Example #1
        public override INifti <float> AddOverlay(INifti <float> overlay)
            NiftiFloat32 output = (NiftiFloat32)(this.DeepCopy());

            // Caclulate conversion to colour map.
            var range = Header.cal_max - Header.cal_min;
            var scale = ColorMap.Length / range;
            var bias  = -(Header.cal_min);

            // Caclulate conversion to colour map.
            var rangeOverlay = overlay.Header.cal_max - overlay.Header.cal_min;
            var scaleOverlay = overlay.ColorMap.Length / rangeOverlay;
            var biasOverlay  = -(overlay.Header.cal_min);

            for (int i = 0; i < Voxels.Length; ++i)
                // Get the colour map index for our value.
                int idx = (int)((Voxels[i] + bias) * scale);
                if (idx < 0)
                    idx = 0;
                else if (idx > ColorMap.Length - 1)
                    idx = ColorMap.Length - 1;

                // Get the colour map value for the overlay
                int idxOverlay = (int)((overlay.Voxels[i] + biasOverlay) * scaleOverlay);
                if (idxOverlay < 0)
                    idxOverlay = 0;
                else if (idxOverlay > overlay.ColorMap.Length - 1)
                    idxOverlay = overlay.ColorMap.Length - 1;

                var red   = (overlay.ColorMap[idxOverlay].R * overlay.ColorMap[idxOverlay].A + ColorMap[idx].R * (255 - overlay.ColorMap[idxOverlay].A)) / 255;
                var green = (overlay.ColorMap[idxOverlay].G * overlay.ColorMap[idxOverlay].A + ColorMap[idx].G * (255 - overlay.ColorMap[idxOverlay].A)) / 255;
                var blue  = (overlay.ColorMap[idxOverlay].B * overlay.ColorMap[idxOverlay].A + ColorMap[idx].B * (255 - overlay.ColorMap[idxOverlay].A)) / 255;

                output.Voxels[i] = Convert.ToUInt32((byte)red << 16 | (byte)green << 8 | (byte)blue);


Example #2
        public override INifti <float> DeepCopy()
            var copy = new NiftiFloat32()
                Header = Header.DeepCopy(),
                Voxels = new float[Voxels.Length]

            Voxels.CopyTo(copy.Voxels, 0);

            copy.ColorMap = new Color[ColorMap.Length];
            ColorMap.CopyTo(copy.ColorMap, 0);
