Example #1
        public static void SolutionManager(string formula, string usedVariable, bool closeAll, Dictionary <string, bool> methodsCheckDictionary)
            // check if any methods were used
            if (Array.TrueForAll(methodsCheckDictionary.Values.ToArray(), (x) => (!x)))
                ShowErrorMessageBox("Не выбраны способы решения", "Пожалуйста, отметьте хотя бы один способ решения");

            // if user wants unused windows to be closed
            if (closeAll)
                foreach (var f in openedRootsWindows)

                // convert to reverse polish notation
                string parsedFormula = FParser.MainParser(formula, usedVariable);

                // string formula -> function f(x)
                Func <double, double> parsedFunction = FuncConstructor.MainConstructor(parsedFormula, usedVariable);

                // dictionary with all methods
                Dictionary <string, Func <Func <double, double>, List <double> > > methodsFuncDictionary = new Dictionary <string, Func <Func <double, double>, List <double> > >()
                    { "Bisection (1)", Dichotomy.MainSolver },
                    { "Bisection (2)", SmallSegments.MainSolver },
                    { "Newton", Newton.MainSolver },
                    { "Chord", Chords.MainSolver },
                    { "Fixed Point", FixedPoint.MainSolver }
                    //{"New method name", newClass.newSolver}

                // dictionary with lists of roots from all methods {"Method name", foundRootsList}
                Dictionary <string, List <double> > allRootsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, List <double> >();

                // iterate over all used methods
                foreach (string methodName in methodsCheckDictionary.Keys)
                    // if method is not used
                    if (!methodsCheckDictionary[methodName])

                    List <double> foundRoots = methodsFuncDictionary[methodName](parsedFunction);

                    allRootsDictionary.Add(methodName, foundRoots);

                // create and show window with roots output
                RootsOutput rootsOutput = new RootsOutput(formula, allRootsDictionary);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is WrongElementException || ex is NotEquationException || ex is SyntaxException || ex is TooManyRootsException)
                    ShowErrorMessageBox("Ошибка", ex.Message);
                    ShowErrorMessageBox("Ошибка", "Неизвестная ошибка\nПроверьте введённую формулу ещё раз или перезапустите программу");
Example #2
        public static string MainParser(string formula, string variable)
            usedVariable = variable;

            formula = formula.ToLower();
            formula = formula.Replace(" ", "");

            if (!formula.Contains("=") || formula.EndsWith("="))
                // formula is not an equation
                throw new NotEquationException("Введите уравнение\nТакая запись некорректна, проверьте ещё раз");

            if (SymbolCount(formula, '(') != SymbolCount(formula, ')'))
                //missing bracket
                throw new SyntaxException("Вы пропустили одну или несколько скобок\nТакая запись некорректна, проверьте ещё раз");

            if (usedVariable == "")
                // no variable chosen
                throw new NotEquationException("Введите имя переменной, по которой будет решаться уравнение");

            if (!formula.Contains(usedVariable))
                // no variable in equation
                throw new NotEquationException("В выражении отстутсвует переменная, по которой будет решаться уравнение\nПроверьте введённую формулу ещё раз");

            // all terms to the left
            formula = formula.Replace("=", "-(") + ")";
            // all formula to brackets (nothing is changed mathematically, but easier to process
            formula = "(" + formula + ")";

            string[] ops = { "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "(", ")" };
            foreach (string op in ops)
                // distinguish operators and brackets with whitespaces
                formula = formula.Replace(op, " " + op + " ");

            // remove double whitespaces
            formula = formula.Replace("  ", " ");
            // remove whitespaces in the beginning and in the end
            formula = formula.Trim();

            // change all unary minuses, so -3x becomes 0-3x
            formula = formula.Replace("( - ", "( 0 - ");

            // process cases like 45x or 6sin(y), when * is missing
            string[] pArr = { usedVariable, "sin", "cos", "tg", "ctg", "ln", "lg", "sqrt", "arcsin", "arccos", "arctg", "arcctg", "e", "pi" };
            foreach (string p in pArr)
                int displacement = 0;
                // pattern that matches such cases
                string prPattern = $@"([0-9]+){p}";
                var    matches   = Regex.Matches(formula, prPattern);

                foreach (Match match in matches)
                    // only num part of match, like 45 from 45x
                    string numMatch = match.Value.Replace(p, "");
                    // after replacement have 45 * x instead of 45x
                    formula       = formula.Substring(0, match.Index + displacement) + numMatch + " * " + p + formula.Substring(match.Index + displacement + match.Length);
                    displacement += 3;// len("45x") + 3 = len("45 * x")

            FParser FP = new FParser();

            return(FP.Compile(formula.Split(' ')));