Example #1
        public void RenderDirectedGraphWithCustomProps()
            var d = new VA.Models.DirectedGraph.Drawing();

            var n0 = d.AddShape("n0", "Untitled Node", "basflo_u.vss",

            n0.Size                   = new VA.Drawing.Size(3, 2);
            n0.CustomProperties       = new Dictionary <string, CustomPropertyCells>();
            n0.CustomProperties["p1"] = new CustomPropertyCells("v1");
            n0.CustomProperties["p2"] = new CustomPropertyCells("v2");
            n0.CustomProperties["p3"] = new CustomPropertyCells("v3");

            var options = new VA.Models.DirectedGraph.MSAGLLayoutOptions();

            options.UseDynamicConnectors = true;

            var visapp = this.GetVisioApplication();
            var doc    = this.GetNewDoc();
            var page1  = visapp.ActivePage;

            d.Render(page1, options);

            var props_dic = CustomPropertyHelper.Get(n0.VisioShape);

            Assert.IsTrue(props_dic.Count >= 3);
            Assert.AreEqual("\"v1\"", props_dic["p1"].Value.Formula);
            Assert.AreEqual("\"v2\"", props_dic["p2"].Value.Formula);
            Assert.AreEqual("\"v3\"", props_dic["p3"].Value.Formula);

            page1.Application.ActiveWindow.ViewFit = (short)IVisio.VisWindowFit.visFitPage;

        public void RenderDirectedGraphWithCustomProps()
            var d = new DG.Drawing();

            var n0 = d.AddShape("n0", "Untitled Node", "basflo_u.vss",
            n0.Size = new VA.Drawing.Size(3, 2);
            n0.CustomProperties = new Dictionary<string, VACUSTPROP.CustomPropertyCells>();
            n0.CustomProperties["p1"] = new VACUSTPROP.CustomPropertyCells("v1");
            n0.CustomProperties["p2"] = new VACUSTPROP.CustomPropertyCells("v2");
            n0.CustomProperties["p3"] = new VACUSTPROP.CustomPropertyCells("v3");

            var options = new DG.MsaglLayoutOptions();
            options.UseDynamicConnectors = true;

            var visapp = this.GetVisioApplication();
            var doc = this.GetNewDoc();
            var page1 = visapp.ActivePage;

            d.Render(page1, options);

            var props_dic = VACUSTPROP.CustomPropertyHelper.Get(n0.VisioShape);
            Assert.AreEqual("\"v2\"", props_dic["p2"].Value.Formula);
            Assert.AreEqual("\"v3\"", props_dic["p3"].Value.Formula);

            page1.Application.ActiveWindow.ViewFit = (short) IVisio.VisWindowFit.visFitPage;

            string output_filename = TestGlobals.TestHelper.GetTestMethodOutputFilename(".vsd");
        public static void DirectedGraphViaVisio()
            var page1 = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add();
            var directed_graph_drawing = new DGMODEL.Drawing();

            // Create a Node 0
            var n0 = directed_graph_drawing.AddShape("n0", "N0 Untitled Node", "basflo_u.vss", "Decision");

            // Format Node 0
            n0.Size = new VA.Drawing.Size(3, 2);

            // Create Node 1
            var n1 = directed_graph_drawing.AddShape("n1", "N1", "basflo_u.vss", "Decision");

            // Format Node 1
            n1.Cells = new VA.DOM.ShapeCells();
            n1.Cells.FillForegnd = "rgb(255,0,0)";
            n1.Cells.FillBkgnd = "rgb(255,255,0)";
            n1.Cells.FillPattern = 40;

            // Create Node 2
            var n2 = directed_graph_drawing.AddShape("n2", "N2 MailServer", "server_u.vss", "Server");

            // Create Node 3

            var n3 = directed_graph_drawing.AddShape("n3", "N3", "basflo_u.vss", "Data");

            // Create Node 4
            var n4 = directed_graph_drawing.AddShape("n4", "N4", "basflo_u.vss", "Data");

            // Create the connectors to join the nodes
            // Note that Node 4 is deliberately not connected to any other node
            var c0 = directed_graph_drawing.Connect("c0", n0, n1, null, ConnectorType.Curved);
            var c1 = directed_graph_drawing.Connect("c1", n1, n2, "YES", ConnectorType.RightAngle);
            var c2 = directed_graph_drawing.Connect("c2", n3, n4, "NO", ConnectorType.Curved);
            var c3 = directed_graph_drawing.Connect("c3", n0, n2, null, ConnectorType.Straight);
            var c4 = directed_graph_drawing.Connect("c4", n2, n3, null, ConnectorType.Curved);
            var c5 = directed_graph_drawing.Connect("c5", n3, n0, null, ConnectorType.Curved);

            // Format connector 0 to point "back"
            c0.Cells = new VA.DOM.ShapeCells();
            c0.Cells.BeginArrow = 1;
            c0.Cells.LineWeight = 0.10;

            // Format connector 1 to point "forward"
            c1.Cells = new VA.DOM.ShapeCells();
            c1.Cells.EndArrow = 1;
            c1.Cells.LineWeight = 0.10;

            // Format connector 2 to point "back" and "forward"
            c2.Cells = new VA.DOM.ShapeCells();
            c2.Cells.EndArrow = 1;
            c2.Cells.BeginArrow = 1;
            c2.Cells.LineWeight = 0.10;

            // Perform the rendering
            var options = new DGMODEL.MSAGLLayoutOptions();
            options.UseDynamicConnectors = false;


            var layout_config = new VA.Pages.PageLayout.HierarchyLayout();
            layout_config.Direction = VA.Pages.PageLayout.Direction.BottomToTop;
            layout_config.HorizontalAlignment = VA.Pages.PageLayout.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            layout_config.AvenueSize = new VA.Drawing.Size(1, 1);
            layout_config.ConnectorAppearance = VA.Pages.PageLayout.ConnectorAppearance.Curved;

            page1.ResizeToFitContents(new VA.Drawing.Size(0.5, 0.5));
        private void buttonGraph_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)
            var form = new FormDirectedGraph();
            var result = form.ShowDialog();

            if (result != DialogResult.OK)

            var text = form.GraphText.Trim();
            var lines = text.Split('\n').Select(s => s.Trim()).Where( s=>s.Length>0).ToList();

            var model = new VA.Models.DirectedGraph.Drawing();

            int cn = 0;
            var dic = new Dictionary<string, VA.Models.DirectedGraph.Shape>();
            foreach (var line in lines)
                var tokens = line.Split(new[] {"->"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (tokens.Length==0)
                    // do nothing
                else if (tokens.Length==1)
                    string from = tokens[0];
                    if (dic.ContainsKey(from))
                else if (tokens.Length >=2 )
                    string from = tokens[0];
                    string to = tokens[1];

                    VA.Models.DirectedGraph.Shape fromnode;
                    VA.Models.DirectedGraph.Shape tonode;
                    if (!dic.ContainsKey(from))
                        fromnode = model.AddShape(from, from, "basic_u.vss", "rectangle");
                        fromnode.Label = from;
                        dic[from] = fromnode;
                        fromnode = dic[from];

                    if (!dic.ContainsKey(to))
                        tonode= model.AddShape(to, to, "basic_u.vss", "rectangle");
                        tonode.Label = to;
                        dic[to] = tonode;
                        tonode = dic[to];

                    model.AddConnection("C" + cn.ToString(), fromnode, tonode);
                    cn +=1;


            var app = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application;
            var doc = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument;
            IVisio.Page page;
            if (doc==null)
                var docs = app.Documents;
                doc = docs.Add("");
                var pages = doc.Pages;
                page = pages[1];
                page = doc.Pages.Add();                

            var visio_options = new DGMODEL.VisioLayoutOptions();

            var pl = new VA.Pages.PageLayout.FlowchartLayout();
            pl.ConnectorStyle = VisioAutomation.Pages.PageLayout.ConnectorStyle.Flowchart;
            pl.ConnectorAppearance = VisioAutomation.Pages.PageLayout.ConnectorAppearance.Curved;


Example #5
        public static void DirectedGraphViaVisio()
            var page1 = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add();
            var directed_graph_drawing = new DGMODEL.Drawing();

            // Create a Node 0
            var n0 = directed_graph_drawing.AddShape("n0", "N0 Untitled Node", "basflo_u.vss", "Decision");

            // Format Node 0
            n0.Size = new VA.Drawing.Size(3, 2);

            // Create Node 1
            var n1 = directed_graph_drawing.AddShape("n1", "N1", "basflo_u.vss", "Decision");

            // Format Node 1
            n1.Cells             = new VA.DOM.ShapeCells();
            n1.Cells.FillForegnd = "rgb(255,0,0)";
            n1.Cells.FillBkgnd   = "rgb(255,255,0)";
            n1.Cells.FillPattern = 40;

            // Create Node 2
            var n2 = directed_graph_drawing.AddShape("n2", "N2 MailServer", "server_u.vss", "Server");

            // Create Node 3

            var n3 = directed_graph_drawing.AddShape("n3", "N3", "basflo_u.vss", "Data");

            // Create Node 4
            var n4 = directed_graph_drawing.AddShape("n4", "N4", "basflo_u.vss", "Data");

            // Create the connectors to join the nodes
            // Note that Node 4 is deliberately not connected to any other node
            var c0 = directed_graph_drawing.Connect("c0", n0, n1, null, ConnectorType.Curved);
            var c1 = directed_graph_drawing.Connect("c1", n1, n2, "YES", ConnectorType.RightAngle);
            var c2 = directed_graph_drawing.Connect("c2", n3, n4, "NO", ConnectorType.Curved);
            var c3 = directed_graph_drawing.Connect("c3", n0, n2, null, ConnectorType.Straight);
            var c4 = directed_graph_drawing.Connect("c4", n2, n3, null, ConnectorType.Curved);
            var c5 = directed_graph_drawing.Connect("c5", n3, n0, null, ConnectorType.Curved);

            // Format connector 0 to point "back"
            c0.Cells            = new VA.DOM.ShapeCells();
            c0.Cells.BeginArrow = 1;
            c0.Cells.LineWeight = 0.10;

            // Format connector 1 to point "forward"
            c1.Cells            = new VA.DOM.ShapeCells();
            c1.Cells.EndArrow   = 1;
            c1.Cells.LineWeight = 0.10;

            // Format connector 2 to point "back" and "forward"
            c2.Cells            = new VA.DOM.ShapeCells();
            c2.Cells.EndArrow   = 1;
            c2.Cells.BeginArrow = 1;
            c2.Cells.LineWeight = 0.10;

            // Perform the rendering
            var options = new DGMODEL.MSAGLLayoutOptions();

            options.UseDynamicConnectors = false;


            var layout_config = new VA.Pages.PageLayout.HierarchyLayout();

            layout_config.Direction           = VA.Pages.PageLayout.Direction.BottomToTop;
            layout_config.HorizontalAlignment = VA.Pages.PageLayout.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            layout_config.AvenueSize          = new VA.Drawing.Size(1, 1);
            layout_config.ConnectorAppearance = VA.Pages.PageLayout.ConnectorAppearance.Curved;

            page1.ResizeToFitContents(new VA.Drawing.Size(0.5, 0.5));
        private void buttonGraph_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)
            var form   = new FormDirectedGraph();
            var result = form.ShowDialog();

            if (result != DialogResult.OK)

            var text  = form.GraphText.Trim();
            var lines = text.Split('\n').Select(s => s.Trim()).Where(s => s.Length > 0).ToList();

            var model = new VA.Models.DirectedGraph.Drawing();

            int cn  = 0;
            var dic = new Dictionary <string, VA.Models.DirectedGraph.Shape>();

            foreach (var line in lines)
                var tokens = line.Split(new[] { "->" }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (tokens.Length == 0)
                    // do nothing
                else if (tokens.Length == 1)
                    string from = tokens[0];
                    if (dic.ContainsKey(from))
                else if (tokens.Length >= 2)
                    string from = tokens[0];
                    string to   = tokens[1];

                    VA.Models.DirectedGraph.Shape fromnode;
                    VA.Models.DirectedGraph.Shape tonode;
                    if (!dic.ContainsKey(from))
                        fromnode       = model.AddShape(from, from, "basic_u.vss", "rectangle");
                        fromnode.Label = from;
                        dic[from]      = fromnode;
                        fromnode = dic[from];

                    if (!dic.ContainsKey(to))
                        tonode       = model.AddShape(to, to, "basic_u.vss", "rectangle");
                        tonode.Label = to;
                        dic[to]      = tonode;
                        tonode = dic[to];

                    model.AddConnection("C" + cn.ToString(), fromnode, tonode);
                    cn += 1;

            var app = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application;
            var doc = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument;

            IVisio.Page page;
            if (doc == null)
                var docs = app.Documents;
                doc = docs.Add("");
                var pages = doc.Pages;
                page = pages[1];
                page = doc.Pages.Add();

            var visio_options = new DGMODEL.VisioLayoutOptions();

            model.Render(page, visio_options);

            var pl = new VA.Pages.PageLayout.FlowchartLayout();

            pl.ConnectorStyle      = VisioAutomation.Pages.PageLayout.ConnectorStyle.Flowchart;
            pl.ConnectorAppearance = VisioAutomation.Pages.PageLayout.ConnectorAppearance.Curved;
