// Private helper function, that updates given Subject's LastUpdatedTime attribute
 // and changes its database state to 'Modified'.
 private void UpdateSubjectTime(Subject s)
     db.Entry(s).State = EntityState.Modified;
        // Private function used by POST Edit method. It is the major part of that method,
        // since it is responsible for the actual edition of an existing RegularTask (and its Answer).
        // This function returns a proper ActionResult depending whether the action was successful 
        // or failed at some point.
        private ActionResult EditTaskInternal(RegularTask regulartask, Subject sub, int isAnswerChanged,
            string answerType, string valueAns, string textAns, IList<string> multiChoiceList,
            IList<string> multiAnswerList, ICollection<string> singleChoiceList, int singleCorrectNo)
            // First let's see if the answer for the task is being changed or not.
            // If it's not then we have an easy case to deal with.
            if (isAnswerChanged == 0)

                regulartask.CorrectAnswers = 0;
                regulartask.Attempts = 0;
                db.Entry(regulartask).State = EntityState.Modified;
                return RedirectToAction("Details", "Subject", new { id = regulartask.SubjectID });

            // Variable holding answer that belongs to the task
            var ans = db.Answers.Find(regulartask.ID);

            // And now let's cope with the case when the answer is being changed as well as the task.
            switch (answerType)
                case Answer.SINGLE_VALUE_ANSWER:
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(valueAns))
                        // In this case we want to reload the Edit page with the original RegularTask
                        return ReloadPageWithStatement(db.RegularTasks.Find(regulartask.ID), answerType, sub.Name, sub.ID);

                    if (ans.className() == answerType)
                        // We don't have to create a completely new Answer, only update the current one
                        ((SingleValueAnswer)ans).Value = valueAns;
                        db.Entry(ans).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        // Delete previous answer and create new SingleValueAnswer
                        removeOldChoices(ans.className(), regulartask.ID);

                        var singleValueAnswer = new SingleValueAnswer(valueAns) { TaskID = regulartask.ID };

                case Answer.TEXT_ANSWER:
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(textAns))
                        // In this case we want to reload the Edit page with the original RegularTask
                        return ReloadPageWithStatement(db.RegularTasks.Find(regulartask.ID), answerType, sub.Name, sub.ID);

                    if (ans.className() == answerType)
                        // We don't have to create a completely new Answer, only update the current one
                        ((TextAnswer)ans).Text = textAns;
                        db.Entry(ans).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        // Delete previous answer and create new TextAnswer
                        removeOldChoices(ans.className(), regulartask.ID);

                        var textAnswer = new TextAnswer(textAns) { TaskID = regulartask.ID };

                case Answer.SINGLE_CHOICE_ANSWER:
                    if (singleCorrectNo >= singleChoiceList.Count || singleCorrectNo < 0)
                        throw new RetryLimitExceededException("The number of the correct Choice for SingleChoiceAnswer is beyond valid range.");

                    // Case when we haven't got any valid Choices for the SingleChoiceAnswer or some choices are empty
                    if (singleChoiceList.Count == 0 || singleChoiceList.Count(String.IsNullOrEmpty) != 0)
                        // In this case we want to reload the Edit page with the original RegularTask
                        return ReloadPageWithStatement(db.RegularTasks.Find(regulartask.ID), answerType, sub.Name, sub.ID);

                    if (ans.className() == answerType)
                        // We don't have to create a completely new Answer, only update the current one
                        ((SingleChoiceAnswer)ans).CorrectAnswer = singleCorrectNo;
                        db.Entry(ans).State = EntityState.Modified;

                        // Let's remove old choices ...
                        removeOldChoices(ans.className(), regulartask.ID);

                        // ... and add new ones
                        foreach (var singleChoice in singleChoiceList.Select(s => new SingleChoice(s) { SingleChoiceAnswerID = regulartask.ID }))
                            singleChoice.SingleChoiceAnswerID = regulartask.ID;
                        // Delete previous answer and create new SingleChoiceAnswer
                        removeOldChoices(ans.className(), regulartask.ID);

                        var singleChoiceAnswer = new SingleChoiceAnswer(singleCorrectNo) { TaskID = regulartask.ID };

                        foreach (var singleChoice in singleChoiceList.Select(s => new SingleChoice(s) { SingleChoiceAnswerID = regulartask.ID }))

                case Answer.MULTIPLE_CHOICE_ANSWER:
                    if (multiChoiceList.Count != multiAnswerList.Count)
                        throw new RetryLimitExceededException("The number of Options doesn't equal the number of true-false answers.");

                    // Case when we haven't got any valid Choices for the MultiChoiceAnswer
                    if (multiChoiceList.Count(t => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(t)) == 0)
                        // In this case we want to reload the Edit page with the original RegularTask
                        return ReloadPageWithStatement(db.RegularTasks.Find(regulartask.ID), answerType, sub.Name, sub.ID);

                    if (ans.className() == answerType)
                        // We don't have to create a completely new Answer, only update the current one
                        // Let's remove old choices ...
                        removeOldChoices(ans.className(), regulartask.ID);

                        // ... and add new ones
                        for (var i = 0; i < multiChoiceList.Count; i++)
                            // No safety check whether the values send by POST are valid ones ('True' and 'False' are valid).
                            // Every invalid value will be interpreted as 'False'
                            var tempAns = (multiAnswerList[i].Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                            var multiChoice = new MultiChoice(multiChoiceList[i], tempAns) { MultipleChoiceAnswerID = regulartask.ID };
                        // Delete previous answer and create new MultipleChoiceAnswer
                        removeOldChoices(ans.className(), regulartask.ID);

                        var multiChoiceAnswer = new MultipleChoiceAnswer { TaskID = regulartask.ID };

                        for (var i = 0; i < multiChoiceList.Count; i++)
                            // No safety check whether the values send by POST are valid ones ('True' and 'False' are valid).
                            // Every invalid value will be interpreted as 'False'
                            var tempAns = (multiAnswerList[i].Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                            var multiChoice = new MultiChoice(multiChoiceList[i], tempAns) { MultipleChoiceAnswerID = regulartask.ID };



            regulartask.CorrectAnswers = 0;
            regulartask.Attempts = 0;
            db.Entry(regulartask).State = EntityState.Modified;
            return RedirectToAction("Details", "Subject", new { id = regulartask.SubjectID });