public CatalogItemSearchResults SearchItems(string scope, CatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria)
			var results = _searchService.Search(scope, criteria) as SearchResults;
			var items = results.GetKeyAndOutlineFieldValueMap<string>();

			var r = new CatalogItemSearchResults(criteria, items, results);
			return r;
        private List<Item> Search(CatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria, bool cacheResults, out CatalogItemSearchResults results)
            var items = new List<Item>();
            var itemsOrderedList = new List<string>();

            int foundItemCount;
            int dbItemCount = 0;
            int searchRetry = 0;

            var myCriteria = criteria.Clone();

                // Search using criteria, it will only return IDs of the items
                results = _catalogClient.SearchItems(myCriteria, cacheResults);

                //Get only new found itemIds
                var uniqueKeys = results.Items.Keys.Except(itemsOrderedList).ToArray();
                foundItemCount = uniqueKeys.Length;

                if (!results.Items.Any()) continue;

                // Now load items from repository
                var currentItems = _catalogClient.GetItems(uniqueKeys.ToArray(), cacheResults,
                                                           ItemResponseGroups.ItemAssets |
                                                           ItemResponseGroups.ItemProperties | ItemResponseGroups.ItemEditorialReviews);

                items.AddRange(currentItems.OrderBy(i => itemsOrderedList.IndexOf(i.ItemId)));
                dbItemCount = currentItems.Length;

                //If some items where removed and search is out of sync try getting extra items
                if (foundItemCount > dbItemCount)
                    //Retrieve more items to fill missing gap
                    myCriteria.RecordsToRetrieve += (foundItemCount - dbItemCount);
            } while (foundItemCount > dbItemCount && results.Items.Any() && searchRetry <= 3 &&
                (myCriteria.RecordsToRetrieve + myCriteria.StartingRecord) < results.TotalCount);

            return items;