private static void _LoadCovers() { CLog.StartBenchmark("Load Covers"); int songCount = _Songs.Count; AutoResetEvent ev = new AutoResetEvent(songCount == 0); NumSongsWithCoverLoaded = 0; foreach (CSong song in _Songs) { CSong tmp = song; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { tmp.LoadSmallCover(); if (Interlocked.Increment(ref _NumSongsWithCoverLoaded) >= songCount) { ev.Set(); } }); } ev.WaitOne(); _CoverLoaded = true; CDataBase.CommitCovers(); CLog.StopBenchmark("Load Covers"); }
private static bool _LoadPartyMode(string filePath, out SPartyMode pm) { CXmlDeserializer deser = new CXmlDeserializer(); try { pm = deser.Deserialize <SPartyMode>(filePath); if (pm.PartyModeSystemVersion != _PartyModeSystemVersion) { throw new Exception("Wrong PartyModeSystemVersion " + pm.PartyModeSystemVersion + " expected: " + _PartyModeSystemVersion); } if (pm.ScreenFiles.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("No ScreenFiles found"); } } catch (Exception e) { pm = new SPartyMode(); CLog.LogError("Error loading PartyMode file " + filePath + ": " + e.Message); return(false); } string pathToPm = Path.Combine(CSettings.ProgramFolder, CSettings.FolderNamePartyModes, pm.Info.Folder); string pathToCode = Path.Combine(pathToPm, CSettings.FolderNamePartyModeCode); var filesToCompile = new List <string>(); filesToCompile.AddRange(CHelper.ListFiles(pathToCode, "*.cs", false, true)); Assembly output = _CompileFiles(filesToCompile.ToArray()); if (output == null) { return(false); } object instance = output.CreateInstance(typeof(IPartyMode).Namespace + "." + pm.Info.Folder + "." + pm.Info.PartyModeFile, false, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new object[] { _NextID++ }, null, null); if (instance == null) { CLog.LogError("Error creating Instance of PartyMode file: " + filePath); return(false); } try { pm.PartyMode = (IPartyMode)instance; } catch (Exception e) { CLog.LogError("Error casting PartyMode file: " + filePath + "; " + e.Message); return(false); } if (!CLanguage.LoadPartyLanguageFiles(pm.PartyMode.ID, Path.Combine(pathToPm, CSettings.FolderNamePartyModeLanguages))) { CLog.LogError("Error loading language files for PartyMode: " + filePath); return(false); } if (!CThemes.ReadThemesFromFolder(Path.Combine(pathToPm, CSettings.FolderNameThemes), pm.PartyMode.ID)) { return(false); } if (!CThemes.LoadPartymodeTheme(pm.PartyMode.ID)) { return(false); } foreach (string screenfile in pm.ScreenFiles) { CMenuParty screen = _GetPartyScreenInstance(output, screenfile, pm.Info.Folder); if (screen != null) { screen.AssignPartyMode(pm.PartyMode); pm.PartyMode.AddScreen(screen, screenfile); } else { return(false); } } pm.PartyMode.LoadTheme(); pm.Info.ExtInfo = pm.PartyMode; return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Loads all covers from the theme /// </summary> private static bool _LoadCovers() { SThemeCover coverTheme = _GetCoverTheme(); Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(coverTheme.Info.Name)); IEnumerable <string> files = CHelper.ListImageFiles(coverTheme.FolderPath, true, true); lock (_Covers) { foreach (string file in files) { _AddCover(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file), file); } if (_CoverExists(_NoCoverName)) { NoCover = _Covers[_NoCoverName]; } else if (_CoverExists(_NoCoverNameAlt)) { NoCover = _Covers[_NoCoverNameAlt]; } else { CLog.Fatal("Covertheme \"{ThemeName}\" does not include a cover file named \"{MissingFileName}\" and cannot be used!", CLog.Params(coverTheme.Info.Name, _NoCoverName)); _UnloadCovers(); // Remove current theme and recursively try the other themes _CoverThemes.Remove(coverTheme); return(_CoverThemes.Count > 0 && _LoadCovers()); } } _LoadCoverGenerators(coverTheme); return(true); }
private static bool _HandleInputs(CKeys keys, CMouse mouse) { SKeyEvent keyEvent = new SKeyEvent(); SMouseEvent mouseEvent = new SMouseEvent(); SKeyEvent inputKeyEvent = new SKeyEvent(); SMouseEvent inputMouseEvent = new SMouseEvent(); bool popupPlayerControlAllowed = CurrentScreen.CurrentMusicType == EMusicType.Background; bool popupVolumeControlAllowed = CurrentScreen.CurrentMusicType != EMusicType.None; //Hide volume control for bg-music if bg-music is disabled if (popupVolumeControlAllowed && (CurrentScreen.CurrentMusicType == EMusicType.Background || CurrentScreen.CurrentMusicType == EMusicType.BackgroundPreview) && CConfig.Config.Sound.BackgroundMusic == EBackgroundMusicOffOn.TR_CONFIG_OFF) { popupVolumeControlAllowed = false; } bool resume = true; bool eventsAvailable; bool inputEventsAvailable = CController.PollKeyEvent(ref inputKeyEvent); while ((eventsAvailable = keys.PollEvent(ref keyEvent)) || inputEventsAvailable) { if (!eventsAvailable) { keyEvent = inputKeyEvent; } if (keyEvent.IsArrowKey() || keyEvent.Key == Keys.NumPad0 || keyEvent.Key == Keys.D0 || keyEvent.Key == Keys.Add) { _Cursor.Deactivate(); if (keyEvent.ModAlt && keyEvent.ModCtrl) { switch (keyEvent.Key) { case Keys.Right: if (keyEvent.ModShift) { CConfig.Config.Graphics.BorderLeft++; } else { CConfig.Config.Graphics.BorderRight--; } break; case Keys.Left: if (keyEvent.ModShift) { CConfig.Config.Graphics.BorderLeft--; } else { CConfig.Config.Graphics.BorderRight++; } break; case Keys.Down: if (keyEvent.ModShift) { CConfig.Config.Graphics.BorderTop++; } else { CConfig.Config.Graphics.BorderBottom--; } break; case Keys.Up: if (keyEvent.ModShift) { CConfig.Config.Graphics.BorderTop--; } else { CConfig.Config.Graphics.BorderBottom++; } break; case Keys.D0: case Keys.NumPad0: CConfig.Config.Graphics.BorderLeft = CConfig.Config.Graphics.BorderRight = CConfig.Config.Graphics.BorderTop = CConfig.Config.Graphics.BorderBottom = 0; break; case Keys.Add: switch (CConfig.Config.Graphics.ScreenAlignment) { case EGeneralAlignment.Middle: CConfig.Config.Graphics.ScreenAlignment = EGeneralAlignment.End; break; case EGeneralAlignment.End: CConfig.Config.Graphics.ScreenAlignment = EGeneralAlignment.Start; break; default: CConfig.Config.Graphics.ScreenAlignment = EGeneralAlignment.Middle; break; } break; } CConfig.SaveConfig(); break; } } if (keyEvent.Key == Keys.F11) { if (_CurrentPopupScreen == EPopupScreens.NoPopup) { ShowPopup(EPopupScreens.PopupServerQR); } else { HidePopup(EPopupScreens.PopupServerQR); } } if (keyEvent.Key == Keys.F8) { CLog.ShowLogAssistant("", null); } if (popupPlayerControlAllowed && keyEvent.Key == Keys.Tab) { if (_CurrentPopupScreen == EPopupScreens.NoPopup && CConfig.Config.Sound.BackgroundMusic == EBackgroundMusicOffOn.TR_CONFIG_ON) { ShowPopup(EPopupScreens.PopupPlayerControl); } else { HidePopup(EPopupScreens.PopupPlayerControl); } } if (popupPlayerControlAllowed && CConfig.Config.Sound.BackgroundMusic != EBackgroundMusicOffOn.TR_CONFIG_OFF) { if (keyEvent.Key == Keys.MediaNextTrack) { CBackgroundMusic.Next(); } else if (keyEvent.Key == Keys.MediaPreviousTrack) { CBackgroundMusic.Previous(); } else if (keyEvent.Key == Keys.MediaPlayPause) { if (CBackgroundMusic.IsPlaying) { CBackgroundMusic.Pause(); } else { CBackgroundMusic.Play(); } } } if (keyEvent.ModShift && (keyEvent.Key == Keys.F1)) { CSettings.ProgramState = EProgramState.EditTheme; } else if (keyEvent.ModAlt && (keyEvent.Key == Keys.Enter)) { CConfig.Config.Graphics.FullScreen = (CConfig.Config.Graphics.FullScreen == EOffOn.TR_CONFIG_ON) ? EOffOn.TR_CONFIG_OFF : EOffOn.TR_CONFIG_ON; } else if (keyEvent.ModAlt && (keyEvent.Key == Keys.P)) { CDraw.MakeScreenShot(); } else { if (_Fading == null) { bool handled = false; if (_CurrentPopupScreen != EPopupScreens.NoPopup) { handled = _PopupScreens[(int)_CurrentPopupScreen].HandleInput(keyEvent); if (popupVolumeControlAllowed && _CurrentPopupScreen == EPopupScreens.PopupVolumeControl && handled) { _VolumePopupTimer.Restart(); } } else if (popupVolumeControlAllowed && _PopupScreens[(int)EPopupScreens.PopupVolumeControl].HandleInput(keyEvent)) { ShowPopup(EPopupScreens.PopupVolumeControl); _VolumePopupTimer.Restart(); } if (!handled) { resume &= CurrentScreen.HandleInput(keyEvent); } } } if (!eventsAvailable) { inputEventsAvailable = CController.PollKeyEvent(ref inputKeyEvent); } } inputEventsAvailable = CController.PollMouseEvent(ref inputMouseEvent); while ((eventsAvailable = mouse.PollEvent(ref mouseEvent)) || inputEventsAvailable) { if (!eventsAvailable) { mouseEvent = inputMouseEvent; } if (mouseEvent.Wheel != 0) { _Cursor.Activate(); } _UpdateMousePosition(mouseEvent.X, mouseEvent.Y); bool isOverPopupPlayerControl = CHelper.IsInBounds(_PopupScreens[(int)EPopupScreens.PopupPlayerControl].ScreenArea, mouseEvent); if (popupPlayerControlAllowed && isOverPopupPlayerControl) { if (_CurrentPopupScreen == EPopupScreens.NoPopup && CConfig.Config.Sound.BackgroundMusic == EBackgroundMusicOffOn.TR_CONFIG_ON) { ShowPopup(EPopupScreens.PopupPlayerControl); } } if (!isOverPopupPlayerControl && _CurrentPopupScreen == EPopupScreens.PopupPlayerControl) { HidePopup(EPopupScreens.PopupPlayerControl); } bool isOverPopupVolumeControl = CHelper.IsInBounds(_PopupScreens[(int)EPopupScreens.PopupVolumeControl].ScreenArea, mouseEvent); if (popupVolumeControlAllowed && isOverPopupVolumeControl) { if (_CurrentPopupScreen == EPopupScreens.NoPopup) { ShowPopup(EPopupScreens.PopupVolumeControl); _VolumePopupTimer.Reset(); _VolumePopupTimer.Start(); } } if (_CursorOverVolumeControl && !isOverPopupVolumeControl) { if (_CurrentPopupScreen == EPopupScreens.PopupVolumeControl) { HidePopup(EPopupScreens.PopupVolumeControl); _VolumePopupTimer.Reset(); } } _CursorOverVolumeControl = isOverPopupVolumeControl; bool handled = false; if (_CurrentPopupScreen != EPopupScreens.NoPopup) { handled = _PopupScreens[(int)_CurrentPopupScreen].HandleMouse(mouseEvent); } if (!handled && _Fading == null && (_Cursor.IsActive || mouseEvent.LB || mouseEvent.RB || mouseEvent.MB)) { resume &= CurrentScreen.HandleMouse(mouseEvent); } if (!eventsAvailable) { inputEventsAvailable = CController.PollMouseEvent(ref inputMouseEvent); } } return(resume); }
public void LogSongInfo(string text) { CLog.LogSongInfo(text); }
public void LogDebug(string text) { CLog.LogDebug(text); }
public void LogError(string errorText, bool showMsg = false, bool exit = false) { CLog.LogError(errorText, showMsg, exit); }
private static void LoadLanguageFile(string FileName) { bool loaded = false; XPathDocument xPathDoc = null; XPathNavigator navigator = null; SLanguage lang = new SLanguage(); lang.LanguageFilePath = Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderLanguages, FileName); try { xPathDoc = new XPathDocument(lang.LanguageFilePath); navigator = xPathDoc.CreateNavigator(); loaded = true; } catch (Exception e) { loaded = false; if (navigator != null) { navigator = null; } if (xPathDoc != null) { xPathDoc = null; } CLog.LogError("Error opening Language File " + FileName + ": " + e.Message); } if (loaded) { string value = string.Empty; if (CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Info/Name", navigator, ref value, value)) { lang.Name = value; if (lang.Name == CSettings.FallbackLanguage) { _FallbackLanguage = _Languages.Count; } lang.Texts = new Hashtable(); List <string> texts = CHelper.GetValuesFromXML("Texts", navigator); for (int i = 0; i < texts.Count; i++) { if (CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Texts/" + texts[i], navigator, ref value, value)) { try { lang.Texts.Add(texts[i], value); } catch (Exception e) { CLog.LogError("Error reading Language File " + FileName + ": " + e.Message); } } } _Languages.Add(lang); } } }
private static void LoadProfile(string FileName) { bool loaded = false; XPathDocument xPathDoc = null; XPathNavigator navigator = null; SProfile profile = new SProfile(); profile.ProfileFile = Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderProfiles, FileName); try { xPathDoc = new XPathDocument(profile.ProfileFile); navigator = xPathDoc.CreateNavigator(); loaded = true; } catch (Exception e) { loaded = false; if (navigator != null) { navigator = null; } if (xPathDoc != null) { xPathDoc = null; } CLog.LogError("Error opening Profile File " + FileName + ": " + e.Message); } if (loaded) { string value = String.Empty; if (CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Info/PlayerName", navigator, ref value, value)) { profile.PlayerName = value; profile.Difficulty = EGameDifficulty.TR_CONFIG_EASY; CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EGameDifficulty>("//root/Info/Difficulty", navigator, ref profile.Difficulty); profile.Avatar = new SAvatar(-1); if (CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Info/Avatar", navigator, ref value, value)) { profile.Avatar = GetAvatar(value); } profile.GuestProfile = EOffOn.TR_CONFIG_OFF; CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EOffOn>("//root/Info/GuestProfile", navigator, ref profile.GuestProfile); profile.Active = EOffOn.TR_CONFIG_ON; CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EOffOn>("//root/Info/Active", navigator, ref profile.Active); _Profiles.Add(profile); } else { CLog.LogError("Can't find PlayerName in Profile File: " + FileName); } } }
private static void SaveProfile(int ProfileID) { if (ProfileID < 0 || ProfileID >= _Profiles.Count) { return; } if (_Profiles[ProfileID].ProfileFile == String.Empty) { string filename = string.Empty; foreach (char chr in _Profiles[ProfileID].PlayerName) { if (char.IsLetter(chr)) { filename += chr.ToString(); } } if (filename == String.Empty) { filename = "1"; } int i = 0; while (File.Exists(Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderProfiles, filename + ".xml"))) { i++; if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderProfiles, filename + i + ".xml"))) { filename += i; } } SProfile profile = _Profiles[ProfileID]; profile.ProfileFile = Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderProfiles, filename + ".xml"); _Profiles[ProfileID] = profile; } XmlWriter writer; try { writer = XmlWriter.Create(_Profiles[ProfileID].ProfileFile, _settings); } catch (Exception e) { CLog.LogError("Error creating/opening Profile File " + _Profiles[ProfileID].ProfileFile + ": " + e.Message); return; } if (writer == null) { CLog.LogError("Error creating/opening Profile File " + _Profiles[ProfileID].ProfileFile); return; } writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteStartElement("root"); writer.WriteStartElement("Info"); writer.WriteElementString("PlayerName", _Profiles[ProfileID].PlayerName); writer.WriteElementString("Difficulty", Enum.GetName(typeof(EGameDifficulty), _Profiles[ProfileID].Difficulty)); writer.WriteElementString("Avatar", _Profiles[ProfileID].Avatar.FileName); writer.WriteElementString("GuestProfile", Enum.GetName(typeof(EOffOn), _Profiles[ProfileID].GuestProfile)); writer.WriteElementString("Active", Enum.GetName(typeof(EOffOn), _Profiles[ProfileID].Active)); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndElement(); //end of root writer.WriteEndDocument(); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Loads theme fonts from skin file /// </summary> public static void LoadThemeFonts(string ThemeName, string FontFolder, XPathNavigator navigator) { string value = string.Empty; int i = 1; while (CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Folder", navigator, ref value, value)) { SFont sf = new SFont(); sf.Folder = value; sf.IsThemeFont = true; sf.ThemeName = ThemeName; bool ok = true; ok &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileNormal", navigator, ref value, value); sf.FileNormal = value; value = Path.Combine(FontFolder, Path.Combine(sf.Folder, value)); CFont f = new CFont(value); sf.Normal = f; string name = String.Empty; ok &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Name", navigator, ref name, value); sf.Name = name; ok &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileItalic", navigator, ref value, value); sf.FileItalic = value; value = Path.Combine(FontFolder, Path.Combine(sf.Folder, value)); f = new CFont(value); sf.Italic = f; ok &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileBold", navigator, ref value, value); sf.FileBold = value; value = Path.Combine(FontFolder, Path.Combine(sf.Folder, value)); f = new CFont(value); sf.Bold = f; ok &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileBoldItalic", navigator, ref value, value); sf.FileBoldItalic = value; value = Path.Combine(FontFolder, Path.Combine(sf.Folder, value)); f = new CFont(value); sf.BoldItalic = f; sf.Outline = 0f; ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Outline", navigator, ref sf.Outline); sf.OutlineColor = new SColorF(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorR", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.R); ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorG", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.G); ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorB", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.B); ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorA", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.A); if (ok) { _Fonts.Add(sf); } else { CLog.LogError("Error loading theme fonts for theme \"" + ThemeName + "\": Error in Font" + i.ToString()); } i++; } CLog.StartBenchmark(1, "BuildGlyphs"); BuildGlyphs(); CLog.StopBenchmark(1, "BuildGlyphs"); }
/// <summary> /// Load default fonts /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private static bool LoadFontList() { bool loaded = false; XPathDocument xPathDoc = null; XPathNavigator navigator = null; try { xPathDoc = new XPathDocument(System.IO.Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, CSettings.sFileFonts)); navigator = xPathDoc.CreateNavigator(); loaded = true; } catch (Exception e) { CLog.LogError("Error loading default fonts: " + e.Message); loaded = false; if (navigator != null) { navigator = null; } if (xPathDoc != null) { xPathDoc = null; } } _Fonts.Clear(); if (loaded) { string value = string.Empty; int i = 1; while (CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Folder", navigator, ref value, value)) { string Folder = value; CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileNormal", navigator, ref value, value); value = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, Path.Combine(Folder, value))); CFont f = new CFont(value); SFont sf = new SFont(); sf.Normal = f; string name = String.Empty; CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Name", navigator, ref name, value); sf.Name = name; sf.IsThemeFont = false; sf.ThemeName = String.Empty; CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileItalic", navigator, ref value, value); value = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, Path.Combine(Folder, value))); f = new CFont(value); sf.Italic = f; CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileBold", navigator, ref value, value); value = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, Path.Combine(Folder, value))); f = new CFont(value); sf.Bold = f; CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileBoldItalic", navigator, ref value, value); value = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, Path.Combine(Folder, value))); f = new CFont(value); sf.BoldItalic = f; sf.Outline = 0f; CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Outline", navigator, ref sf.Outline); sf.OutlineColor = new SColorF(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorR", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.R); CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorG", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.G); CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorB", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.B); CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorA", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.A); _Fonts.Add(sf); i++; } } return(loaded); }
public static bool LoadConfig() { #region Inits bool loaded = false; XPathDocument xPathDoc = null; XPathNavigator navigator = null; try { xPathDoc = new XPathDocument(CSettings.sFileConfig); navigator = xPathDoc.CreateNavigator(); loaded = true; } catch (Exception) { CLog.LogError("Error opening Config.xml (FileName: " + CSettings.sFileConfig); loaded = false; if (navigator != null) { navigator = null; } if (xPathDoc != null) { xPathDoc = null; } } #endregion Inits if (loaded) { string value = string.Empty; #region Debug CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EDebugLevel>("//root/Debug/DebugLevel", navigator, ref DebugLevel); #endregion Debug #region Graphics CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <ERenderer>("//root/Graphics/Renderer", navigator, ref Renderer); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <ETextureQuality>("//root/Graphics/TextureQuality", navigator, ref TextureQuality); CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/Graphics/CoverSize", navigator, ref CoverSize); if (CoverSize > 1024) { CoverSize = 1024; } if (CoverSize < 32) { CoverSize = 32; } CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/Graphics/ScreenW", navigator, ref ScreenW); CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/Graphics/ScreenH", navigator, ref ScreenH); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EAntiAliasingModes>("//root/Graphics/AAMode", navigator, ref AAMode); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EColorDeep>("//root/Graphics/Colors", navigator, ref Colors); CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Graphics/MaxFPS", navigator, ref MaxFPS); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EOffOn>("//root/Graphics/VSync", navigator, ref VSync); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EOffOn>("//root/Graphics/FullScreen", navigator, ref FullScreen); CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Graphics/FadeTime", navigator, ref FadeTime); #endregion Graphics #region Theme CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Theme/Name", navigator, ref Theme, Theme); CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Theme/Skin", navigator, ref Skin, Skin); CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Theme/Cover", navigator, ref CoverTheme, CoverTheme); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML("//root/Theme/DrawNoteLines", navigator, ref DrawNoteLines); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML("//root/Theme/DrawToneHelper", navigator, ref DrawToneHelper); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML("//root/Theme/TimerLook", navigator, ref TimerLook); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML("//root/Theme/CoverLoading", navigator, ref CoverLoading); #endregion Theme #region Sound CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EPlaybackLib>("//root/Sound/PlayBackLib", navigator, ref PlayBackLib); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <ERecordLib>("//root/Sound/RecordLib", navigator, ref RecordLib); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EBufferSize>("//root/Sound/AudioBufferSize", navigator, ref AudioBufferSize); CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/Sound/AudioLatency", navigator, ref AudioLatency); if (AudioLatency < -500) { AudioLatency = -500; } if (AudioLatency > 500) { AudioLatency = 500; } CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML("//root/Sound/BackgroundMusic", navigator, ref BackgroundMusic); CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/Sound/BackgroundMusicVolume", navigator, ref BackgroundMusicVolume); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML("//root/Sound/BackgroundMusicSource", navigator, ref BackgroundMusicSource); #endregion Sound #region Game // Songfolder value = string.Empty; int i = 1; while (CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Game/SongFolder" + i.ToString(), navigator, ref value, value)) { if (i == 1) { SongFolder.Clear(); } SongFolder.Add(value); value = string.Empty; i++; } CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <ESongMenu>("//root/Game/SongMenu", navigator, ref SongMenu); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <ESongSorting>("//root/Game/SongSorting", navigator, ref SongSorting); CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Game/ScoreAnimationTime", navigator, ref ScoreAnimationTime); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <ETimerMode>("//root/Game/TimerMode", navigator, ref TimerMode); CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/Game/NumPlayer", navigator, ref NumPlayer); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML("//root/Game/Tabs", navigator, ref Tabs); CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Game/Language", navigator, ref Language, Language); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EOffOn>("//root/Game/LyricsOnTop", navigator, ref LyricsOnTop); if ((ScoreAnimationTime > 0 && ScoreAnimationTime < 1) || ScoreAnimationTime < 0) { ScoreAnimationTime = 1; } if (NumPlayer < 1 || NumPlayer > CSettings.MaxNumPlayer) { NumPlayer = 2; } List <string> _Languages = new List <string>(); _Languages = CLanguage.GetLanguages(); bool _LangExists = false; for (i = 0; i < _Languages.Count; i++) { if (_Languages[i] == Language) { _LangExists = true; } } //TODO: What should we do, if English not exists? if (_LangExists == false) { Language = "English"; } CLanguage.SetLanguage(Language); #endregion Game #region Video CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EVideoDecoder>("//root/Video/VideoDecoder", navigator, ref VideoDecoder); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EOffOn>("//root/Video/VideoBackgrounds", navigator, ref VideoBackgrounds); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EOffOn>("//root/Video/VideoPreview", navigator, ref VideoPreview); CHelper.TryGetEnumValueFromXML <EOffOn>("//root/Video/VideosInSongs", navigator, ref VideosInSongs); #endregion Video #region Record MicConfig = new SMicConfig[CSettings.MaxNumPlayer]; value = string.Empty; for (int p = 1; p <= CSettings.MaxNumPlayer; p++) { MicConfig[p - 1] = new SMicConfig(0); CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Record/MicConfig" + p.ToString() + "/DeviceName", navigator, ref MicConfig[p - 1].DeviceName, String.Empty); CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Record/MicConfig" + p.ToString() + "/DeviceDriver", navigator, ref MicConfig[p - 1].DeviceDriver, String.Empty); CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Record/MicConfig" + p.ToString() + "/InputName", navigator, ref MicConfig[p - 1].InputName, String.Empty); CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/Record/MicConfig" + p.ToString() + "/Channel", navigator, ref MicConfig[p - 1].Channel); } CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/Record/MicDelay", navigator, ref MicDelay); MicDelay = (int)(20 * Math.Round(MicDelay / 20.0)); if (MicDelay < 0) { MicDelay = 0; } if (MicDelay > 500) { MicDelay = 500; } #endregion Record return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static void ListSkins() { CHelper Helper = new CHelper(); int themeIndex = GetThemeIndex(); _Skins.Clear(); if (themeIndex < 0) { CLog.LogError("Error List Skins. Can't find Theme: " + CConfig.Theme); return; } Theme theme = _Themes[themeIndex]; string path = Path.Combine(theme.Path, theme.SkinFolder); List <string> files = Helper.ListFiles(path, "*.xml", false); foreach (string file in files) { bool loaded = false; XPathDocument xPathDoc = null; XPathNavigator navigator = null; try { xPathDoc = new XPathDocument(Path.Combine(path, file)); navigator = xPathDoc.CreateNavigator(); loaded = true; } catch (Exception e) { CLog.LogError("Error loading skin " + file + ": " + e.Message); loaded = false; if (navigator != null) { navigator = null; } if (xPathDoc != null) { xPathDoc = null; } } if (loaded) { Skin skin = new Skin(); int version = 0; CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/SkinSystemVersion", navigator, ref version); if (version == SkinSystemVersion) { CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Info/Name", navigator, ref skin.Name, String.Empty); if (skin.Name != String.Empty) { CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Info/Author", navigator, ref skin.Author, String.Empty); CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/Info/SkinVersionMajor", navigator, ref skin.SkinVersionMajor); CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/Info/SkinVersionMinor", navigator, ref skin.SkinVersionMinor); skin.Path = path; skin.FileName = file; skin.SkinList = new Dictionary <string, SkinElement>(); List <string> names = CHelper.GetValuesFromXML("Skins", navigator); foreach (string str in names) { SkinElement sk = new SkinElement(); sk.Name = str; sk.Value = String.Empty; skin.SkinList[str] = sk; } skin.VideoList = new List <SkinElement>(); names = CHelper.GetValuesFromXML("Videos", navigator); foreach (string str in names) { SkinElement sk = new SkinElement(); sk.Name = str; sk.Value = String.Empty; skin.VideoList.Add(sk); } _Skins.Add(skin); } } else { string msg = "Can't load Skin \"" + file + "\", "; if (version < SkinSystemVersion) { msg += "the file ist outdated! "; } else { msg += "the file is for newer program versions! "; } msg += "Current SkinSystemVersion is " + SkinSystemVersion.ToString(); CLog.LogError(msg); } } } }
private static void ListThemes() { CHelper Helper = new CHelper(); _Themes.Clear(); string path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), CSettings.sFolderThemes); List <string> files = Helper.ListFiles(path, "*.xml", false); foreach (string file in files) { bool loaded = false; XPathDocument xPathDoc = null; XPathNavigator navigator = null; try { xPathDoc = new XPathDocument(Path.Combine(path, file)); navigator = xPathDoc.CreateNavigator(); loaded = true; } catch (Exception e) { CLog.LogError("Error loading theme " + file + ": " + e.Message); loaded = false; if (navigator != null) { navigator = null; } if (xPathDoc != null) { xPathDoc = null; } } if (loaded) { Theme theme = new Theme(); int version = 0; CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/ThemeSystemVersion", navigator, ref version); if (version == ThemeSystemVersion) { CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Info/Name", navigator, ref theme.Name, String.Empty); if (theme.Name != String.Empty) { CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Info/Author", navigator, ref theme.Author, String.Empty); CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Info/SkinFolder", navigator, ref theme.SkinFolder, String.Empty); CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/Info/ThemeVersionMajor", navigator, ref theme.ThemeVersionMajor); CHelper.TryGetIntValueFromXML("//root/Info/ThemeVersionMinor", navigator, ref theme.ThemeVersionMinor); theme.Path = path; theme.FileName = file; _Themes.Add(theme); } } else { string msg = "Can't load Theme \"" + file + "\", "; if (version < ThemeSystemVersion) { msg += "the file ist outdated! "; } else { msg += "the file is for newer program versions! "; } msg += "Current ThemeSystemVersion is " + ThemeSystemVersion.ToString(); CLog.LogError(msg); } } } }
public static void LoadSkins() { for (int index = 0; index < _Skins.Count; index++) { bool loaded = false; XPathDocument xPathDoc = null; XPathNavigator navigator = null; try { xPathDoc = new XPathDocument(Path.Combine(_Skins[index].Path, _Skins[index].FileName)); navigator = xPathDoc.CreateNavigator(); loaded = true; } catch (Exception e) { CLog.LogError("Error loading skin " + _Skins[index].FileName + ": " + e.Message); loaded = false; if (navigator != null) { navigator = null; } if (xPathDoc != null) { xPathDoc = null; } } if (loaded) { string value = String.Empty; // load skins/textures List <string> keys = new List <string>(_Skins[index].SkinList.Keys); foreach (string name in keys) { try { CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Skins/" + name, navigator, ref value, String.Empty); SkinElement sk = _Skins[index].SkinList[name]; sk.Value = value; sk.VideoIndex = -1; sk.Texture = CDraw.AddTexture(Path.Combine(_Skins[index].Path, sk.Value)); _Skins[index].SkinList[name] = sk; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Error on loading texture \"" + name + "\": " + e.Message + e.StackTrace); CLog.LogError("Error on loading texture \"" + name + "\": " + e.Message + e.StackTrace); } } // load videos for (int i = 0; i < _Skins[index].VideoList.Count; i++) { try { CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Videos/" + _Skins[index].VideoList[i].Name, navigator, ref value, String.Empty); SkinElement sk = new SkinElement(); sk.Name = _Skins[index].VideoList[i].Name; sk.Value = value; sk.VideoIndex = CVideo.VdLoad(Path.Combine(_Skins[index].Path, sk.Value)); CVideo.VdSetLoop(sk.VideoIndex, true); CVideo.VdPause(sk.VideoIndex); sk.Texture = new STexture(-1); _Skins[index].VideoList[i] = sk; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Error on loading video \"" + _Skins[index].VideoList[i].Name + "\": " + e.Message + e.StackTrace); CLog.LogError("Error on loading video \"" + _Skins[index].VideoList[i].Name + "\": " + e.Message + e.StackTrace); } } // load colors LoadColors(navigator, index); } } }