Example #1
        public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
            base.Apply(context, attribute, member);
            var da = (DisplayNameAttribute)attribute;

            member.DisplayName = da.DisplayName;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ColumnName)) member.ColumnName = this.ColumnName;
       if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Default)) member.ColumnDefault = this.Default;
       member.Scale = this.Scale;
       if (this.Precision > 0) member.Precision = this.Precision;
       if (this.Size != 0)
     member.Size = this.Size;
       member.ExplicitDbType = this._dbType;
       member.ExplicitDbTypeSpec = this.DbTypeSpec;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     var linkEntityType = this.LinkEntity;
       var listInfo = member.ChildListInfo = new ChildEntityListInfo(member);
       listInfo.RelationType = EntityRelationType.ManyToMany;
       listInfo.LinkEntity = context.Model.GetEntityInfo(linkEntityType, true);
       listInfo.ParentRefMember = listInfo.LinkEntity.FindEntityRefMember(this.ThisEntityRef, member.Entity.EntityType, member, context.Log);
       if(listInfo.ParentRefMember == null) {
     context.Log.Error( "Many-to-many setup error: back reference to entity {0} not found in link entity {1}.", member.Entity.EntityType, LinkEntity);
       listInfo.ParentRefMember.ReferenceInfo.TargetListMember = member;
       var targetEntType = member.DataType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
       listInfo.OtherEntityRefMember = listInfo.LinkEntity.FindEntityRefMember(this.OtherEntityRef, targetEntType, member, context.Log);
       if (listInfo.OtherEntityRefMember != null)
     listInfo.TargetEntity = context.Model.GetEntityInfo(listInfo.OtherEntityRefMember.DataType, true);
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     if (member.Kind != MemberKind.EntityRef) {
     context.Log.Error("EntityRef attribute may be used only on properties that are references to other entities. Property: {0}.{1}",
     member.Entity.Name, member.MemberName);
       var entity = member.Entity;
       // Create reference info
       var targetType = member.DataType; //.Property.PropertyType;
       var targetEntity = context.Model.GetEntityInfo(targetType);
       Util.Check(targetEntity != null, "Target entity not found: {0}", targetType);
       //Create foreign key
       ForeignKeyName = ForeignKeyName ?? "FK_" + entity.Name + "_" + member.MemberName;
       var fk = new EntityKeyInfo(ForeignKeyName, KeyType.ForeignKey, entity, member);
       fk.KeyMembers.Add(new EntityKeyMemberInfo(member, false));
       member.ReferenceInfo = new EntityReferenceInfo(member, fk, targetEntity.PrimaryKey);
       member.ReferenceInfo.ForeignKeyColumns = this.KeyColumns;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     base.Apply(context, attribute, member);
       var da = (DisplayNameAttribute)attribute;
       member.DisplayName = da.DisplayName;
 private void ConstructOrderBy(AttributeContext context, EntityInfo entity)
     bool error = false;
       entity.DefaultOrderBy = EntityAttributeHelper.ParseMemberNames(entity, OrderByList, ordered: true,
        errorAction: spec => {
        context.Log.Error("Invalid member/spec: {0} in {1} attribute on entity {2}", spec, this.GetAttributeName(), entity.Name);
        error = true;
       if (error) return;
       //Check that they are real cols
       foreach(var ordM in entity.DefaultOrderBy) {
     if (ordM.Member.Kind != MemberKind.Column)
       context.Log.Error("Invalid property {0} in OrderBy attribute in entity {1} - must be a plain property.",
     ordM.Member.MemberName, entity.Name);
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     var listInfo = member.ChildListInfo = new ChildEntityListInfo(member);
       listInfo.RelationType = EntityRelationType.ManyToOne;
       var entType = member.Entity.EntityType;
       var targetType = member.DataType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
       listInfo.TargetEntity = context.Model.GetEntityInfo(targetType, true);
       if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ThisEntityRef)) {
     var fkMember = listInfo.TargetEntity.GetMember(this.ThisEntityRef);
     if (fkMember == null) {
       context.Log.Error("EntityList member {0}.{1}: could not find property {2} in target entity. ",
     entType, member.MemberName, this.ThisEntityRef);
     this.ThisEntityRef = fkMember.MemberName;
     listInfo.ParentRefMember = fkMember;
       } else
     listInfo.ParentRefMember = listInfo.TargetEntity.FindEntityRefMember(this.ThisEntityRef, entType, member, context.Log);
       //Check that reference is found
       if(listInfo.ParentRefMember == null)
     context.Log.Error("EntityList member {0}.{1}: could not find reference property in target entity. ", entType, member.MemberName);
     //Set back reference to list from ref member
     listInfo.ParentRefMember.ReferenceInfo.TargetListMember = member;
       listInfo.Filter = this.Filter;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     if (member.Kind != MemberKind.EntityList) {
     context.Log.Error("PersistOrderIn attribute may be specified only on list members. Entity {0}.", member.Entity.Name);
       EntityInfo orderedEntity = null;
       //determine the entity that is ordered
       switch (member.ChildListInfo.RelationType) {
     case EntityRelationType.ManyToOne:   orderedEntity = member.ChildListInfo.TargetEntity; break;
     case EntityRelationType.ManyToMany: orderedEntity = member.ChildListInfo.LinkEntity; break;
       //check that there is a member
       var orderMember = orderedEntity.GetMember(this.Property);
       if (orderMember == null) {
     context.Log.Error("Property '{0}' referenced in PersistOrderIn attribute on entity {1} not found in entity {2}.",
       this.Property, member.Entity.Name, orderedEntity.Name);
       //current limitation - index property must be int32 only
       if (orderMember.DataType != typeof(Int32)) {
     context.Log.Error("Invalid data type ({0}) for property '{1}' referenced in PersistOrderIn attribute on entity {2}: must be Int32.",
       orderMember.DataType.Name, this.Property, member.Entity.Name);
       // Validation passed, assign order member
       member.ChildListInfo.PersistentOrderMember = orderMember;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     member.Kind = MemberKind.Transient;
       member.GetValueRef = MemberValueGettersSetters.GetTransientValue;
       member.SetValueRef = MemberValueGettersSetters.SetTransientValue;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityInfo entity)
     entity.OldNames = StringHelper.SplitNames(this.OldNames);
Example #11
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityInfo entity)
     var srv = context.Model.App.GetService<IDataHistoryService>();
       if(srv != null)
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     member.Flags |= EntityMemberFlags.IsOwner;
       if (member.Entity.OwnerMember == null)
     member.Entity.OwnerMember = member;
     context.Log.Error("More than one Owner attribute is specified on entity {0}.", member.Entity.FullName);
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     var dataType = member.DataType;
       member.Flags |= EntityMemberFlags.Utc;
       if (member.DataType != typeof(DateTime) && member.DataType != typeof(DateTime?)) {
     context.Log.Error("Utc attribute may be specified only on DataTime properties. Entity.Member: {0}.{1}", member.Entity.Name, member.MemberName);
       //Inject interceptor
       _defaultGetter = member.GetValueRef;
       _defaultSetter = member.SetValueRef;
       member.GetValueRef = this.GetValueInterceptor;
       member.SetValueRef = this.SetValueInterceptor;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityInfo entity)
     _method = MethodClass.GetMethod(MethodName);
       if (_method == null)
     context.Log.Error("Method {0} specified as Validation method for entity {1} not found in type {2}",
     MethodName, entity.EntityType, MethodClass);
       entity.Events.ValidatingChanges += Events_Validating;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     member.Flags |= EntityMemberFlags.UnlimitedSize;
       member.Size = -1;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     member.Flags |= EntityMemberFlags.Secret | EntityMemberFlags.NoDbUpdate; //updates are possible only thru custom update method
       member.GetValueRef = this.GetSecretValue;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityInfo entity)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.GroupName)) {
     context.Log.Error("Group name may not be empty. Entity: {0}.", entity.Name);
       var names =  StringHelper.SplitNames(this.MemberNames);
       foreach (var name in names) {
     var member = entity.GetMember(name);
     if (member == null) {
       context.Log.Error("PropertyGroup '{0}', entity {1}: member {2} not found.", this.GroupName, entity.Name, name);
     var grp = entity.GetPropertyGroup(this.GroupName, create: true);
     if (!grp.Members.Contains(member))
Example #18
 public virtual void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityInfo entity)
Example #19
 public virtual void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityInfo entity)
Example #20
 public virtual void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     // It is initially assigned EntityRef
       if(!context.Model.IsEntity(member.DataType)) {
     context.Log.Error("FromBackRef attribute may be used only on properties that are references to other entities. Property: {0}.{1}",
     member.Entity.Name, member.MemberName);
       _member = member;
       _member.Kind = MemberKind.Transient;
       _member.Flags |= EntityMemberFlags.FromOneToOneRef;
       _targetEntity = context.Model.GetEntityInfo(member.DataType);
       Util.Check(_targetEntity != null, "Target entity not found: {0}", member.DataType);
       //check that PK of target entity points back to 'this' entity
       var targetPkMembers = _targetEntity.PrimaryKey.KeyMembers;
       Util.Check(targetPkMembers.Count == 1 && targetPkMembers[0].Member.DataType == _member.Entity.EntityType,
     "BackRef property {0}.{1}: target entity must have Primary key pointing back to entity {0}.",
     _member.Entity.Name, _member.MemberName);
       member.GetValueRef = GetValue;
       member.SetValueRef = SetValue;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     member.Flags |= EntityMemberFlags.Nullable;
       if (member.DataType.IsValueType) {
     member.Flags |= EntityMemberFlags.ReplaceDefaultWithNull;
     member.GetValueRef = MemberValueGettersSetters.GetValueTypeReplaceNullWithDefault;
     member.SetValueRef = MemberValueGettersSetters.SetValueTypeReplaceDefaultWithNull;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     var entity = member.Entity;
       if (!CreatePrimaryKey(context, entity)) return;
       entity.PrimaryKey.KeyMembers.Add(new EntityKeyMemberInfo(member, false));
       member.Flags |= EntityMemberFlags.PrimaryKey;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     member.OldNames = StringHelper.SplitNames(this.OldNames);
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     // Check size code and lookup in tables
       if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SizeCode)) {
     var sizeTable = context.Model.App.SizeTable;
     //If there is size code, look it up in SizeTable; first check module-specific value, then global value for the code
     int size;
     var fullCode = Sizes.GetFullSizeCode(member.Entity.EntityType.Namespace, this.SizeCode);
     if (sizeTable.TryGetValue(fullCode, out size)) { //check full code with module's namespace prefix
       member.Size = size;
     if (sizeTable.TryGetValue(this.SizeCode, out size)) { //check global value, non-module-specific
       member.Size = size;
       //If size is specified explicitly, use it
       if(this.Size > 0) {
     member.Size = Size;
     if((this.Options & SizeOptions.AutoTrim) != 0)
       member.Flags |= EntityMemberFlags.AutoTrim;
       //If no Size code and no value, it is an error, lookup in module settings
       context.Log.Error("Property {0}.{1}: invalid Size attribute, must specify size code or value", member.Entity.Name, member.MemberName);
Example #26
 public virtual void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityInfo entity)
     entity.PagingMode = PagingMode.DataStore;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityInfo entity)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.MemberNames)) {
     context.Log.Error("Entity {0}: primary key must specify property name(s) when used on Entity interface.", entity.FullName);
       if (!CreatePrimaryKey(context, entity))
       var error = false;
       var pkMembers = EntityAttributeHelper.ParseMemberNames(entity, this.MemberNames, errorAction: mn => {
     context.Log.Error("Entity {0}: property {1} listed in PrimaryKey attribute not found.", entity.FullName, mn);
     error = true;
       foreach(var km in pkMembers) {
     km.Member.Flags |= EntityMemberFlags.PrimaryKey;
Example #29
        public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityInfo entity)
            var descAttr = (DescriptionAttribute)attribute;

            entity.Description = descAttr.Description;
 private bool CreatePrimaryKey(AttributeContext context, EntityInfo entity)
     if (entity.PrimaryKey != null) {
     context.Log.Error("More than one primary key specified on entity {0}", entity.FullName);
     return false;
       entity.PrimaryKey = new EntityKeyInfo("PK_" + entity.Name, KeyType.PrimaryKey, entity);
     entity.PrimaryKey.KeyType |= KeyType.Clustered;
       return true;
Example #31
        public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
            var descAttr = (DescriptionAttribute)attribute;

            member.Description = descAttr.Description;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityInfo entity)
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Name))
     entity.Name = this.Name;
       entity.TableName = this.TableName;
Example #33
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityInfo entity)
     var descAttr = (DescriptionAttribute)attribute;
       entity.Description = descAttr.Description;
Example #34
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     var descAttr = (DescriptionAttribute)attribute;
       member.Description = descAttr.Description;
 public override void Apply(AttributeContext context, Attribute attribute, EntityMemberInfo member)
     var entity = member.Entity;
       if (member.Kind == MemberKind.EntityList) {
     //This is a special case - OrderBy attribute specifies the order of entities in list property.
     member.ChildListInfo.OrderBy = EntityAttributeHelper.ParseMemberNames(member.ChildListInfo.TargetEntity, this.OrderByList, ordered: true,
       errorAction: spec => {
     context.Log.Error("Invalid member/spec: {0} in {1} attribute, property {2}.{3}", spec, this.GetAttributeName(), entity.Name, member.MemberName);
       } else
     context.Log.Error("OrderBy attribute may be used only on entities or list properties. Entity: {0}, property: {1}", entity.Name, member.MemberName);