public SoundPlayer(CASCFile file) { InitializeComponent(); this.file = file; localPath = Path.Combine(Constants.TEMP_DIRECTORY, file.FullName); player = new ZPlay(); if (!File.Exists(localPath)) { EventManager.FileExtractComplete += OnFileExtractComplete; RunnerExtractItem extract = new RunnerExtractItem(file); runnerID = extract.runnerID; extract.Begin(); SetState("Extracting file..."); } else { ready = true; Play(); } UI_TrackTitle.Text = file.Name; Text = file.Name + " - W3DT"; UI_VolumeBar.Value = Program.Settings.SoundPlayerVolume; player.SetPlayerVolume(UI_VolumeBar.Value, UI_VolumeBar.Value); }
protected void CreateSubTree(CASCFolder root, ulong filehash, string file) { string[] parts = file.Split(PathDelimiters); CASCFolder folder = root; for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; ++i) { bool isFile = (i == parts.Length - 1); string entryName = parts[i]; ICASCEntry entry = folder.GetEntry(entryName); if (entry == null) { if (isFile) { entry = new CASCFile(filehash); CASCFile.FileNames[filehash] = file; } else { entry = new CASCFolder(entryName); } folder.Entries[entryName] = entry; } folder = entry as CASCFolder; } }
private static void Explore(CASCFolder folder, string findFile, SearchType type, List <CASCFile> found) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ICASCEntry> node in folder.Entries) { ICASCEntry entry = node.Value; if (entry is CASCFolder) { Explore((CASCFolder)entry, findFile, type, found); } else if (entry is CASCFile) { CASCFile file = (CASCFile)entry; string fileName = file.FullName.ToLower(); if (type == SearchType.COMPLETE && fileName.Equals(fileName)) { found.Add(file); break; } if (type == SearchType.STARTS_WITH && fileName.StartsWith(findFile)) { found.Add(file); continue; } if (type == SearchType.ENDS_WITH && fileName.EndsWith(findFile)) { found.Add(file); continue; } } } }
public RunnerBuildMinimap(CASCFile[] files) { this.files = files; // Index used to prevent overlap. Index = index; index++; }
private void OnExploreHit(CASCFile file) { string[] parts = file.FullName.Split(new char[] { '/', '\\' }); // Ignore noLiquid tiles. string fileName = parts[parts.Length - 1]; if (fileName.StartsWith("noLiquid")) return; string mapName = parts[2]; if (!mapName.ToLower().Equals("wmo")) { if (!maps.ContainsKey(mapName)) { UI_FileList.Nodes.Add(mapName); maps.Add(mapName, new List<CASCFile>()); } maps[mapName].Add(file); UpdateSearchState(Constants.SEARCH_STATE_SEARCHING); // "Cheap" way to find the map entry point without // reading DBC files. Used by exporter for non-full exports. Point point; if (!mapStartPoints.ContainsKey(mapName)) { point = new Point(63, 63); mapStartPoints.Add(mapName, point); } else { point = mapStartPoints[mapName]; } Match match = mapTilePattern.Match(fileName); if (match.Success) { int lowX = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value); int lowY = int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value); if (lowX < point.X) point.X = lowX; if (lowY < point.Y) point.Y = lowY; mapStartPoints[mapName] = point; } } }
public FileExtractCompleteArgs(CASCFile file, bool success, int runnerID) : base(success, runnerID) { File = file; }
private void UI_FileList_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { if (UI_FileList.SelectedNode != null && UI_FileList.SelectedNode.Tag is CASCFile) { selectedFile = null; selectedDbcFile = null; CASCFile cascFile = (CASCFile)UI_FileList.SelectedNode.Tag; string tempPath = Path.Combine(Constants.TEMP_DIRECTORY, cascFile.FullName); selectedFile = cascFile; if (!File.Exists(tempPath)) { extractRunner = new RunnerExtractItem(cascFile); runnerID = extractRunner.runnerID; extractRunner.Begin(); loadingWindow = new LoadingWindow("Loading DBC file: " + cascFile.Name, "Life advice: Avoid dragon's breath.", true, cancelCallback); loadingWindow.ShowDialog(); } else { ShowDBCFile(tempPath); } } }
private bool IsValidExtension(CASCFile file) { foreach (string extension in extensions) if (file.Name.ToLower().EndsWith(extension)) return true; return false; }
public void OnExploreHit(CASCFile file) { Match match = ignoreFilter.Match(file.Name); if (match.Success) { string nameBase = match.Groups[1].ToString(); if (!groupFiles.ContainsKey(nameBase)) groupFiles.Add(nameBase, new List<CASCFile>()); groupFiles[nameBase].Add(file); } }
//public FileExploreHitArgs(string identifier, StringHashPair file) public FileExploreHitArgs(string identifier, CASCFile entry) { ID = identifier; //File = file; Entry = entry; }