Example #1
        public void LoadDossierFiles()
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch digSW = new Stopwatch();

            string sql = @"select fiID from Files";

            string battleMode = UserSettings.BattleMode;

            if (battleMode != "All")
                sql += " inner join File_TankDetails on fiID = cmFileID inner join File_Battles on cmID = bpParentID ";

            sql += " where fiID <= " + Int32.Parse(DateTime.Now.AddHours(UserSettings.TimeAdjustment).ToString("yyyyMMdd"));

            if (battleMode == "15")
                sql += " and ifnull(bpBattleMode,0) in (15, 0) group by fiID";
            else if (battleMode == "7")
                sql += " and ifnull(bpBattleMode,0) = 7 group by fiID";

            sql += " order by fiID";
            Dictionary <int, int> tempDic = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            using (IDBHelpers db = new DBHelpers(WOTHelper.GetDBPath(_playerName)))
                DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql);
                foreach (DataRow file in dt.Rows)
                    tempDic.Add(Convert.ToInt32(file["fiID"]), Convert.ToInt32(file["fiID"]));
                _HistoryFiles.Add(GetPlayerID, tempDic);
            //DirectoryInfo AppPath = new DirectoryInfo(WOTHelper.GetApplicationData());

            //DirectoryInfo[] subDirs = AppPath.GetDirectories(_HistoryIndicator + "*");
            //int currentFile = Int32.Parse(DateTime.Now.AddHours(UserSettings.TimeAdjustment).ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            //foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in subDirs)
            //    if (dir.Name.Replace(_HistoryIndicator, "") == _playerName)
            //    {
            //        FileSystemInfo[] files = dir.GetFileSystemInfos();
            //        Dictionary<int, string> tempDic = new Dictionary<int, string>();
            //        foreach (FileSystemInfo file in files.OrderBy(f => f.Name).Where(w => w.Extension == ".txt"))
            //        {
            //            if (Int32.Parse(file.Name.Replace(file.Extension, "")) <= currentFile)
            //                tempDic.Add(Int32.Parse(file.Name.Replace(file.Extension, "")), file.FullName);
            //        }

            //    }

            //AppPath = null;
            //subDirs = null;

            _messages.Add("Diagnostics : Dossier Loading Finished in " + digSW.ElapsedMilliseconds + " miliseconds");
Example #2
        private void SaveFile(string fileName, MemoryTables mt)
            string folderName = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}{2}", WOTHelper.GetApplicationData(), _HistoryIndicator, _playerName);

            if (!Directory.Exists(folderName))

            if (!Directory.Exists(String.Format(@"{0}\{1}{2}\LastBattle", WOTHelper.GetApplicationData(), _HistoryIndicator, _playerName)))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(String.Format(@"{0}\{1}{2}\LastBattle", WOTHelper.GetApplicationData(), _HistoryIndicator, _playerName));

            //if (File.Exists(GetCurrentPlayerFile()))

            //    foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(String.Format(@"{0}\{1}{2}\LastBattle", WOTHelper.GetApplicationData(), _HistoryIndicator, _playerName)).Where(f => f.Contains(".wot") == false && f.Contains(".db") == false))
            //    {
            //        File.Delete(file);
            //    }
            //    File.Copy(GetCurrentPlayerFile(), String.Format(@"{0}\{1}{2}\LastBattle\{3}.txt", WOTHelper.GetApplicationData(), _HistoryIndicator, _playerName, GetCurrentPlayerFileKey()));

            using (IDBHelpers db = new DBHelpers(WOTHelper.GetDBPath(_playerName), true))
//                db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from Cache_LastGame");
//                db.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(@"insert into Cache_LastGame
//                                                               (clFileID, clCountryID, clTankID, clBattleCount)
//                                                    select cmFileID, cmCountryID, cmTankID, sum(bpBattleCount) battleCount from File_TankDetails
//                                                    inner join File_Battles on cmID = bpParentID
//                                                    where cmFileID = {0} --and ifnull(bpBattleMode,0) in (15,0)
//                                                    group by cmFileID, cmCountryID, cmTankID", GetCurrentPlayerFile()));

                //check to see if we are inserting or updating

                db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from File_Achievements where faParentID in (select cmID from File_TankDetails where cmFileID = " + fileName + ")");
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from File_Battles where bpParentID in (select cmID from File_TankDetails where cmFileID = " + fileName + ")");
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from File_Clan where clParentID in (select cmID from File_TankDetails where cmFileID = " + fileName + ")");
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from File_Historical where hsParentID in (select cmID from File_TankDetails where cmFileID = " + fileName + ")");
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from File_Company where fcParentID in (select cmID from File_TankDetails where cmFileID = " + fileName + ")");
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from File_FragList where fgParentID in (select cmID from File_TankDetails where cmFileID = " + fileName + ")");
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from File_Total where foParentID in (select cmID from File_TankDetails where cmFileID = " + fileName + ")");
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from File_TankDetails where cmFileID = " + fileName);
                db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from Files where fiID = " + fileName);

                string[] tables = { "Files", "File_TankDetails", "File_Achievements", "File_Battles", "File_Clan", "File_Historical", "File_Company", "File_FragList", "File_Total" };
                foreach (string table in tables)
                    using (DataTable files = mt.GetTable(table))
                        List <string> updateFields = new List <string>();
                        List <string> updateValues = new List <string>();

                        foreach (DataColumn column in files.Columns)

                        foreach (DataRow row in files.Rows)
                            List <string> values = new List <string>();
                            foreach (DataColumn column in files.Columns)
                                values.Add(GetSafeValue(row, column.ColumnName).ToString());

                            updateValues.Add("Select " + string.Join(",", values.ToArray()));

                        if (updateValues.Count >= 400)
                            foreach (var item in updateValues)
                                string updateFilesSQL = String.Format("Insert into {2} ({0}) {1}  ", string.Join(", ", updateFields.ToArray()), item, table);
                            if (updateValues.Count > 0)
                                string updateFilesSQL = String.Format("Insert into {2} ({0}) {1}  ", string.Join(", ", updateFields.ToArray()), string.Join(" Union All ", updateValues.ToArray()), table);


                        // string f = string.Join(" union all ", updateValues.Take(100).ToArray();

Example #3
        private bool IsNewestFile(string fileName, MemoryTables mt)
            using (DataTable tankDetail = mt.GetTable("File_TankDetails"))
                using (DataTable battles = mt.GetTable("File_Battles"))
                    int       file = GetCurrentPlayerFile();
                    DataTable dt;
                    if (file == 0)
                        string sql = String.Format(@"select T1.cmCountryID, T1.cmTankID, sum(T2.bpBattleCount) bpBattleCount from File_TankDetails T1 inner join File_Battles T2 on T1.cmID = T2.bpParentID  where cmFileID = {0} group by T1.cmCountryID, T1.cmTankID --and bpBattleMode in (15, 0)", file);
                        using (IDBHelpers db = new DBHelpers(WOTHelper.GetDBPath(_playerName)))
                            if (!UserSettings.ClearRecentBattlesFragList.Split(';').Contains(_playerName))
                                //trying to clean up the mess need to remove this sometime in the future
                                using (DataTable recordDelete = db.GetDataTable("select cmFileID, cmID from File_Battles inner join File_TankDetails on bpParentID = cmID where bpWins > bpBattleCount  group by cmFileID"))
                                    foreach (DataRow delRows in recordDelete.Rows)
                                        db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"delete from File_Achievements where faParentID = " + delRows.GetSafeInt("cmID"));
                                        db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"delete from File_Battles where bpParentID = " + delRows.GetSafeInt("cmID"));

                                        db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"delete from File_Clan where clParentID = " + delRows.GetSafeInt("cmID"));
                                        db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"delete from File_Company where fcParentID = " + delRows.GetSafeInt("cmID"));
                                        db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"delete from File_Historical where hsParentID = " + delRows.GetSafeInt("cmID"));
                                        db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"delete from File_FragList where fgParentID = " + delRows.GetSafeInt("cmID"));
                                        db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"delete from File_Total where foParentID = " + delRows.GetSafeInt("cmID"));
                                        db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"delete from File_TankDetails where cmFileID = " + delRows.GetSafeInt("cmFileID"));
                                        db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"delete from Files where fiID  = " + delRows.GetSafeInt("cmFileID"));
                                        db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"delete from recentbattles  where rbBattles > 100");

                                db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"delete from File_Battles where bpFrags8P >  bpFrags");
                                db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"delete from File_Battles where bpMaxFrags >  15");

                                db.ExecuteNonQuery(@"update RecentBattles set rbFragList=''");
                                UserSettings.ClearRecentBattlesFragList = UserSettings.ConvertFlatFilesToDB + _playerName + ";";

                            dt = db.GetDataTable(sql);
                    int obj_Sum          = 0;
                    int obj_TestFile_Sum = 0;
                    using (TankDescriptions tankDescription = new TankDescriptions(_messages))
                        foreach (DataRow tank in dt.Rows)
                            if (tankDescription.Active(tank.GetSafeInt("cmCountryID"), tank.GetSafeInt("cmTankID")))
                                obj_Sum += tank.GetSafeInt("bpBattleCount");
                        foreach (DataRow tank in tankDetail.Rows)
                            if (tankDescription.Active(tank.GetSafeInt("cmCountryID"), tank.GetSafeInt("cmTankID")))
                                obj_TestFile_Sum += (from x in battles.AsEnumerable()
                                                     where x.GetSafeInt("bpParentID") == tank.GetSafeInt("cmID") //&& (x.GetSafeInt("bpBattleMode") == 15 || x.GetSafeInt("bpBattleMode") == 0)
                                                     select x.GetSafeInt("bpBattleCount")).Sum();
                    if (obj_Sum <= obj_TestFile_Sum)
Example #4
        private void CreateRecentBattle(MemoryTables mt)
            Dossier  fileB     = new Dossier(GetCurrentPlayerFile(), _playerName, _messages);
            WOTStats stats     = fileB.GetStats();
            double   avgTier   = stats.AverageTier;
            double   vics      = stats.Victory_Percentage;
            double   defPoints = stats.AverageDefencePoints;

            List <string> cur = (from x in  mt.GetTable("File_Total").AsEnumerable()
                                 select x["foLastBattleTime"].ToString()).ToList();
            List <string> saved;
            DataTable     currentRecord;
            DataTable     Kills;

            using (IDBHelpers db = new DBHelpers(WOTHelper.GetDBPath(_playerName), false))
                saved = (from x in  db.GetDataTable("select foLastBattleTime from File_Total").AsEnumerable()
                         select x["foLastBattleTime"].ToString()).ToList();

                currentRecord = db.GetDataTable(@"select
                                  case when T2.bpBattleMode = 7 then 7 else 15 end as bpBattleMode, T1.cmID, T1.cmCountryID, T1.cmTankID, T1.cmUpdated, (T2.bpBattleCount) bpBattleCount, (t2.bpSpotted) bpSpotted,  (t2.bpHits) bpHits,  (t2.bpMaxFrags) bpMaxFrags,  (t2.bpMaxXP) bpMaxXP,  (t2.bpWins) bpWins,  (t2.bpCapturePoints) bpCapturePoints,  (t2.bpLosses) bpLosses,
                                   (t2.bpSurvivedBattles) bpSurvivedBattles, min(T4.foBattleLifeTime) foBattleLifeTime,  (t2.bpDefencePoints) bpDefencePoints, min(t4.foLastBattleTime) foLastBattleTime,  (t2.bpDamageReceived) bpDamageReceived,  (t2.bpShots) bpShots,  (t2.bpWinAndSurvive) bpWinAndSurvive,  (t2.bpFrags8P) bpFrags8P,
                                    (t2.bpXP) bpXP,                                   
                                    (t2.bpDamageDealt) bpDamageDealt,  
                                    (t2.bpDamageAssistedRadio) bpDamageAssistedRadio,  
                                    (t2.bpDamageAssistedTracks) bpDamageAssistedTracks,  
                                    (t2.bpMileage) bpMileage, 
                                    (t2.bpRatingEffWeight)/(t2.bpBattleCount) bpRatingEff,  
                                    (t2.bpRatingBRWeight)/(t2.bpBattleCount) bpRatingBR,  
                                    (t2.bpRatingWN7Weight)/(t2.bpBattleCount) bpRatingWN7,  
                                    (t2.bpRatingWN8Weight)/(t2.bpBattleCount) bpRatingWN8,  
                                   (t2.bpFrags) bpFrags, t4.foTreesCut, t3.faMarkOfMastery
                                  from File_TankDetails T1
                                  inner join File_Battles T2
                                  on T1.cmID = T2.bpParentID
                                  inner join File_Achievements T3
                                  on T1.cmID = T3.faParentID
                                  inner join File_Total T4
                                  on T1.cmID = T4.foParentID
                                  where cmFileID =  " + GetCurrentPlayerFileKey() + " group by T2.bpBattleMode, T1.cmID, T1.cmCountryID, T1.cmTankID, T1.cmUpdated, t4.foTreesCut, t3.faMarkOfMastery");

                Kills = db.GetDataTable(String.Format(@"select fgParentID, fgCountryID, fgTankID, sum(fgValue) kills from File_TankDetails
                                                                                            inner join File_FragList
                                                                                            on cmID = fgParentID
                                                                                            where cmFileID = {0}
                                                                                            group by  fgParentID, fgCountryID, fgTankID", GetCurrentPlayerFileKey()));

            List <string> diff        = cur.Except(saved).ToList();
            RecentBattles lb          = new RecentBattles(GetPlayerName, _messages);
            var           battleCheck = from x in mt.GetTable("File_TankDetails").AsEnumerable()
                                        join y in mt.GetTable("File_Battles").AsEnumerable()
                                        on x.GetSafeInt("cmID") equals y.GetSafeInt("bpParentID")
                                        join z in mt.GetTable("File_Total").AsEnumerable()
                                        on x.GetSafeInt("cmID") equals z.GetSafeInt("foParentID")
                                        join d in diff
                                        on z["foLastBattleTime"].ToString() equals d
                                        group y by new { ID = x.GetSafeInt("cmID"), countryID = x.GetSafeInt("cmCountryID"), tankID = x.GetSafeInt("cmTankID"), battleTime = z["foLastBattleTime"].ToString(), BattleMode = y["bpBattleMode"] } into tank
                          select new
                ID                   = tank.Key.ID,
                CountryID            = tank.Key.countryID,
                TankID               = tank.Key.tankID,
                BattleTime           = tank.Key.battleTime,
                BattleCount          = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpBattleCount")),
                Hits                 = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpHits")),
                Shots                = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpShots")),
                Victory              = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpWins")),
                Losses               = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpLosses")),
                Survived             = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpSurvivedBattles")),
                DefencePoints        = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpDefencePoints")),
                CapturePoints        = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpCapturePoints")),
                Spotted              = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpSpotted")),
                DamageDealt          = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpDamageDealt")),
                DamageAssistedRadio  = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpDamageAssistedRadio")),
                DamageAssistedTracks = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpDamageAssistedTracks")),
                DamageReceived       = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpDamageReceived")),
                Kills                = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpFrags")),
                Mileage              = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpMileage")),
                RatingEff            = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpRatingEff")),
                RatingBR             = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpRatingBR")),
                RatingWN7            = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpRatingWN7")),
                RatingWN8            = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpRatingWN8")),
                XPReceived           = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpXP")),
                BattleMode           = int.Parse(tank.Key.BattleMode.ToString())

            if (currentRecord.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in battleCheck)
                    //WOTHelper.AddToLog("BM 1: " + item.BattleMode);
                    DataRow dr = currentRecord.Select(String.Format("cmCountryID = {0} and cmTankID = {1} and bpBattleMode = {2}", item.CountryID, item.TankID, item.BattleMode)).DefaultIfEmpty(null).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (dr != null)
                        if (item.BattleCount - dr.GetSafeInt("bpBattleCount") > 0)
                            int           i        = 0;
                            List <string> newKills = new List <string>();
                            foreach (DataRow killRow in mt.GetTable("File_FragList").Select("fgParentID = " + item.ID))
                                DataRow dr_oldKills = Kills.Select(String.Format(@"fgParentID = {0} and  fgCountryID = {1} and fgTankID = {2}", dr.GetSafeInt("cmID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID"))).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (dr_oldKills != null)
                                    if (killRow.GetSafeInt("fgValue") > dr_oldKills.GetSafeInt("kills"))
                                        newKills.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1}_{2}", i, killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID")));
                                    newKills.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1}_{2}", i, killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID")));

                            int vic = 0;
                            if (item.Victory - dr.GetSafeInt("bpWins") > 0)
                                vic = 0;
                            else if (item.Losses - dr.GetSafeInt("bpLosses") > 0)
                                vic = 1;
                                vic = 2;
                            //WOTHelper.AddToLog("ASD: " + dr.GetSafeInt("bpRatingWN8"));
                            lb.Add(int.Parse(item.BattleTime), new RecentBattle()
                                CountryID              = item.CountryID,
                                TankID                 = item.TankID,
                                Battles                = item.BattleCount - dr.GetSafeInt("bpBattleCount"),
                                BattleTime             = int.Parse(item.BattleTime),
                                Hits                   = item.Hits - dr.GetSafeInt("bpHits"),
                                Shot                   = item.Shots - dr.GetSafeInt("bpShots"),
                                Victory                = vic,
                                Survived               = item.Survived - dr.GetSafeInt("bpSurvivedBattles"),
                                DefencePoints          = item.DefencePoints - dr.GetSafeInt("bpDefencePoints"),
                                CapturePoints          = item.CapturePoints - dr.GetSafeInt("bpCapturePoints"),
                                Spotted                = item.Spotted - dr.GetSafeInt("bpSpotted"),
                                DamageDealt            = item.DamageDealt - dr.GetSafeInt("bpDamageDealt"),
                                DamageAssistedRadio    = item.DamageAssistedRadio - dr.GetSafeInt("bpDamageAssistedRadio"),
                                DamageAssistedTracks   = item.DamageAssistedTracks - dr.GetSafeInt("bpDamageAssistedTracks"),
                                DamageReceived         = item.DamageReceived - dr.GetSafeInt("bpDamageReceived"),
                                Kills                  = item.Kills - dr.GetSafeInt("bpFrags"),
                                Mileage                = item.Mileage - dr.GetSafeInt("bpMileage"),
                                RatingEff              = item.RatingEff - dr.GetSafeInt("bpRatingEff"),
                                RatingBR               = item.RatingBR - dr.GetSafeInt("bpRatingBR"),
                                RatingWN7              = item.RatingWN7 - dr.GetSafeInt("bpRatingWN7"),
                                RatingWN8              = item.RatingWN8 - dr.GetSafeInt("bpRatingWN8"),
                                XPReceived             = item.XPReceived - dr.GetSafeInt("bpXP"),
                                OriginalBattleCount    = item.BattleCount - dr.GetSafeInt("bpBattleCount"),
                                FragList               = string.Join(";", newKills.ToArray().Take(15)),
                                GlobalAvgTier          = avgTier,
                                GlobalWinPercentage    = vics,
                                GlobalAvgDefencePoints = defPoints,
                                BattleMode             = item.BattleMode,
                                DBEntry                = false

                        int           i        = 0;
                        List <string> newKills = new List <string>();
                        WOTHelper.AddToLog("BM 2: " + item.BattleMode);
                        dr = currentRecord.Select(String.Format("cmCountryID = {0} and cmTankID = {1} and bpBattleMode <> '{2}'", item.CountryID, item.TankID, item.BattleMode)).DefaultIfEmpty(null).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (dr != null)
                            foreach (DataRow killRow in mt.GetTable("File_FragList").Select("fgParentID = " + item.ID))
                                DataRow dr_oldKills = Kills.Select(String.Format(@"fgParentID = {0} and  fgCountryID = {1} and fgTankID = {2}", dr.GetSafeInt("cmID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID"))).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (dr_oldKills != null)
                                    if (killRow.GetSafeInt("fgValue") > dr_oldKills.GetSafeInt("kills"))
                                        newKills.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1}_{2}", i, killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID")));
                                    newKills.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1}_{2}", i, killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID")));
                            foreach (DataRow killRow in mt.GetTable("File_FragList").Select("fgParentID = " + item.ID))
                                newKills.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1}_{2}", i, killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID")));
                        int vic = 0;
                        if (item.Victory - 0 > 0)
                            vic = 0;
                        else if (item.Losses - 0 > 0)
                            vic = 1;
                            vic = 2;

                        lb.Add(int.Parse(item.BattleTime), new RecentBattle()
                            CountryID              = item.CountryID,
                            TankID                 = item.TankID,
                            Battles                = item.BattleCount,
                            BattleTime             = int.Parse(item.BattleTime),
                            Hits                   = item.Hits,
                            Shot                   = item.Shots,
                            Victory                = vic,
                            Survived               = item.Survived,
                            DefencePoints          = item.DefencePoints,
                            CapturePoints          = item.CapturePoints,
                            Spotted                = item.Spotted,
                            DamageDealt            = item.DamageDealt,
                            DamageAssistedRadio    = item.DamageAssistedRadio,
                            DamageAssistedTracks   = item.DamageAssistedTracks,
                            DamageReceived         = item.DamageReceived,
                            Kills                  = item.Kills,
                            Mileage                = item.Mileage,
                            XPReceived             = item.XPReceived,
                            OriginalBattleCount    = item.BattleCount,
                            FragList               = string.Join(";", newKills.ToArray().Take(15)),
                            GlobalAvgTier          = avgTier,
                            GlobalWinPercentage    = vics,
                            GlobalAvgDefencePoints = defPoints,
                            BattleMode             = item.BattleMode,
                            RatingEff              = item.RatingEff,
                            RatingBR               = item.RatingBR,
                            RatingWN7              = item.RatingWN7,
                            RatingWN8              = item.RatingWN8,
                            DBEntry                = false

            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    _messages.Add(String.Format("Error : Cannot create last battle ({0}) - {1}", GetPlayerName, ex.Message));
Example #5
        private void ProcessDossierFile()
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch digSW = new Stopwatch();
                _messages.Add("Info : Refreshing Dossier File (" + GetPlayerName + ")");

                string     tempFile   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                FTPDetails ftpDetails = new FTPDetails();
                if (ftpDetails.AllowFTP && _fetchFromFTP == false)
                    try //we only attempting to upload if it fails bad luc k
                        Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new FTPTools().Upload(ftpDetails.Host, _dossierFilePath, ftpDetails.UserID, ftpDetails.UserPWD, _messages, GetPlayerName));
                    catch { _messages.Add(String.Format("Error : File failed submitting to FTP site. [{0}]", GetPlayerName)); }

                //if (UserSettings.AllowVBAddictUpload && _fetchFromFTP == false)
                //    try
                //    {
                //        //disable until we can resolve issue with upload
                //       //Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new VBAddictUpload().UploadToVBAddict(_dossierFilePath, GetPlayerName, _messages));
                //    }
                //    catch {}

                if (UserSettings.Cloud_Allow)
                    string cloudPath = UserSettings.Cloud_Path;
                    if (Directory.Exists(cloudPath))
                        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(_dossierFilePath);
                        if (string.Compare(Path.Combine(cloudPath, fi.Name), _dossierFilePath, true) != 0)
                                File.Copy(_dossierFilePath, Path.Combine(cloudPath, fi.Name), true);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                _messages.Add(String.Format("Error : File failed to copy to sharing folder. [{0}] - {1}", GetPlayerName, ex.Message));
                        fi = null;

                string dossierFilePath = "";
                bool   markDSForDelete = false;
                if (ftpDetails.AllowFTP && _fetchFromFTP)
                        dossierFilePath = new FTPTools().Download(ftpDetails.Host, _dossierFilePath, ftpDetails.UserID, ftpDetails.UserPWD, _messages, GetPlayerName);
                        markDSForDelete = true;
                        dossierFilePath = _dossierFilePath;
                        _messages.Add(String.Format("Error : Failed Retrieving file from FTP. Default back to local cache file [{0}]", GetPlayerName));
                    dossierFilePath = _dossierFilePath;

                //start dosier decrypt
                Process process = new Process();

//#if DEBUG
//                process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
//                process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;
                process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
                process.StartInfo.WindowStyle    = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;

                process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

                process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = WOTHelper.GetPythonDirectory();
                process.StartInfo.FileName         = WOTHelper.GetPythonDirectory() + "\\" + WOTHelper.GetPythonFile();
                process.StartInfo.Arguments        = String.Format(@"""{0}"" -s -t", dossierFilePath.Replace(@"\", @"\\"));

                    _messages.Add("Error starting WOTDC2J.");

                string file = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

                //WOTHelper.AddToLog("OUT: " + file);


                //string file = File.ReadAllText(String.Format("{0}\\{1}", WOTHelper.GetTempFolder(), tempFile));
                //File.Delete(String.Format("{0}\\{1}", WOTHelper.GetTempFolder(), tempFile));

                if (markDSForDelete)

                    string       fileName     = DateTime.Now.AddHours(UserSettings.TimeAdjustment).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                    dynamic      obj_testfile = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(file);
                    MemoryTables mt           = new MemoryTables(WOTHelper.GetDBPath(_playerName));
                    mt.Fill(obj_testfile, int.Parse(fileName));

                    if (IsNewestFile(fileName, mt))
                        //string fileName = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(unixTimeStamp).AddHours(TimeZoneInfo.Local.BaseUtcOffset.Hours).AddHours(AppSettings.TimeAdjustment).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                        SaveFile(fileName, mt);

                        file = null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _messages.Add("Error : Unable to parse json (" + GetPlayerName + ") - " + ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _messages.Add("Error : Refreshing Dossier File (" + GetPlayerName + ") - " + ex.Message);
                catch (Exception ex1)
                    _messages.Add("Error : Refreshing Dossier File (" + GetPlayerName + ") - " + ex1.Message);
            _messages.Add("Info : Dossier file refreshed successfully. (" + GetPlayerName + ")");
            _messages.Add("Diagnostics : Dossier Processing Finished in " + digSW.ElapsedMilliseconds + " miliseconds");