/// <summary>
        /// Starts the given team's turn, ending the current turn if needed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="team"></param>
        public void StartTurn(UnitTeam team)
            if (teamTurn != team)
                teamTurn = team;

            foreach (UnitEntity ue in UnitBook.GetRoster(team).GetAllUnits())
                ue.HasActed = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Goes through all units for the active player and sets "HasActed" to true. This will end the turn for this team.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="team"></param>
 public void EndTurn(UnitTeam team)
     if (teamTurn == UnitTeam.none)
     if (teamTurn != team)
         throw new TurnOrderException("Not the player's turn");
     foreach (UnitEntity ue in UnitBook.GetRoster(team).GetAllUnits())
         ue.HasActed = true;
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Returns a list of actions available to the given unit, were it at the given position (presumably already
        ///// calculated to be a viable movement target)
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="unit"></param>
        ///// <param name="newPosition"></param>
        ///// <returns></returns>
        //public List<MapActionCommand> GetMapActionsForUnit(UnitEntity unit, Position newPosition)
        //	List<MapActionCommand> retList = new List<MapActionCommand>();
        //	//retList.Add(MapActionCommand.Wait); //wait always available.

        //	////get attack range, and check team relationship in relevant tiles
        //	//foreach (Position range in unit.AllAttackRanges())
        //	//{
        //	//	Position targ = newPosition + range;
        //	//	UnitTeam targTeam = GetTile(targ.xPos, targ.yPos);
        //	//	if (targ.xPos == unit.xPos && targ.yPos == unit.yPos) continue; //can't attack yourself

        //	//	if (targTeam != UnitTeam.none && targTeam != UnitTeam.playerTeam)
        //	//	{
        //	//		retList.Add(MapActionCommand.Attack);
        //	//		break;
        //	//	}
        //	//}

        //	////get utility range, and check team relationship in relevant tiles
        //	//foreach (Position range in unit.AllUtilityRanges())
        //	//{
        //	//	Position targ = newPosition + range;
        //	//	UnitTeam targTeam = GetTile(targ.xPos, targ.yPos);
        //	//	if (targ.xPos == unit.xPos && targ.yPos == unit.yPos) continue; //can't utility yourself

        //	//	if (targTeam != UnitTeam.none && targTeam == UnitTeam.playerTeam)
        //	//	{
        //	//		retList.Add(MapActionCommand.Heal);
        //	//		break;
        //	//	}
        //	//}

        //	return retList;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a UnitRoster of all Units in the Session for the given team
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="team"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public UnitRoster GetUnits(UnitTeam team)