Example #1
 //select or add faders
 protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
     if (_blend != null && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && !ReadOnly)
         bool foc;
         Selection      = GetFaderUnderMouse(e.Location, ref _offset, out foc);
         FocusSelection = foc;
         if (_selection == null)
             //create new color or alpha point
             Rectangle area = Rectangle.Inflate(this.ClientRectangle, -BORDER, -BORDER);
             double    pos  = PointToPos(e.Location);
             _offset = Point.Empty;
             if (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ?
                 e.Y > area.Bottom : e.X > area.Right)
                 ColorPoint pnt = new ColorPoint(_blend.GetColorAt((float)pos), pos);
                 _selection = pnt;
             else if (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ?
                      e.Y < area.Y : e.X < area.X)
                 // MS: 25/09/11: disable drawing alpha points, we don't want to use them (yet).
                 //AlphaPoint pnt = new AlphaPoint(_blend.GetColorAt((float)pos).A, pos);
                 //_selection = pnt;
 //updates all controls
 private void UpdateUI()
     if (edit.Gradient == null)
         grpStops.Enabled = false;
         grpStops.Enabled = true;
         ColorPoint cpt = edit.Selection as ColorPoint;
         if (cpt != null)
             vColorLoc.Enabled      = true;
             lblColorSelect.Enabled = btnDeleteColor.Enabled = !edit.FocusSelection;
             vColorLoc.Value      = (int)((edit.FocusSelection ? cpt.Focus : cpt.Position) * 100.0);
             lblColorSelect.Color = edit.FocusSelection ? Color.DimGray :
                                    lblColorSelect.OldColor = (_xyz = cpt.Color).ToRGB().ToArgb();
             lblColorSelect.Enabled = vColorLoc.Enabled = btnDeleteColor.Enabled = false;
             lblColorSelect.Color   = lblColorSelect.OldColor = Color.DimGray;
             vColorLoc.Value        = 0;
        //active color dragged
        private void lblColorSelect_ColorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (edit.Gradient == null || edit.FocusSelection)
            ColorPoint pt = edit.Selection as ColorPoint;

            if (pt != null)
                pt.Color = XYZ.FromRGB(new RGB(lblColorSelect.Color));
Example #4
        public ColorGradient GetSubGradient(double start, double end)
            double range = end - start;

            if (range < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("end must be after start");

            ColorGradient result = new ColorGradient();


            result.Colors.Add(new ColorPoint(GetColorAt(start), 0));

            ColorPoint previous = null;

            foreach (ColorPoint cp in Colors)
                if (cp.Position > start && cp.Position < end)
                    double scaledPos = (cp.Position - start) / range;
                    if (scaledPos > 1.0 || scaledPos < 0.0)
                        throw new Exception("Error  calculating position: " + scaledPos + " out of range");

                    result.Colors.Add(new ColorPoint(cp.Color.ToRGB(), scaledPos));

            //Sample a few more colors out for more accuracy
            for (double d = start + .2d; d < end; d += .2d)
                if (d < end)
                    var    c         = GetColorAt(d);
                    double scaledPos = (d - start) / range;
                    if (scaledPos > 1.0 || scaledPos < 0.0)
                        throw new Exception("Error  calculating position: " + scaledPos + " out of range");
                    result.Colors.Add(new ColorPoint(c, scaledPos));

            result.Colors.Add(new ColorPoint(GetColorAt(end), 1));

        //active color point location
        private void vColorLoc_ValueChanged(ValueControl sender, ValueChangedEventArgs e)
            if (edit.Gradient == null)
            ColorPoint pt = edit.Selection as ColorPoint;

            if (pt == null)
            if (edit.FocusSelection)
                pt.Focus = (double)vColorLoc.Value / 100.0;
                pt.Position = (double)vColorLoc.Value / 100.0;
        // edits the selected color in the 'edit' control
        private void editSelectedColor()
            if (edit.Gradient == null || edit.FocusSelection)
            ColorPoint pt = edit.Selection as ColorPoint;

            if (pt == null)
            using (ColorPicker frm = new ColorPicker(_mode, _fader)) {
                frm.LockValue_V = LockColorEditorHSV_Value;
                frm.Color       = _xyz;
                if (frm.ShowDialog(this.FindForm()) == DialogResult.OK)
                    pt.Color             = _xyz = frm.Color;
                    lblColorSelect.Color = _xyz.ToRGB().ToArgb();
                    _mode  = frm.SecondaryMode;
                    _fader = frm.PrimaryFader;
Example #7
        // edits the selected color in the 'edit' control
        private void editSelectedPoints()
            if (edit.Gradient == null || edit.FocusSelection)

            if (DiscreteColors)
                List <Color> selectedColors = new List <Color>();
                foreach (ColorGradient.Point point in edit.Selection)
                    ColorPoint pt = point as ColorPoint;
                    if (pt == null)

                using (DiscreteColorPicker picker = new DiscreteColorPicker()) {
                    picker.ValidColors    = ValidDiscreteColors;
                    picker.SelectedColors = selectedColors;
                    if (picker.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        if (picker.SelectedColors.Count() == 0)
                        else if (picker.SelectedColors.Count() == selectedColors.Count)
                            int i = 0;
                            foreach (Color selectedColor in picker.SelectedColors)
                                ColorPoint pt = edit.Selection[i] as ColorPoint;
                                pt.Color = XYZ.FromRGB(selectedColor);
                            double position = edit.Selection.First().Position;

                            foreach (ColorGradient.Point point in edit.Selection)
                                edit.Gradient.Colors.Remove(point as ColorPoint);

                            foreach (Color selectedColor in picker.SelectedColors)
                                ColorPoint newPoint = new ColorPoint(selectedColor, position);
                if (edit.Selection.Count > 1)
                    //messageBox Arguments are (Text, Title, No Button Visible, Cancel Button Visible)
                    MessageBoxForm.msgIcon = SystemIcons.Error;                     //this is used if you want to add a system icon to the message form.
                    var messageBox = new MessageBoxForm("Non-discrete color gradient, >1 selected point. oops! please report it.", "Delete library gradient?", false, false);
                ColorPoint pt = edit.Selection.FirstOrDefault() as ColorPoint;
                if (pt == null)
                using (ColorPicker frm = new ColorPicker(_mode, _fader)) {
                    frm.LockValue_V = LockColorEditorHSV_Value;
                    frm.Color       = _xyz;
                    if (frm.ShowDialog(this.FindForm()) == DialogResult.OK)
                        pt.Color             = _xyz = frm.Color;
                        lblColorSelect.Color = _xyz.ToRGB().ToArgb();
                        _mode  = frm.SecondaryMode;
                        _fader = frm.PrimaryFader;
 //select or add faders
 protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
     if (_blend != null && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && !ReadOnly)
         bool foc;
         Selection      = GetFadersUnderMouse(e.Location, ref _offset, out foc);
         FocusSelection = foc;
         if (_selection == null || _selection.Count == 0)
             //create new color or alpha point
             Rectangle area = Rectangle.Inflate(this.ClientRectangle, -BORDER, -BORDER);
             double    pos  = PointToPos(e.Location);
             _offset = Point.Empty;
             if (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal
                                         ? e.Y > area.Bottom
                                         : e.X > area.Right)
                 List <ColorGradient.Point> newColorPoints;
                 if (DiscreteColors)
                     List <Color> newColors = new List <Color>();
                     double       targetPos = -1;
                     foreach (ColorPoint colorPoint in _blend.Colors.SortedArray())
                         if (targetPos < 0 || (colorPoint.Position < pos && colorPoint.Position != targetPos))
                             targetPos = colorPoint.Position;
                             newColors = new List <Color>();
                         if (colorPoint.Position == targetPos)
                         if (colorPoint.Position > targetPos)
                     newColorPoints = new List <ColorGradient.Point>();
                     foreach (Color newColor in newColors)
                         ColorPoint point = new ColorPoint(newColor, targetPos);
                     newColorPoints = new List <ColorGradient.Point> {
                         new ColorPoint(_blend.GetColorAt((float)pos), pos)
                 _selection = newColorPoints;
                 foreach (ColorPoint newColorPoint in newColorPoints)
             else if (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal
                                                 ? e.Y < area.Y
                                                 : e.X < area.X)
                 // MS: 25/09/11: disable drawing alpha points, we don't want to use them (yet).
                 //AlphaPoint pnt = new AlphaPoint(_blend.GetColorAt((float)pos).A, pos);
                 //_selection = pnt;
        //draw gradient and faders
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            if (this.Width < BORDER * 2 || this.Height < BORDER * 2)
            e.Graphics.SmoothingMode =
            //draw gradient
            Rectangle area = new Rectangle(BORDER, BORDER,
                                           this.Width - BORDER * 2 - 1, this.Height - BORDER * 2 - 1);

            if (_blend != null)
                using (HatchBrush brs = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LargeCheckerBoard,
                                                       Color.Silver, Color.White)) {
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brs, area);
                using (Bitmap bmp = _blend.GenerateColorGradientImage(area.Size, DiscreteColors)) {
                    e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, area.X, area.Y);
            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Silver, area);
            if (_blend != null)
                List <ColorPoint> sortedColors = new List <ColorPoint>(_blend.Colors.SortedArray());
                // we'll assume they're sorted, so any colorpoints at the same position are contiguous in the array
                for (int i = 0; i < sortedColors.Count; i++)
                    ColorPoint   currentPoint  = sortedColors[i];
                    double       currentPos    = currentPoint.Position;
                    List <Color> currentColors = new List <Color>();

                    while (i + 1 < sortedColors.Count && sortedColors[i + 1].Position == currentPos)
                        currentColors.Add(sortedColors[i + 1].GetColor(Color.Black));

                    DrawFader(e.Graphics, currentPoint.Position, currentColors, false,
                              _selection != null && _selection.Contains(currentPoint) && !_focussel);

                ////draw color points
                //foreach (ColorPoint pnt in _blend.Colors)
                //    DrawFader(e.Graphics, pnt.Position,
                //        pnt.GetColor(Color.Black),
                //        false, pnt == _selection && !_focussel);
                // MS: 25/09/11: disable drawing alpha points, we don't want to use them (yet).
                // draw alpha points
                //foreach (AlphaPoint pnt in _blend.Alphas)
                //    DrawFader(e.Graphics, pnt.Position,
                //        pnt.GetColor(Color.Black),
                //        true, pnt == _selection && !_focussel);

                // draw selected focus
                if (_selection != null && _selection.Count > 0)
                    DrawDiamond(e.Graphics, _blend.GetFocusPosition(_selection.First()),
                                _selection.First() is AlphaPoint, _focussel);
        // edits the selected color in the 'edit' control
        private void editSelectedPoints()
            if (edit.Gradient == null || edit.FocusSelection)

            if (DiscreteColors)
                List <Color> selectedColors = new List <Color>();
                foreach (ColorGradient.Point point in edit.Selection)
                    ColorPoint pt = point as ColorPoint;
                    if (pt == null)

                using (DiscreteColorPicker picker = new DiscreteColorPicker()) {
                    picker.ValidColors    = ValidDiscreteColors;
                    picker.SelectedColors = selectedColors;
                    if (picker.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        if (picker.SelectedColors.Count() == 0)
                        else if (picker.SelectedColors.Count() == selectedColors.Count)
                            int i = 0;
                            foreach (Color selectedColor in picker.SelectedColors)
                                ColorPoint pt = edit.Selection[i] as ColorPoint;
                                pt.Color = XYZ.FromRGB(selectedColor);
                            double position = edit.Selection.First().Position;

                            foreach (ColorGradient.Point point in edit.Selection)
                                edit.Gradient.Colors.Remove(point as ColorPoint);

                            foreach (Color selectedColor in picker.SelectedColors)
                                ColorPoint newPoint = new ColorPoint(selectedColor, position);
                if (edit.Selection.Count > 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("Non-discrete color gradient, >1 selected point. oops! please report it.");
                ColorPoint pt = edit.Selection.FirstOrDefault() as ColorPoint;
                if (pt == null)
                using (ColorPicker frm = new ColorPicker(_mode, _fader)) {
                    frm.LockValue_V = LockColorEditorHSV_Value;
                    frm.Color       = _xyz;
                    if (frm.ShowDialog(this.FindForm()) == DialogResult.OK)
                        pt.Color             = _xyz = frm.Color;
                        lblColorSelect.Color = _xyz.ToRGB().ToArgb();
                        _mode  = frm.SecondaryMode;
                        _fader = frm.PrimaryFader;
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// creates color blend out of color point data
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ColorBlend CreateColorBlend(Color?filterColor = null)
            //sort all points
            ColorPoint[] colpoints   = Colors.SortedArray();
            AlphaPoint[] alphapoints = Alphas.SortedArray();
            //init out vars
            SortedList <float, Color> positions = new SortedList <float, Color>();

            // if we're filtering the colors, the iterate through the color list, setting all non-matching colors to black
            if (filterColor != null)
                List <ColorPoint> newColorPoints = new List <ColorPoint>();
                foreach (ColorPoint colorPoint in colpoints)
                    ColorPoint newPoint = (ColorPoint)colorPoint.Clone();
                    if (newPoint.Color.ToRGB().ToArgb() != filterColor)
                        // it's not the desired color. Make it black and add it, but only if there's
                        // not an entry in the list with this position already
                        if (newColorPoints.Where(x => x.Position == newPoint.Position).Count() == 0)
                            newPoint.Color = XYZ.FromRGB(Color.Black);
                        // it's the desired color. Find any others in the list that are in this position
                        // and black, remove them, and then replace it with this one
                            x => x.Position == newPoint.Position && x.Color.ToRGB().ToArgb().ToArgb() == Color.Black.ToArgb());
                colpoints = newColorPoints.ToArray();
            //add color points
            for (int c = 0; c < colpoints.Length; c++)
                // focus point; if filtered, non-standard focus points aren't supported.
                if (c > 0 && colpoints[c].Focus != .5 && filterColor == null)
                    AddPosition(colpoints, alphapoints, positions,
                                colpoints[c - 1].Position + (colpoints[c].Position - colpoints[c - 1].Position) * colpoints[c].Focus);
                AddPosition(colpoints, alphapoints, positions, colpoints[c].Position);

            // We aren't using alpha points, and first/last points get added below

            ////add alpha points
            //for (int a = 0; a < alphapoints.Length; a++)
            //    if (a > 0 && alphapoints[a].Focus != .5)//focus
            //        AddPosition(colpoints, alphapoints, positions,
            //            alphapoints[a - 1].Position + (alphapoints[a].Position - alphapoints[a - 1].Position) * alphapoints[a].Focus);
            //    //alpha
            //    AddPosition(colpoints, alphapoints, positions, alphapoints[a].Position);

            //add first/last point
            if (positions.Count < 1)
                positions.Add(0f, Color.Transparent);
            if (!positions.ContainsKey(0f))
                if (filterColor != null)
                    float earliest = positions.Keys[0];
                    Color c        = Color.Black;
                    for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count && positions.Keys[i] == earliest; i++)
                        if (positions.Values[i].ToArgb() != Color.Black.ToArgb())
                            c = positions.Values[i];
                    positions.Add(0f, c);
                    positions.Add(0f, positions.Values[0]);

            if (positions.Count < 2)
                Color c = positions.Values[0];
                if (filterColor != null && c.ToArgb() != ((Color)filterColor).ToArgb())
                    c = Color.Black;
                positions.Add(1f, c);

            if (!positions.ContainsKey(1f))
                if (filterColor != null)
                    float latest = positions.Keys[positions.Count - 1];
                    Color c      = Color.Black;
                    for (int i = positions.Count - 1; i >= 0 && positions.Keys[i] == latest; i--)
                        if (positions.Values[i].ToArgb() != Color.Black.ToArgb())
                            c = positions.Values[i];
                    positions.Add(1f, c);
                    positions.Add(1f, positions.Values[positions.Count - 1]);

            ColorBlend ret = new ColorBlend();

            Color[] col = new Color[positions.Count];
            positions.Values.CopyTo(col, 0);
            ret.Colors = col;
            float[] pos = new float[positions.Count];
            positions.Keys.CopyTo(pos, 0);
            ret.Positions = pos;