private static void StatusBarValueChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { MdiContainer mdiContainer = (MdiContainer)sender; UIElement menu = (UIElement)e.NewValue; mdiContainer._statusbar.Child = menu; }
/// <summary> /// Dependency property event once the theme value has changed. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private static void ThemeValueChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { MdiContainer mdiContainer = (MdiContainer)sender; ThemeType themeType = (ThemeType)e.NewValue; if (currentResourceDictionary != null) { Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Remove(currentResourceDictionary); } switch (themeType) { case ThemeType.Luna: Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(currentResourceDictionary = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri(@"/WWPF.MDI;component/Themes/Luna.xaml", UriKind.Relative) }); break; case ThemeType.Aero: Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(currentResourceDictionary = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri(@"/WWPF.MDI;component/Themes/Aero.xaml", UriKind.Relative) }); break; } }
static void MdiContainer_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e) { MdiContainer mdiContainer = (MdiContainer)sender; if (mdiContainer.Children.Count < 2) { return; } switch (e.Key) { case Key.Tab: if (e.KeyboardDevice.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control) { int minZindex = Panel.GetZIndex(mdiContainer.Children[0]); foreach (MdiChild mdiChild in mdiContainer.Children) { if (Panel.GetZIndex(mdiChild) < minZindex) { minZindex = Panel.GetZIndex(mdiChild); } } Panel.SetZIndex(mdiContainer.GetTopChild(), minZindex - 1); mdiContainer.GetTopChild().Focus(); e.Handled = true; } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Loaded event of the MdiChild control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void MdiChild_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FrameworkElement currentControl = this; while (currentControl != null && currentControl.GetType() != typeof(MdiContainer)) { currentControl = (FrameworkElement)currentControl.Parent; } if (currentControl != null) { Container = (MdiContainer)currentControl; } //else throw new Exception("Unable to find MdiContainer parent."); }
/// <summary> /// Dependency property event once the windows state value has changed. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private static void WindowStateValueChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { MdiChild mdiChild = (MdiChild)sender; WindowState previousWindowState = (WindowState)e.OldValue; WindowState windowState = (WindowState)e.NewValue; if (mdiChild.Container == null || previousWindowState == windowState) { return; } if (previousWindowState == WindowState.Maximized) { for (int i = 0; i < mdiChild.Container.Children.Count; i++) { if (mdiChild.Container.Children[i] != mdiChild && mdiChild.Container.Children[i].WindowState == WindowState.Maximized && mdiChild.Container.Children[i].MaximizeBox) { mdiChild.Container.Children[i].WindowState = WindowState.Normal; } } ScrollViewer sv = (ScrollViewer)((Grid)mdiChild.Container.Content).Children[1]; sv.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto; sv.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto; mdiChild.Buttons.Children.Clear(); mdiChild.buttonsPanel.Children.Add(mdiChild.minimizeButton); mdiChild.buttonsPanel.Children.Add(mdiChild.maximizeButton); mdiChild.buttonsPanel.Children.Add(mdiChild.closeButton); } if (previousWindowState == WindowState.Minimized) { mdiChild.minimizedPosition = mdiChild.Position; } switch (windowState) { case WindowState.Normal: { mdiChild.Position = new Point(mdiChild.originalDimension.X, mdiChild.originalDimension.Y); mdiChild.Width = mdiChild.originalDimension.Width; mdiChild.Height = mdiChild.originalDimension.Height; } break; case WindowState.Minimized: { if (previousWindowState == WindowState.Normal) { mdiChild.originalDimension = new Rect(mdiChild.Position.X, mdiChild.Position.Y, mdiChild.ActualWidth, mdiChild.ActualHeight); } double newLeft, newTop; if (mdiChild.minimizedPosition.X >= 0 || mdiChild.minimizedPosition.Y >= 0) { newLeft = mdiChild.minimizedPosition.X; newTop = mdiChild.minimizedPosition.Y; } else { #region Simple int minimizedWindows = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mdiChild.Container.Children.Count; i++) { if (mdiChild.Container.Children[i] != mdiChild && mdiChild.Container.Children[i].WindowState == WindowState.Minimized) { minimizedWindows++; } } int capacity = Convert.ToInt32(mdiChild.Container.ActualWidth) / MdiChild.MinimizedWidth, row = minimizedWindows / capacity + 1, col = minimizedWindows % capacity; newTop = mdiChild.Container.InnerHeight - MdiChild.MinimizedHeight * row; newLeft = MdiChild.MinimizedWidth * col; #endregion #region Complex //List<MdiChild> minimizedWindows = new List<MdiChild>(); //for (int i = 0; i < mdiChild.Container.Children.Count; i++) // if (mdiChild.Container.Children[i] != mdiChild && mdiChild.Container.Children[i].WindowState == WindowState.Minimized) // minimizedWindows.Add(mdiChild.Container.Children[i]); #endregion } mdiChild.Position = new Point(newLeft, newTop); mdiChild.Width = MdiChild.MinimizedWidth; mdiChild.Height = MdiChild.MinimizedHeight; } break; case WindowState.Maximized: { if (previousWindowState == WindowState.Normal) { mdiChild.originalDimension = new Rect(mdiChild.Position.X, mdiChild.Position.Y, mdiChild.ActualWidth, mdiChild.ActualHeight); } mdiChild.buttonsPanel.Children.Clear(); StackPanel sp = new StackPanel { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }; sp.Children.Add(mdiChild.minimizeButton); sp.Children.Add(mdiChild.maximizeButton); sp.Children.Add(mdiChild.closeButton); mdiChild.Buttons = sp; mdiChild.Position = new Point(0, 0); mdiChild.Width = mdiChild.Container.ActualWidth; mdiChild.Height = mdiChild.Container.InnerHeight - 2; // ContentBorder.BorderThickness="1" in template if (mdiChild.Container.AllowWindowStateMax) { MdiContainer mdiContainer = mdiChild.Container; mdiContainer.AllowWindowStateMax = false; for (int i = 0; i < mdiContainer.Children.Count; i++) { if (mdiContainer.Children[i] != mdiChild) { if (mdiContainer.Children[i].WindowState == WindowState.Normal && mdiContainer.Children[i].MaximizeBox) { mdiContainer.Children[i].WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; } else if (mdiContainer.Children[i].WindowState == WindowState.Maximized) { mdiContainer.Children[i].Height = mdiContainer.InnerHeight; } } } ScrollViewer sv = (ScrollViewer)((Grid)mdiContainer.Content).Children[1]; sv.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Hidden; sv.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Hidden; mdiChild.Focus(); mdiContainer.InvalidateSize(); mdiContainer.AllowWindowStateMax = true; } } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Set focus to the child window and brings into view. /// </summary> public new void Focus() { //Container.ReArrange(this); MdiContainer.Focus(this); }
/// <summary> /// Dependency property event once the MDI layout value has changed. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private static void MdiLayoutValueChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { MdiContainer mdiContainer = (MdiContainer)sender; MdiLayout value = (MdiLayout)e.NewValue; if (value == MdiLayout.ArrangeIcons || mdiContainer.Children.Count < 1) { return; } // 1. WindowState.Maximized -> WindowState.Normal List <MdiChild> minimizedWindows = new List <MdiChild>(), normalWindows = new List <MdiChild>(); foreach (MdiChild mdiChild in mdiContainer.Children) { switch (mdiChild.WindowState) { case WindowState.Minimized: minimizedWindows.Add(mdiChild); break; case WindowState.Maximized: mdiChild.WindowState = WindowState.Normal; normalWindows.Add(mdiChild); break; default: normalWindows.Add(mdiChild); break; } } minimizedWindows.Sort(new MdiChildComparer()); normalWindows.Sort(new MdiChildComparer()); // 2. Arrange minimized windows double containerHeight = mdiContainer.InnerHeight; for (int i = 0; i < minimizedWindows.Count; i++) { MdiChild mdiChild = minimizedWindows[i]; int capacity = Convert.ToInt32(mdiContainer.ActualWidth) / MdiChild.MinimizedWidth, row = i / capacity + 1, col = i % capacity; containerHeight = mdiContainer.InnerHeight - MdiChild.MinimizedHeight * row; double newLeft = MdiChild.MinimizedWidth * col; mdiChild.Position = new Point(newLeft, containerHeight); } // 3. Resize & arrange normal windows switch (value) { case MdiLayout.Cascade: { double newWidth = mdiContainer.ActualWidth * 0.58, // should be non-linear formula here newHeight = containerHeight * 0.67, windowOffset = 0; foreach (MdiChild mdiChild in normalWindows) { if (mdiChild.Resizable) { mdiChild.Width = newWidth; mdiChild.Height = newHeight; } mdiChild.Position = new Point(windowOffset, windowOffset); windowOffset += WindowOffset; if (windowOffset + mdiChild.Width > mdiContainer.ActualWidth) { windowOffset = 0; } if (windowOffset + mdiChild.Height > containerHeight) { windowOffset = 0; } } } break; case MdiLayout.TileHorizontal: { int cols = (int)Math.Sqrt(normalWindows.Count), rows = normalWindows.Count / cols; List <int> col_count = new List <int>(); // windows per column for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { if (normalWindows.Count % cols > cols - i - 1) { col_count.Add(rows + 1); } else { col_count.Add(rows); } } double newWidth = mdiContainer.ActualWidth / cols, newHeight = containerHeight / col_count[0], offsetTop = 0, offsetLeft = 0; for (int i = 0, col_index = 0, prev_count = 0; i < normalWindows.Count; i++) { if (i >= prev_count + col_count[col_index]) { prev_count += col_count[col_index++]; offsetLeft += newWidth; offsetTop = 0; newHeight = containerHeight / col_count[col_index]; } MdiChild mdiChild = normalWindows[i]; if (mdiChild.Resizable) { mdiChild.Width = newWidth; mdiChild.Height = newHeight; } mdiChild.Position = new Point(offsetLeft, offsetTop); offsetTop += newHeight; } } break; case MdiLayout.TileVertical: { int rows = (int)Math.Sqrt(normalWindows.Count), cols = normalWindows.Count / rows; List <int> col_count = new List <int>(); // windows per column for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { if (normalWindows.Count % cols > cols - i - 1) { col_count.Add(rows + 1); } else { col_count.Add(rows); } } double newWidth = mdiContainer.ActualWidth / cols, newHeight = containerHeight / col_count[0], offsetTop = 0, offsetLeft = 0; for (int i = 0, col_index = 0, prev_count = 0; i < normalWindows.Count; i++) { if (i >= prev_count + col_count[col_index]) { prev_count += col_count[col_index++]; offsetLeft += newWidth; offsetTop = 0; newHeight = containerHeight / col_count[col_index]; } MdiChild mdiChild = normalWindows[i]; if (mdiChild.Resizable) { mdiChild.Width = newWidth; mdiChild.Height = newHeight; } mdiChild.Position = new Point(offsetLeft, offsetTop); offsetTop += newHeight; } } break; } mdiContainer.InvalidateSize(); mdiContainer.MdiLayout = MdiLayout.ArrangeIcons; }