protected override void OnDrawItem(DrawItemEventArgs e) { if (base.Items.Count > 0) { exListBoxItem exListBoxItem = (exListBoxItem)base.Items[e.Index]; exListBoxItem.drawItem(e, base.Margin, this._titleFont, this._detailsFont, this._levelFont, this._fmt, this._imageSize); } }
protected override void OnDrawItem(DrawItemEventArgs e) { // prevent from error Visual Designer if (this.Items.Count > 0) { exListBoxItem item = (exListBoxItem)this.Items[e.Index]; item.drawItem(e, this.Margin, _titleFont, _detailsFont, _levelFont, _fmt, this._imageSize); } }
internal void removeMdiChild(String username, exListBoxItem elbi) { vClient toRemove = mdiChilds.FirstOrDefault<vClient>(u => u._username == username); try { exListBox1.Items.Remove(elbi); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Error on remove Child. Please contact me with the Message blow!\n\n" + e.Message); } mdiChilds.Remove(toRemove); }
public void addMdiChild(String username, String password, String region, bool autoConnect = false) { if(mdiChilds.Count<vClient>(u => u._username == username) > 0) { MessageBox.Show("This Client already exist."); return; } Image summonerIcon = Basic.returnIcon(0); vClient t = new vClient(username, password, region, this, autoConnect); exListBoxItem eLBI = new exListBoxItem(t._username, t._username, "Status: Waiting...", "", summonerIcon); t.addListBoxItem(eLBI); exListBox1.Items.Add(eLBI); mdiChilds.Add(t); t.MdiParent = this; t.Show(); id++; }
internal void updateListItemImage(exListBoxItem elbi, Image newImage) { exListBoxItem toUpdate = (exListBoxItem)exListBox1.Items[exListBox1.Items.IndexOf(elbi)]; toUpdate.ItemImage = newImage; exListBox1.Refresh(); }
internal void updateListItem(exListBoxItem elbi, String newName, String newStatus, String newLevel, Image newImage) { exListBoxItem toUpdate = (exListBoxItem)exListBox1.Items[exListBox1.Items.IndexOf(elbi)]; toUpdate.Title = newName; toUpdate.Details = newStatus; toUpdate.Level = newLevel; toUpdate.ItemImage = newImage; exListBox1.Refresh(); }
internal void onlyUpdateListItemStatusAndLevel(exListBoxItem elbi, String newStatus, String newLevel) { exListBoxItem toUpdate = (exListBoxItem)exListBox1.Items[exListBox1.Items.IndexOf(elbi)]; toUpdate.Details = newStatus; toUpdate.Level = newLevel; exListBox1.Refresh(); }