// -------------------------------------------------------------
        //  Setup() - called when the user has requested to setup
        //            the plugin instance
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        public override bool Setup()
            // define/create objects
            XmlElement newChild;

            using (var setupForm = new SetupForm())

                // if our channels from/to are setup then tell the setupForm
                if (this._pluginChannelsFrom != 0 && this._pluginChannelsTo != 0)
                    setupForm.PluginChannelCount = this._pluginChannelsTo - this._pluginChannelsFrom + 1;

                // for each universe add it to setup form
                foreach (var uE in this._universeTable)
                        uE.Active, uE.Universe, uE.Start + 1, uE.Size, uE.Unicast, uE.Multicast, uE.Ttl);

                setupForm.WarningsOption   = this._warningsOption;
                setupForm.StatisticsOption = this._statisticsOption;
                setupForm.EventRepeatCount = this._eventRepeatCount;

                if (setupForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    // first get rid of our old children
                    while (_setupNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0)

                    // add the Guid child
                    newChild = _setupNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Guid");
                    newChild.SetAttribute("id", this._guid.ToString());

                    // add the Options child
                    newChild = _setupNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Options");
                    newChild.SetAttribute("warnings", setupForm.WarningsOption.ToString());
                    newChild.SetAttribute("statistics", setupForm.StatisticsOption.ToString());
                    newChild.SetAttribute("eventRepeatCount", setupForm.EventRepeatCount.ToString());

                    // add each of the universes as a child
                    for (int i = 0; i < setupForm.UniverseCount; i++)
                        bool   active    = true;
                        int    universe  = 0;
                        int    start     = 0;
                        int    size      = 0;
                        string unicast   = string.Empty;
                        string multicast = string.Empty;
                        int    ttl       = 0;

                        if (setupForm.UniverseGet(
                                i, ref active, ref universe, ref start, ref size, ref unicast, ref multicast, ref ttl))
                            newChild = _setupNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Universe");

                            newChild.SetAttribute("active", active.ToString());
                            newChild.SetAttribute("number", universe.ToString());
                            newChild.SetAttribute("start", start.ToString());
                            newChild.SetAttribute("size", size.ToString());
                            if (unicast != null)
                                newChild.SetAttribute("unicast", unicast);
                            else if (multicast != null)
                                newChild.SetAttribute("multicast", multicast);

                            newChild.SetAttribute("ttl", ttl.ToString());


                    // update in memory table to match xml
Example #2
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        //  Setup() - called when the user has requested to setup
        //            the plugin instance
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        public override bool Setup()
            isSetupOpen = true;

            using (var setupForm = new SetupForm())
                // Tell the setupForm our output count
                setupForm.PluginChannelCount = this.OutputCount;

                List <int> initialUniverseList = new List <int>();

                setupForm.WarningsOption     = _data.Warnings;
                setupForm.StatisticsOption   = _data.Statistics;
                setupForm.EventRepeatCount   = _data.EventRepeatCount;
                setupForm.EventSuppressCount = _data.EventSuppressCount;
                setupForm.AutoPopulateStart  = _data.AutoPopulate;
                setupForm.Blind    = _data.Blind;
                setupForm.Priority = _data.Priority;
                setupForm.SetDestination(_data.Multicast, _data.Unicast);

                // for each universe add it to setup form
                foreach (var uE in _data.Universes)
                        uE.Active, uE.Universe, uE.Start + 1, uE.Size);

                setupForm.Text = (new E131ModuleDescriptor()).TypeName + " Configuration - " +
                    controller => controller.ModuleInstanceId == _data.ModuleInstanceId).Name;

                if (setupForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    running = false;                     //prevent updates
                    if (running)

                    _data.Warnings           = setupForm.WarningsOption;
                    _data.Statistics         = setupForm.StatisticsOption;
                    _data.EventRepeatCount   = setupForm.EventRepeatCount;
                    _data.EventSuppressCount = setupForm.EventSuppressCount;
                    _data.AutoPopulate       = setupForm.AutoPopulateStart;
                    _data.Blind    = setupForm.Blind;
                    _data.Priority = setupForm.Priority;

                    var destination = new Tuple <string, string>(null, null);

                    destination = setupForm.GetDestination();

                    _data.Unicast   = destination.Item1;
                    _data.Multicast = destination.Item2;

                    OutputController thisController =
                        VixenSystem.OutputControllers.Single(controller => controller.ModuleInstanceId == _data.ModuleInstanceId);

                    for (int x = 0; x < thisController.Outputs.Length; x++)
                        thisController.Outputs[x].Name = "Output #" + (x + 1).ToString();

                    // add each of the universes as a child
                    for (int i = 0; i < setupForm.UniverseCount; i++)
                        bool active   = true;
                        int  universe = 0;
                        int  start    = 0;
                        int  size     = 0;

                        if (setupForm.UniverseGet(
                                i, ref active, ref universe, ref start, ref size))
                            _data.Universes.Add(new UniverseEntry(i, active, universe, start - 1, size, destination.Item1, destination.Item2));

                            for (int x = start - 1; x < start + size - 1; x++)
                                if (x < thisController.Outputs.Length)
                                    if (_data.Unicast == string.Empty || _data.Unicast == null)
                                        thisController.Outputs[x].Name = "#" + (x + 1).ToString() + " " + universe.ToString() + "-" +
                                                                         (x - start + 2).ToString() + ": Multicast";
                                        thisController.Outputs[x].Name = "#" + (x + 1).ToString() + " " + universe.ToString() + "-" +
                                                                         (x - start + 2).ToString() + ": " + _data.Unicast.ToString();


            isSetupOpen = false;

Example #3
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        //  Setup() - called when the user has requested to setup
        //            the plugin instance
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        public override bool Setup()
            //initialize setupNode

            isSetupOpen = true;

            // define/create objects

            using (var setupForm = new SetupForm())
                // Tell the setupForm our output count
                setupForm.PluginChannelCount = this.OutputCount;

                List <int> initialUniverseList = new List <int>();
                // for each universe add it to setup form
                foreach (var uE in _data.Universes)
                        uE.Active, uE.Universe, uE.Start + 1, uE.Size, uE.Unicast, uE.Multicast, uE.Ttl);

                    if (!E131OutputPlugin.EmployedUniverses.Contains(uE.Universe))


                setupForm.WarningsOption     = _data.Warnings;
                setupForm.StatisticsOption   = _data.Statistics;
                setupForm.EventRepeatCount   = _data.EventRepeatCount;
                setupForm.EventSuppressCount = _data.EventSuppressCount;
                setupForm.Text = (new E131ModuleDescriptor()).TypeName + " Controller Setup - " + VixenSystem.OutputControllers.Single(controller => controller.ModuleInstanceId == _data.ModuleInstanceId).Name;

                if (setupForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    _data.Warnings           = setupForm.WarningsOption;
                    _data.Statistics         = setupForm.StatisticsOption;
                    _data.EventRepeatCount   = setupForm.EventRepeatCount;
                    _data.EventSuppressCount = setupForm.EventSuppressCount;

                    initialUniverseList.ForEach(u => E131OutputPlugin.EmployedUniverses.RemoveAll(t => u == t));

                    // add each of the universes as a child
                    for (int i = 0; i < setupForm.UniverseCount; i++)
                        bool   active    = true;
                        int    universe  = 0;
                        int    start     = 0;
                        int    size      = 0;
                        string unicast   = string.Empty;
                        string multicast = string.Empty;
                        int    ttl       = 0;

                        if (setupForm.UniverseGet(
                                i, ref active, ref universe, ref start, ref size, ref unicast, ref multicast, ref ttl))
                            _data.Universes.Add(new UniverseEntry(i, active, universe, start - 1, size, unicast, multicast, ttl));
                            //Only add the universe if it doesnt already exist
                            if (!E131OutputPlugin.EmployedUniverses.Contains(universe))

                    hasStarted = false; //prevent updates

                    // update in memory table to match xml

            isSetupOpen = false;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        // 	Setup() - called when the user has requested to setup
        // 			  the plugin instance
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        public override bool Setup()
            // define/create objects
            XmlElement newChild;
            using (var setupForm = new SetupForm())

                // if our channels from/to are setup then tell the setupForm
                if (this._pluginChannelsFrom != 0 && this._pluginChannelsTo != 0)
                    setupForm.PluginChannelCount = this._pluginChannelsTo - this._pluginChannelsFrom + 1;

                // for each universe add it to setup form
                foreach (var uE in this._universeTable)
                        uE.Active, uE.Universe, uE.Start + 1, uE.Size, uE.Unicast, uE.Multicast, uE.Ttl);

                setupForm.WarningsOption = this._warningsOption;
                setupForm.StatisticsOption = this._statisticsOption;
                setupForm.EventRepeatCount = this._eventRepeatCount;

                if (setupForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    // first get rid of our old children
                    while (_setupNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0)

                    // add the Guid child
                    newChild = _setupNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Guid");
                    newChild.SetAttribute("id", this._guid.ToString());

                    // add the Options child
                    newChild = _setupNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Options");
                    newChild.SetAttribute("warnings", setupForm.WarningsOption.ToString());
                    newChild.SetAttribute("statistics", setupForm.StatisticsOption.ToString());
                    newChild.SetAttribute("eventRepeatCount", setupForm.EventRepeatCount.ToString());

                    // add each of the universes as a child
                    for (int i = 0; i < setupForm.UniverseCount; i++)
                        bool active = true;
                        int universe = 0;
                        int start = 0;
                        int size = 0;
                        string unicast = string.Empty;
                        string multicast = string.Empty;
                        int ttl = 0;

                        if (setupForm.UniverseGet(
                            i, ref active, ref universe, ref start, ref size, ref unicast, ref multicast, ref ttl))
                            newChild = _setupNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Universe");

                            newChild.SetAttribute("active", active.ToString());
                            newChild.SetAttribute("number", universe.ToString());
                            newChild.SetAttribute("start", start.ToString());
                            newChild.SetAttribute("size", size.ToString());
                            if (unicast != null)
                                newChild.SetAttribute("unicast", unicast);
                            else if (multicast != null)
                                newChild.SetAttribute("multicast", multicast);

                            newChild.SetAttribute("ttl", ttl.ToString());


                    // update in memory table to match xml
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        //  Setup() - called when the user has requested to setup
        //            the plugin instance
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        public override bool Setup()
            //initialize setupNode

            isSetupOpen = true;

            // define/create objects
            XmlElement newChild;

            using (var setupForm = new SetupForm())

                // Tell the setupForm our output count
                setupForm.PluginChannelCount = this.OutputCount;

                // for each universe add it to setup form
                foreach (var uE in this._universeTable)
                        uE.Active, uE.Universe, uE.Start + 1, uE.Size, uE.Unicast, uE.Multicast, uE.Ttl);

                setupForm.WarningsOption   = this._warningsOption;
                setupForm.StatisticsOption = this._statisticsOption;
                setupForm.EventRepeatCount = this._eventRepeatCount;

                if (setupForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    // first get rid of our old children
                    while (_setupNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0)

                    // add the Guid child
                    newChild = _setupNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Guid");
                    newChild.SetAttribute("id", this._guid.ToString());

                    // add the Options child
                    newChild = _setupNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Options");
                    newChild.SetAttribute("warnings", setupForm.WarningsOption.ToString());
                    newChild.SetAttribute("statistics", setupForm.StatisticsOption.ToString());
                    newChild.SetAttribute("eventRepeatCount", setupForm.EventRepeatCount.ToString());

                    // add each of the universes as a child
                    for (int i = 0; i < setupForm.UniverseCount; i++)
                        bool   active    = true;
                        int    universe  = 0;
                        int    start     = 0;
                        int    size      = 0;
                        string unicast   = string.Empty;
                        string multicast = string.Empty;
                        int    ttl       = 0;

                        if (setupForm.UniverseGet(
                                i, ref active, ref universe, ref start, ref size, ref unicast, ref multicast, ref ttl))
                            newChild = _setupNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Universe");

                            newChild.SetAttribute("active", active.ToString());
                            newChild.SetAttribute("number", universe.ToString());
                            newChild.SetAttribute("start", start.ToString());
                            newChild.SetAttribute("size", size.ToString());
                            if (unicast != null)
                                newChild.SetAttribute("unicast", unicast);
                            else if (multicast != null)
                                newChild.SetAttribute("multicast", multicast);

                            newChild.SetAttribute("ttl", ttl.ToString());



                    hasStarted = false; //prevent updates

                    // update in memory table to match xml

            isSetupOpen = false;
