Example #1
        private void ExpandMultiTreeNestedPageSize(Transaction tx, Slice key, Slice value, byte *nestedPagePtr, ushort newSize, int currentSize)
            Debug.Assert(newSize > currentSize);
            TemporaryPage tmp;

            using (tx.Environment.GetTemporaryPage(tx, out tmp))
                var tempPagePointer = tmp.TempPagePointer;
                NativeMethods.memcpy(tempPagePointer, nestedPagePtr, currentSize);
                Delete(key);                 // release our current page
                Page nestedPage = new Page(tempPagePointer, "multi tree", (ushort)currentSize);

                var ptr = DirectAdd(key, newSize);

                var newNestedPage = new Page(ptr, "multi tree", newSize)
                    Lower      = (ushort)Constants.PageHeaderSize,
                    Upper      = newSize,
                    Flags      = PageFlags.Leaf,
                    PageNumber = -1L                     // mark as invalid page number

                Slice nodeKey = new Slice(SliceOptions.Key);
                for (int i = 0; i < nestedPage.NumberOfEntries; i++)
                    var nodeHeader = nestedPage.GetNode(i);
                    newNestedPage.AddDataNode(i, nodeKey, 0,
                                              (ushort)(nodeHeader->Version - 1));   // we dec by one because AdddataNode will inc by one, and we don't want to change those values

                newNestedPage.AddDataNode(newNestedPage.LastSearchPosition, value, 0, 0);
Example #2
        public bool Seek(Slice key)
            var current = _page.Search(key);

            if (current == null)
Example #3
        public bool Seek(Slice key)
            _currentPage = _tree.FindPageFor(_tx, key, _cursor);
            var node = _currentPage.Search(key, _cmp);

            if (node == null)
            return(this.ValidateCurrentKey(Current, _cmp));
Example #4
        public bool Seek(Slice key)
            var current = _page.Search(key);

            if (current == null)

            _page.SetNodeKey(current, ref _currentInternalKey);
            _currentKey = _currentInternalKey.ToSlice();
            return(this.ValidateCurrentKey(current, _page));
Example #5
		public bool Seek(Slice key)
			Lazy<Cursor> lazy;
			_currentPage = _tree.FindPageFor(_tx, key, out lazy);
			_cursor = lazy.Value;
			var node = _currentPage.Search(key, _cmp);
			if (node == null)
				return false;
			return this.ValidateCurrentKey(Current, _cmp);
Example #6
        public bool Seek(Slice key)
            if (_disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("PageIterator");
            var current = _page.Search(key);

            if (current == null)

            _page.SetNodeKey(current, ref _currentInternalKey);
            _currentKey = _currentInternalKey.ToSlice();
            return(this.ValidateCurrentKey(current, _page));
Example #7
		public bool Seek(Slice key)
			Lazy<Cursor> lazy;
			_currentPage = _tree.FindPageFor(key, out lazy);
			_cursor = lazy.Value;
			var node = _currentPage.Search(key);
		    if (node != null)
                return this.ValidateCurrentKey(Current);
            // The key is not found in the db, but we are Seek()ing for equals or starts with.
		    // We know that the exact value isn't there, but it is possible that the next page has values 
		    // that is actually greater than the key, so we need to check it as well.

		    _currentPage.LastSearchPosition = _currentPage.NumberOfEntries; // force next MoveNext to move to the next _page_.
		    return MoveNext();
Example #8
        public bool Seek(Slice key)
            Lazy <Cursor> lazy;

            _currentPage = _tree.FindPageFor(key, out lazy);
            _cursor      = lazy.Value;
            var node = _currentPage.Search(key);

            if (node != null)

            // The key is not found in the db, but we are Seek()ing for equals or starts with.
            // We know that the exact value isn't there, but it is possible that the next page has values
            // that is actually greater than the key, so we need to check it as well.

            _currentPage.LastSearchPosition = _currentPage.NumberOfEntries;         // force next MoveNext to move to the next _page_.
Example #9
        private void ExpandMultiTreeNestedPageSize(Transaction tx, Slice key, Slice value, byte *nestedPagePtr, ushort newSize, int currentSize)
            Debug.Assert(newSize > currentSize);
            TemporaryPage tmp;

            using (tx.Environment.GetTemporaryPage(tx, out tmp))
                var tempPagePointer = tmp.TempPagePointer;
                MemoryUtils.Copy(tempPagePointer, nestedPagePtr, currentSize);
                Delete(key);                 // release our current page
                Page nestedPage = new Page(tempPagePointer, "multi tree", (ushort)currentSize);

                var ptr = DirectAdd(key, newSize);

                var newNestedPage = new Page(ptr, "multi tree", newSize)
                    Lower      = (ushort)Constants.PageHeaderSize,
                    Upper      = KeysPrefixing ? (ushort)(newSize - Constants.PrefixInfoSectionSize) : newSize,
                    Flags      = KeysPrefixing ? PageFlags.Leaf | PageFlags.KeysPrefixed : PageFlags.Leaf,
                    PageNumber = -1L                     // mark as invalid page number


                MemorySlice nodeKey = nestedPage.CreateNewEmptyKey();
                for (int i = 0; i < nestedPage.NumberOfEntries; i++)
                    var nodeHeader = nestedPage.GetNode(i);
                    nestedPage.SetNodeKey(nodeHeader, ref nodeKey);
                    nodeKey = newNestedPage.PrepareKeyToInsert(nodeKey, i);
                    newNestedPage.AddDataNode(i, nodeKey, 0,
                                              (ushort)(nodeHeader->Version - 1));   // we dec by one because AdddataNode will inc by one, and we don't want to change those values

                newNestedPage.AddDataNode(newNestedPage.LastSearchPosition, newNestedPage.PrepareKeyToInsert(value, newNestedPage.LastSearchPosition), 0, 0);
Example #10
		public void MultiAdd(Slice key, Slice value, ushort? version = null)
			if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
			int maxNodeSize = _tx.DataPager.MaxNodeSize;
			if (value.Size > maxNodeSize)
				throw new ArgumentException(
					"Cannot add a value to child tree that is over " + maxNodeSize + " bytes in size", "value");
			if (value.Size == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add empty value to child tree");

			State.IsModified = true;

			Lazy<Cursor> lazy;
			var page = FindPageFor(key, out lazy);
			if ((page == null || page.LastMatch != 0))
				MultiAddOnNewValue(_tx, key, value, version, maxNodeSize);

			page = _tx.ModifyPage(page.PageNumber, page);

			var item = page.GetNode(page.LastSearchPosition);

			// already was turned into a multi tree, not much to do here
			if (item->Flags == NodeFlags.MultiValuePageRef)
				var existingTree = OpenOrCreateMultiValueTree(_tx, key, item);
				existingTree.DirectAdd(value, 0, version: version);

			byte* nestedPagePtr;
			if (item->Flags == NodeFlags.PageRef)
				var overFlowPage = _tx.ModifyPage(item->PageNumber, null);
				nestedPagePtr = overFlowPage.Base + Constants.PageHeaderSize;
				nestedPagePtr = NodeHeader.DirectAccess(_tx, item);

			var nestedPage = new Page(nestedPagePtr, "multi tree", (ushort)NodeHeader.GetDataSize(_tx, item));

			var existingItem = nestedPage.Search(value);
			if (nestedPage.LastMatch != 0)
				existingItem = null;// not an actual match, just greater than

			ushort previousNodeRevision = existingItem != null ?  existingItem->Version : (ushort)0;
			CheckConcurrency(key, value, version, previousNodeRevision, TreeActionType.Add);
			if (existingItem != null)
				// maybe same value added twice?
				var tmpKey = new Slice(item);
				if (tmpKey.Compare(value) == 0)
					return; // already there, turning into a no-op

			if (nestedPage.HasSpaceFor(_tx, value, 0))
				// we are now working on top of the modified root page, we can just modify the memory directly
				nestedPage.AddDataNode(nestedPage.LastSearchPosition, value, 0, previousNodeRevision);

			int pageSize = nestedPage.CalcSizeUsed() + Constants.PageHeaderSize;
			var newRequiredSize = pageSize + nestedPage.GetRequiredSpace(value, 0);
			if (newRequiredSize <= maxNodeSize)
				// we can just expand the current value... no need to create a nested tree yet
				var actualPageSize = (ushort)Math.Min(Utils.NearestPowerOfTwo(newRequiredSize), maxNodeSize);
				ExpandMultiTreeNestedPageSize(_tx, key, value, nestedPagePtr, actualPageSize, item->DataSize);

			// we now have to convert this into a tree instance, instead of just a nested page
			var tree = Create(_tx, TreeFlags.MultiValue);
			for (int i = 0; i < nestedPage.NumberOfEntries; i++)
				var existingValue = nestedPage.GetNodeKey(i);
				tree.DirectAdd(existingValue, 0);
			tree.DirectAdd(value, 0, version: version);
			_tx.AddMultiValueTree(this, key, tree);
			// we need to record that we switched to tree mode here, so the next call wouldn't also try to create the tree again
			DirectAdd(key, sizeof (TreeRootHeader), NodeFlags.MultiValuePageRef);
Example #11
		public void MultiDelete(Slice key, Slice value, ushort? version = null)
			State.IsModified = true;
			Lazy<Cursor> lazy;
			var page = FindPageFor(key, out lazy);
			if (page == null || page.LastMatch != 0)
				return; //nothing to delete - key not found

			page = _tx.ModifyPage(page.PageNumber, page);

			var item = page.GetNode(page.LastSearchPosition);

			if (item->Flags == NodeFlags.MultiValuePageRef) //multi-value tree exists
				var tree = OpenOrCreateMultiValueTree(_tx, key, item);

				tree.Delete(value, version);

				// previously, we would convert back to a simple model if we dropped to a single entry
				// however, it doesn't really make sense, once you got enough values to go to an actual nested 
				// tree, you are probably going to remain that way, or be removed completely.
				if (tree.State.EntriesCount != 0) 
				_tx.TryRemoveMultiValueTree(this, key);
			else // we use a nested page here
				var nestedPage = new Page(NodeHeader.DirectAccess(_tx, item), "multi tree", (ushort)NodeHeader.GetDataSize(_tx, item));
				var nestedItem = nestedPage.Search(value);
				if (nestedItem == null) // value not found

				byte* nestedPagePtr;
				if (item->Flags == NodeFlags.PageRef)
					var overFlowPage = _tx.ModifyPage(item->PageNumber, null);
					nestedPagePtr = overFlowPage.Base + Constants.PageHeaderSize;
					nestedPagePtr = NodeHeader.DirectAccess(_tx, item);

				nestedPage = new Page(nestedPagePtr, "multi tree", (ushort)NodeHeader.GetDataSize(_tx, item))
					LastSearchPosition = nestedPage.LastSearchPosition

				CheckConcurrency(key, value, version, nestedItem->Version, TreeActionType.Delete);
				if (nestedPage.NumberOfEntries == 0)
Example #12
		private void ExpandMultiTreeNestedPageSize(Transaction tx, Slice key, Slice value, byte* nestedPagePtr, ushort newSize, int currentSize)
			Debug.Assert(newSize > currentSize);
			TemporaryPage tmp;
			using (tx.Environment.GetTemporaryPage(tx, out tmp))
				var tempPagePointer = tmp.TempPagePointer;
				NativeMethods.memcpy(tempPagePointer, nestedPagePtr, currentSize);
				Delete(key); // release our current page
				Page nestedPage = new Page(tempPagePointer, "multi tree", (ushort)currentSize);

				var ptr = DirectAdd(key, newSize);

				var newNestedPage = new Page(ptr, "multi tree", newSize)
					Lower = (ushort)Constants.PageHeaderSize,
					Upper = newSize,
					Flags = PageFlags.Leaf,
					PageNumber = -1L // mark as invalid page number

				Slice nodeKey = new Slice(SliceOptions.Key);
				for (int i = 0; i < nestedPage.NumberOfEntries; i++)
					var nodeHeader = nestedPage.GetNode(i);
					newNestedPage.AddDataNode(i, nodeKey, 0,
						(ushort)(nodeHeader->Version - 1)); // we dec by one because AdddataNode will inc by one, and we don't want to change those values

				newNestedPage.AddDataNode(newNestedPage.LastSearchPosition, value, 0, 0);
Example #13
        private bool TryUseRecentTransactionPage(MemorySlice key, out Lazy <Cursor> cursor, out Page page, out NodeHeader *node)
            node   = null;
            page   = null;
            cursor = null;

            var recentPages = _tx.GetRecentlyFoundPages(this);

            if (recentPages == null)

            var foundPage = recentPages.Find(key);

            if (foundPage == null)

            var lastFoundPageNumber = foundPage.Number;

            page = _tx.GetReadOnlyPage(lastFoundPageNumber);

            if (page.IsLeaf == false)
                throw new DataException("Index points to a non leaf page");

            node = page.Search(key);             // will set the LastSearchPosition

            var cursorPath = foundPage.CursorPath;
            var pageCopy   = page;

            cursor = new Lazy <Cursor>(() =>
                var c = new Cursor();
                foreach (var p in cursorPath)
                    if (p == lastFoundPageNumber)
                        var cursorPage = _tx.GetReadOnlyPage(p);
                        if (key.Options == SliceOptions.BeforeAllKeys)
                            cursorPage.LastSearchPosition = 0;
                        else if (key.Options == SliceOptions.AfterAllKeys)
                            cursorPage.LastSearchPosition = (ushort)(cursorPage.NumberOfEntries - 1);
                        else if (cursorPage.Search(key) != null)
                            if (cursorPage.LastMatch != 0)



Example #14
        public void MultiAdd(Slice key, Slice value, ushort?version = null)
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
            int maxNodeSize = AbstractPager.NodeMaxSize;

            if (value.Size > maxNodeSize)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Cannot add a value to child tree that is over " + maxNodeSize + " bytes in size", "value");
            if (value.Size == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add empty value to child tree");

            State.IsModified = true;

            Lazy <Cursor> lazy;
            NodeHeader *  node;
            var           page = FindPageFor(key, out node, out lazy);

            if ((page == null || page.LastMatch != 0))
                MultiAddOnNewValue(_tx, key, value, version, maxNodeSize);

            page = _tx.ModifyPage(page.PageNumber, page);
            var item = page.GetNode(page.LastSearchPosition);

            // already was turned into a multi tree, not much to do here
            if (item->Flags == NodeFlags.MultiValuePageRef)
                var existingTree = OpenMultiValueTree(_tx, key, item);
                existingTree.DirectAdd(value, 0, version: version);

            byte *nestedPagePtr;

            if (item->Flags == NodeFlags.PageRef)
                var overFlowPage = _tx.ModifyPage(item->PageNumber, null);
                nestedPagePtr = overFlowPage.Base + Constants.PageHeaderSize;
                nestedPagePtr = NodeHeader.DirectAccess(_tx, item);

            var nestedPage = new Page(nestedPagePtr, "multi tree", (ushort)NodeHeader.GetDataSize(_tx, item));

            var existingItem = nestedPage.Search(value);

            if (nestedPage.LastMatch != 0)
                existingItem = null;                // not an actual match, just greater than
            ushort previousNodeRevision = existingItem != null ?  existingItem->Version : (ushort)0;

            CheckConcurrency(key, value, version, previousNodeRevision, TreeActionType.Add);

            if (existingItem != null)
                // maybe same value added twice?
                var tmpKey = page.GetNodeKey(item);
                if (tmpKey.Compare(value) == 0)
                    return;                     // already there, turning into a no-op

            var valueToInsert = nestedPage.PrepareKeyToInsert(value, nestedPage.LastSearchPosition);

            if (nestedPage.HasSpaceFor(_tx, valueToInsert, 0))
                // we are now working on top of the modified root page, we can just modify the memory directly
                nestedPage.AddDataNode(nestedPage.LastSearchPosition, valueToInsert, 0, previousNodeRevision);

            int pageSize        = nestedPage.CalcSizeUsed() + Constants.PageHeaderSize;
            var newRequiredSize = pageSize + nestedPage.GetRequiredSpace(valueToInsert, 0);

            if (newRequiredSize <= maxNodeSize)
                // we can just expand the current value... no need to create a nested tree yet
                var actualPageSize = (ushort)Math.Min(Utils.NearestPowerOfTwo(newRequiredSize), maxNodeSize);

                var currentDataSize = NodeHeader.GetDataSize(_tx, item);
                ExpandMultiTreeNestedPageSize(_tx, key, value, nestedPagePtr, actualPageSize, currentDataSize);

            // we now have to convert this into a tree instance, instead of just a nested page
            var tree = Create(_tx, KeysPrefixing, TreeFlags.MultiValue);

            for (int i = 0; i < nestedPage.NumberOfEntries; i++)
                var existingValue = nestedPage.GetNodeKey(i);
                tree.DirectAdd(existingValue, 0);
            tree.DirectAdd(value, 0, version: version);
            _tx.AddMultiValueTree(this, key, tree);
            // we need to record that we switched to tree mode here, so the next call wouldn't also try to create the tree again
            DirectAdd(key, sizeof(TreeRootHeader), NodeFlags.MultiValuePageRef);
Example #15
        public void MultiDelete(Slice key, Slice value, ushort?version = null)
            State.IsModified = true;
            Lazy <Cursor> lazy;
            NodeHeader *  node;
            var           page = FindPageFor(key, out node, out lazy);

            if (page == null || page.LastMatch != 0)
                return;                 //nothing to delete - key not found

            page = _tx.ModifyPage(page.PageNumber, page);

            var item = page.GetNode(page.LastSearchPosition);

            if (item->Flags == NodeFlags.MultiValuePageRef)             //multi-value tree exists
                var tree = OpenMultiValueTree(_tx, key, item);

                tree.Delete(value, version);

                // previously, we would convert back to a simple model if we dropped to a single entry
                // however, it doesn't really make sense, once you got enough values to go to an actual nested
                // tree, you are probably going to remain that way, or be removed completely.
                if (tree.State.EntriesCount != 0)
                _tx.TryRemoveMultiValueTree(this, key);
            else             // we use a nested page here
                var nestedPage = new Page(NodeHeader.DirectAccess(_tx, item), "multi tree", (ushort)NodeHeader.GetDataSize(_tx, item));
                var nestedItem = nestedPage.Search(value);
                if (nestedItem == null)                 // value not found

                byte *nestedPagePtr;
                if (item->Flags == NodeFlags.PageRef)
                    var overFlowPage = _tx.ModifyPage(item->PageNumber, null);
                    nestedPagePtr = overFlowPage.Base + Constants.PageHeaderSize;
                    nestedPagePtr = NodeHeader.DirectAccess(_tx, item);

                nestedPage = new Page(nestedPagePtr, "multi tree", (ushort)NodeHeader.GetDataSize(_tx, item))
                    LastSearchPosition = nestedPage.LastSearchPosition

                CheckConcurrency(key, value, version, nestedItem->Version, TreeActionType.Delete);
                if (nestedPage.NumberOfEntries == 0)
Example #16
		private void ExpandMultiTreeNestedPageSize(Transaction tx, Slice key, Slice value, byte* nestedPagePtr, ushort newSize, int currentSize)
			Debug.Assert(newSize > currentSize);
			TemporaryPage tmp;
			using (tx.Environment.GetTemporaryPage(tx, out tmp))
				var tempPagePointer = tmp.TempPagePointer;
                Memory.Copy(tempPagePointer, nestedPagePtr, currentSize);
				Delete(key); // release our current page
				Page nestedPage = new Page(tempPagePointer, "multi tree", (ushort)currentSize);

				var ptr = DirectAdd(key, newSize);

				var newNestedPage = new Page(ptr, "multi tree", newSize)
					Lower = (ushort)Constants.PageHeaderSize,
					Upper = KeysPrefixing ? (ushort) (newSize - Constants.PrefixInfoSectionSize) : newSize,
					Flags = KeysPrefixing ? PageFlags.Leaf | PageFlags.KeysPrefixed : PageFlags.Leaf,
					PageNumber = -1L // mark as invalid page number


				MemorySlice nodeKey = nestedPage.CreateNewEmptyKey();
				for (int i = 0; i < nestedPage.NumberOfEntries; i++)
					var nodeHeader = nestedPage.GetNode(i);
					nestedPage.SetNodeKey(nodeHeader, ref nodeKey);
					nodeKey = newNestedPage.PrepareKeyToInsert(nodeKey, i);
					newNestedPage.AddDataNode(i, nodeKey, 0,
						(ushort)(nodeHeader->Version - 1)); // we dec by one because AdddataNode will inc by one, and we don't want to change those values

				newNestedPage.AddDataNode(newNestedPage.LastSearchPosition, newNestedPage.PrepareKeyToInsert(value, newNestedPage.LastSearchPosition), 0, 0);
Example #17
        private bool TryUseRecentTransactionPage(MemorySlice key, out Lazy<Cursor> cursor, out Page page, out NodeHeader* node)
            node = null;
            page = null;
            cursor = null;

            var recentPages = _tx.GetRecentlyFoundPages(this);

            if (recentPages == null)
                return false;

            var foundPage = recentPages.Find(key);

            if (foundPage == null)
                return false;

            var lastFoundPageNumber = foundPage.Number;
            page = _tx.GetReadOnlyPage(lastFoundPageNumber);

            if (page.IsLeaf == false)
                throw new DataException("Index points to a non leaf page");

            node = page.Search(key); // will set the LastSearchPosition

            var cursorPath = foundPage.CursorPath;
            var pageCopy = page;
            cursor = new Lazy<Cursor>(() =>
                var c = new Cursor();
                foreach (var p in cursorPath)
                    if (p == lastFoundPageNumber)
                        var cursorPage = _tx.GetReadOnlyPage(p);
                        if (key.Options == SliceOptions.BeforeAllKeys)
                            cursorPage.LastSearchPosition = 0;
                        else if (key.Options == SliceOptions.AfterAllKeys)
                            cursorPage.LastSearchPosition = (ushort)(cursorPage.NumberOfEntries - 1);
                        else if (cursorPage.Search(key) != null)
                            if (cursorPage.LastMatch != 0)


                return c;

            return true;