Example #1
        protected virtual bool IsSameDstImage(ImageResize other)
            if (other != null)
                return (Width == other.Width
                    && Height == other.Height
                    && UsePercentages == other.UsePercentages
                    && PreserveAspectRatio == other.PreserveAspectRatio);

            return false;
Example #2
        public virtual Image GetThumbnail()
            // Flag whether a new image is required
            bool recalculate = false;
            double new_width = Width;
            double new_height = Height;

            // Is there a cached source image available? If not,
            // load the image if a filename was specified; otherwise
            // use the image in the Image property
            if (!IsSameSrcImage(m_cache))
                if (m_image_path.Length > 0)
                    // Load via stream rather than Image.FromFile to release the file
                    // handle immediately
                    if (m_src_image != null)

                    // Wrap the FileStream in a "using" directive, to ensure the handle
                    // gets closed when the object goes out of scope
                    using (Stream stream = new FileStream(m_image_path, FileMode.Open))
                        m_src_image = Image.FromStream(stream);

                    recalculate = true;

            // Check whether the required destination image properties have
            // changed
            if (!IsSameDstImage(m_cache))
                // Yes, so we need to recalculate.
                // If you opted to specify width and height as percentages of the original
                // image's width and height, compute these now
                if (UsePercentages)
                    if (Width != 0)
                        new_width = (double)m_src_image.Width * Width / 100;

                        if (PreserveAspectRatio)
                            new_height = new_width * m_src_image.Height / (double)m_src_image.Width;

                    if (Height != 0)
                        new_height = (double)m_src_image.Height * Height / 100;

                        if (PreserveAspectRatio)
                            new_width = new_height * m_src_image.Width / (double)m_src_image.Height;
                    // If you specified an aspect ratio and absolute width or height, then calculate this 
                    // now; if you accidentally specified both a width and height, ignore the 
                    // PreserveAspectRatio flag
                    if (PreserveAspectRatio)
                        if (Width != 0 && Height == 0)
                            new_height = (Width / (double)m_src_image.Width) * m_src_image.Height;
                        else if (Height != 0 && Width == 0)
                            new_width = (Height / (double)m_src_image.Height) * m_src_image.Width;

                recalculate = true;

            if (recalculate)
                // Calculate the new image
                if (m_dst_image != null)

                Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap((int)new_width, (int)new_height, m_src_image.PixelFormat);
                m_graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
                m_graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                m_graphics.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;

                m_graphics.DrawImage(m_src_image, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
                m_dst_image = bitmap;

                // Cache the image and its associated settings
                m_cache = this.MemberwiseClone() as ImageResize;

            return m_dst_image;
Example #3
        protected virtual bool IsSameSrcImage(ImageResize other)
            if (other != null)
                return (File == other.File
                    && Image == other.Image);

            return false;