Example #1
        public void StartLightFinding(UIApplication m_app)
            UIDocument uidoc            = m_app.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document   doc              = uidoc.Document;
            string     ThisProjectFile  = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(doc.PathName);
            string     rootExportFolder = "c:\\temp\\";
            string     outPutTail       = "_LPD.csv";
            string     exportToCVSFileName;
            string     pNamePWR = "INPUT POWER";
            string     strHead;
            IntPtr     revitHandle = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;
            bool       detailRpt   = true;

            // phase basis is the phase on which element status is determined for inclusion
            Phase phsBasis = FamilyUtils.GetDesiredPhaseBasis(doc);

            if (!Directory.Exists(rootExportFolder))
                try {
                } catch (Exception) {
                    TaskDialog.Show("Cannot create the output folder " + rootExportFolder, "Exiting");

            TaskDialog td = new TaskDialog("Find Lights");

            td.MainIcon          = TaskDialogIcon.TaskDialogIconNone;
            td.Title             = "Writing Lighting Information To CSV File";
            td.TitleAutoPrefix   = false;
            td.AllowCancellation = true;
            td.MainInstruction   = "Select either verbose or brief output. Verbose includes a room by room fixture breakdown. Brief provides only the power totals.";
            td.MainContent       = "The files will be CSV format written to " + rootExportFolder + ". They will be timestamp named and opened for you, presumably by Excel.";

            td.CommonButtons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Cancel;
            td.DefaultButton = TaskDialogResult.Cancel;

            td.AddCommandLink(TaskDialogCommandLinkId.CommandLink1, "Brief Report");
            td.AddCommandLink(TaskDialogCommandLinkId.CommandLink2, "Verbose Report");

            TaskDialogResult tdRes = td.Show();

            if (tdRes == TaskDialogResult.Cancel)
            if (TaskDialogResult.CommandLink1 == tdRes)   //  "Brief Report"
                detailRpt = false;
            if (TaskDialogResult.CommandLink2 == tdRes)   //  "Verbose Report"
                detailRpt = true;

            if (detailRpt)
                strHead             = "Room Number,Room Name,Floor Level,Area SF,Item Name,Item Count,Item Watts,Total Watts,Pwr Density Contribution";
                exportToCVSFileName = rootExportFolder + ThisProjectFile + "_VERBOSE" + outPutTail;
                strHead             = "Room Number,Room Name,Area SF,L.Pwr. Density w/sf,Tot. W";
                exportToCVSFileName = rootExportFolder + ThisProjectFile + "_BRIEF" + outPutTail;

            exportToCVSFileName = AssignNewUniqueFileName(exportToCVSFileName);
            //System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Will write to: " + exportToCVSFileName, "FYI");

            FormMsgWPF waitItOut = new FormMsgWPF();

            waitItOut.SetMsg("Trust this, just wait it out if Revit goes 'Not Responding'.", "Believe It Or Not");

            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(exportToCVSFileName)) {
                writer.WriteLine("Data is for items existing and not demolished in phases up to and including: " + phsBasis.Name);
                try {
                    // Make sure no other RVTs are open in Revit
                    if (MultipleRVTsOpen(m_app) == true)
                        TaskDialog.Show("Process Stopped", "Please only have one file open when running this tool");
                    // Iterate through each document
                    foreach (Document _doc in m_app.Application.Documents)
                        // Only process links
                        if (_doc.IsLinked)
                            #region  Create a room collection from rooms in the current link
                            RoomFilter roomFilter = new RoomFilter();
                            FilteredElementCollector filteredElemCol = new FilteredElementCollector(_doc);

                            string strRoomData = "";

                            // Changed to this go get to work in Revit 2015
                            int eleCnt = filteredElemCol.ToList().Count();
                            // Originally was this, working in Revit 2016
                            // int eleCnt = filteredElemCol.GetElementCount();
                            #region ProcessCollection if any
                            if (eleCnt > 0)
                                string strPurpose = "Rooms In " + System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_doc.PathName);
                                SetStatusBarText(revitHandle, "Starting scan ..." + strPurpose);

                                #region Iterate through each room
                                foreach (Room _room in filteredElemCol)
                                    // Only process placed rooms
                                    if (IsRoomPlaced(_room) == false)
                                    double selRmArea = _room.Area;
                                    // Get all LightingFixtures in the current room
                                    BuiltInCategory       bic          = BuiltInCategory.OST_LightingFixtures;
                                    List <FamilyInstance> famInstances = FamilyUtils.FamilyInstanceCategoryInThisRoom(_room, bic, m_app.ActiveUIDocument.Document, phsBasis);
                                    //System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Have list for "+ _room.Name);
                                    if (famInstances != null)
                                        Dictionary <string, int>    dicFamInstances   = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                                        Dictionary <string, double> dicLightFixTypeIP = new Dictionary <string, double>();
                                        if (famInstances != null)
                                            foreach (FamilyInstance fi in famInstances)
                                                string fiNamePair = fi.Symbol.FamilyName + " | " + fi.Symbol.Name;
                                                //msg = msg + "\n" + fiNamePair;
                                                int qty;
                                                if (dicFamInstances.TryGetValue(fiNamePair, out qty))
                                                    dicFamInstances[fiNamePair] = qty + 1;
                                                    dicFamInstances.Add(fiNamePair, 1);
                                                    Parameter pPwr = fi.Symbol.LookupParameter(pNamePWR);
                                                    if (pPwr != null)
                                                        double convVal = FamilyUtils.ConvertParmValueFromRaw(pPwr.AsDouble());
                                                        dicLightFixTypeIP.Add(fiNamePair, convVal);

                                        string msgDetail     = "";
                                        double totRoomLWatts = 0.0;
                                        foreach (var item in dicFamInstances)
                                            string itemName  = item.Key;
                                            int    itemCount = item.Value;
                                            double itemWatts;
                                            if (dicLightFixTypeIP.TryGetValue(item.Key, out itemWatts))
                                                double totalWattsForItem   = itemWatts * Convert.ToDouble(itemCount);
                                                double pwrDensContribution = totalWattsForItem / _room.Area;
                                                totRoomLWatts = totRoomLWatts + totalWattsForItem;
                                                msgDetail     = msgDetail + "\n" +
                                                                itemName + "  cnt " +
                                                                itemCount.ToString() + " @ " +
                                                                itemWatts.ToString("0.00") +
                                                                " for " +
                                                                totalWattsForItem.ToString("0.0 w");
                                                if (detailRpt)
                                                    msgDetail = _room.Number + "," +
                                                                _room.Name + "," +
                                                                _room.Level.Name + "," +
                                                                _room.Area.ToString("0.00") + "," +
                                                                itemName + "," +
                                                                itemCount.ToString() + "," +
                                                                itemWatts.ToString("0.00") + "," +
                                                                totalWattsForItem.ToString("0.00") + "," +
                                                /// item key not in dictionary!
                                        double lightFixPWRDensity = totRoomLWatts / selRmArea;
                                        string msgMain            =
                                            "Rm Area: " + selRmArea.ToString("0.00 sf") + "  L Pwr. Density: " + lightFixPWRDensity.ToString("0.00 w/sf")
                                            + "\n"
                                            + msgDetail;

                                        string strLine        = _room.Number + "," + _room.Name + "," + selRmArea.ToString("0.00") + "," + lightFixPWRDensity.ToString("0.00") + "," + totRoomLWatts.ToString();
                                        string strProgressWPF = "Room: " + _room.Number + " Name: " + _room.Name + " sf:" + selRmArea.ToString("0.00") + " w/sf:" + lightFixPWRDensity.ToString("0.00");
                                        strProgressWPF = strProgressWPF + " ... wait it out if Revit goes Not Responding";
                                        SetStatusBarText(revitHandle, strProgressWPF);
                                        strRoomData = strRoomData + Environment.NewLine + strLine;
                                        if (!detailRpt)
                                    } // end if family instances
                                }     // end for each room
                                string msgFullBody = strHead + strRoomData;
                                #region Debug Show Results
                                //string msgFullBody = strHead + strRoomData;
                                //TaskDialog thisDialog = new TaskDialog(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_doc.PathName));
                                //thisDialog.TitleAutoPrefix = false;
                                //thisDialog.MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.TaskDialogIconNone;
                                //thisDialog.CommonButtons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Close;
                                //thisDialog.MainContent = "";
                                //thisDialog.MainInstruction = msgFullBody;
                                //TaskDialogResult tResult = thisDialog.Show();
                            SetStatusBarText(revitHandle, "Did do that one, whatever it was.");
                        } // end if linked
                    }     // end foreach document
                    SetStatusBarText(revitHandle, "Done with all linked Revit documents.");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.ToString(), "Error At StartLightFinding");
            } // end using streamwriter

            // Open in what system wants to use, probably Excel
            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(exportToCVSFileName);
            if (fileInfo.Exists)
Example #2
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData,
                              ref string message,
                              ElementSet elements)
            UIDocument       uiDoc      = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document         doc        = uiDoc.Document;
            Selection        sel        = uiDoc.Selection;
            List <ElementId> selIds     = new List <ElementId>();
            Room             thisPickRm = null;
            string           pNamePWR   = "INPUT POWER";

            PlunkOClass plunkThis = new PlunkOClass(commandData.Application);

            if (plunkThis.NotInThisView())

            // phase basis is the phase on which element status is determined for inclusion
            Phase phsBasis = FamilyUtils.GetDesiredPhaseBasis(doc);

            FormMsgWPF thisReport = new FormMsgWPF();
            string     bot        = "( ESC key cancels )";
            string     purpose    = "Room Lighting - Phase Basis: " + phsBasis.Name;
            bool       stay       = true;
            bool       doWeSelect = false;

            try {
                while (stay)
                    RoomSelectionFilter cf = new RoomSelectionFilter();
                    Reference           pickedRoomReference = sel.PickObject(ObjectType.LinkedElement, cf, "Selecting Rooms Only");
                    if (pickedRoomReference == null)
                    // we need to get the linked document and then get the element that was picked from the LinkedElementId
                    RevitLinkInstance linkInstance     = doc.GetElement(pickedRoomReference) as RevitLinkInstance;
                    Document          linkedDoc        = linkInstance.GetLinkDocument();
                    Element           firstRoomElement = linkedDoc.GetElement(pickedRoomReference.LinkedElementId);

                    string selRmName    = "";
                    string selLV        = "";
                    string sePhsCreated = "";
                    // string daPhsDemo = "";
                    string selRmNumber = "";
                    double selRmArea   = 0.0;

                    switch (firstRoomElement.GetType().ToString())
                    case "Autodesk.Revit.DB.Architecture.Room":
                        thisPickRm = firstRoomElement as Room;
                        if (thisPickRm != null)
                            selRmName   = thisPickRm.Name.ToString();
                            selRmNumber = thisPickRm.Number.ToString();
                            Phase phCR = linkedDoc.GetElement(thisPickRm.CreatedPhaseId) as Phase;
                            if (phCR != null)
                                sePhsCreated = phCR.ToString();
                            Level itsLevelRm = thisPickRm.Level;
                            if (itsLevelRm != null)
                                selLV     = itsLevelRm.Name.ToString();
                                selRmArea = thisPickRm.Area;
                                //selIds.Add(thisPickRm.Id);  // does not work. A known Revit fact, cannot highlight linked elements


                    string msgMain = firstRoomElement.Name;
                    msgMain = msgMain
                              + "\n" + "Rm Numb.: " + selRmNumber
                              + "\n" + "At level: " + selLV

                    // Get all LightingFixtures in the current room
                    BuiltInCategory             bic               = BuiltInCategory.OST_LightingFixtures;
                    List <FamilyInstance>       famInstances      = FamilyUtils.FamilyInstanceCategoryInThisRoom(thisPickRm, bic, doc, phsBasis);
                    Dictionary <string, int>    dicFamInstances   = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                    Dictionary <string, double> dicLightFixTypeIP = new Dictionary <string, double>();
                    if (famInstances != null)
                        if (doWeSelect)
                        foreach (FamilyInstance fi in famInstances)
                            string fiNamePair = fi.Symbol.FamilyName + " | " + fi.Symbol.Name;
                            //msg = msg + "\n" + fiNamePair;
                            int qty;
                            if (dicFamInstances.TryGetValue(fiNamePair, out qty))
                                dicFamInstances[fiNamePair] = qty + 1;
                                dicFamInstances.Add(fiNamePair, 1);
                                Parameter pPwr = fi.Symbol.LookupParameter(pNamePWR);
                                if (pPwr != null)
                                    double convVal = FamilyUtils.ConvertParmValueFromRaw(pPwr.AsDouble());
                                    dicLightFixTypeIP.Add(fiNamePair, convVal);
                                    //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(fi.Symbol.Name + "  " + convVal.ToString());
                            if (doWeSelect)

                    string msgDetail     = "";
                    double totRoomLWatts = 0.0;
                    foreach (var item in dicFamInstances)
                        string itemName  = item.Key;
                        int    itemCount = item.Value;
                        double itemWatts;
                        if (dicLightFixTypeIP.TryGetValue(item.Key, out itemWatts))
                            double totalWattsForItem = itemWatts * Convert.ToDouble(itemCount);
                            totRoomLWatts = totRoomLWatts + totalWattsForItem;
                            msgDetail     = msgDetail + "\n" + itemName + "  cnt " +
                                            itemCount.ToString() + " @ " +
                                            itemWatts.ToString("0.00") + " for " +
                                            totalWattsForItem.ToString("0.0 w");
                            /// item key not in dictionary!
                    double lightFixPWRDensity = totRoomLWatts / selRmArea;
                    msgMain = msgMain
                              + "\n" + "Rm Area: " + selRmArea.ToString("0.00 sf") + "  L Pwr. Density: " + lightFixPWRDensity.ToString("0.00 w/sf") + "  Tot: " + totRoomLWatts.ToString("0.00 w")
                              + "\n"
                              + msgDetail;

                    thisReport.SetMsg(msgMain, purpose, bot, true);
            } catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.OperationCanceledException) {
                //TaskDialog.Show("Cancelled", "User cancelled");
                stay = false;
            //Catch other errors
            catch (Exception ex) {
                FamilyUtils.SayMsg("Error At RoomLightingReporter", ex.Message);

            if (doWeSelect)