public void Can_make_multiple_min_inc_backups_and_then_restore()
            const int UserCount = 5000;
            _tempDir = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var storageEnvironmentOptions = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(_tempDir);
            storageEnvironmentOptions.IncrementalBackupEnabled = true;
            using (var envToSnapshot = new StorageEnvironment(storageEnvironmentOptions))
                int index = 0;
                for (int xi = 0; xi < 5; xi++)
                    for (int yi = 0; yi < 2; yi++)
                        using (var tx = envToSnapshot.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite))
                            var tree = envToSnapshot.CreateTree(tx, "test");

                            for (int i = 0; i < UserCount / 10; i++)
                                tree.Add("users/" + index, "john doe/" + index);

                    var snapshotWriter = new MinimalIncrementalBackup();
                    snapshotWriter.ToFile(envToSnapshot, Path.Combine(_tempDir, xi + ".snapshot"));

            var incremental = new IncrementalBackup();

            var restoredOptions = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(Path.Combine(_tempDir, "restored"));
            incremental.Restore(restoredOptions, Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Select(i => Path.Combine(_tempDir, i + ".snapshot")));

            using (var snapshotRestoreEnv = new StorageEnvironment(restoredOptions))
                using (var tx = snapshotRestoreEnv.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.Read))
                    var tree = tx.ReadTree("test");

                    for (int i = 0; i < UserCount; i++)
                        var readResult = tree.Read("users/" + i);
                        Assert.Equal("john doe/" + i, readResult.Reader.ToStringValue());
        public void Can_split_merged_transaction_to_multiple_tx()
            _tempDir = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var storageEnvironmentOptions = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(_tempDir);
            storageEnvironmentOptions.IncrementalBackupEnabled = true;
            storageEnvironmentOptions.MaxNumberOfPagesInMergedTransaction = 8;
            using (var envToSnapshot = new StorageEnvironment(storageEnvironmentOptions))
                for (int xi = 0; xi < 100; xi++)
                    using (var tx = envToSnapshot.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite))
                        var tree = envToSnapshot.CreateTree(tx, "test");

                        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                            tree.Add("users/" + i, "john doe/" + i);


                var snapshotWriter = new MinimalIncrementalBackup();
                var backupPath = Path.Combine(_tempDir, "1.snapshot");
                snapshotWriter.ToFile(envToSnapshot, backupPath);

                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(backupPath))
                using (var zip = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
                    Assert.True(zip.Entries.Count > 1);
        public void Mixed_small_and_overflow_changes()
            _tempDir = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var storageEnvironmentOptions = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(_tempDir);
            storageEnvironmentOptions.IncrementalBackupEnabled = true;
            using (var envToSnapshot = new StorageEnvironment(storageEnvironmentOptions))
                using (var tx = envToSnapshot.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite))
                    var tree = envToSnapshot.CreateTree(tx, "test");
                    tree.Add("users/1", "john doe");
                    tree.Add("users/2", new String('a', 5000));


                using (var tx = envToSnapshot.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite))
                    var tree = envToSnapshot.CreateTree(tx, "test");
                    tree.Add("users/2", "jane darling");
                    tree.Add("users/3", new String('b', 5000));


                var snapshotWriter = new MinimalIncrementalBackup();
                snapshotWriter.ToFile(envToSnapshot, Path.Combine(_tempDir, "1.snapshot"));

                var restoredOptions = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(Path.Combine(_tempDir, "restored"));
                new IncrementalBackup().Restore(restoredOptions, new[] { Path.Combine(_tempDir, "1.snapshot") });

                using (var snapshotRestoreEnv = new StorageEnvironment(restoredOptions))
                    using (var tx = snapshotRestoreEnv.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.Read))
                        var tree = tx.ReadTree("test");

                        Assert.Equal("john doe", tree.Read("users/1").Reader.ToStringValue());
                        Assert.Equal("jane darling", tree.Read("users/2").Reader.ToStringValue());
                        Assert.Equal(new String('b', 5000), tree.Read("users/3").Reader.ToStringValue());
        public unsafe void Min_inc_backup_is_smaller_than_normal_inc_backup()
            const int UserCount = 5000;
            _tempDir = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var storageEnvironmentOptions = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(_tempDir);
            storageEnvironmentOptions.IncrementalBackupEnabled = true;
            using (var envToSnapshot = new StorageEnvironment(storageEnvironmentOptions))
                for (int xi = 0; xi < 10; xi++)
                    using (var tx = envToSnapshot.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite))
                        var tree = envToSnapshot.CreateTree(tx, "test");

                        for (int i = 0; i < UserCount / 10; i++)
                            tree.Add("users/" + i, "john doe/" + i);


                var incrementalBackupInfo = envToSnapshot.HeaderAccessor.Get(ptr => ptr->IncrementalBackup);

                var snapshotWriter = new MinimalIncrementalBackup();
                snapshotWriter.ToFile(envToSnapshot, Path.Combine(_tempDir, "1.snapshot"));

                // reset the incremental backup stuff

                envToSnapshot.HeaderAccessor.Modify(ptr => ptr->IncrementalBackup = incrementalBackupInfo);

                var incBackup = new IncrementalBackup();
                incBackup.ToFile(envToSnapshot, Path.Combine(_tempDir, "2.snapshot"));

                var incLen = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_tempDir, "2.snapshot")).Length;
                var minInLen = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_tempDir, "1.snapshot")).Length;

                Assert.True(incLen > minInLen);
        public void Can_write_minimal_incremental_backup()
            _tempDir = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var snapshotWriter = new MinimalIncrementalBackup();
            snapshotWriter.ToFile(Env, Path.Combine(_tempDir, "1.snapshot"));

            Assert.True(File.Exists(Path.Combine(_tempDir, "1.snapshot")), " Even empty minimal backup should create a file");

            var snapshotFileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_tempDir, "1.snapshot"));
            Assert.True(snapshotFileInfo.Length > 0, " Even empty minimal backup should create a file with some information");
Example #6
		public void CreateSnapshot(long index, long term, ManualResetEventSlim allowFurtherModifications)
			// we have not snapshot files, so this is the first time that we create a snapshot
			// we handle that by asking voron to create a full backup
			var files = Directory.GetFiles(_storageEnvironment.Options.BasePath, "*.Snapshot");
			Array.Sort(files, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // make sure we get it in sort order
			if (files.Any() == false)
				DoFullBackup(index, term, allowFurtherModifications);
			var fullBackupIndex = GetFullBackupIndex(files);
			if (fullBackupIndex == -1)
				// this shouldn't be the case, we must always have at least one full backup. 
				// maybe user deleted it? We'll do a full backup here to compensate
				DoFullBackup(index, term, allowFurtherModifications);
			string lastFullBackup = files[fullBackupIndex];

			var fullBackupSize = new FileInfo(lastFullBackup).Length;
			var incrementalBackupsSize = files.Skip(fullBackupIndex + 1).Sum(f => new FileInfo(f).Length);

			// now we need to decide whatever to do a full or incremental backup, doing incremental backups stop 
			// making sense if they will take more space than the full backup. Our cutoff point is when it passes to 50%
			// size of the full backup.
			// If full backup size is 1 GB, and we have 25 incrmeental backups that are 600 MB in size, we need to transfer
			// 1.6 GB to restore. If we generate a new full backup, we'll only need to transfer 1 GB to restore.

			if (incrementalBackupsSize / 2 > fullBackupSize)
				DoFullBackup(index, term, allowFurtherModifications);

			DeleteOldSnapshots(files.Take(fullBackupIndex - 1));// delete snapshots older than the current full backup

			var incrementalBackup = new MinimalIncrementalBackup();
				Path.Combine(_storageEnvironment.Options.BasePath, string.Format("Inc-{0:D19}-{1:D19}.Snapshot", index, term)),
				infoNotify: Console.WriteLine,
				backupStarted: allowFurtherModifications.Set);