                tag.Attr("value", GetHTMLValue(mmd.ModelAccessor()));
                if (isChecked)
                    tag.Attr("checked", "checked");
            else if (tagType == TagTypes.Select)
                tag = new HtmlTag("select");
                tag.Attr("id", mmd.PropertyName);
                tag.Attr("name", mmd.PropertyName);

                if (useLabel)
                    HtmlTag optx = new HtmlTag("option", new { value = "" })
                        InnerText = optionLabel ?? ""

                if (selectList != null)
                    foreach (SelectListItem si in selectList)
                        HtmlTag opt = new HtmlTag("option", new { value = si.Value ?? "" })
                            InnerText = si.Text ?? ""
                        if (si.Selected)
                            opt.Attr("selected", "selected");
            else if (tagType == TagTypes.TextArea)
                tag = new HtmlTag("textarea");
                tag.Attr("cols", "20");
                tag.Attr("rows", "2");
                tag.Attr("name", mmd.PropertyName);
                tag.Attr("id", mmd.PropertyName);
                tag.InnerText = GetHTMLValue(mmd.ModelAccessor());
            else if (tagType == TagTypes.Span)
                tag = new HtmlTag("span");
                tag.Attr("id", mmd.PropertyName);
                tag.InnerText = GetHTMLValue(mmd.ModelAccessor());

            //WFUtilities.CheckPropertyError(metadata, model, tag, mmd.PropertyName, mmd.PropertyName);

            if (((MemberExpression)expression.Body).Member is PropertyInfo)
                tag = htmlHelper.PreProcess(tag, metadata, tagType, mmd.PropertyName, (PropertyInfo)((MemberExpression)expression.Body).Member, model);
                throw new Exception("Invalid argument specified in lambda for Html.xFor() method [" + markupName + "] (must be a property). Check your markup.");

Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Find or create a WFModelMetaProperty for the DataAnnotationValidatorControl.
        /// The WFModelMetaProperty will be added to the WFModelMetaData object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dvc">The DataAnnotationValidatorControl whose property needs to be added to metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="metadata">The existing metadata to search through.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static WFModelMetaProperty GetMetaPropertyFromValidator(Control rootControl, DataAnnotationValidatorControl dvc,
                                                                       WFModelMetaData metadata)
            Type                sourceType        = dvc.SourceType;
            Control             controlValidating = WebControlUtilities.FindControlRecursive(rootControl, dvc.ControlToValidate);
            WFModelMetaProperty metaproperty      = metadata.Properties.FirstOrDefault(m => m.MarkupName == controlValidating.UniqueID);

            if (metaproperty == null)
                metaproperty = new WFModelMetaProperty();

            metaproperty.PropertyName = dvc.PropertyName;
            metaproperty.MarkupName   = controlValidating.UniqueID;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dvc.SourceTypeString))
                if (sourceType == null &&
                    String.IsNullOrEmpty(dvc.XmlRuleSetName) &&
                    dvc.Page as IWFGetValidationRulesForPage == null)
                    throw new Exception("The SourceType and SourceTypeString properties are null/empty on one of the validator controls.\r\nPopulate either property.\r\nie: control.SourceType = typeof(Widget); OR in markup SourceTypeString=\"Assembly.Classes.Widget, Assembly\"");
                else if (sourceType == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(dvc.XmlRuleSetName))
                    sourceType = WFUtilities.GetRuleSetForName(dvc.XmlRuleSetName).ModelType;
                else if (sourceType == null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(dvc.XmlRuleSetName))
                    sourceType = ((IWFGetValidationRulesForPage)dvc.Page).GetValidationClassType();
                try {
                    sourceType = Type.GetType(dvc.SourceTypeString, true, true);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new Exception("Couldn't resolve type " + dvc.SourceTypeString + ". You may need to specify the fully qualified assembly name.");

            PropertyInfo prop = WFUtilities.GetTargetProperty(dvc.PropertyName, sourceType);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dvc.XmlRuleSetName))
                foreach (var attr in prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ValidationAttribute), true).OfType <ValidationAttribute>())
                    var    displayNameAttr = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), true).OfType <DisplayNameAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
                    string displayName     = displayNameAttr == null ? prop.Name : displayNameAttr.DisplayName;

                    if (attr as IWFRequireValueProviderContext != null)
                        ((IWFRequireValueProviderContext)attr).SetValueProvider(new WFPageControlsValueProvider(dvc.Page, ""));

                    metaproperty.DisplayName = displayName;
                    if (!attr.IsValid(GetControlValue(controlValidating)))
                        metaproperty.HasError = true;
                        if (metaproperty.Errors == null)
                            metaproperty.Errors = new List <string>();
                XmlDataAnnotationsRuleSet ruleset = WFUtilities.GetRuleSetForType(sourceType, dvc.XmlRuleSetName);
                metaproperty.DisplayName = dvc.PropertyName;
                try {
                    //It's OK to have a DataAnnotationValidatorControl for a property that has no validation rules
                    //defined in the XML.
                    XmlDataAnnotationsRuleSetProperty property = ruleset.Properties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PropertyName == dvc.PropertyName);
                    if (property != null)
                        foreach (var validator in property.Validators)
                            ValidationAttribute attr = WFUtilities.GetValidatorInstanceForXmlDataAnnotationsValidator(validator);

                            if (attr as IWFRequireValueProviderContext != null)
                                ((IWFRequireValueProviderContext)attr).SetValueProvider(new WFPageControlsValueProvider(dvc.Page, ""));

                            foreach (var key in validator.ValidatorAttributes.Keys)
                                PropertyInfo pi = attr.GetType().GetProperty(key);
                                if (pi != null)
                                    pi.SetValue(attr, Convert.ChangeType(validator.ValidatorAttributes[key], pi.PropertyType), null);
                            if (!attr.IsValid(GetControlValue(controlValidating)))
                                metaproperty.HasError = true;
                                if (metaproperty.Errors == null)
                                    metaproperty.Errors = new List <string>();
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new Exception("Error trying to validate " + dvc.PropertyName + ", innerexception may have more details...\r\nMake sure ErrorMessage isn't specified in more than one place.", ex);