internal Heartbeat(Heartbeat h) { entity = h.entity; timestamp = h.timestamp; project = h.project; is_write = h.is_write; }
public static void AppendHeartbeat(string fileName, bool isWrite, DateTime time) { Task.Run(() => { Heartbeat h = new Heartbeat(); h.entity = fileName; h.timestamp = ToUnixEpoch(time); h.is_write = isWrite; h.project = GetProjectName(); heartbeatQueue.Enqueue(h); }); }
private static void SendHeartbeat(bool fromSave = false) { if (_debug) { Debug.Log("<WakaTime> Sending heartbeat..."); } var currentScene = EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene().path; var file = currentScene != string.Empty ? Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, currentScene.Substring("Assets/".Length)) : string.Empty; var heartbeat = new Heartbeat(file, fromSave); if ((heartbeat.time - _lastHeartbeat.time < HEARTBEAT_COOLDOWN) && !fromSave && (heartbeat.entity == _lastHeartbeat.entity)) { if (_debug) { Debug.Log("<WakaTime> Skip this heartbeat"); } return; } var heartbeatJSON = JsonUtility.ToJson(heartbeat); var request = UnityWebRequest.Post(URL_PREFIX + "users/current/heartbeats?api_key=" + _apiKey, string.Empty); request.uploadHandler = new UploadHandlerRaw(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(heartbeatJSON)); request.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); request.SendWebRequest().completed += operation => { if (request.downloadHandler.text == string.Empty) { //Debug.LogWarning( // "<WakaTime> Network is unreachable. Consider disabling completely if you're working offline"); return; } if (_debug) { Debug.Log("<WakaTime> Got response\n" + request.downloadHandler.text); } Response <HeartbeatResponse> response; try { response = JsonUtility.FromJson <Response <HeartbeatResponse> >( request.downloadHandler.text); } catch (ArgumentException) { return; } if (response.error != null) { if (response.error == "Duplicate") { if (_debug) { Debug.LogWarning("<WakaTime> Duplicate heartbeat"); } } else { Debug.LogError( "<WakaTime> Failed to send heartbeat to WakaTime!\n" + response.error); } } else { if (_debug) { Debug.Log("<WakaTime> Sent heartbeat!"); } _lastHeartbeat =; } }; }