Example #1
        private void ConnectToOleCommandTarget(IVimBuffer vimBuffer, ITextView textView, IVsTextView vsTextView)
            var broker = _displayWindowBrokerFactoryServcie.GetDisplayWindowBroker(textView);
            var vimBufferCoordinator = _bufferCoordinatorFactory.GetVimBufferCoordinator(vimBuffer);
            var result = VsCommandTarget.Create(vimBufferCoordinator, vsTextView, _textManager, _adapter, broker, _keyUtil, _vimApplicationSettings, _commandTargetFactoryList);

            if (result.IsSuccess)
                // Store the value for debugging
                _vimBufferToCommandTargetMap[vimBuffer] = result.Value;

            // Try and install the IVsFilterKeys adapter.  This cannot be done synchronously here
            // because Venus projects are not fully initialized at this state.  Merely querying
            // for properties cause them to corrupt internal state and prevents rendering of the
            // view.  Occurs for aspx and .js pages
            void install() => VsFilterKeysAdapter.TryInstallFilterKeysAdapter(_adapter, vimBuffer);
