Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows a member to borrow a movie from the movie collection and updates their movie records
        /// </summary>
        public static void borrowMovie()
            Console.Write("What movie would you like to borrow? ");
            string borrowMovieTitle = Console.ReadLine();

            //determine if movie has been previously borrowed by current member
            if (MemberMovies.checkBorrowed(borrowMovieTitle))
                Console.WriteLine("You have already borrowed {0}...", borrowMovieTitle);
            //if member is about to exceed number of loaned movies limit
            else if (verifiedMember.borrowedMovies.Count == 10)
                Console.WriteLine("You already have 10 movies borrowed. Cannot borrow anymore movies.");
            else //if movie hasn't been borrowed by this member
                //attempt to find the given movie title in the collection
                Movie loanedMovie = MovieCollection.Search(borrowMovieTitle);

                //given movie couldn't be found
                if (loanedMovie == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} does not exist in library...", borrowMovieTitle);
                //no more copies available to loan out
                else if (loanedMovie.movieCopies == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Sorry, there are no more copies of {0}...", borrowMovieTitle);
                else //movie could be found - remove a copy from the movie collection and add to member's movie record
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows a verified member to return a movie from their movie records
        /// </summary>
        public static void returnBorrowedMovie()
            Console.Write("What movie would you like to return? ");
            string loanedMovieTitle = Console.ReadLine();

            //check if the member has borrowed the movie
            if (MemberMovies.checkBorrowed(loanedMovieTitle))
                //remove the loaned movie from the member's movie record
                Console.WriteLine("You have successfully returned {0}", loanedMovieTitle);

                //Return a copy of the movie to the movie collection (if movie hasn't been deleted from movie collection)
                Movie returnedMovie = MovieCollection.Search(loanedMovieTitle);
                if (returnedMovie != null)
            else //given movie title doesn't exist in the member's movie record
                Console.WriteLine("You don't have the movie {0} to return...", loanedMovieTitle);