Example #1
        private void SwapUnits(int pos1, int pos2)

            PlayerChar temp = Units[pos1];

            Units[pos1] = Units[pos2];
            Units[pos2] = temp;
Example #2
        public void PlayerUpdate(GameTime gameTime, Enemy enemy, PlayerChar attacker)
            //count down on the attack timer and run endattack when it finishes
            length = length - gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            //run EndAttack when timer reaches zero
            if (length <= 0)
                EndPlayerAttack(enemy, attacker);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// resets the length (and damage, for the player) of a character's attack
 /// after they finish an attack
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="character"> The character whose attack is reset</param>
 /// <param name="charType">
 /// a hardcoded (subject to change) method to check which entity
 /// in the game needs their attack reset
 /// </param>
 public void ResetAttack(Unit character, string charType)
     if (charType == "Player")
         PlayerChar player = (PlayerChar)character;
         player.Atk.length = player.Atk.baseLength;
         player.Atk.damage = player.Atk.baseDamage;
         Enemy enemy = (Enemy)character;
         enemy.Atk.length = enemy.Atk.baseLength;
Example #4
        public void EndPlayerAttack(Enemy attackTarget, PlayerChar attacker)
            //may require an attack timer class and pause/unpause enums

            //damage the enemy
            attackTarget.Health = attackTarget.Health - attacker.Atk.damage;

            //set isAttacking to false
            attacker.IsAttacking = false;

            //add attack information to the battle log
            BattleLog.AddPlayerAttackEnd(attacker.Name, attackTarget.Name, attacker.Atk.damage);

            //reset attack timer
            ResetAttack(attacker, "Player");
Example #5
        public PlayerHandler(SpriteFont font, Game g)
            //initializes the inventory of the player
            playerInv = new Inventory(g);

            //initializes the base units
            Units[0] = new PlayerChar(font, g, CharType.Heavy);
            Units[1] = new PlayerChar(font, g, CharType.Medium);
            Units[2] = new PlayerChar(font, g, CharType.Light);

            //initializes buttons for player controls
            for (int j = 0; j < playerButtons.Length; j++)
                playerButtons[j] = new Button(g.Content.Load <Texture2D>(Config.PLAYER_BTN_NORMAL), g.Content.Load <Texture2D>(Config.PLAYER_BTN_HOVERED), g.Content.Load <Texture2D>(Config.PLAYER_BTN_CLICKED),
                                              new Rectangle(Config.PLAYER_BTN_X_POS + j * Config.PLAYER_BTN_SPACING, Config.PLAYER_BTN_Y_POS, Config.PLAYER_BTN_SIZE, Config.PLAYER_BTN_SIZE));

            text = font;
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// adds a string that informs the user that a player character has started their attack
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player"> The party member whose attack has been initiated </param>
 public static void AddPlayerAttackStart(PlayerChar player)
     logQueue.Enqueue(player.Name + " is attacking the enemy!");