/// <summary>
        /// Gets the random password.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="length">The length.</param>
        /// <returns>System.String.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Password must be at least 8 characters. - length</exception>
        public static string GetRandomPassword(int length = 10)
            if (length < 8)
                throw new ArgumentException("Password must be at least 8 characters.", nameof(length));

            string password = string.Empty;

            password += CharHelpers.GetRandomLowercaseCharacter();
            password += CharHelpers.GetRandomUppercaseCharacter();
            password += CharHelpers.GetRandomSpecialCharacter();
            password += IntHelpers.GetRandomNumber(0, 9);

            for (int i = 4; i < length; i++)
                password += CharHelpers.GetRandomCharacter();

            password = ReplaceDuplicateCharacters(password);

            password = password.Randomize().Randomize();

        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces the duplicate characters in a string by a random character at the end
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input.</param>
        /// <returns>System.String.</returns>
        public static string ReplaceDuplicateCharacters(string input)
            var stringWithoutDuplicates = input.RemoveDuplicates();

            if (stringWithoutDuplicates.Length == input.Length)

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length - stringWithoutDuplicates.Length; i++)
                stringWithoutDuplicates += CharHelpers.GetRandomCharacter();
