Example #1
        public void TestQueue()
            // Arrange
            Problem testProblem = new Problem(3, 5, 4);
            byte[] qMsgBytes = new byte[12];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(testProblem.FirstBucket.Capacity), 0, qMsgBytes, 0, 4);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(testProblem.SecondBucket.Capacity), 0, qMsgBytes, 4, 4);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(testProblem.GoalWaterVolume), 0, qMsgBytes, 8, 4);
            CloudQueueMessage qMessage = new CloudQueueMessage(qMsgBytes);

            // Act

            // Assert
            // Assertion done by watching the WorkerRole in Debugger
Example #2
        // Deprecated message for SignedUpdates with the theory of having a single ZmqSocket subscribe to all
        //  messages for a problem and then separate/parse them by which strategy the message is an update for 
        //  and pass that appropriately to the client(s)
        //protected IEnumerable<SignedProblemUpdate> GetProblemUpdates(ZmqSocket subscriber, string signature)
        //    if (subscriber == null)
        //        throw new ArgumentNullException("subscriber");

        //    SignedProblemUpdate update;
        //    do
        //    {
        //        update = null;
        //        // This is the blocking version of Receiving from a ZMQ Socket - this is okay since we will wrap this call in Rx
        //        ZmqMessage msg = subscriber.ReceiveMessage();
        //        // To decouple ProblemUpdate from the Transport Medium, only binary data is passed using byte[] instead of a ZeroMQ.Frame
        //        update = new SignedProblemUpdate(msg.Select(f => f.Buffer).ToArray());
        //        if (!signature.Equals(update.Signature))
        //            continue;

        //        if (update.IsAction || update.IsInitial)
        //            yield return update;
        //    } while ((update != null) && !(update.IsCompletion || update.IsError));

        //    if (update != null)
        //    {
        //        if (update.IsCompletion)
        //        {
        //            yield return update;
        //        }
        //        else if (update.IsError)
        //        {
        //            throw update.GetException<Exception>();
        //        }
        //    }

        //    yield break;

        /// <summary>
        /// Solve the Problem using a WorkerRole hosted in Azure PaaS Cloud asynchronously by queuing the problem in an Azure Storage CloudQueue and 
        /// listening on ZmqSockets for update messages from the Worker doing the work as the work is being done.
        /// <para>Based on a setting by the Client in the WorkOrder optionally use an Rx Observable sequences over the message stream to signal 
        /// updates to the Client(s)</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="problemToSolve"><see cref="WaterBucket.Domain.Problem"/> to be solved and calculate the results</param>
        /// <param name="work">The <see cref="WaterBucketWeb.Models.WorkOrder"/> passed from the Client determining how to perform the work of solving the <see cref="WaterBucket.Domain.Problem"/></param>
        /// <returns>Task that can be awaited on for work being completed by the Worker</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Queue.CloudQueue"/>
        /// <seealso cref="ZeroMQ"/>
        protected async Task SolveProblemWithWorkerAsync(Problem problemToSolve, WorkOrder work)//, int delayStart, int workDelay)
            // Calling this here will ensure that it is trying to find workers anytime it needs them
            // rather than prefetching PublisherAddresses, finding out they're not initialized and 
            // never being able to use workers after that
            // - fortunately or unfortunately, it doesn't matter in SignalR since Hubs are reconstructed 
            //   for every call to the Hub so the result if called in the ctor wouldn't be cached accross calls
            //if (!CanUseWorker)
            //    Clients.All.addMsg("Cannot use Worker for calculations, reason: " + NoWorkerReason);
            //    return;

            // Check whether the CloudQueue is for the staging or production environment, which use separate Queues in order to provide fully isolated environments
            bool isStaging = RoleEnvironmentExt.GetRoleConfigSetting("UseStaging", false);
            // Get the CloudQueue on which we want to put messages for the WorkerRoles to get their work
            string storageAccountConStr = !isStaging ? RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("StorageAccount") : RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("StagingStorageAccount");
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageAccountConStr);
            CloudQueueClient qClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();
            CloudQueue queue = qClient.GetQueueReference(CLOUD_Q_FOR_WORK);

                ZmqContext ctx = ZmqContext.Create();
                //ZmqSocket socket = ctx.CreateSocket(SocketType.SUB);
                //List<ISolutionStrategy> strategies = new List<ISolutionStrategy>();
                //strategies.Add(new BigToSmallSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(problemToSolve));
                //strategies.Add(new SmallToBigSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(problemToSolve));
                //IObservable<SignedProblemUpdate> combinedUpdates = null;
                //foreach (var s in strategies)
                //    socket.Subscribe(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s.Signature));
                //    if (combinedUpdates == null)
                //    {
                //        combinedUpdates = GetProblemUpdates(socket, s.Signature).ToObservable();
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        combinedUpdates = combinedUpdates.Union(GetProblemUpdates(socket, s.Signature).ToObservable());
                //    }
                ISolutionStrategy bigToSmall = new BigToSmallSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(problemToSolve);
                ISolutionStrategy smallToBig = new SmallToBigSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(problemToSolve);

                //var combinedUpdates = (from u in GetProblemUpdates(socket, bigToSmall.Signature)
                //                       select u)
                //                       .Union(
                //                       from u in GetProblemUpdates(socket, smallToBig.Signature)
                //                       select u);
                //bool done = false;

                //using (combinedUpdates.ToObservable().Subscribe(
                //    update =>
                //    {
                //        if (update.IsAction || update.IsInitial)
                //        {
                //            ProblemActionStep(update.IntoType<BucketActionStep>().UpdateState);
                //        }
                //        else if (update.IsCompletion)
                //        {
                //            ISolutionStrategy signedStrategy = strategies.FirstOrDefault(s => update.Signature.Equals(s.Signature));
                //            if (signedStrategy != null)
                //            {
                //                var solnResult = update.IntoType<SolutionResult>().UpdateState;
                //                ProblemSolutionCompleted(signedStrategy.StrategyName);
                //                // Don't need this with the bool done
                //                signedStrategy.RemoteResult(solnResult);
                //                SignalSolution(signedStrategy.StrategyName, solnResult);
                //            }
                //            //if (bigToSmall.Signature.Equals(update.Signature))
                //            //{
                //            //    SignalSolution(bigToSmall.StrategyName, update.IntoType<SolutionResult>().UpdateState);
                //            //}
                //            //else if (smallToBig.Signature.Equals(update.Signature))
                //            //{
                //            //    SignalSolution(smallToBig.StrategyName, update.IntoType<SolutionResult>().UpdateState);
                //            //}
                //        }
                //        else if (update.IsError)
                //        {
                //            ProblemActionError(update.GetException<Exception>());
                //        }
                //    },
                //    ProblemActionError,
                //    () => { done = true; }
                //    ))
                //    byte[] qMsgBytes = new byte[12];
                //    Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(problemToSolve.FirstBucket.Capacity), 0, qMsgBytes, 0, 4);
                //    Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(problemToSolve.SecondBucket.Capacity), 0, qMsgBytes, 4, 4);
                //    Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(problemToSolve.GoalWaterVolume), 0, qMsgBytes, 8, 4);
                //    CloudQueueMessage qMsg = new CloudQueueMessage(qMsgBytes);
                //    queue.AddMessage(qMsg);
                //    while (!done)
                //    {
                //        Thread.Sleep(500);
                //    }
                Task b2sWork, s2bWork;
                // Put the work.YieldWeb value in a local value type which is easier to pass to child Tasks
                bool yieldOnAction = work.YieldWeb;
                // The Client does NOT want to use a Rx Observable to wrap the message stream from the ZmqSocket
                if (!work.ObserverOnZmq)
                    // Start tasks to listen for Worker updates on their own ZmqSockets per each SolutionStrategy that will be employed to solve the problem and signal Client(s) as they come in
                    b2sWork = Task.Run(() =>
                                foreach (var step in GetWorkerUpdates(ctx, bigToSmall, result => SignalSolution(bigToSmall.StrategyName, result)))
                                    ProblemActionStep(step, yieldOnAction);
                                ProblemSolutionCompleted("Big to Small");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                    s2bWork = Task.Run(() =>
                                foreach (var step in GetWorkerUpdates(ctx, smallToBig, result => SignalSolution(smallToBig.StrategyName, result)))
                                    ProblemActionStep(step, yieldOnAction);
                                ProblemSolutionCompleted("Small to Big");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                else // The Client wants to use a Rx Observable to wrap the message stream from the ZmqSocket
                    // First create a lazy evaluated Linq Sequence around getting ZmqSocket subscription messages for a specific SolutionStrategy
                    var b2sUpdates = from u in GetWorkerUpdates(ctx, bigToSmall, result => SignalSolution(bigToSmall.StrategyName, result))
                                     select u;
                    // Start a task in which a Rx Observable will wrap the message stream and signal the Client(s) when messages are received
                    b2sWork = Task.Run(() => b2sUpdates.ToObservable()
                        .Subscribe(step => ProblemActionStep(step, yieldOnAction), ProblemActionError, () => ProblemSolutionCompleted("Big to Small")))
                        .ContinueWith(t =>
                                if (t.IsCanceled)
                                    // TODO: Log this
                                else if (t.IsFaulted)
                                    // TODO: Log the Exception
                                else if (t.IsCompleted)
                    // Repeat the above steps for the other SolutionStrategy
                    var s2bUpdates = from u in GetWorkerUpdates(ctx, smallToBig, result => SignalSolution(smallToBig.StrategyName, result))
                                     select u;
                    s2bWork = Task.Run(() => s2bUpdates.ToObservable()
                        .Subscribe(step => ProblemActionStep(step, yieldOnAction), ProblemActionError, () => ProblemSolutionCompleted("Small to Big")))
                        .ContinueWith(t =>
                                if (t.IsFaulted)
                                    // TODO: Log the Exception
                                else if (t.IsCanceled)
                                    // TODO: Log this
                                else if (t.IsCompleted)
                // To ensure the Subscriptions occur before any messages are published by the Worker, we could call Thread.Yield here
                // and we will get back control once those Tasks block on attempting to receive a message
                // BUT - we want to see the effects of delays on publishing and the Zmq PUB-SUB messaging so we're not doing that now
                // Create the message to be put into the Azure Storage CloudQueue that is picked up by the Workers
                byte[] qMsgBytes = new byte[20];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(problemToSolve.FirstBucket.Capacity), 0, qMsgBytes, 0, 4);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(problemToSolve.SecondBucket.Capacity), 0, qMsgBytes, 4, 4);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(problemToSolve.GoalWaterVolume), 0, qMsgBytes, 8, 4);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(work.StartDelay), 0, qMsgBytes, 12, 4);
                // be able to signal to the worker the WorkDelay or whether it should Yield on each Action (workDelay == 0) or Not to Yield (workDelay < 0)
                int workDelay = work.WorkDelay > 0 ? work.WorkDelay : work.YieldWorker ? 0 : -1;
                Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(workDelay), 0, qMsgBytes, 16, 4);
                CloudQueueMessage qMsg = new CloudQueueMessage(qMsgBytes);
                // Now wait for the Subscription tasks to complete
                await Task.WhenAll(b2sWork, s2bWork);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO: Log any uncaught exception
                throw new Exception("Encountered Exception during WorkerAsync", ex);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Solve the Problem locally in the WebRole/Hub asynchronously using Rx Observable sequences to capture and signal updates to the Client(s)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="problemToSolve"><see cref="WaterBucket.Domain.Problem"/> to be solved and calculate the results</param>
        /// <param name="work">The <see cref="WaterBucketWeb.Models.WorkOrder"/> passed from the Client determining how to perform the work of solving the <see cref="WaterBucket.Domain.Problem"/></param>
        /// <returns>Task resulting in <see cref="WaterBucket.Domain.SolutionResult"/>s for the problem for each <see cref="WaterBucket.Domain.ISolutionStrategy"/> employed</returns>
        protected async Task<SolutionResult[]> SolveAProblemAsync(Problem problemToSolve, WorkOrder work)//, int delayStart, int workDelay)
            if (work.StartDelay > 0)

            ISolutionStrategy smallToBig, bigToSmall;
            smallToBig = new SmallToBigSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(problemToSolve);
            bigToSmall = new BigToSmallSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(problemToSolve);
            var startSmall = from step in problemToSolve.Solve(smallToBig)
                             select step;
            //startSmall.ToObservable().Subscribe(ProblemActionStep, ProblemActionError, ProblemSolutionCompleted);
            // Example of doing all of the code on a single line
            //problemToSolve.Solve(new SmallToBigSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(problemToSolve)).ToObservable().Subscribe(ProblemActionStep, ProblemActionError, () => ProblemSolutionCompleted("Small to Big"));
            // Capture as primitive value type rather than rely on reference type for use in Tasks - was burned on this with the PublisherAddresses list
            bool yieldOnAction = work.YieldWeb;
            // Set up a Task to run the Observable in but don't wait on it yet
            var smallToBigTask = Task.Run(() => (work.WorkDelay > 0 ? startSmall.ToObservable().Do(_ => Thread.Sleep(work.WorkDelay)) : startSmall.ToObservable())
                .Subscribe(step => ProblemActionStep(step, yieldOnAction), ProblemActionError, () => ProblemSolutionCompleted("Small to Big")))
                .ContinueWith(t => 
                        if (t.IsCanceled)
                        else if (t.IsFaulted)
                        else if (t.IsCompleted)
                            SignalSolution(smallToBig.StrategyName, smallToBig.Result);
                            return smallToBig.Result;
                        return null;
            var startBig = from step in problemToSolve.Solve(bigToSmall)
                            select step;
            //var startBig = (from step in problemToSolve.Solve(bigToSmall)
            //               select step).ToObservable();
            //if (workDelay > 0)
            //    var timer = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(workDelay));
            //    startBig = startBig.Zip(timer, (bs, _) => bs);
            // Set up a Task to run the Observable in but don't wait on it yet
            var bigToSmallTask = Task.Run(() => (work.WorkDelay > 0 ? startBig.ToObservable().Do(_ => Thread.Sleep(work.WorkDelay)) : startBig.ToObservable())
                .Subscribe(step => ProblemActionStep(step, yieldOnAction), ProblemActionError, () => ProblemSolutionCompleted("Big to Small")))
                .ContinueWith(t =>
                        if (t.IsCanceled)
                        else if (t.IsFaulted)
                        else if (t.IsCompleted)
                            SignalSolution(bigToSmall.StrategyName, bigToSmall.Result);
                            return smallToBig.Result;
                        return null;
            // Wait for the Observable execution tasks to complete before finishing
            return await Task.WhenAll(smallToBigTask, bigToSmallTask);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a message from the Client to Solve a given problem using the given work order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="problem"><see cref="WaterBucket.Domain.Problem"/> defining the Bucket and Goal Parameters to use in the calculation</param>
        /// <param name="work">WorkOrder parameters used during execution of the solution</param>
        public void Solve(ProblemVM problem, WorkOrder work)//, bool useWorker = false, int delayStart = -1, int workDelay = -1)
            if (BroadcastAll)
                Clients.Others.submission(problem, work.UseWorker);
            // Test Bucket Ranges here instead of at the browser so that updates made on the back end for thresholds are checked without requiring browser refresh
            bool end = false;
            int bigBucket = Math.Max(problem.FirstBucketCapacity, problem.SecondBucketCapacity);
            if (bigBucket > BucketMax)
                if (BroadcastAll)
                    Clients.All.outOfRange(bigBucket, true);
                    Clients.Caller.outOfRange(bigBucket, true);
                end = true;
            int smallBucket = Math.Min(problem.FirstBucketCapacity, problem.SecondBucketCapacity);
            if (smallBucket < BucketMin)
                if (BroadcastAll)
                    Clients.All.outOfRange(smallBucket, false);
                    Clients.Caller.outOfRange(smallBucket, false);
                end = true;
            if (end)
            // Check to see if the Problem exists in the Cache
            Problem problemo = HttpContext.Current.Cache[problem.CacheKey] as Problem;
            // If not, create a new Problem based on the parameters to solve and add it to the Cache
            if (problemo == null)
                problemo = new Problem(problem.FirstBucketCapacity, problem.SecondBucketCapacity, problem.GoalWaterVolume);
                HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(problem.CacheKey, problemo);
            // Notify Client(s) that the Problem is being started
            // ActionBindingThreshold tells the client browser whether to use knockout.js observableArray binding for displaying action step updates or
            // plain old DOM manipulation - ko.observableArray creates a big performance hit
            bool bindActions = bigBucket <= ActionBindingThreshold;
            if (BroadcastAll)
                Clients.All.startedProblem(problem, bindActions && !work.UseWorker);
                Clients.Caller.startedProblem(problem, bindActions && !work.UseWorker);

            // Check to see if it is a solvable Problem
            if (!problemo.IsSolvable)
                // If not a solvable problem then notify the clients and do not try to solve it
                if (BroadcastAll)
                // Try-Catch didn't work here to solve the problem I was having
                    var problemTasks = work.UseWorker ? SolveProblemWithWorkerAsync(problemo, work) : SolveAProblemAsync(problemo, work);
                //    problemTasks.ContinueWith(t =>
                //        {
                //            if (t.IsFaulted)
                //                Clients.All.errorInSolve(t.Exception);
                //        });
                //catch (Exception ex)
                //    Clients.All.errorInSolve(ex);
Example #5
        public override void Run()
            // This is a sample worker implementation. Replace with your logic.
            Trace.WriteLine("WaterBucketWorker entry point called", "Information");

            // Check whether the CloudQueue is for the staging or production environment, which use separate Queues in order to provide fully isolated environments
            // IF THIS IS CHANGED - the WorkerRole MUST be RESTARTED in order for it to take affect
            bool isStaging = RoleEnvironmentExt.GetRoleConfigSetting("UseStaging", false);
            // Get the CloudQueue on which we want to get messages from the WebRoles for the work to be done
            // NOTE: don't use RoleEnvironmentExt.GetRoleConfigSetting() as the WorkerRole should crash if the setting isn't configured properly
            string storageAccountConStr = !isStaging ? RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("StorageAccount") : RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("StagingStorageAccount");
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageAccountConStr);
            CloudQueueClient qClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();
            CloudQueue queue = qClient.GetQueueReference(CLOUD_Q_FOR_WORK);

            // Get the TCP address for publishing update messages for work being done using ZeroMQ
            RoleInstanceEndpoint zeromqPubEP = RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints.ContainsKey(ZMQ_PUBLISHER) ? RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints[ZMQ_PUBLISHER] : null;
            // Gracefully just not work to prevent restarts and errors from a known configuration limitation - allows testing WebRoles properly detecting inability to connect by changing the EndPoint name
            while (zeromqPubEP == null)
                zeromqPubEP = RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints.ContainsKey(ZMQ_PUBLISHER) ? RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints[ZMQ_PUBLISHER] : null;
            //if (zeromqPubEP == null)
            //    throw new Exception("Could not get 'ZmqPublisher' Endpoint");

            string publishAddress = string.Format("tcp://{0}:{1}", zeromqPubEP.IPEndpoint.Address.ToString(), zeromqPubEP.IPEndpoint.Port); //this.GetRoleConfigSetting("PublisherAddress", "tcp://");

            //string baseIPAddress;
            //    baseIPAddress = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("BaseIPAddress");
            //catch (RoleEnvironmentException rex)
            //    //ErrorSignal.
            //    baseIPAddress = "";

            string signalAddress = null;
            bool useSignal = false;

                // Not the right way to get addresses for ZmqSockets - need to use Azure EndPoints and configure them in the WebRole/WorkerRoles before publishing
                signalAddress = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("SignallerAddress");
                useSignal = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(signalAddress);
            catch (RoleEnvironmentException rex)
                useSignal = false;

            using (var ctx = ZmqContext.Create())
                    // Use XPUB-XSUB forwarding from Internal Publish to External TCP Publish or use the clrzmq provided ForwardDevice which uses regular PUB-SUB sockets?
                    // XPUB-XSUB was designed by the ZeroMQ team for this use case
                    bool useXForwarder = RoleEnvironmentExt.GetRoleConfigSetting("Forwarder.UseX", false);
                    using (Device forwarder = !useXForwarder ? new ForwarderDevice(ctx, INTERNAL_PUB_ADDRESS, publishAddress, DeviceMode.Threaded) as Device : new XForwarderDevice(ctx, INTERNAL_PUB_ADDRESS, publishAddress, DeviceMode.Threaded))
                        //using (ZmqSocket pairSubSocket = ctx.CreateSocket(SocketType.XSUB))
                        //    pairSubSocket.Bind(INTERNAL_PUB_ADDRESS);
                        //    pairSubSocket.SubscribeAll();
                        //    using (ZmqSocket pairPubSocket = ctx.CreateSocket(SocketType.XPUB))
                        //    {
                        //        pairPubSocket.Bind(publishAddress);
                        //        pairSubSocket.Forward(pairPubSocket);
                        //using (ZmqSocket socket = ctx.CreateSocket(SocketType.PUB))
                        //    socket.Connect("inproc://publishing");

                        // Wait a beat for work to arrive
                        while (true)
                            CloudQueueMessage msg = null;
                            // Read problem to solve off of the queue
                            msg = queue.GetMessage(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3));
                            // If no problems on the queue
                            if (msg == null)
                                // Using Signal Sockets to receive work would be more efficient that using Thread.Sleep
                                if (useSignal)
                                    #region Using Signaller Socket
                                    // Instead of waiting in a Sleep cycle, let the application Signal you to wake up when there is a problem to work on
                                    using (var signaller = ctx.CreateSocket(SocketType.PULL))
                                        while (true)
                                            var signal = signaller.ReceiveMessage();
                                            // Empty messages are false signals
                                            if (signal.IsEmpty)
                                            // Having now been signalled to wake up, get a problem from the queue
                                            msg = queue.GetMessage(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3));
                                            // If this is the first worker to get the problem, then attempt to solve it
                                            if (msg != null)
                                else // If not using a Signal, then sleep and repeat the while loop to get a message
                            // Detect if the Work to be done is a poison pill and delete it without working on it
                            if (msg.DequeueCount > 5)

                                //bool yieldOnAction = RoleEnvironmentExt.GetRoleConfigSetting("Action.On.Yield", false);
                                //int workTimeout = RoleEnvironmentExt.GetRoleConfigSetting("Work.Timeout", 0);

                                // Turn the Queue Message into a Problem and some WorkOrder settings
                                byte[] problemBytes = msg.AsBytes;
                                int firstCapacity = BitConverter.ToInt32(problemBytes, 0);
                                int secondCapacity = BitConverter.ToInt32(problemBytes, 4);
                                int waterGoal = BitConverter.ToInt32(problemBytes, 8);
                                int startDelay = BitConverter.ToInt32(problemBytes, 12);
                                int workDelay = BitConverter.ToInt32(problemBytes, 16);
                                Problem problemToSolve = new Problem(firstCapacity, secondCapacity, waterGoal);

                                // Get the SolutionStrategies to be employed in solving the problem
                                ISolutionStrategy smallToBig, bigToSmall;
                                smallToBig = new SmallToBigSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(problemToSolve);
                                bigToSmall = new BigToSmallSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(problemToSolve);
                                // Get a binary formatter for messages that will be local to the Task thread
                                BinaryFormatter startSmallFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                                //var scheduler = System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
                                //var startSmallUpdates = from step in problemToSolve.Solve(smallToBig).ToObservable()
                                //                        select GetUpdateMessage(smallToBig, step.ActionTaken == BucketActions.Init ? ProblemUpdateType.Initial : ProblemUpdateType.Action, step);
                                //bool startSmallCompleted = false;
                                //using (startSmallUpdates.ObserveOn(System.Reactive.Concurrency.CurrentThreadScheduler.Instance).Subscribe(
                                //    actMsg =>
                                //    {
                                //        socket.SendMessage(actMsg);
                                //    },
                                //    ex => SolutionExceptionOccurred(smallToBig, socket, ex, startSmallFormatter),
                                //    () => SolutionCompletion(smallToBig, socket, ref startSmallCompleted, startSmallFormatter)))
                                //    while (!startSmallCompleted)
                                //    {
                                //        Thread.Sleep(300);
                                //    }
                                //    queue.DeleteMessage(msg);

                                //var scheduler = System.Reactive.Concurrency.Scheduler.CurrentThread;
                                //var thread = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread;
                                //var s = new System.Reactive.Concurrency.EventLoopScheduler(ts => thread);

                                if (startDelay > 0)

                                // Create a task for performing work using a SolutionStrategy and create a ZmqSocket to publish updates internally which
                                // will be forwarded by the ForwarderDevice to any subscribers listening over our TCP Publish Endpoint
                                var startSmallTask = Task.Run(() =>
                                        using (ZmqSocket smallPubSocket = ctx.CreateSocket(SocketType.PUB))
                                                // Iterate Each action step for the Small to Big Solution Strategy
                                                foreach (var step in problemToSolve.Solve(smallToBig))
                                                    SolutionAction(smallToBig, smallPubSocket, step, startSmallFormatter);
                                                    // if work order asked for artificial work delay
                                                    if (workDelay > 0)
                                                    // If work order asked for artificial concurrency
                                                    else if (workDelay == 0)
                                                SolutionCompletion(smallToBig, smallPubSocket, startSmallFormatter);
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                SolutionExceptionOccurred(smallToBig, smallPubSocket, ex, startSmallFormatter);
                                            //using (problemToSolve.Solve(smallToBig).ToObservable().Subscribe(
                                            //    step => SolutionAction(smallToBig, smallPubSocket, step, startSmallFormatter),
                                            //    ex => SolutionExceptionOccurred(smallToBig, smallPubSocket, ex, startSmallFormatter),
                                            //    () => SolutionCompletion(smallToBig, smallPubSocket, startSmallFormatter)))
                                            //    // All activity is done by the subscribe handlers, we use the using clause to efficiently clean up
                                            //    // the IDisposable from the Subscribe method
                                // Get a binary formatter for messages that will be local to the Task thread
                                BinaryFormatter startBigFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                                // Create a task for performing work using a SolutionStrategy and create a ZmqSocket to publish updates internally which
                                // will be forwarded by the ForwarderDevice to any subscribers listening over our TCP Publish Endpoint
                                var startBigTask = Task.Run(() =>
                                        //bool bigIsComplete = false;
                                        using (ZmqSocket bigPubSocket = ctx.CreateSocket(SocketType.PUB))
                                                foreach (var step in problemToSolve.Solve(bigToSmall))
                                                    SolutionAction(bigToSmall, bigPubSocket, step, startBigFormatter);
                                                    if (workDelay > 0)
                                                    else if (workDelay == 0)
                                                SolutionCompletion(bigToSmall, bigPubSocket, startBigFormatter);
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                SolutionExceptionOccurred(bigToSmall, bigPubSocket, ex, startBigFormatter);
                                            //using (problemToSolve.Solve(bigToSmall).ToObservable().Subscribe(
                                            //    step => SolutionAction(bigToSmall, bigPubSocket, step, startBigFormatter),
                                            //    ex => SolutionExceptionOccurred(bigToSmall, bigPubSocket, ex, startBigFormatter),
                                            //    () => SolutionCompletion(bigToSmall, bigPubSocket, ref bigIsComplete, startBigFormatter)))
                                            //    // All activity is done by the subscribe handlers, we use the using clause to efficiently clean up
                                            //    // the IDisposable from the Subscribe method
                                            //    //while (!bigIsComplete)
                                            //    //    yield;
                                // Wait for the work of both SolutionStrategies to complete before deleting the Queue message
                                Task.WhenAll(startSmallTask, startBigTask)
                                    .ContinueWith(t =>
                                            if (t.IsFaulted)
                                                // TODO: Log the t.Exception
                                            else if (t.IsCanceled)
                                                // TODO: Log the Cancellation of the Task
                                            else if (t.IsCompleted)
                                                // We can remove the message from the Queue so it's not executed again
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                // log the Exception
                catch (ZmqDeviceException zde)
                    throw new Exception("Encountered ZmqDeviceException [" + zde.ToString() + " - " + zde.Message + "]", zde);
                catch (ZmqSocketException zse)
                    throw new Exception("Encountered ZmqSocketException [" + zse.ToString() + " - " + zse.Message + "]", zse);
 public SmallToBigSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(Problem problem)
     : base("SmallToBig", problem.FirstBucket.Capacity < problem.SecondBucket.Capacity ? problem.FirstBucket : problem.SecondBucket,
             problem.FirstBucket.Capacity < problem.SecondBucket.Capacity ? problem.SecondBucket : problem.FirstBucket,
             problem.GoalWaterVolume, problem.WaterSource)
 public BigToSmallSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(Problem problem)
     : base("BigToSmall", problem.FirstBucket.Capacity > problem.SecondBucket.Capacity ? problem.FirstBucket : problem.SecondBucket,
             problem.FirstBucket.Capacity > problem.SecondBucket.Capacity ? problem.SecondBucket : problem.FirstBucket,
             problem.GoalWaterVolume, problem.WaterSource)
Example #8
        public void TestSocketReceive()
            // Arrange
            var ctx = ZmqContext.Create();
            var sub = ctx.CreateSocket(SocketType.SUB);
            Problem testProblem = new Problem(3, 5, 4);
            byte[] qMsgBytes = new byte[12];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(testProblem.FirstBucket.Capacity), 0, qMsgBytes, 0, 4);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(testProblem.SecondBucket.Capacity), 0, qMsgBytes, 4, 4);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(testProblem.GoalWaterVolume), 0, qMsgBytes, 8, 4);
            CloudQueueMessage qMessage = new CloudQueueMessage(qMsgBytes);

            var smallToBig = new SmallToBigSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(testProblem);
            var bigToSmall = new BigToSmallSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(testProblem);


            // Act

            var subTask = Task.Run(() =>
                    ProblemUpdate update = null;
                    ZmqMessage zqm = sub.ReceiveMessage(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
                    if (zqm == null)
                        Assert.Fail("Did not receive a message from the subscription socket within 2 seconds of adding message to Queue");
                    int[] numActions = new int[2] { 0, 0 };
                    bool[] completed = new bool[2] { false, false };

                    while ((zqm != null) && (!completed.All(c => c)))
                        zqm = sub.ReceiveMessage();
                        string msgSig = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(zqm.Unwrap().Buffer);
                        update = new ProblemUpdate(zqm.Select(f => f.Buffer).ToArray());
                        if (update.IsAction)
                            if (msgSig.Equals(smallToBig.Signature))
                            else if (msgSig.Equals(bigToSmall.Signature))
                        else if (update.IsCompletion)
                            if (msgSig.Equals(smallToBig.Signature))
                                completed[SMALL_TO_BIG] = true;
                            else if (msgSig.Equals(bigToSmall.Signature))
                                completed[BIG_TO_SMALL] = true;

                    // Assert
                    Assert.IsFalse(update.IsError, "Received an Exception from the Socket");
                    Assert.IsTrue(completed.All(c => c), "Not all strategies completed");
                    Assert.AreEqual(NUM_ACTIONS[SMALL_TO_BIG], numActions[SMALL_TO_BIG], "Small to Big strategy received wrong number of action messages (" + numActions[SMALL_TO_BIG] + ") from socket - expected " + NUM_ACTIONS[SMALL_TO_BIG]);
                    Assert.AreEqual(NUM_ACTIONS[BIG_TO_SMALL], numActions[BIG_TO_SMALL], "Big to Small strategy received wrong number of action messages (" + numActions[BIG_TO_SMALL] + ") from socket - expected " + NUM_ACTIONS[BIG_TO_SMALL]);
            //if ((subTask.Status == TaskStatus.WaitingToRun))// || (subTask.Status == TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation))
            //  subTask.Start();
            subTask.ContinueWith(t =>
                    if (t.IsFaulted)
                        Assert.Fail("subTask threw Exception: " + t.Exception.ToString() + " " + t.Exception.Message);
