public List<Weather> GetWeatherFromLocation(Location location) { string lat = location.Latitude.ToString(); string lng = location.Longitude.ToString(); lat = lat.Replace(",", "."); lng = lng.Replace(",", "."); var URL = string.Format("{0}&lon={1}&cnt=5&lang=se&mode=xml&app_id=0f30ca6751e3118751f156f2e8ac847a", lat, lng); var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URL); var xml = String.Empty; using (var response = request.GetResponse()) using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { xml = reader.ReadToEnd(); } var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml); var model = (from time in doc.Descendants("time") select new Weather { LocationID = location.LocationID, Date = DateTime.Parse(time.Attribute("day").Value), WeatherIcon = time.Element("symbol").Attribute("var").Value, Degree = Decimal.Round((decimal.Parse(time.Element("temperature").Attribute("eve").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) - (decimal)273.15), 2) }).ToList(); if (model.Count < 1) { throw new ApplicationException("Väderprognosen kunde inte hämtas från OpenWeatherMap's api"); } return model; }
public ActionResult Search(LocationName location) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { locationFinder = new GeoWebService(); weatherFinder = new WeatherWebService(); checkedLocation = new Location(); checkedLocation = locationFinder.GetLocationInfo(location); List<WeatherInfo> weatherList = new List<WeatherInfo>(); weatherList = weatherFinder.GetWeatherInfo(checkedLocation); _repository.AddWeather(weatherList); _repository.Save(); return View("Index", weatherList); } else { return View("Search"); } } catch (Exception e) { string error = "This city was not found in the Geonames API"; ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, error + e.InnerException); return View("Search"); } }
public List<Weather> GetWeatherFromLocation(Location location) { var forecast = _repository.GetWeatherFromLocation(location); if (forecast == null || forecast.Count < 5 || forecast[1].Date != DateTime.Today) // Bug days switch places when saving in db { // If there are old weather objects, delete them forecast.ForEach(weather => _repository.DeleteWeather(weather)); forecast = new List<Weather>(); var webservice = new WeatherWebservice(); forecast = webservice.GetWeatherFromLocation(location); if (forecast != null) { // Save in db! forecast.ForEach(w => _repository.AddWeather(w)); _repository.Save(); } else { throw new ApplicationException("Det gick inte att hitta väderinformation varken i databasen eller via apiet."); } } else if (forecast[1].Date == DateTime.Today) // Bug fix that days switch places { var today = forecast[1]; forecast[1] = forecast[0]; forecast[0] = today; } return forecast; }