private void Frm_Report_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (type == "PHT_THUPHI")
         Rpt_PHT_THUPHI cry = new Rpt_PHT_THUPHI();
         cry.SetParameterValue("Title", title);
         cry.SetParameterValue("Title2", title2);
         crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cry;
     if (type == "BILILING_CREDIT_3")
         Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_3 cry = new Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_3 ( );
         cry.Database.Tables[0].SetDataSource ( dt );
         crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cry;
     if (type == "ACCOUNTING_REPORT")
         cry.SetParameterValue("ThoiGian", thoiGian);
         cry.SetParameterValue("Title", title);
         crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cry;
         cry.SetParameterValue("ThoiGian", thoiGian);
         cry.SetParameterValue("Title", title);
         crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cry;
     else if (type == "MC_15")
         rpt_MC_15 cry = new rpt_MC_15 ( );
         cry.SetDataSource ( dt );
         cry.SetParameterValue ( "ThoiGian", thoiGian );
         cry.SetParameterValue ( "title", title );
         crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cry;
     if (type == "BC_CR_APP_HOLD_RELEASE")
         Rp_Credit_App_Hold_Release cry = new Rp_Credit_App_Hold_Release();
         //cry.SetParameterValue("Ngayin", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
         //cry.SetParameterValue("Gioin", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());
         cry.SetParameterValue("Thoigian", thoiGian);
         cry.SetParameterValue("Title", title);
         crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cry;
     else if (type == "MC_15B")
         rpt_MC_15B cry = new rpt_MC_15B();
         cry.SetParameterValue("ThoiGian", thoiGian);
         cry.SetParameterValue("title", title);
         crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cry;
     else if (type == "3")
         Rp_Chargeback_BNK cry = new Rp_Chargeback_BNK ( );
         cry.SetDataSource ( dt );
         cry.SetParameterValue ( "Ngayin", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString ( ) );
         cry.SetParameterValue ( "Gioin", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString ( ) );
         cry.SetParameterValue ( "Title", title );
         crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cry;
     if (type == "PHI_CHIET_KHAU_DAI_LY")
         rpt_PHI_CHIET_KHAU_DAI_LY phi = new rpt_PHI_CHIET_KHAU_DAI_LY ( );
         phi.SetDataSource ( dt );
         phi.SetParameterValue ( "title", title );
         phi.SetParameterValue ( "title2", title2 );
         crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = phi;
 public virtual CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument CreateReport() {
     Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_3 rpt = new Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_3();
     rpt.Site = this.Site;
     return rpt;
        private void btProcess_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e )

                /* Điều kiện kiểm tra
                 * B1: kiểm tra trong ổ D:\KTT\SEND_EMAIL\BTBGD\yyyymmdd đã xử lý với ngày hiện tại chưa
                 * Nếu đã xử lý: Không cho xử lý nữa             
                 * B2: Kiểm tra trong bảng NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL đã xử lý với ngày hiện tại chưa? Nếu rồi--> Không xử lý
                 * Xử lý tạo file pdf và lưu vào đường dẫn trên D:\KTT\SEND_EMAIL\BTBGD\yyyymmdd\số thẻ.pdf
                 * */

                //B1: Kiểm tra đường dẫn đã tồn tại chưa?
                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                string folderOut = tbFilePath.Text.Trim ( );
                if (Directory.Exists ( folderOut ))
                    MessageBox.Show ( "Đã xử lý SendMail ngày " + DateTime.Now.ToString ( "yyyyMMdd" ) );
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                    // Directory.CreateDirectory(folderOut);
                string sql = "", err = "";
                sql += "  select * from NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL a";
                sql += "  where trunc(a.DATE_CREATE)=trunc(sysdate)";
                // sql += "        and trunc(sysdate)>=(select trunc(max(b.stat_date)) from cr_term b)";

                DataTable dt = Businessbp.executedb.getTable ( sql, ref err );
                if (err != "")
                    MessageBox.Show ( err );
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show ( "Đã xử lý SendMail ngày " + DateTime.Now.ToString ( "yyyyMMdd" ) );
                        this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                        //Xử lý và insert vào table
                        //tạo thư mục
                        Directory.CreateDirectory ( folderOut );

                            sql = "";
                            err = "";

                            #region 2014-10-28 (6) new

                            sql += " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr ";
                            sql += "                ,   ";
                            sql += "                ,to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') DATE_START";
                            sql += "                ,to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') BILL_DATE";
                            sql += " from   nab_billing_credit_log a ";
                            sql += "       ," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract               acc ";
                            sql += " where  a.cr_account_nbr = acc.contract_number ";
                            sql += " and    a.stat_date = to_date('" + dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ) + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy') ";
                            sql += " and    acc.amnd_state = 'A' ";
                            sql += " and    acc.con_cat = 'A' ";
                            sql += " and    (a.total_debit + a.fee + a.bal_payment + abs(a.closing_bal)) <> 0";
                            sql += "  ";

                            #endregion 2014-10-28 (6) new

                            DataTable dt_card_process = Businessbp.executedb.getTable ( sql, ref err );
                            if (err != "")
                                MessageBox.Show ( err );
                                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                if (dt_card_process.Rows.Count <= 0)
                                    MessageBox.Show ( "Chưa xử lý cuối ngày." );
                                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                    DataTable dt_bill = new DataTable ( );
                                    for (int i = 0; i < dt_card_process.Rows.Count; i++)

                                        sql = "";
                                        err = "";
                                        sql += " select 1 ";
                                        sql += " from  " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "contract_addresses ca ";
                                        sql += " where ca.acnt_contract__oid = '" + dt_card_process.Rows[i]["id"].ToString ( ) + "' ";
                                        sql += " and ca.address_type__id = '1' ";
                                        sql += " and instr(ca.e_mail,'@',1) > 0  ";

                                        DataTable dt_email = Businessbp.executedb.getTable ( sql, ref err );
                                        if (err != "")
                                            MessageBox.Show ( err );
                                            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                            pbProcess.Minimum = 0;
                                            pbProcess.Maximum = dt_card_process.Rows.Count;
                                            pbProcess.Value = 1;
                                            pbProcess.Step = 1;   
                                            if (dt_email.Rows.Count > 0)

                                                int min = (int)( (double)pbProcess.Value );
                                                int max = (int)( (double)pbProcess.Maximum );
                                                pbProcess.CreateGraphics ( ).DrawString ( min.ToString ( ) + "/" + max.ToString ( ),
                                                    new Font ( "Arial", (float)10, FontStyle.Regular ),
                                                    new PointF ( pbProcess.Width / 2 - 10, pbProcess.Height / 2 - 7 ) );
                                                pbProcess.PerformStep ( );
                                                string cr_account_nbr = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["cr_account_nbr"].ToString ( );
                                                string id = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["id"].ToString ( );
                                                sql = "";
                                                err = "";

                                                if (DateTime.ParseExact ( dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ), "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) < DateTime.ParseExact ( "24/09/2015", "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture )) // 2015-09-08 (12)
                                                    #region 08-09-2015

                                                    //sql += "select distinct A.*, ";
                                                    //sql += "                case ";
                                                    //sql += "                  when (A.date_create 90 < add_months(to_date(A.processing_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                              'dd/mm/yyyy'), ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                      -1)) then ";
                                                    //sql += "                   '0' ";
                                                    //sql += "                  else ";
                                                    //sql += "                   to_char(decode(decode(A.machinhsachtd, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                         'B01 - STK - UU DAI', ";
                                                    //sql += "                                         '1', ";
                                                    //sql += "                                         '0'), ";
                                                    //sql += "                                  '1', ";
                                                    //sql += "                             nab_pck_out.nab_func_getcashback_amt(A.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                         to_char(add_months(to_date(A.processing_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                                                    'dd/mm/yyyy'), ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                                            -1) 1, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                                 'dd/mm/yyyy'), ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                         to_char(least(A.date_create 90, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                                       to_date(A.processing_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                                               'dd/mm/yyyy')), ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                                 'dd/mm/yyyy')), ";
                                                    //sql += "                                  0), ";
                                                    //sql += "                           '999,999,999,999') ";
                                                    //sql += "                end cashback ";
                                                    //sql += "  from (select substr(r.card_number, 1, 4) || 'xxxxxxxx' || ";
                                                    //sql += "               substr(r.card_number, 13, 4) card_number, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.embossed_name, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.credit_limit, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.processing_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.payment_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.opening_bal, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.total_debit, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.bal_payment, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.closing_bal, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.min_due, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.transaction_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.value_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.arn, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.details, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.billing_amount_du_co, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.billing_amount_du_no, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.address, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.PHONE_HOME, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.PHONE_MOBILE, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.cr_account_nbr cr_account_nbr, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.transaction_amount, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.transaction_currency, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.billing_currency, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.machinhsachtd, ";
                                                    //sql += "               (select date_open ";
                                                    //sql += "                  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ";
                                                    //sql += "                 where contract_number = r.cr_account_nbr) date_create ";
                                                    //sql += "          from (select substr(a.card_number, 1, 4) || 'xxxxxxxx' || ";
                                                    //sql += "                       substr(a.card_number, 13, 4) card_number, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.embossed_name, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.credit_limit, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.opening_bal, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.total_debit, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.bal_payment, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.closing_bal, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.min_due, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.arn, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.details, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       decode(a.transaction_sign, ";
                                                    //sql += "                              '0', ";
                                                    //sql += "                              to_number(''), ";
                                                    //sql += "                              '1', ";
                                                    //sql += "                              a.billing_amount, ";
                                                    //sql += "                              a.billing_amount) billing_amount_du_co, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       decode(a.transaction_sign, ";
                                                    //sql += "                              '0', ";
                                                    //sql += "                              a.billing_amount, ";
                                                    //sql += "                              '1', ";
                                                    //sql += "                              to_number(''), ";
                                                    //sql += "                              a.billing_amount) billing_amount_du_no, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       (a.MAILING_ADDRESS1 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS2 || ' ' || ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.MAILING_ADDRESS3 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS4) address, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.PHONE_HOME, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.PHONE_MOBILE, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.cr_account_nbr cr_account_nbr, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.transaction_amount, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       (select ";
                                                    //sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency b ";
                                                    //sql += "                         where trim(b.code) = trim(a.transaction_currency)";
                                                    //sql += "                            and b.amnd_state = 'A') transaction_currency, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       (select ";
                                                    //sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency b ";
                                                    //sql += "                         where trim(b.code) = trim(a.billing_currency)";
                                                    //sql += "                        and b.amnd_state = 'A') billing_currency, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       c.machinhsachtd ";
                                                    //sql += "                  from nab_billing_credit_log a, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract      crd, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       nab_cp_card            c ";
                                                    //sql += "                 where trunc(a.stat_date) = ";
                                                    //sql += "                       trunc(to_date('" + dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ) + "', ";
                                                    //sql += "                                     'dd/mm/yyyy')) ";
                                                    //sql += "                   and a.card_number = crd.contract_number ";
                                                    //sql += "                   and crd.add_info_01 = c.source_application_no                  ";
                                                    //sql += "                   and crd.amnd_state = 'A' ";
                                                    //sql += "                   and crd.con_cat = 'C' ";
                                                    //sql += "                UNION ALL";
                                                    //sql += "                select a.card_number,";
                                                    //sql += "                       c.client_code,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.embossed_name,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.credit_limit,";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date,";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.opening_bal,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.total_debit,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.bal_payment,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.closing_bal,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.min_due,";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date,";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.arn,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.details,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.billing_amount billing_amount_du_co,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.billing_amount billing_amount_du_no,";
                                                    //sql += "                       (a.MAILING_ADDRESS1 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS2 || ' ' ||";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.MAILING_ADDRESS3 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS4) address,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.PHONE_HOME,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.PHONE_MOBILE,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.cr_account_nbr,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.transaction_amount transaction_amount,";
                                                    //sql += "                       (select b.currency_code_alpha";
                                                    //sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b";
                                                    //sql += "                         where trim(b.currency_code) =";
                                                    //sql += "                               trim(a.transaction_currency)) transaction_currency,";
                                                    //sql += "                       (select b.currency_code_alpha";
                                                    //sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b";
                                                    //sql += "                         where trim(b.currency_code) =";
                                                    //sql += "                               trim(a.billing_currency)) billing_currency,";
                                                    //sql += "                       c.machinhsachtd";
                                                    //sql += "                  from nab_billing_credit_log a,";
                                                    //sql += "                       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application            app,";
                                                    //sql += "                       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card                c";
                                                    //sql += "                 where 1 = 1";
                                                    //sql += "                   and a.cr_account_nbr = app.card_number";
                                                    //sql += "                   and app.application_no = c.source_application_no";
                                                    //sql += "                   and trunc(a.stat_date) =";
                                                    //sql += "                       trunc(to_date('" + dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ) + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                                                    //sql += "                   and trim(a.transaction_code) is null";
                                                    //sql += "   ) r";
                                                    //sql += "         where 1 = 1";
                                                    //sql += "         order by r.client_code,";
                                                    //sql += "                  r.card_number asc,";
                                                    //sql += "                  to_date(r.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') desc) A";
                                                    //sql += " where 1 = 1"; //2015-05-27 (10)
                                                    //sql += " order by A.client_code asc, A.cr_account_nbr asc, A.card_number asc, to_date(A.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') desc "; //2015-05-27 (10) //2015-06-23 (11)
                                                    #endregion 2015-05-20 (9)

                                                    #region 03-04-2016
                                                    sql += "select (case when l.card_number = l.cr_account_nbr then l.card_number else (substr(l.card_number, 1, 4) || ' ' || substr(l.card_number, 5, 2) || ";
                                                    sql += "       'xx xxxx ' || substr(l.card_number, 13, 4)) end) card_number, ";
                                                    sql += "       l.cr_account_nbr cr_account_nbr, ";
                                                    sql += "       l.embossed_name, ";
                                                    sql += "       l.phone_mobile, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.credit_limit, 0) credit_limit_acc, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.credit_limit_client, 0) credit_limit_client, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.avail_amount_acc, 0) avail_amount_acc, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.avail_amount_client, 0) avail_amount_client, ";
                                                    sql += "       to_char(l.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as stat_date, ";
                                                    sql += "       to_char(l.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.opening_bal, 0) opening_bal, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.total_debit, 0) total_debit, ";
                                                    sql += "       (nvl(l.fee, 0) + nvl(l.interest, 0)) fee_and_interest, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.bal_payment, 0) bal_payment, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.closing_bal, 0) closing_bal, ";
                                                    sql += "       (trim(l.MAILING_ADDRESS1) || ' ' || trim(l.MAILING_ADDRESS2) || ' ' || ";
                                                    sql += "       trim(l.MAILING_ADDRESS3) || ' ' || trim(l.MAILING_ADDRESS4)) address, ";
                                                    sql += "       to_char(l.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date, ";
                                                    sql += "       to_char(l.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date, ";
                                                    sql += "       l.arn, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.transaction_amount, 0) transaction_amount, ";
                                                    sql += "                       (select ";
                                                    sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency b ";
                                                    sql += "                         where trim(b.code) = trim(l.transaction_currency)";
                                                    sql += "                            and b.amnd_state = 'A') transaction_currency, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.billing_amount, 0) billing_amount, ";
                                                    sql += "       decode((l.transaction_sign), ";
                                                    sql += "              '0', ";
                                                    sql += "              '(DR)', ";
                                                    sql += "              '1', ";
                                                    sql += "              '(CR)', ";
                                                    sql += "              '') transaction_sign, ";
                                                    sql += "       l.details, ";
                                                    sql += "       (case ";
                                                    sql += "         when not exists (select 1 ";
                                                    sql += "                 from nab_credit_unpaid un ";
                                                    sql += "                where 1 = 1 ";
                                                    sql += "                  and un.cr_account_nbr = l.cr_account_nbr ";
                                                    sql += "                  and substr(un.nqh_code, 1, 1) = 'O') then ";
                                                    sql += "          nvl(l.min_due, 0) ";
                                                    sql += "         else ";
                                                    sql += "          nvl(l.closing_bal, 0) ";
                                                    sql += "       end) min_due, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.min_due_install, 0) min_due_install, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.min_due_crterm, 0) min_due_crterm, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.cash_back_amount, 0) cash_back_amount, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.diamondbay_amount, 0) diamondbay_amount, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.diamondbay_rank, 0) diamondbay_rank, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.loyalty_score_earned, 0) loyalty_score_earned, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.loyalty_score_spent, 0) loyalty_score_spent, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.loyalty_cash_exchanged, 0) loyalty_cash_exchanged, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.loyalty_score_avail, 0) loyalty_score_avail, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.ovd_flag,'N') ovd_flag";
                                                    sql += "  from nab_billing_credit_log l ";
                                                    sql += " where 1 = 1 ";
                                                    sql += "   and l.stat_date = trunc(to_date('" + dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ) + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy')) ";
                                                    sql += "   and (l.total_debit + l.fee + l.bal_payment + abs(l.closing_bal)) <> 0 ";
                                                    sql += "   and trim(l.cr_account_nbr) = '" + cr_account_nbr.Trim ( ) + "' ";
                                                    sql += " order by l.cr_account_nbr asc, ";
                                                    sql += "          to_date(l.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') desc, ";
                                                    sql += "          to_date(l.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') desc ";
                                                    #endregion 2015-09-08 (12)

                                                dt_bill.Clear ( );
                                                dt_bill = Businessbp.executedb.getTable ( sql, ref err );

                                                if (err != "")
                                                    MessageBox.Show ( err );
                                                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                                                    //string file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";
                                                    string file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim ( ) + "\\" + cr_account_nbr.Trim ( ) + ".pdf";
                                                    //Export pdf
                                                        if (dt_bill.Rows.Count > 0)

                                                            if (DateTime.ParseExact ( dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ), "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) < DateTime.ParseExact ( "24/09/2015", "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture )) // 2015-09-08 (12)
                                                                Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_2 cry = new Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_2 ( ); //2015-03-19 (8) new
                                                                cry.SetDataSource ( dt_bill );
                                                                string title = "";
                                                                string title2 = "";
                                                                string title3 = "";
                                                                title = "BẢNG THÔNG BÁO GIAO DỊCH";
                                                                title2 = "(Từ ngày " + dtpckDate.Value.AddMonths ( -1 ).ToString ( "dd/MM/yyyy" ).Trim ( ) + " đến ngày " + dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ) + " )";
                                                                cry.SetParameterValue ( "title", title );
                                                                cry.SetParameterValue ( "title2", title2 );
                                                                title3 = Get_title3 ( id );
                                                                if (title3.Trim ( ) != "")
                                                                    cry.SetParameterValue ( "title3", title3 );
                                                                    MessageBox.Show ( "Err when get title3" );
                                                                // a.title3 = "Yêu cầu thanh toán trước 10h ngày:";

                                                                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                                                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions ( );
                                                                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions ( );
                                                                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                                                CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;
                                                                cry.Export ( );

                                                                //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                                                if (cry != null)
                                                                    cry.Close ( );
                                                                    cry.Dispose ( );
                                                            #region 2015-09-08 (12)
                                                                Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_3 cry = new Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_3 ( );
                                                                cry.SetDataSource ( dt_bill );

                                                                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                                                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions ( );
                                                                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions ( );
                                                                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                                                CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;
                                                                cry.Export ( );

                                                                //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                                                if (cry != null)
                                                                    cry.Close ( );
                                                                    cry.Dispose ( );
                                                            #endregion 2015-09-08 (12)
                                                            #region 2016-06-16 (16)
                                                            sql = "";
                                                            err = "";

                                                            sql += " select ca.e_mail EMAIL ";
                                                            sql += " from  " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "contract_addresses ca ";
                                                            sql += " where ca.acnt_contract__oid = '" + dt_card_process.Rows[i]["id"].ToString ( ) + "' ";
                                                            sql += " and ca.address_type__id = '1' ";
                                                            sql += " union all ";
                                                            sql += " select ca.email_id EMAIL ";
                                                            sql += " from  nab_corporate_card ca ";
                                                            sql += " where ca.cr_account_number_corporate = '" + dt_card_process.Rows[i]["cr_account_nbr"].ToString ( ) + "' ";
                                                            sql += " and ca.email_id is not null ";
                                                            sql += " and nvl(ca.active_flag,'0') = '1'";

                                                            #endregion 2016-06-16 (16)

                                                            DataTable dtInsert = Businessbp.executedb.getTable ( sql, ref err );
                                                            if (err != "")
                                                                MessageBox.Show ( err );
                                                                // return;
                                                                if (dtInsert.Rows.Count > 0)
                                                                    string DATE_START = dt_card_process.Rows[0]["DATE_START"].ToString ( );
                                                                    string EMAIL = dtInsert.Rows[0]["EMAIL"].ToString ( ).Trim ( );
                                                                    string BILL_DATE = dt_card_process.Rows[0]["BILL_DATE"].ToString ( );                                                                    
                                                                    sql = "";
                                                                    err = "";
                                                                    if (EMAIL.Trim ( ) == "")
                                                                        if (dtInsert.Rows.Count == 1)
                                                                            sql = "insert into NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                                            sql += "values (";
                                                                            sql += "" + ( DATE_START.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                            //sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                                            sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                                            sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                                            sql += "" + ( EMAIL.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "'" + EMAIL + "'" ) ) + ",";
                                                                            sql += "" + ( BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                            sql += "'0',";
                                                                            sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                                            sql += "sysdate";
                                                                            sql += ")";
                                                                            Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML ( sql, ref err );
                                                                            if (err != "")
                                                                                MessageBox.Show ( err ); //return; 
                                                                        else //2016-06-16 (16)
                                                                            string EMAILCOR = dtInsert.Rows[1]["EMAIL"].ToString ( ).Trim ( );
                                                                            if (EMAILCOR.Trim ( ) != "")
                                                                                sql = " begin ";
                                                                                sql += " insert into NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                                                sql += " values (";
                                                                                sql += "" + ( DATE_START.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                //sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                                                sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                                                sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                                                sql += "" + ( EMAILCOR.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "'" + EMAILCOR.Trim ( ) + "'" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                sql += "" + ( BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                sql += "'0',";
                                                                                sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                                                sql += "sysdate";
                                                                                sql += ");";
                                                                                sql += " insert into NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                                                sql += " values (";
                                                                                sql += "" + ( DATE_START.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                //sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                                                sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                                                sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                                                sql += "" + ( EMAIL.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "'" + EMAIL + "'" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                sql += "" + ( BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                sql += "'0',";
                                                                                sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                                                sql += "sysdate";
                                                                                sql += ");";
                                                                                //sql += " insert into " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                                                //sql += " values (";
                                                                                //sql += "" + ( DATE_START.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                ////sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                                                //sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                                                //sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                                                //sql += " '*****@*****.**',";
                                                                                //sql += "" + ( BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                //sql += "'0',";
                                                                                //sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                                                //sql += "sysdate";
                                                                                //sql += ");";
                                                                                sql += " commit;";
                                                                                sql += " exception";
                                                                                sql += " when others then";
                                                                                sql += " rollback;";
                                                                                sql += " end;";
                                                                                Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML ( sql, ref err );
                                                                                if (err != "")
                                                                                    MessageBox.Show ( err ); //return; 
                                                                else//Nếu không có dữ liệu
                                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                                        MessageBox.Show ( ex.Message );

                                    tbStatus.Text = "Successful!!!";
                                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show ( ex.ToString ( ) );