protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get userfile from query string.
            var userfile = Request.QueryString["userfile"];

            // Our action only works if a userfile is given to work with.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userfile))
                // Return "Not Found" HTTP response.
                Response.StatusCode = 404;

            // Read document from storage.
            var fileContent = Storage.GetFile(userfile);

            // Open an validate signatures with PKI SDK based on the PAdES Basic policy.
            var signature    = Lacuna.Pki.Pades.PadesSignature.Open(fileContent);
            var policyMapper = PadesPoliciesForGeneration.GetPadesBasic(Util.GetTrustArbitrator());

            // Generate a model to be shown on the page from the PadesSignature instance computed from Open()
            // method above. This class can be inspected on SignatureModels.cs file. In this class, we validate
            // each signature based on the policy mapper defined above.
            var model = new PadesSignatureModel(signature, policyMapper);

            // Set property for rendering on page (see aspx file).
            this.Model = model;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method defines the signature policy that will be used on the signature.
        /// </summary>
        private ICadesPolicyMapper getSignaturePolicy()
            var policy = CadesPoliciesForGeneration.GetPkiBrazilAdrBasica();

            // During debug only, we return a wrapper which will overwrite the policy's default trust
            // arbitrator (which in this case corresponds to the ICP-Brasil roots only), with our custom trust
            // arbitrator which accepts test certificates (see Util.GetTrustArbitrator()).
            return(new CadesPolicyMapperWrapper(policy, Util.GetTrustArbitrator()));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method defines the signature policy that will be used on the signature.
        /// </summary>
        private XmlPolicySpec getSignaturePolicy()
            var policy = BrazilXmlPolicySpec.GetNFePadraoNacional();

            // During debug only, we clear the policy's default trust arbitrator (which, in the case of
            // the policy returned by BrazilXmlPolicySpec.GetNFePadraoNacional(), corresponds to the ICP-Brasil
            // roots only), and use our custom trust arbitrator which accepts test certificates
            // (see Util.GetTrustArbitrator())

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get verification code from query string.
            var formattedVerificationCode = Request.QueryString["c"];

            // On PrinterFriendlyVersion.aspx, we stored the unformatted version of the verification code
            // (without hyphens) but used the formatted version (with hyphens) on the printer-friendly PDF. Now,
            // we remove the hyphens before looking it up.
            var verificationCode = AlphaCode.Parse(formattedVerificationCode);

            // Get document associated with verification code.
            var fileId = Storage.LookupVerificationCode(verificationCode);

            if (fileId == null)
                // Invalid code given!
                // Small delay to slow down brute-force attacks (if you want to be extra careful you might want
                // to add a CAPTCHA to the process).
                // Return "Not Found" HTTP response.
                Response.StatusCode = 404;

            // Read document from storage.
            var fileContent = Storage.GetFile(fileId);

            // Open and validate signatures with PKI SDK based on the PAdES Basic policy.
            var signature    = Lacuna.Pki.Pades.PadesSignature.Open(fileContent);
            var policyMapper = PadesPoliciesForGeneration.GetPadesBasic(Util.GetTrustArbitrator());

            // Generate a model to be shown on the page from the PadesSignature instance computed from Open()
            // method above. This class can be inspected on SignatureModels.cs file. In this class, we validate
            // each signature based on the policy mapper defined above.
            var model = new PadesSignatureModel(signature, policyMapper);

            // Set properties for rendering on page (see aspx file).
            this.FileId = fileId;
            this.Model  = model;
Example #5
        protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var nonceStore = Util.GetNonceStore();
            var certAuth   = new PKCertificateAuthentication(nonceStore);

            PKCertificate certificate;
            var           vr = certAuth.Complete(Convert.FromBase64String(NonceField.Value), Convert.FromBase64String(CertificateField.Value), Convert.FromBase64String(SignatureField.Value), Util.GetTrustArbitrator(), out certificate);

            if (!vr.IsValid)
                vr.Errors.ForEach(ve => ModelState.AddModelError("", ve.ToString()));

            this.AuthenticatedCertificate = certificate;
            this.ValidationResults        = vr;
 /// <summary>
 /// This method defines the signature policy that will be used on the signature.
 /// </summary>
 private IPadesPolicyMapper getSignaturePolicy()
        private byte[] generatePrinterFriendlyVersion(byte[] pdfContent, string verificationCode)
            // The verification code is generated without hyphens to save storage space and avoid copy-and-paste
            // problems. On the PDF generation, we use the "formatted" version, with hyphens (which will later
            // be discarded on the verification page).
            var formattedVerificationCode = AlphaCode.Format(verificationCode);

            // Build the verification link from the constant "VerificationLinkFormat" (see above) and the
            // formatted verification code.
            var verificationLink = string.Format(VerificationLinkFormat, formattedVerificationCode);

            // 1. Inspect signatures on the PDF.
            var signature = Lacuna.Pki.Pades.PadesSignature.Open(pdfContent);

            // 2. Create PDF with verification information from the signed PDF.
            var pdfMarker = new PdfMarker();

            // Build string with joined names of signers (see method getDisplayName() below).
            var signerNames     = Util.JoinStringsPt(signature.Signers.Select(s => getDisplayName(s.Signer.SigningCertificate)));
            var allPagesMessage = string.Format("This document was digitally signed by {0}.\nTo verify the signatures go to {1} on {2} and inform the code {3}", signerNames, VerificationSiteNameWithArticle, VerificationSite, formattedVerificationCode);

            // ICP-Brasil logo on bottom-right corner of every page (except on the page which will be created at
            // the end of the document).
            pdfMarker.AddMark(new PdfMark()
                PageOption = PdfMarkPageOptions.AllPages,
                Container  = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                    Width  = 1,
                    Right  = 1,
                    Height = 1,
                    Bottom = 1
                Elements = new List <PdfMarkElement>()
                    new PdfMarkImage()
                        ImageContent = Storage.GetIcpBrasilLogoContent(),
                        Opacity      = 75

            // Summary on bottom margin of every page (except on the page which will be created at the end of
            // the document).
            pdfMarker.AddMark(new PdfMark()
                PageOption = PdfMarkPageOptions.AllPages,
                Container  = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                    Height = 2,
                    Bottom = 0,
                    Left   = 1.5,
                    Right  = 3.5
                Elements = new List <PdfMarkElement>()
                    new PdfMarkText()
                        Texts = new List <PdfTextSection>()
                            new PdfTextSection()
                                Style = PdfTextStyle.Normal,
                                Text  = allPagesMessage

            // Summary on right margin of every page (except on the page which will be created at the end of the
            // document), rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise (text goes up).
            pdfMarker.AddMark(new PdfMark()
                PageOption = PdfMarkPageOptions.AllPages,
                Container  = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                    Width  = 2,
                    Right  = 0,
                    Top    = 1.5,
                    Bottom = 3.5
                Elements = new List <PdfMarkElement>()
                    new PdfMarkText()
                        Rotation = PdfMarkRotation.D90,
                        Texts    = new List <PdfTextSection>()
                            new PdfTextSection()
                                Style = PdfTextStyle.Normal,
                                Text  = allPagesMessage

            // Create a "manifest" mark on a new page added on the end of the document. We'll add several
            // elements to this marks.
            var manifestMark = new PdfMark()
                PageOption = PdfMarkPageOptions.NewPage,
                // This mark's container is the whole page with 1-inch margins.
                Container = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                    Top    = 2.54,
                    Bottom = 2.54,
                    Right  = 2.54,
                    Left   = 2.54

            // We'll keep track of our "vertical offset" as we add elements to the mark.
            double verticalOffset = 0;
            double elementHeight;

            elementHeight = 3;
            // ICP-Brasil logo on the upper-left corner.
            manifestMark.Elements.Add(new PdfMarkImage()
                RelativeContainer = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                    Height = elementHeight,
                    Top    = verticalOffset,
                    Width  = elementHeight,                    /* Using elemengHeight as width because the image is square. */
                    Left   = 0
                ImageContent = Storage.GetIcpBrasilLogoContent()
            // QR Code with the verification link on the upper-right corner. We will generate a PdfMarkImage from
            // a QR Code generated using the QRCoder library.
            byte[] qrCodeImageContent;
            using (var qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator()) {
                using (var qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(verificationLink, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.M)) {
                    using (var qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData)) {
                        var qrCodeBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(10, Color.Black, Color.White, false);
                        using (var buffer = new MemoryStream()) {
                            qrCodeBitmap.Save(buffer, ImageFormat.Png);
                            qrCodeImageContent = buffer.ToArray();
            manifestMark.Elements.Add(new PdfMarkImage()
                RelativeContainer = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                    Height = elementHeight,
                    Top    = verticalOffset,
                    Width  = elementHeight,                    /* Using elemengHeight as width because the image is square. */
                    Right  = 0
                ImageContent = qrCodeImageContent
            // Header "SIGNATURES VERIFICATION" centered between ICP-Brasil logo and QR Code.
            manifestMark.Elements.Add(new PdfMarkText()
                RelativeContainer = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                    Height = elementHeight,
                    Top    = verticalOffset + 0.2,
                    Right  = 0,
                    Left   = 0
                Align = PadesHorizontalAlign.Center,
                Texts = new List <PdfTextSection>()
                    new PdfTextSection()
                        Style    = PdfTextStyle.Normal,
                        FontSize = NormalFontSize * 1.6,
                        Text     = "SIGNATURES\nVERIFICATION"
            verticalOffset += elementHeight;

            // Verifical padding.
            verticalOffset += 1.7;

            // Header with verification code.
            elementHeight = 2;
            manifestMark.Elements.Add(new PdfMarkText()
                RelativeContainer = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                    Height = elementHeight,
                    Top    = verticalOffset,
                    Right  = 0,
                    Left   = 0
                Align = PadesHorizontalAlign.Center,
                Texts = new List <PdfTextSection>()
                    new PdfTextSection()
                        Style    = PdfTextStyle.Normal,
                        FontSize = NormalFontSize * 1.2,
                        Text     = string.Format("Verification Code: {0}", formattedVerificationCode)
            verticalOffset += elementHeight;

            // Paragraph saying "this document was signed by the following signer etc" and mentioning the time zone of the
            // date/times below.
            elementHeight = 2.5;
            manifestMark.Elements.Add(new PdfMarkText()
                RelativeContainer = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                    Height = elementHeight,
                    Top    = verticalOffset,
                    Left   = 0,
                    Right  = 0
                Texts = new List <PdfTextSection>()
                    new PdfTextSection()
                        Style    = PdfTextStyle.Normal,
                        FontSize = NormalFontSize,
                        Text     = string.Format("This document was digitally signed by the following signers on the indicated dates ({0}):", TimeZoneDisplayName)
            verticalOffset += elementHeight;

            // Iterate signers.
            foreach (var signer in signature.Signers)
                elementHeight = 1.5;

                // Validate signature based on the PAdES Basic policy.
                var policyMapper      = PadesPoliciesForGeneration.GetPadesBasic(Util.GetTrustArbitrator());
                var validationResults = signature.ValidateSignature(signer, policyMapper);

                // Green "check" or red "X" icon depending on result of validation for this signer.
                manifestMark.Elements.Add(new PdfMarkImage()
                    RelativeContainer = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                        Height = 0.5,
                        Top    = verticalOffset + 0.2,
                        Width  = 0.5,
                        Left   = 0
                    ImageContent = Storage.GetValidationResultIcon(validationResults.IsValid)
                // Description of signer (see method getSignerDescription() below).
                manifestMark.Elements.Add(new PdfMarkText()
                    RelativeContainer = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                        Height = elementHeight,
                        Top    = verticalOffset,
                        Left   = 0.8,
                        Right  = 0
                    Texts = new List <PdfTextSection>()
                        new PdfTextSection()
                            Style    = PdfTextStyle.Normal,
                            FontSize = NormalFontSize,
                            Text     = getSignerDescription(signer)

                verticalOffset += elementHeight;

            // Some vertical padding from last signer.
            verticalOffset += 1;

            // Paragraph with link to veritifcation site and citing both the verification code above and the
            // verification link below.
            elementHeight = 2.5;
            manifestMark.Elements.Add(new PdfMarkText()
                RelativeContainer = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                    Height = elementHeight,
                    Top    = verticalOffset,
                    Right  = 0,
                    Left   = 0
                Texts = new List <PdfTextSection>()
                    new PdfTextSection()
                        Style    = PdfTextStyle.Normal,
                        FontSize = NormalFontSize,
                        Text     = string.Format("To verify the signatures, go to {0} on ", VerificationSiteNameWithArticle)
                    new PdfTextSection()
                        Color    = Color.Blue,
                        Style    = PdfTextStyle.Normal,
                        FontSize = NormalFontSize,
                        Text     = VerificationSite
                    new PdfTextSection()
                        Style    = PdfTextStyle.Normal,
                        FontSize = NormalFontSize,
                        Text     = " and inform the code above or follow the link below:"
            verticalOffset += elementHeight;

            // Verification link.
            elementHeight = 1.5;
            manifestMark.Elements.Add(new PdfMarkText()
                RelativeContainer = new PadesVisualRectangle()
                    Height = elementHeight,
                    Top    = verticalOffset,
                    Right  = 0,
                    Left   = 0
                Align = PadesHorizontalAlign.Center,
                Texts = new List <PdfTextSection>()
                    new PdfTextSection()
                        Color    = Color.Blue,
                        Style    = PdfTextStyle.Normal,
                        FontSize = NormalFontSize,
                        Text     = verificationLink

            // Prevent from throwing exception when the file to be marked already have a signature (default: true).
            pdfMarker.ThrowIfSignedPdf = false;
            // Note: Before applying the marks, all signature from the signed file will be removed.

            // Apply marks and return the printer-friendly PDF's content.
            byte[] pfvContent = pdfMarker.WriteMarks(pdfContent);