Example #1
		//		explicit btMatrix3x3(stringbtScalar m) { setFromOpenGLSubMatrix(m); }

		/*@brief Constructor from Quaternion */
		public btMatrix3x3( ref btQuaternion q )
			//setRotation( q );
			float d = q.length2();
			//btFullAssert(d != (float)(0.0));
			float s = btScalar.BT_TWO / d;

			float xs = q.x * s, ys = q.y * s, zs = q.z * s;
			float wx = q.w * xs, wy = q.w * ys, wz = q.w * zs;
			float xx = q.x * xs, xy = q.x * ys, xz = q.x * zs;
			float yy = q.y * ys, yz = q.y * zs, zz = q.z * zs;
			m_el0.x = btScalar.BT_ONE - ( yy + zz ); m_el0.y = xy - wz; m_el0.z = xz + wy; m_el0.w = 0;
			m_el1.x = xy + wz; m_el1.y = btScalar.BT_ONE - ( xx + zz ); m_el1.z = yz - wx; m_el1.w = 0;
			m_el2.x = xz - wy; m_el2.y = yz + wx; m_el2.z = btScalar.BT_ONE - ( xx + yy ); m_el2.w = 0;
			m_el3.x = 0; m_el3.y = 0; m_el3.z = 0; m_el3.w = 1;

Example #2
		/*@brief Get the matrix represented as a quaternion 
		 @param q The quaternion which will be set */
		public void getRotation( out btQuaternion result )
			float trace = m_el0.x + m_el1.y + m_el2.z;

			float[] temp = new float[4];

			if( trace > 0 )
				float s = btScalar.btSqrt( trace + btScalar.BT_ONE );
				temp[3] = ( s * btScalar.BT_HALF );
				s = btScalar.BT_TWO / s;

				temp[0] = ( ( m_el2.y - m_el1.z ) * s );
				temp[1] = ( ( m_el0.z - m_el2.x ) * s );
				temp[2] = ( ( m_el1.x - m_el0.y ) * s );
				int i = m_el0.x < m_el1.y ?
					( m_el1.y < m_el2.z ? 2 : 1 ) :
					( m_el0.x < m_el2.z ? 2 : 0 );
				int j = ( i + 1 ) % 3;
				int k = ( i + 2 ) % 3;

				float s = btScalar.btSqrt( this[i, i] - this[j, j] - this[k, k] + btScalar.BT_ONE );
				temp[i] = s * btScalar.BT_HALF;
				s = btScalar.BT_HALF / s;

				temp[3] = ( this[k, j] - this[j, k] ) * s;
				temp[j] = ( this[j, i] + this[i, j] ) * s;
				temp[k] = ( this[k, i] + this[i, k] ) * s;
			result.x = temp[0];
			result.y = temp[1];
			result.z = temp[2];
			result.w = temp[3];
Example #3
		/*@brief Constructor from btQuaternion (optional btVector3 )
		  @param q Rotation from quaternion 
		  @param c Translation from Vector (default 0,0,0) */
		public void setValue( ref btQuaternion q, ref btVector3 c )
			m_basis = new btMatrix3x3( ref q );
			m_origin = c;
Example #4
		public static void setRotation( out btMatrix3x3 result, ref btQuaternion q )
			float d = q.length2();
			Debug.Assert( d != 0 );
			float s = btScalar.BT_TWO / d;

			float xs = q.x * s, ys = q.y * s, zs = q.z * s;
			float wx = q.w * xs, wy = q.w * ys, wz = q.w * zs;
			float xx = q.x * xs, xy = q.x * ys, xz = q.x * zs;
			float yy = q.y * ys, yz = q.y * zs, zz = q.z * zs;
			btMatrix3x3.setValue( out result,
				btScalar.BT_ONE - ( yy + zz ), xy - wz, xz + wy,
				xy + wz, btScalar.BT_ONE - ( xx + zz ), yz - wx,
				xz - wy, yz + wx, btScalar.BT_ONE - ( xx + yy ) );
Example #5
		/*@brief Constructor from btQuaternion (optional btVector3 )
		  @param q Rotation from quaternion 
		  @param c Translation from Vector (default 0,0,0) */
		public btTransform( ref btQuaternion q, ref btVector3 c )
			m_basis = new btMatrix3x3( ref q );
			m_origin = c;
Example #6
		/*@brief Constructor from btQuaternion (optional btVector3 )
		  @param q Rotation from quaternion 
		  @param c Translation from Vector (default 0,0,0) */
		public btTransform( ref btQuaternion q )
			m_basis = new btMatrix3x3( ref q );
			m_origin = btVector3.Zero;
Example #7
		/*@brief Set the rotational element by btQuaternion */
		public void setRotation( ref btQuaternion q )
			m_basis.setRotation( ref q );
Example #8
		/*@brief Return a quaternion representing the rotation */
		public void getRotation( out btQuaternion result )
			m_basis.getRotation( out result );
Example #9
		/*@brief Return the transform of the btQuaternion */
		public static void Apply( ref btTransform t, ref btQuaternion q, out btQuaternion result )
			btQuaternion tmp;
			t.getRotation( out tmp );
			tmp.Mult( ref q, out result );