private List<Cell> GenerateCells(VoronoiGraph data)
            //go over all generated edges
            foreach (var edge in data.Edges)
                //make sure it is a valid edge
                if (edge.IsInfinite || edge.IsPartlyInfinite)

                //site point to the left of the edge
                var pLeft = new Point(edge.LeftData[0],edge.LeftData[1]);

                //site point to the right of the edge
                var pRight = new Point(edge.RightData[0], edge.RightData[1]);

                //start and end points of the edge
                var p1 = new Point(edge.VVertexA[0], edge.VVertexA[1]);
                var p2 = new Point(edge.VVertexB[0], edge.VVertexB[1]);

                //is the sitepoint valid?
                if (_siteCells.ContainsKey(pLeft) == false || _siteCells.ContainsKey(pRight) == false)

                //Create a line from start till end
                var line = new Line(p1,p2);

                //Add this line to the left cell and store a reference to the cell to the line
                line.CellLeft = _siteCells[pLeft];

                //Add this line to the right cell and store a reference to the cell to the line
                line.CellRight = _siteCells[pRight];

                line.bSharedBetweenCells = true;


            //Filter out double cells
            _voronoi.SiteCellPoints = _siteCells;

            return _siteCells.Values.ToList();
        private List<Line> GenerateLines(VoronoiGraph data)
            var lines = new List<Line>();
            var linePoints = new List<Point>();

            foreach (var edge in data.Edges)
                if (edge.IsInfinite || edge.IsPartlyInfinite)

                var p1 = new Point(edge.VVertexA[0], edge.VVertexA[1]);
                var p2 = new Point(edge.VVertexB[0], edge.VVertexB[1]);

                var line = new Line(p1,p2);

            return lines;