// Called during a remove operation
        private void DetachArticle(Article article)
            article.Channel = null;

            if (!article.IsRead)
 public void RemoveStar(Article art)
     art.IsStared = false;
        // Called during an add operation
        private void AttachArticle(Article article)
            article.Channel = this;

        // Remove a to-do task item from the database and collections.
        public void DeleteArticle(Article article, Channel channel)
            // Remove the to-do item from the "all" observable collection.

            // Remove the to-do item from the data context.
 // Remove a to-do task item from the database and collections.
 public void DeleteArticle(Article[] articles, Channel channel)
     foreach (Article art in articles)
         DeleteArticle(art, channel);
 public void AddStar(Article art)
     art.IsStared = true;
     StaredArticles.Insert(0, art);
 // Add a to-do item to the database and collections.
 public Article AddArticle(Article article, Channel channel)
     Article art = channel.Articles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Link == article.Link);
     if (art == null)
         // Add a to-do item to the data context.
         return article;
     return art;
        private object AddArticleToView(Article art, PivotItem item)
            art.IsRead = true;

            var scroll = new ScrollViewer();
            var panel = new StackPanel();
            scroll.Content = panel;
            panel.Children.Add(new HTMLTextBox()
                Html = String.Format("<a style='color:{2}' href='{0}'>{1}</a>", art.Link, art.Title,App.ViewModel.Foreground),
                Margin = _titleMargin,
                FontSize = 28

            panel.Children.Add(new Border
                Background = (Brush)App.Current.Resources["PhoneAccentBrush"],
                Child = new TextBlock
                    HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right,
                    Text = RssViewModel.DateConvertor.ToUserFriendlyString(art.PubDate).ToString(),
                    FontSize = 20,
                    Margin = _padding,
                    Foreground = App.WhiteColor
                Margin = _padding

            panel.Children.Add(new HTMLTextBox
                Html = "<style type='text/css'>a{color:gray;}</style>" + art.Description,
                Padding = _bodyMargin,
                FontSize = 24

            item.Content = scroll;
            item.Tag = art;
            return panel;