protected void GridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            int rowId      = Int32.Parse(Session["rowId"].ToString());
            int customerId = int.Parse(Session["Customer_Id"].ToString());

            int tk_id = Int32.Parse(GridView1.Rows[rowId].Cells[7].Text);

            using (projectEntities1 context = new projectEntities1())
                Seat_Details seatNo = (from s in context.Seat_Details
                                       where s.Ticket_Id == tk_id
                                       select s).FirstOrDefault();

                Payment_Info payment = (from p in context.Payment_Info
                                        where p.Ticket_Id == tk_id
                                        select p).FirstOrDefault();

                var user = (from c in context.Customer_Info
                            where c.Customer_Id == customerId
                            select c).FirstOrDefault();

                Application OutlookApplication = new Application();

                MailItem message = (MailItem)OutlookApplication.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem);

                MailAddress toAddress = new MailAddress(user.Email);

                Booking_Details ticket = (from b in context.Booking_Details
                                          where b.Ticket_Id == tk_id
                                          select b).FirstOrDefault();

                message.To         = toAddress.ToString();
                message.Subject    = "Confirm Cancellation";
                message.HTMLBody   = "<div><h1>THANK YOU for using Let's book</h1>" + "<br/><br/>" + "Theater Name:" + "<br/><br/>" + ticket.Show_Info.Theater_Info.Theater_Name + "Movie:" + ticket.Show_Info.Movie_Info.Movie_Name + "<br/><br/>" + "Show Date:" + ticket.Show_Info.Show_Date + "<br/><br/>" + "Show Time:" + ticket.Show_Info.Start_Time + "<br/><br/>" + "No of Tickets:" + ticket.No_Of_Tickets + "<br/><br/>" + "Seat Numbers:" + seatNo.Seat_No + "<br/><br/>" + "Price:" + payment.Total_Price + "<br/><br/>" + "See you soon" + "</div>";
                message.BodyFormat = OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML;



        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["Customer_Id"] == null)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                DateTime    todate       = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
                int         customerId   = Int32.Parse(Session["Customer_Id"].ToString());
                GridViewRow row          = (GridViewRow)Session["Booking_Details"];
                string      Theater_Name = row.Cells[1].Text;
                string      Movie_Name   = row.Cells[2].Text;
                var         Show_Date    = row.Cells[3].Text;
                var         Show_Time    = row.Cells[4].Text;
                decimal     Price        = Decimal.Parse(row.Cells[5].Text);
                Array       seats        = (Array)Session["seatNos"];
                int         show_id      = Int32.Parse(row.Cells[6].Text);
                int         aLen         = seats.Length;
                decimal     tot_price    = aLen * Price;
                string      seatStr      = Session["seatStr"].ToString();
                using (projectEntities1 context = new projectEntities1())
                    Booking_Details book = new Booking_Details();
                    book.Customer_Id   = customerId;
                    book.Show_Id       = show_id;
                    book.No_Of_Tickets = aLen;
                    book.Booking_Date  = todate;

                    var tk_id = (from t in context.Show_Info
                                 join b in context.Booking_Details on show_id equals b.Show_Id
                                 join c in context.Customer_Info on customerId equals c.Customer_Id
                                 where b.Booking_Date == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.UtcNow)
                                 select new
                    }).OrderByDescending(t => t.Ticket_Id).FirstOrDefault();

                    Seat_Details seatno = new Seat_Details();
                    Payment_Info pay    = new Payment_Info();
                    pay.Ticket_Id  = seatno.Ticket_Id = tk_id.Ticket_Id;
                    seatno.Seat_No = seatStr;
                    pay.Total_Price = tot_price;
                    pay.Mode        = "PayPal";

                    var user = (from c in context.Customer_Info
                                where c.Customer_Id == customerId
                                select c).FirstOrDefault();

                    Application OutlookApplication = new Application();

                    MailItem message = (MailItem)OutlookApplication.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem);

                    MailAddress toAddress = new MailAddress(user.Email);

                    message.To         = toAddress.ToString();
                    message.Subject    = "Movie Ticket";
                    message.HTMLBody   = "<h1>THANK YOU for using Let's book</h1>" + "<br/><br/>" + "Theater Name:" + "<br/><br/>" + Theater_Name + "Movie:" + Movie_Name + "<br/><br/>" + "Show Date:" + Show_Date + "<br/><br/>" + "Show Time:" + Show_Time + "<br/><br/>" + "No of Tickets:" + aLen.ToString() + "<br/><br/>" + "Seat Numbers:" + seatStr + "<br/><br/>" + "Price" + Price + "<br/><br/>" + "Enjoy your show";
                    message.BodyFormat = OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML;


                Label9.Text  = Theater_Name;
                Label10.Text = Movie_Name;
                Label11.Text = Show_Date;
                Label12.Text = Show_Time;
                Label13.Text = aLen.ToString();
                Label14.Text = seatStr;
                Label15.Text = tot_price.ToString();
                Label16.Text = "Done";